THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY AlLY OFF ICIAL BULLETIN blication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session il 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). umeV TUESDAY JUNE 30, 1925 Number 190 sleIans on the Campus: idents who so desire may enter the Summer School Orchestra which at 10 o'clock on Tuesdays and Fridays in the auditorium of the of Music. Bryan Lays Stumbling Blocks For Scopes Defence Her Home I Place I 0 Joseph E. )Iaddy. ummer Session Reception: The general reception to the students of the Summer Session will be eld this afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall. E. H. Kraus. Meekly Bulletin: All.notices for the bulletin for the week of July 6 to 11 should be left i the Office of the Summer Session, Room 8, University Hall, before Wed- esday noon, July 1. omen StudeIts: All women students enrolled in the University Summer Session, who sire a medical examination; will. please make their' appointment at the ealth Service during the first two weeks. Gertrude Jones, M.D. xcursions: Cass Technical High School and the Hotel Statler will be visited Wed- sday afternoon, July first. Special guides will be furnished to the party both institutions. Party leavpes Packard and State Street station at 1 .M. Return from Detroit, leaving there for Ann Arbor at 6:50 P.M. otal expense about $2.00. Carlton Wells, Director of Eixcrsions. acuity Concert: . The second program int the series of Faculty concerts will be given rednesday evening, July 1, .8:00 o'clock in Hill Auditorium by Marian truble-Freeman, Violinist, and Eunice Northrup, Contralto, Accompani- .ents will be played by Mrs. Mabel Ross, Rhead and Dwight Steere. The eneral public is cordially invited. Charles H. Sink, Secretary. ummer lichlgan Daily: Members of the Summer Session staff are entitled to receive the Sum- ier Michigan Daily. Application blanks may be obtained in the Office of the ummer Session. E. H. Kraus. Tomen Students: All women students of the Summer school are cordially invited by the Vomen's League to a tea upon the Terrace of Martha Cook building 'hursday afternoon from 4 to 6. Lilian Wetzel, Prs. Women's League. Education B158s: The meeting place of these classes has been changed from Room 205, 'appan Hall, to Room 203, Tappan Hall. M. S. Pittman. Al Men and Women on Cappus: A beginners' class in Sbcial Dancing will be held on Tuesdays and ['hursdays from 7 to 8 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. No credit is given for this course, and there is no admission charge. Everyone is invited. Ethel McCormick. . 1 , i i . William Jennings Bryan and his aids in the prosecution in the Scopes anti-evolution trial in Dayton, Tenn., are busy preparing to ensnare the imposing array of legal talent assembled around the accused school teacher. The prosecution forces are seen at conference in Dayton. Left to right: H. E. Hicks, J. G. McKen- zie, W. %C. Haggard, Bryan, Harry M. Lawrence, S. K. Hicks. TOKYO-YOKHAW4 IPLAN BRIVEDI BY' APANI Tokyo, June 29.-(By A.P.)- Thet plan for a deep waterway canal be- tween Tokyo and Yokohama is to bef revived, according to the Japan Ad-E veritser, which states that the author-c ties of the Department of Home At- l fairs are drafting a bill for present- { ation to the Diet at its next session for the appropriation of 20,000,000 yen to be used in completing the pro- ject. It is expected the work will require four years. The plan for the canal was ad- vocated several years ago because of'. the constantly expanding traffic be-I tween the port and the captial and be- cause the transportation by water as i exists has been regarded as par- ticularly inadequate of late years.Ap- proximately 80 per cent of the mer- chandise landed at Yokohama from foreign and othre Japanese ports must be transhipped for Toyko, and about the same percentage of the cargo con- signed to Tokyo by train has to be INow Showing N Ends Wednesday II 1T"' A TTill 4 VC "r) nT forwarded to Yokohama. Of all the freight thus exchanged, !only 10 per cent can be transported by train For the purpose of transporting the remainder by water, sailboats and lighters have been operated between the two points, but the constant de- lays and the damage frequently suf- fered in following the present crowd- ed water routes render the traffic un- satisfactory to the shipper, it is said. In addition, the freight rates are out of proportion to the distance and the' costs of the commodities thus ex- changed have been advanced accord- ingly, it is claimed. LAORMCENSUREL LOST IN HOUSE OFDOMONS VOlTE London, June 29.- (By A.P.)- A motion of censure moved by Ramsayl Mrs. Fred Etchen, above, of vile, Klan., is (he worl('s ch woman rifle shot. She won th in the Olympic games last ye is now actively defending it. down in the House of Commo night by a vote of 373 to 143. The motmon declared that th ernmnt, "After a lengthy pe industrial depression and co ed by an alarming growth in tb her of unemployed has failed measures to deal with a situa unm)reoeednted gravity." Premier Baldwin in a long argued that except in the coa and steel, shipbuilding and en l industries, which were more a MacDonald, the labor leader, against than others, unemployment the government for failure to solve much greater than a year a the unemployment problem was voted labor was in office. BOOKS.... New and Second-Hand TxBoc A complete line of school SUppi omobile Parking. on Campus: The parking of automobiles upon the campus is of necessity restricted nembers of the Faculty, University officials, and employees. Only such s as carry parking tags attached to the license plates will be allowed ark upon the campus., Tags will be issued to those eligible, at the Office of the Secretary of University. By order of the Regents. ,WTVA HR'S UNIVERSE] BOOKSTOI p __________ _____________ Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. Smoking In University Buildings: The following 'rule expressly adopted by th'e Regents applies to all University buildings including the Hospital. Smoking except in private offices, private, laboratories or authorized smoking rooms is expressly prohibited. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. for the Summer Daily. Subscribe for the Summer Daily. Subscribe - f DANCING At the New Lake House, Pavilion K WI Presenting an Unusually Fine f 11 3. AND AT Aj W A Y3 k-JUIL COMFOR TA BLE THE ARCADE CORINNE GRIFFITH "DECLASSE" Adapted from ETHEL B ARRYMORE'S Success of the Same Name Pro gram C. Witwer's Pacemakers LLO KIDDO" ) BARTHELNESS -In-RE ,OL FIRE" Is there rooi for a beautiful girl in modern business? -See- "Any Woman" Arthur Somers Roche'shi- tension ror ance of society and the business world. THE Wa-I Ends AV4 - I ., COOL H. "H EI F ..uring A lic; Terry WHITMORE LAKE Every Wedn day, Friday, Saturday A large, cool pavilion with real music and a wonderful floor. OTHER BIG FEATURES Thursday "Sundown" 11 Sunday RICHAR] "Si Keiti1' tiure CHIARIEFI CHASE THlE -i SKATELLES " DB -In-BA "Just a Little Pep" WJi1 Bo'medy WA Seiomlslt ey II Summer School Student ito TODA Y ~t t On. Sale At All bookstores And PRICE 25o ONLY A Limited Edition So Get Yours At once On The Campus