rbor, Michi tter. s.5o; by Iaynard St as evidence in The Sum e Editor. receive no y be omitted e writer. esarily end the comniut If the Princeton offender has any1 ground of complaint at all, it wouldI iday seem to be in the fact that he was by compelled to submit to a mental ex- lamination by an eminent psycholo-. gist. This seems rather overdoing it,, ews even if the intention was to make wiSe the punishment fit the crime. Sym- pub- pathy for the victim will be provoked,' almost as surely as for the man, al , hulking mass of complacent stupidity, mail, who in the Punch cartoon is asked, reet, by an intense female, "Have you been psychoed?" If the thing is done of ! at all thoroughly for the young liner Un- Princeton shocker, it will cover a con- forecast of his own later develop- d in The ment. He will be shown himself orse noia". thirty years from now, grown to a timid introyert, horrified at the im- pudence, bad manners and boastful' immoralities of the boys and girls and telling them reproachfully that in his ,time such affronts to respect- able middle age, such flouting of sfield teachers and railing at accepted rorth' doctrines, were unheard of and Jr. would not have been tolerated for a etts moment. rsoh So the wheel swings full, gnera- tion after generation. A part of the very bliss of being young is to in- h i dulge in practices which those guilty of thenr will be the first to resent, re- pudiate and repress when they grow old. BRITAIN'S PLEDGE FOR PEACE OASTED ROLL ""DON'T BOTHER :IOTHIER We witnessed the circus parade, in E town here the other day. The affair seems to be owned by Mr. Sells andj Mr. Floto. Either that or it is some Greek motto or other-like E Pluri- bus Unum-at any rate that was what they had written all over their wagons. It must be that tigers are very cheap this year because during the parade we must have seen no less than a dozen of those felines in various stages of repose. It also seems that they do not1 take exceedingly good care of the outfit during the winter. You would think that anyon@ would know enough to put camphor around the camels when they are put away. Evidently the management neglected to do so, for if ever we saw moth- eaten camels them was those. Anoth- er feature of the parade was a hip- popotamus, in an elaborate cage drawn by a large motor truck. The owners claimed that it was a "blood- sweating hippopotamus" which sounds sort of gruesome to the naked ear, but it appears that this was meant figuratively rather than literally, for we have it on the best authority from several who witnessed the actualI performance that the beast behaved absolutely normally during the entire afternoon. This can hardly be called a hoax, however, for if we were a hippopo- tamus being drawn thru the streets of Ann Arbor in a cage, in that heat, we believe that we could be said to be doing the same thing ourselves. Michiganensian Energetic young men < good money selling Gal southeastern Michigan. advertised product. 192 Apply at A few books uncalled for from distribu- tion,, are now on sale at the Press bldg S. Mans Housew Sparrow, Ma~rion A lI lI Il 1 tin MR 5936 John F KEYS or MR. A' ALL MODELS AT PRICES . St., Detroit IN GOOD USED CARS note .Thomas Olinstead I .... Charles Daughertyj . ..Kermit K. Klein Frank Schoenfeld NE 12, 1925 ALUNI week comes butj when it comes it nething more than hundreds of stu- ack to their alma en and women who h that graduation nd who have come worth in a larger ment week brings >us many of those ated as a matter of vant to relive that atter of pride. -ese alumni back, this is their Uni- ours, in fact more. nnected with it for of time, and their een provendby the e returned to again tally take part in, nost solemn, mostj gs this week, both id in Detroit, they1 is individuals with nd ideals, but as great body of over ie alumni body of (The Detroit Free Press) Since 1919, France and Belgium have pleaded their own insecurity as the main problem in Europe. It was, indeed, this problem, treated in this one-sided manner, that M. Clemen- ceau tried to solve at the peace con- ference when he demanded military guarantees from Britain and America. The tripartite alliance project fell through and after that French states- men preached the doctrine that, inas- much as her friends and allies refused to protect her against Ger- man aggression, she must do so on her own. French militarists jumped eagerly at the - pretext. French diplomacy turned to eastern Europe for secur- ity guarantees. There began to loom on Europe's horizon a new military and political arrangement, udder French dominance. To Britons, the new balance was an unpleasant re- minder of the days of Napoleonic hegemony. London realized that dur- ing the decade now ending the dan- ger point has been moving westward -from Berlin, where it was in 1914, { to Paris. R. DAY BIRD Corner Washington and Division t r s f * * *. Something should be said about the signs which the B. and G. boys have placed at various points about the campus. They are very elaborate { things, and fill one with an over- powering awe. Everytime we pass one of them we have a guilty feeling, to think that we even dreamt of walking on the grass. Their pur- pose, we have decided after some reflection, is to prohibit pedestrians from cutting across the paths which are not paved. I The reading matter on them, how- ever, does not bring this out very plainly. The author has been a bit too subtle. Several of them merely say "Think," which might be implied as advice to those +about to take ex- aminations. Another presents the campus to the person reading it. This would seem to us to imply that the reader could walk wherever he, chose. Another one declares that anyone can walk on the grass, "why should you?" Well, on the other hand, if *eryone does, why shouldn't you? It may seem to be a slur on the student mentality, but if we were putting up such an elegant array of of warnings, they would bear the highly original and equally effective motto: KEEP OFF THE GRASS * -* * We just learned recently that one can purchase a twenty-five pound cake of ice for ten cents. Just think what pleasure one can have these dlays for a dime. I 925 Phone 1199-N Michi ganelnsia , i. .r, ..rr.r r.rr. .r.. °. .r..errrrri: . GARRIC Anne Nichols' 50th Performance Eves. - 50 to $2.50 Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" SEATS For This and NOW Next Week. A profound change in the 'British outlook inevitable followed. A hege- mony based on Paris might prove just as fruitful of war as had the earlier one centered on Berlin. There was no reason why Britain should now encourage French hegemony any more than there could have been, any reason for supporting German hege- Iony in 1914. Marked preponder- ance of power on either side of the Rhine has always been a source of trouble-to Europe itself, in the first place, and invariably also to Britain.: British statesmanship would will-I ingly fall back on an easy and snenidisolation. But the - channe re th wome a the) ;y hay( hem ix )port o whic cationa .e . Y is too narrow a, strip of water to 1 ' permit of isolation in these days ofj submarines, fast bombing planes and h long-range guns. The alternative 1 was a military understanding with one of the two competing groups on the continent. For hundreds of years, however, Britain had been chasing ' the rainbow of continental friend- 0 ships, and always at the end of the rainbow was war. The resent su oesoted speurfi ae- ofD larx ind )rd is a new departure. The pro- >sed four-power pact places on ritain the task of keeping two hos- le camps on the continent separ- ed. She undertakes to be an arbi- ir of peace between them. But if eace collapses, the arbiter automat- ally throws its strength, naval, tilitary, economic to the side at- * * * In the window at Slater's they are displaying the original manuscript of a novel which has been very popular in these parts. The pile of type- written pages, lying prone on its back, is about six inches thick; if the pages were laid end to end they would probably reach three times around the moon and back, or what- ever the usual distance is. We once thought of writing a novel, but now, our hopes are'forever blasted. It is rather tactless of them to put such a thing in the window. We are will- ing to wager that at least a dozen novels were nipped in the bud by that discouraging display. ? ? '7 .. .a - V.' ' p N. * , a~ M[ENT * -- t I' 1 a1 Friday and Saturday Sensational Sale of Cc Suits and Ensemble Now to be sold at 1-3 and 1-2 o Prints and wash silks. Imagine lovely frocks at price! There are a number of them. Never before offered such splendid values at such a low figure. favored shades of summertime. Buy these Friday urday at $19.75. Radically reduced one-third and one-half, these e: ally smart coats. Coats for sports and dress wear. them fur trimmed. Friday and Saturday only, purchase them at one-third and one-half their regul Buy a tailored suit now at one-third or one-half off. garments are fashioned of high grade materials. E of typical Jacobson quality. All taken from our stock and placed on sale for two days only. Deihtful! Natural Fruit Shrbeta! ror keen refreshment during the d z orsg er. a strenuous ' ame RrC1erC a nothing better our erbet. It's unsur- passed as a fountain treat and as a s er-tme dessert. Every- body lov Your dealer has one adpineapplefavors.Try waa. -rody It is a big undertaking. It is a far -cry from onesided defensive and 4f- fensive alliances with the continent. Britain will be involved in any ag- gresion from either side of the Rhine. The pledge is evidence of high I courage on the part of the Baldwin government. It bespeaks an almost desperate will to peace on the part of the British people. Ensembles of flannel, charmeen and kasha. the very best makers. Regular stock. ( days at one-third and one-half price. C The little picture above, could easily have been given a title; a short story could have been built around it. But we, like the B. and G boys, are going to be a bit subtle. We are going to leave the title to our readers' imagination. .* * * If you don't think we are optimis- tic, note where we put the apos- trophe above "readers." * * * - On Liberty Street just off State Qua= II )tos are coming back, o Ziegfeld. Who says ays don't come back- Special Week-End Brick Tutt - utti - Pineapple Re. Chocolate Ll 1t 1 >e Ni