unanimously, it Rumor Sale Of Carnegie. Castle was obser a. ImwII5It5 SERVICE Iliii l 4 Cork, June 24.- The Lord's vas recited in half a dozen when nearly 100 masons, ers and laborers in work- joined with contractors and a prayer service at the Cath- St. John the Divine, before e first stone for interior walls' ave recently., rvice was requested by the nselves, according to Bishop T. Manning, who in full epis- >es, conducted it in the open he nave foundation near the ill. aall bareheaded congregation 1 sons of various faiths as 'aces. When the Bishop ask-, before returning to their re-j jobs to repeat the famous if the Saviour in unison it ertain to what extent they Port Sudan, Egypt, June 24.-A tele-' gram from Jeddah, the Red Sea port for Mecca, the Mohammedan Holy City, says the Wahibi tribesmen who have been besieging Jeddah, evacuat- ed their position Saturday. I ' Summer School Supplies ntain Pens Loose Leaf Note Books Fou Drawing Instruments Stationery STAFF NQTICE The Summer Michigan Daily offers the members of its staff both an enjoyable way of spend- ing surplus time and practical experience in journalism. A few more men and women are need- ed for both the editorial and business staffs. All persons who are interested are requested to call at The Daily offices, Press building, Maynard street, any afternoon this week. Read the Want Ads Freeman's Dining Room Established 1904 - - Remodeled 1922 --Two Hundred Chairs- $7.00 per week $1.15 per day (8 Meals) $5.75 " " $ .95 " " (2 Meals) PROMPT SERVICE I EXCELLENT F Dinners 60 cents-Lunches 40 cents Sunday Dinners 75 cents 809 EAST WASHINGTON STREET One Block North from Hill Auditorium The Blue Lanter Island Lake ~DA NCE LAS IFIE tIf K~ It is reported from London that Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, widow of the' late steelmaster, will sell Skibo Cas tle, the famous Carnegie home in Scotland, to an unnamed American millionaire. The Castle and Mrs. Car- negie are sfiown. ADVERT!SING WANTED-Tb RENT DOMS in private home. Call DESIRABLE apartment forj r four. Cheap rate. Inquirel ary, near Cor. State and Pck- OLEAN suite and double or room in a quiet neighbor- 204 N. Ingalls. Phone 21297. HURON St.-Furnished light- .eeping rooms. Dial 7345. Eva T. Swezey. OMPSON ST.- Single roomsj omen. Dial 5259. Ralph T. y. THAYER St. - Furnished :ent. Dial 7013. Ralph T. y- THOMPSONTwo blocks from ts. Rooms, clean and cool. ater all the time. FOR SALE WANTED POSITION in physicians office. Hours 9-12, 2-5. Stenography and type- writing desirable but not necessary. In writing give telephone number. Box 1, care Mich. Daily. WANTED-Young man as real estate sales manager on commission bas- is. Must have had some sales ex- perience. Also salesmen for sub- division work during the summer. References required. For particu- lars inquire Robert D. Heltsch, Pontiac, Michigan. LOST PHI GAMMA DELTA fraternity pin. Name on back, F. Mueller. Finder please dial 6225 and ask for Tom Sunderland, 1510 Cambridge Road. Thanks. LOST-' Wellesley Class pin, squarel with pearl border, numerals 1927 on blue background, initials A. C. H. Return to 1515 Cambridge Road. Phone 21586. LOST-Brown leather bill fold con- taining papers valuable to owner only. 2107 Washtenaw. Phone 8117. CH GS IN INSTRUCTORS MADE BY UNIVERSITY Acc6rding to a recent announce- ment issued by the University, several changes in instructors for the Sum-! mer session have been made. Sev-1 eral membershofathe facultydhave re- ceived last-minute relief from duty in order to do special work. Among those taking a temporary vacation from the Rhetoric department are: Prof. Herbert S. Mallory, who is writ- ing a textbook, and Prof. Frederick W. Peterson, who is making a spe- cial study of Scandinavian languages. Available Rooms Listed By Union A list of rooms which are available for summer school students has been compiled by the Union and is avail- able at the main desk for students who are looking foraccommodations for the summer term. All men who have registered in the University may register at the Union for their membership card. Cards may be received at the main desk. Ai ! REN'T VWE ALL" AT BONSTELLE PLAYHOUSE, "Aren't We All" is the title of the Fredick Lonsdale 'comedy which is1 now current at the Bonstelle Play- house -in Detroit. Mr. Lonsdale has given a bright bit of writing to the stage in this farce which is written in sparkling and clever style. The title is particularly pertinent to the play, even though at first glance it might seem meaningless. The Vicar remonstrates with Lord Grenham for calling him a fool and the latter counters with, "but aren't we. all, old friend?" A One Night Engagement of Detroit's Favorite ORANGE BLOSSOM ORCHESTRI Don't Miss Friday, June 26 BALLOON DANCE Novelties and Favors It's safer nowadays for an explorer to go out with his party. Arctic relief Regular Dancing-Sunday Matinee and Every Night Excepting Monday and Tuesday WOMEN'S NOTICE ,E--Old Town Canoe. Stor-) aid for the year. ExcellentI on. William Dober, Y. W. C. hone 22115. MEALS YE a few vacancies in our room. Best cook. on1the s. 816 Tappan. Call 3018. Any . communications asking for 'the location of women stu- 1 dents, if they cannot be answer- ed at the house where they are asked, should be referred im- mediately to the office of the dean of women. MARGARET BUFFINGTON, Assistant to the Dean of Women. For Miss Summer Girl! The Con and Useful Knicker Costume! Read the Want Ads Read the Want Ads . - I I1 Stylish indeed are the English looking tweeds and extremely practical for rough and ready out of door wear. For long hikes, informal picnics and golf they are correct and serviceable because they do not show dust or wrinkle and because they are so essentially out of doors look- ing-. $2.95-$3.95 rr i DANCING '". 'y 8. ,, ,. f y w o Not yve , onday Private Parties Served At the New Lake House Pavilion Corduroy is usually the choice for campers! Can't you imagine how convenient they would be to slip on before breakfast and then ready for the early mprn- ing canter over the country or the canoe expedition, etc? What a life, and what comfort knick- ers give the out of door woman! WHITMORE LAKE THE HAUNTED TAVERN 417 East Huron St. For Reservations Phone 7781 Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturlay A large, cool pavilion with real music and a wonderful floor. $4.95 f Good Used Cars Delicious Light Lunches at All Hours 11 Have you a ear for this She'll Look Athletic and Cool in Th Linen Knicker Suits with Sleeveless Jackets Stoutly made and beautifully finished are these sma looking suits. Perhaps that is the reason women find the becoming, for they do give a long, graceful line to the figu and the linen is such a soft, fine quality that the costum is a real item in a lady's wardrobe and one that will dashing and always appropriate for sport. $5.95 The Necessary Blouse to Correspond! The ensemble idea is with us to stay and appears everywhe but it makes for a harmony of dress the tasteful woman h always demanded, so now that we are thinking of sportin apparel we must mention the appropriate blouse for such costume. Both in white and tan this model is stunning wi its neatly finished collar and cuffs and"" that sufficient tailored air! $2.95 Light Linen Knickers, Too! Light, cool linen knickers are so popular, and every girl ca always use another pair, so we have quite an array of the in a variety of sizes and in grey as well as white. A believe that such garments should be wonderfully well ma and because we are so particular about it we are rath proud of our assortment. $3.50 and $3.95 MACK'S SECOND FLOOR Salads - Sandwiches Summer? If not, we I Ice Cream have a complete stock of dependable Goo d Used Cars at all prices Hot or Cold Drinks The Arbor Fountain 313 S. STATE R. DAY BIRD Corner Washington and Division .,d 60 'I 1' w.