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June 25, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-06-25

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VI. No. 6





McMillan Rao i CQ~jyp(~ations
Adjusted; Preparing To Proceed


'otices for this column may be left
the office of the School of Educa-
i, Tappan hall, or at TheDaily of-
[embers of the Men's Educational
b will meet at 7 o'clock tonight in
m 302 of the Union.
. good time for students and fac-
r members of the School of Edu-
on is planned for Friday evening
:he form of a School of Education:
er, to be held in the University
h School gymnasium from 9 to
0 o'clock. The purpose of this 1
ty is to afford the students and1
faculty members of the school anl
ortunity to come into contact with
I other socially, and to get ac-
Ue program for the evening is in
rge of a committee appointed from
faculty, and members .of the
i's and Women's Educational clubs.f
committee assures everyone a
1 good time, for the program wil]
ude music, stunts, and dancing.
dances will include not only the
Lern fox-trots, but also waltzes7
Virginia Reels.s
cordial invitation is extended, not
r to sstudents of the School oft
cation, but to anyone takingc
rses in education.1
embers of the Summer session of
School of Education were in large
ndance at the educational assem-
held yesterday afternoon in theI
versity High School auditorium.e
in Allen S. Whitney spoke on the'
wth of the School of Education
of plans for the coming year.!
brought out the fact that 27 yearsI
only two courses were offered int
cation, and there were only 151
lents.: In 1900, Dean Whitney
the only member of the faculty.r
was announced that plans are"
tg made to establish a psycholog-
clinic under the direction of Dr.
ry. The purpose of the clinic will
o analyze the needs of exceptional
dren. Previous to this time suffic-
funds have not been available.
his year the number of studenti
hers exceeds the vacancies in thet
e. To avoid the lowering of sal-
s and standards, the School of
tcation will raise its requirements
Inning with the year 1927, Dean
.tney declared. Twenty-five per-l
t more honor points than hours
be required for entrance.
visiting committee has been ap-1
ited which is. to visit the schools1
)ughout the year. Their duty is,
riticize and make suggestions fort
benefit of the students.f
r. Henry T. Moore, professor of
cational psychology, will be on the
ilty this coming year. Dr. Moore
a graduate of the University of
sourl, Yale, and Harvard. At pre-
he is a professor at Dartmouth.
everal announcements of interest
students of education were made
Professor Woody, chairman of the
he Women's Educational club held
first meeting of the summer yes--
ay evening at Pi Beta Phi house
the guests of Miss Cleo Murtland.
following officers were elected:
,irman, Lila Reynolds of the Uni-
city High School; secretary and
surer, Jennie Clow of Detroit;
irman of the program committee,
th Hoyle, of the University High

[any suggestions were made for
resting programs for the summer.
members met Dean Jean Hamil-
the guest of honor. The next
eting will be held Monday, June
at 7:15 o'clock, at Pi Beta Ph
ise, 836 Tappan Road, where there
L be a program of interest to all
'he Women's Club is especially for.
ate in having a friend in Miss
rtland who has opened Pi Beta Phi
ise to it for the meetings this



Washington, June 24. (By A.P.)-
C mplications over the radio equip-
ment of the McMillan Arctic expedi-
tion, which for a time threatened to
terminate its life, were adjusted to-
day at Sydney, Nova Scotia, and to-
night the party was said to be pre-
paring to proceed late this week to-
ward its main base at Etah, Green-
The adjustment was not reached,
however, until Secretary4 Wilbur had
served an ultimatum on Donald E.
MacMillan, leader of the expedition.

through Lieutenant Commander R. E.
Byrd, chief of the navy section, that
the standard long wave radio equip-
ment which had been left in the
United States must be taken along or
the navy section would return to
Announcement of an amicable so-
lution of the difficulty through
acquiescence in Mr. Wilbur's demand,
was made here by the National Geo-
graphic society, one of the sponsors of
the expedition, after a long distance
telephone conversation with its
representative in Sydney.

Fear That Provisional Government
H-lay Encourage Anti-Foreign
Washington, June 24, (By A.P.)-
Official advices from China today in-
creased tte concern with which offic-
ials are watching the developments
While no report has reached the
State department from Peking on the
latest Chinese note to the diplomatic
body, and while official word was
lacking today as to the immediate sit-
uation in Canton, there is no doubt
that officials here have cause for
anxiety and see little prospect for
early subsidence of the anti-foreign
wave sweeping part of China.
In the absence of definite word
from Charge Mayer at Pekin on the
noon note, comment was withheld
upon the reiterated insistence of the
Chinese provisional government that
extra-territorial treaties be revised.
The fact that Mr. Mayer had not re-
sorted to emergency methods for
rapid communication with Washing-
ton, however, was taken in some
quarters as indicating that he and
his diplomatic colleagues had not
abandoned hope in their dealings with
the central authorities.
The most alarming aspect of the
Pekin diplomatic correspondence, as
seen here, was the probability that the
provisional government's stand might
encourage the 'disorderly elements, in
giving anti-foreign demonstrations.
The situation at Canton and else-
where was already so tense that ap-
parently it would take little impetus
to bring about conditions that could
be dealt with only by force, which
all of the powers are striving to



Notices to appear in this column
must be left in the box at The Daily
office provided for that purpose 1e-
fore 4 o'clock preceding the day of
2:30-First excursion for Summer ses-
sion students starts from steps of
University Library.1
5:00-Prof. E. H. Smith lectures on
Niagara Falls.
7:00-Men's Educational club meets in
the Union.;
8:00-Dr. W. A. Evans lectures on,
"The Future of the Public Health
5:00-Prof. T. H. Reed lectures on
"The Government of Metropolitan
7:30--Chinese students social, Lane
8:00-Prof. D. L. Rich lectures in
West lecture room of the Pysics
building, on "The Measurements
and Elimination of Noise."
9:00-Mixer for faculty and stu-
dents taking work in education in
University High school gymnasium.
if !4
"Abie's Irish Rose" entered its
eighth week at the Garrick on Sun-
day night, June 21, thus breaking all
existing Detroit records by four
The secret of the success of "Abie's
Irish Rose" has never been solved
though many reasons have been giv-
en. However, according to many crit-
ics, it stands forth as an entertain-
ment of laugh quality, spiritual em-
bodiment that countenances no creed,
true drama and homely understand-
able humor.

Late Closing of Many Schools Expect-
ed to Swell Number Attending
Summer Session
2,997 HERE SO FAR l
At the close of registration yester-
day afternoon, the total number of
students enrolled in the Summer ses-
sion had reached 2,999, which is con-
siderably more than were registered
at this time last year.
Detroit schools and many colleges
in the east are having their com-
mencement exercises, this week end
and due to this fact a large number
of students are expected to register
late. These late arrivals are expect-i
ed to swell the total to 3,200, accord-
ing to *Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
Summer session, and this number
will surpass any total that has been
reached by Summer session here in
former years.
Gains have been shown in practi-
cally every school in the University
except the Engineering school and
the Medical school which have fallen
off in their summer enrollment slight-
ly. The students at the Biological
station have not been counted in this
Chicago, Ill., June 24.- Sloshing
around in a heavy rain, the University
of Michigan golfers, runners-up last
year for the Western Conference
championship, led after the first 18
holes of the Big Ten championship
tournament at Sunset Ridge Country
club today with a total of 334. North-
western golfers were second with
336, and Chicago, present holder of
the title, was third with 339.
In the individual play, Mode, Hols-
worth, captain of the Wolverines and
present Big Ten champion, went
around in 44, 39, 33 against 43, 39, 82
for Captain Hishart of Chicago. H.
V. Wrasse, Purdue's lone representa-
tive in the tournament scored 40,
43, 33, while Captain Skaer of North-
western had 41, 40, 81 for the low
Griffith Praises
Physical Training
Cedar Point, O., June 24.- Major
John L. Griffith, commissioner of ath-I
letics in the Western Conference, in
an address before the Ohio State
Teachers' associadon convention at
Cedar Point today, declared that phys-
ical education in schools and colleges
was undergoing the process of being
accepted as an academic subject.
"Physical education," he said,
"much resembles the republican form
of government in that principle rules
for its opration must be adopted and
that the educational authorities must
see that these rules are observed."
Paris, June 24.- Dr. Emile Roux,
head of the Pasteur Institute, pre-
sented 'Before the Academy of Sciences
what he termed a remarkably cura-
tive treatment for blood disease.
Konxville, Tenn., June 24. - An

"army" of expert witnesses represent-
ing various phases of the evolution
question will be called in the trial of
J. T. Scopes.

E- - 4
Two Lectures Also on Summer School
Program Today; Smith And
Evans to Speak
This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the
party for the first excursion of the
Summer session will meet on the
steps of the main library to be con-
ducted about Ann Arbor and its
boulevards in cars supplied by the lo-
cal Exchange club. Befqre starting
on the tour the group will have its
picture taken.
The trip starts out Washtenaw,
touring the southeast part of town. It
then travels to Geddes avenue and
down the east boulevard, past the
Michigan Central station and on to
the Barton Hills Country club. From
here it crosses to the north boulevard,E
from there to the Cedar Bend boule-
vard, and back to the campus.
Twd lectures are also on the Sum-
mer session program for today. Prof.
E. H. Smith of DePauw University
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Niagara Falls" at 5 o'clock this af-
ternoon in the Natural Science audi-
torium. The health editor of the Chi-
cago Tribune, Dr. W. A. Evans, will
speak on "The Future of the Public
Health Worker." at 8 o'clock in the
same place.
No charge is being made for the
excursion today. For all future ex-
cursions it will be necessary for
each student wishing to go to leave
his name at the Summer session office
by 6 o'clock of the day preceding the

Says 311otion Pictures Will Play Bigf
Part in Photographing Future '
That motion pictures will play an
important part in photographing
eclipses in the future was the opinion
voiced by Prof. R. H. Curtiss of the
astronomy department in a lecture
yesterday afternoon in Natural{
Science auditorium. Professor Cur-
tiss illustrated his address "Solar
Eclipses in Motion Pictures" with
photographs taken by the Pathe News
cameramen during the 1923 and 1925k
"There have been three total
eclipses during the last seven years,"
said Prof. Curtiss, "and it is inte/est-
ing to note that no further eclipse
tracts will enter our borders for the
next twenty years." The 1923 eclipse,
Professor Curtiss explained, was seen
most clearly in Mexico and California.
Extensive apparatus was employed in
Mexico by astronomers from Swarth-
more college who used a 65-foot cem-
era and the special Einstein camera

Prof. Mitchell and Coach 'Wieman
Will Head the School Con-
ducted During Summer
Special lectures in various phases
of sports will feature the course in
organization and administration of
athletics, which will be under the
direction of Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell,
director of intramural sports, and
Coach Elton E. Wieman, assistant di-
rector of the Athletic association, in
the University Summer School for
Coaches. Although the lectures are
intended primarily for those register-
ed in the coaching school, the public
is invited to attend any that may be
of interest.
In addition to the lectures given
by Professor Mitchell and Coach Wie-
man, a number will be given by out-
side speakers, including Maj. John L.
Griffith, commissioner of athletics of
the Western Conference, Fielding H.
Yost, athletic director and football
(oach of the University, George E.
Little, athletic director of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, P. B. Samson, na-
,ional executive in boy scout work, O.
E. Emmons, director of athletics for
all the °Detroit high schools, C. E.
Brewer, commissioner of recreation
In-Detroit, W. P. Bowen, director of.
physical education at Michigan State
Normal college in Ypsilanti, George
.. May, director of Waterman gym-
nasium, and P. C. Pack: publicity di-
rector of the Atheltic association.
Major Griffith will give the first lec-
ture of the series at 2 o'clock Monday,
June 29, in the' Yost field house, on
the subject "Objectives in Competitive
Sport." At 8 o'clock Monday night
he will speak on "The Place of Ath-
letics in the Educational Program"
in the Natural Science auditorium.
All the succeeding lectures will take
place at 2 o'clock in Yost field house.
Tuesday Major Griffith is to speak
on the "Methods of Achieving Our
Aims in Physical Education," and on
Wednesday, J ly 1, his last lecture
will be on "Ethics and Sportsman-
ship in Athletics."
Coach Yost, who is director of the
school, and professor on the Univer-
sity faculty by virtue of his work in
the field of physical education, is
scheduled to speak before the stu-
dents in the school, 'July 15, his topic
being "Personal Influences of the
Coach in His Community."
The course also brings George E.
Little, former head football coach at
the University and now director of
athletics and head ,football coach at
the University of Wisoonsin, back to
Ann Arbor for a lecture July 23 on
"Selecting Your Job."
The burden of the lectures, how-
ever, falls upon Professor Mitchell
and Coach "Tad" Wieman.
Blanchard Goes
To Atlantic City

Mabel Ross-Rheade, pianist, and
Barre Hill, baritone, accompanied by
Dwight Steere, presented the opening
concert of the faculty concert series
under the auspices of the Uniaversity
School of Music at 8 o'clock last
night at Hill auditorium.
Mrs. Rheade, who is active head of
the piano department during the Sum-
mer School of Music, opened an in-
teresting program with variations byt
Beethoven. Barre Hill, accompanied
by Dwight Steere, appeared next on
the program with three numbers, Las-
ciatemi, Morire by Monteverde, Nel
cor piu non mi sento by Paisiellifi and
All acquisto do gloria by Scarlatti.
His encore was The Trees Have
Grown So Since You Went Away.
Mrs. Rheade then played Pastorale
by Corelli-Godowsky, Rigaudon by{
Romeau Godowsky and Gnomenreig-
en by Liszt. Her encore was Chopin
Waltz in A flat.
Hill finished the program with a
group of songs. He was encored for,)
these numbers. A crowd of 1,200 peo-
ple, the largest that has attended the
opening concert of the Summer ses-
sion for several years.
Paris, June 24.-Finance Minister
Joseph Caillaux declines to confirm
or deny reports from London that ne-
gotiations are under way with a Brit-
ish banking groups for a $20,000,000
loan to support French exchange.
Madrid, June 24.-A Spanish official
statement announced the signature by
Spain and France of an agreement
for the blockade of the Morocean
coast by sea.

was used to determine th validity of
the Einstein theory by means of the
eclipse phenomena.
Animated maps which clearly illus-
trated the eclipse tracts of 1925 were
shown on the screen by Professor
Curtiss. 'The path of totality com-
menced in Minnesota, partially in-
cluded Wisconsin, Michigan, and New
York covering an area of more than
100 miles by 3,000 miles.
Through the aid of motion pictures,
Prof. Curtiss declared , an accurate
and detailed description of eclipses
has been revealed to a wide range of
people otherwise unacquainted with
the phenomena.

Prof. Arthur H. Blan
way engineering andl
port department at tM

Entries may now be made at ! Michigan, will atten
George Moe's Sport shop dn North meeting of the Ameri
University avenue for the annual Testing Materials in A
summer tennis' tournament. The day and tomorrow.1
tournament consists of both singles chard will present a r
and doubles matches, and prizes are man of the committe
given for the winners and runners- Specifications for Sla
up in both of these events. Highway Construction
This tournament, which is annually
conducted by the Athletic associa-l
tion, is open to all men students who
are enrolled in summer school. It is)A
hoped that the matches may be start- AMERICAN L
ed within a few days, so that ample 1 New York 5, Washin
allowance may be made for bad Philadelphia 5, Bost
weather. A small entry fee of 25 No other games sch
cents is charged.
Manila, June 24.-Attempting to ex- Cincinnati-Chicago,
tend the anti-foreign agitation to: Philadelphia 10, Boy
Manila, Shanghai radicals yesterday St. Louis 11 and 6, 1
cabled to comrades here urging a gen- 7-
eral strike in Manila beginning tomor- New .York 8 and 1,
row. . 9.

chard, of hi
highway tr,
he Universit]
d the ani
can Society
Atlantic City
Professor B
report as ch
e on "Stang
g for Use
gton 3.
ton 4.
ston 1.
Pittsburgh 3

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