4 r ' m tr FEATHER C1 TILYWA RMERl TODAY Sin anr XVI. No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1925 FIL ||HOUS |WILL HOUSE INTRhMURAL OFFICES THIS FALL DEPARTMEINT WILL MOVE FROM. WATERMAN UYM TO RELIEVE CON GE STION OT HER SHIFT MADE Oices of lintereollegiate Athletics Departinenit Will be Moved to Old Club house: Intramural athletics department will be given' room in the Yost field house at the beginning of the fall term in order to relieve the congest- ed conditions in Waterman gymnas- ium, according to action taken at a meeting of the Board in Control of Athletics held June 12. The Intercollegiate athletics de- partment has already given way be- fore the Intramural department once before. When conditions at the Wat- erman gymnasium became too crowd- ed, it was decided to move the In- tercollegiate department to the Yost field house which was then in the pro- I ces of construction. This move gave the entire gymnasium to the Intra-f mural department, but the interest in athletics has grown to such a great extent that the Intramural officials had to look around for room once more. The eastern portion of the second floor of the field house, where the In- tercollegiate department now has of- fices, will be taken over by the Intra- mural dneartment. The lockers in the club house at Ferry field will be moved to the space vacated by the In- tercollegiate department. Besides these lockers, new lockers will be purchased and installed. By action of the board of control,i the Intercollegiate department will take up offices in the old club house. The entire space will be used by the department. SEvans Disc'usses Future In Field Professr Smith Lectures On (jFuture;. I Importance Of Niagara Falls vi 1 c iUiic, it c ii i Public health work has made good up to a certain point in the past, and that, according to Dr. W. A. Evans, health editor of the Chicago' Tribune, is a guarantee of the con- tinuance of that work in the future. Dr. Evans, who spoke last night in the Natural Science auditorium, in discussing "The Future of the Pub- lic Health Worker,' is of the opin- ion that in the complex social life of the future there will be even greater need of experienced workers in this field. Education should not be restricted to the material that is presented in classrooms, it should deal with the larger problems of society, it should refer to the things that change men's lives and customs. The pur- pose is not only to instruct but also to interest. Thereis a nation-wide, well thought-out program 'of instruction in public health work for children. Children are pliable and - easily trained and one of the great supports of this future work is to come from them. They have been brought up to a realization and acceptance of this phase of hygiene until it has become a part of themselves, and j they will encourage it in others. Smith Disproves Prevalent Rumor Concerning Lake "Niagara Falls has been of inter-I est to people since as early as 1,700,1 when the Frenchman, La Salle, ex- plored there," said Prof. E. R. Smith,' of Indiana, who is teaching geology at the University of Michigan thisj summer. The falls have been caused by the Niagara limestone, under which is the soft Niagara shale that is slowly receeding. This recession, due to grinding, is small, but is largely on account of the under-mining of the rocks. The tons of water which daily pass over the falls in time wear away the shale at the bottom, thus causing the heavier rocks at the top to fall into the Niagara river. - Goat Island separates the falls into what are called the American falls and the Candian falls. Due to the po- sition of Goat Island, 95 per cent of the water which passes over the falls rushes over the Candian falls while the remaining five per cent passes over the American falls. On account of this vast difference, the former are receeding about four times as fast as the latter. An accumulation of great rocks at the foot of the Amer- ican falls is a secondary reason for their smaller recession. "What are the future of the falls?' asked Professor Smith. "The glass is slightly blurred as I look into it. If the water were not being used for power, the falls wouli disappear in time due to recession,\as the rocks dip upstream. The use of water-pow- er cuts down this erosion." In addition to the scenic beauty of the falls and the commercial use to which they are being put, there are also several points of interest to man, such as the Whirlpool rapids, the Lewiston gorge, and Lake Algonquin, which was formed by the pounding back of the waters of the Great Lakes and the recession of the ice after the t last glacial period. Professor Smith is conducting a trip to the falls early in July. .iti lecture on Thursday was t. act as a preliminary introduction to the trip. I WHAT'S CING ON, Notices to appear in this column must be left in the box at The Daily office provided for that purpose he- fore 4 o'clock preceding the day of issue. FRIDAYt S:00-Prof. T. IL. Reed lectures on "The Government of MetropolitanI Communities." 7:80-Chinese students social, LaneJ hall. 8:00-Prof. D. L. Rich lectures in9 West lecture room of the Pysics building, on "The MeasurementsI and Elimination of Noise." 9:00-Mixer for faculty and stu. j dents taking work in education in! University High school gymnasium. SATURDAY S:00-Excursion to Ford Motor com- pany, Highland Park, arriving at plant about 10:45, finishing by noon. Trip ends at 3 p. m. TWO 9 AC. A. OFiCIA WIL WORK IN EURUPE Two officials of the Sfudent Christ- ian association, Rensis Likert, '26E, president, and John Elliott, '26, vice- president, will spend the summer in Europe doing work among students in European universities, it was an- jtounced yesterday at Lane hall Likert leaves for New York on June 27 with the Student Pilgramage of Friendship, which is made up of about 25 men students from universities of the United States. The object of the trip is to visit the important univer- sities of Europe, and through confer- ences with students and professors in those universities endeavor to pro- mote international goodwill. Elliott left Ann Arbor yesterday for Geneva, Switzerland, where he will spend the summer in the office of the Committee for European Student Re- Whitmore Lake is safe for bathing purposes. The rumor that has been prevalent for some time concerning the impurity of the lake water has been disproved by Dr. N. H. Smith, city chemist. A 48 hour analysis meeting the specifications of the Am- erican board of public health, of wat- er taken from Whitmore Lake shows it to be absolutely safe for bath- ing purposes. No evidence of contamination of any kind could be found and there was no pathological bacteria present. This analysisindicates that Whitmore Lake as far as the purity of the water is concerned, is ideal for bathing. HOLDS WORTH AND EELE TO PLY IN SEMI-FINALS Chicago. June 25. - Mode Holds- worth, captain of the University of Michigan golf team and defending in- dividual title holder, Fred Feeley, his team mate and Captain Hisert and Charles Norriss of the University of Chicago will tee off tomorrow morn- ing at the Sunset Ridge Golf club in the semi-finals of the Big Ten indiv- idual golf championship. The final round will be played in the afternoon. The four survived the play of the first rounds today, Fred Lehman the other Michigan man who qualified, losing out in one of the afternoon rounds. Northwestern yesterday won the team championship of the Big Ten, leading the Michigan team in the total of 36 holes play by four strokes. SUMMER REGISTRATION I I SHOWS GREAT INCREASE Reports on the registration as giv- en out by Dean Edward R. Kraus of the Summer session at the close of yesterday's enrollment period show- ed the total number of registrants to be 3,040, a decided increase over last summer. Registrants in the Medical school, engineering college, and Law school are less than last year. Many teach- ers from high schools and element- ary schools are expected to register here next week. Officials at the Bio- logical station are anticipating a greater number before the end of next week. Berlin, June 25.-Ping pong is now one of the favorite pastimes in Berlin and a tournament will be held this fall. Rome, June 25. - The crossword CHPIN CONDUCTS, PANTIN6 COU5E Outdoor Drawing Class Independent- ly Work With Pencil, Ink, Pastel, and Water Color SUCCEEDS SLUSSER The class in outdoor drawing and' painting is being conducted this sum- mer by Myron B. Chapin. Mr. Chapin is taking the place of Mr. Slusser, whol is in Europe for the summer. Mr.. Slusser was instrumental in organ- izing the class several years ago and it has always been very popular with students interested in art. Mr. Chapin is conducting his course with the intention of meeting the needs of everyone who is interested in landscape work. He is following the ideas of the modern French paint- ers who believe in originality rather than in imitation of the technique of the old masters. The students work independently and are allowed to choose their own subjects; to work in any medium such as pencil, water-color, ink, charcoal, or pastel; and they are encouraged to cultivate an individual technique. The product of each is then submitted for general class discussion so that they may profit by the mistakes and progress of others. The work has been limited to the campus so far but soon it will be extended. The many picturesque spots about Ann Arbor will furnish material for interesting compositions. When the weather will not permit work in open, they will work in the studio in the Engineering building and paint from costumed models. Members of the class represent a strange mixture of careers - the future architect, the teacher, the botanist, and those in- terested in it purely from the aesthe- tic and cultural standpoint. The class is still open for further enroll- ment. Offer Bi- Weekly Dancing Lessons Learn to dance at the classes in beginners 'social dancing to be con- ducted this summer by the physical education department from 7 to 8 o'- clock on Tuesday and Thursday eve- nings in Barbour gymnasium, begin- ning June 30. Classes are open to men and wom- en and no fee is charged in connec- tion therewith. Instruction will be given in waltzing and fox-trotting, as well as in other forms of modern so- cial dancing. These classes offer be- ginning'dancers a very fine opportun- ity to learn to dance free of charge and it is hoped that a large number will turn out next Tuesday evening. HOSPITAL WILL BE COMPLETED ULY1;1 More Than Double Present Number o Internes Will be Employed in New Building WILL ACCOMMODATE 600 "The upper floors of the new Uni- g versity hospital will be 'ready for pa- s tients on July 1," stated Mr. John C. g Christensen, assistant secretary of the University, yesterday. This marks th end of a long period of building, de- t layed from time to time by lack of y funds. e It is also expected that work on b the building itself, excepting minor a details, will be completed next week. p Equipment is arriving daily and all p' electrical fixtures are at this time be- w ing hung. Painters are doing the la:t I work on the interior, and will be out next week. The grounds have been c graded and seeded. Walks have been w laid around the various sections of t the building and shrubbery planted. t A walk is now being laid from the 1 hospital to the contagious ward, and 1 the driveways are being put into con- dition for use. When the entire building will be in use, a total of 1,100 beds will be pro- vided for patients coming to Ann Ar- bor. The new hospital will contain 600 of them, the others being in the present building and the homeopathic hospital. Seventy internes, more than double the present number, will be employed. LECTURES TO OE GIENr TODAY B URICH,REEDs -- Prof. T. H. Reed of the political science department and Prof. D. L. Rich of the physics department wil lecture this afternoon and evening respectively on the Summer session program. Professor Reed speaks at 5 o'clock in the Natural Science au- ditorium on "The Government of Metropolitan Communities." At 8 o'clock Professor Rich talks in the West lecture room of the Physics building on "The Measure- ment and Elimination of Noise." Along with his lecture Professor Rich will make experimental demonstrations. WELLS TAKES STUDENTS ON EXCURSION OF CITY Many Summer session students took " advantage of the first excursion yes- terday afternoon and were taken on a tour of the city in automobiles sup- plied by the local Exchange club. The trip included a part of the town's residential district, the east and Cedar f Bend boulevards, the Barton Hills Country club, and the Barton Pond - road. Mr. Carlton Wells of the rhe- toric department was in charge. At the close of the second day of enrollment for the summer session at the University of Illinois, 1,983 stu- dents had registered. puzzle craze is now at its height here.