rts in the UNIVERSITY G OLF CLT Golf Club, Special summer membership now till September only $15.00. Street. Rooms- Best in Ann >lock from campus. One for men or women grad- s. Piano, private bath,' :eeping privileges if de- nable. Phone 22151.+ undring wanted. Phone LSAsDIES Lingerie Co. need a few s in this territory. We ve the most refined pro- ffer in the selling line Mrs. Stanton, 433 Book fit, Mich. ished suite and double each. Also one large , $2.00 each. Two blocks nion, 555 S. Division. 'ackard. R Daily Neces sities Watch Or _ ' _ t _- 1 =- _ t .,,,,qe1 , LII Thread Nef Pins Hair Hair Nets Shininug Sets Oxford Laces ld~s IN Toilet Soaps Pins , Tooth Paste Shoe Polish Ink PeDcIls Picnc 'ens Handkrchiefs SG artILers Energine Windows I Let OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9:30 b{ e a a k 4* ry : 'A Q @, *I a . E RAR CE I in private home. Call :RABLE apartment for ur. Cheap rate. Iinquire near Cor. State and Pack- Candy Bars Fruit Baked hoods Grennan's Cakes Milk Cream Butter S Cold Meats SALE 11 !I- [TY G OIF CLUB ier membership only $15.00. now COMPLETE STOCKOF GROCERIES- Many Items At till school starts in the 00. University Golf Club, - Street. of "bottling" or. making e permanent record of a cm has been discovered in COLLEGE GROCERY H ALF 6r16 East Williamf Near Maynard -.. La. all 1 -egular Retail Prices )OKS... and Second-Hand Text Books nplete line of school supplies Large overstock of high grade Box Correspondence WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTO RE : z r. Stationery including EAN G OLDK ETTE Plain, Michigan, Fraternity and Presen s HE BREEZE BLOWERS" Sorority die embossed. With an Extraordinary Personnel FRED BERGIN DON MURRAY "DOC" RYKER JIM CRISWELL "HOWDY" QUICKSELL WM. RANK TED GOEBEL GAIL LEACH ather Goods Gift Novelties ['HE BLUE LANTERN Fountain P rI ISLAND LAKE -9 Danci ,g Sunday Matinee excepting Monday and Every and Tuesday Night U U OI RIL THREE BIG NITES M1mi m11m l 1o _l 17 Nickels Arcade 7ednesday, June 24 Thursday, June 25 Special Attraction Orange Blossom Friday, June 26 Balloon Dance Novelties and Favors Open Evenings The Stationery And Typewriter SMore _. Orchestra WE BOAST OF The best dancing pavilion in the State of Michigan-the best music-the best floor-the best lighting effects-the best people-in fact, everything the best. 4 4..f :1: If you write wehave it I~i'