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Su m m rx
No. 44
With AttitudeOf.
]GRAM MONDc me 'ssou a. to th~ attm ancc
tlit various schools atil
T z in iiiea a Va.A i M l 1v a ..,
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Examining and Classifying of "Out
Patients Will Begin
In M~orning
With the admittance of all "out
patients to the "out" patient depart
ment of the new University hospita
tomorrow comes the final step in th
completion and opening of th
eleventh largest hospital unit of it
kind in the country and the larges
teaching hospital unit in the Unite
States. This enormous hospital uni
is made up of the new building a
Observatory avenue and East An
street, the old University hospita
and the South branch of Universit
hospital near the Health service. Th
new building which has been erecte
and equipped from a $3,800,000 ' ap
propriation will be known as Un:
versity hospital while the old buil
ing will be known as the Convalej
cent's hospital, and South branch wi
keeps its present name.
Moving in of the records of tb
"out" patient department, the trap.
fer of all equipment which must b
transferred from the old building, a
well as the cleaning up and' puttin
in order of the lower floors of ti
building where the "out" patien
will be taken care of, and tle insta
lation of 24 hour telephone servic
will all be done before tomorro
morning w en examining and class
fying of all "out" patients will begi
During the last 30 days the daily rej
istration at the University hospit,
has swelled from 85 to 150.
There are 450,000 square feet c
floor space in the new building at
4,000 cubic feet for patients. TI
operating department is equippe
with the most efficient and practicE
operating equipment and will be pi
into operation this week. There ar
in all 13 operating rooms.
Dr. Harley A. Haynes director of th
new hospital said yesterday that it
hoped that some time in the nea
fiture the new unit will be in cond
tion so that two or three days may b
devoted to an "open house" for a
people in Ann Arbor who wish t
visit the new building,
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L ,' " g , m:r
fc u s c er q us h i l t e nn g s , x t ie
mn rehearsing diligently a in w essiur
t the very real difficulties in-
by changing the cast In every n innwaratrnkiin n Bes
might be overcome. Some nacl111111mic a nu Unive
difficult scenes. require all the ~"
efulness and patience theigs
ns in order to make a smooth, whked
rrformace. The witch scenes be oc
selp the atmosphere so much, Bandits who spirited Dr. Harvey iner s
done just right. TerHoward, of the Rockefeller hospital use b
leep-walking scene, the ban- at Pekin, away after killing Morgan tembe
ene, the murder scene, all call Palmer, an American, at Manchuria, move:
mnite pains in interpretation. have put Dr. Howard to work treat~ week,
same policy of changing the ing their ailments, according to an ready
rs othe casthfor each scene announcement rceived from the Uni- magn
'will be followed. The per- Dr. Howard is an optical special- Ains
Ce of Macbeth will conclude ist, and a letter from him-giving no great
:ivities of the Shakespearean indication of his whereabouts-says ical u
g class for this summer. that he is giving medical aid to his try is
captor and that they in turn are be- of Me
ng, Aug. 8.-Part of the gray- jrng kind to him and feeding him well. ed ea
:runk line M-14, the Lansing- He reported that his health is good, Mrs.
ides the completion of the new
rsity hospital two other build-
have been entirely completed'
iare Couzen's Nurses' home and
.ew Medical building which will f
cupied at the close of the Sum- ?
ession and will be ready for fullj
y the time school opens in Sep-l
r. The furnishings are being
d into the new Nurses' home this[
two groups of the nurses al-
being well established in the
ificient home which is one of the
in the country.
)ther building which, will add a
deal to making Michigan's med-
nit famous throughout the coun-
the Simpson Memorial Institute
dical Research which was start-
arly in July being the gift of
Thomas, Henry Simpson as a
rial to her husband.
oute, may be surfaced with but nothing was indicated as to the
overnor Grosbeck indicated condition under which his release
might be obtained.
vs From Other Colleges
aington, Ind.- Approximately
lications for work by girls de-
o attend Indiana university
I have been received at the
the dean of women, according
atement made yesterday by
nnie Weatherwax, secretary to
a of women. Of that number,
been placed in private homes
k for their room and board,
ices and 6 in clubs.
a, Tex.-The Explorers' club
York City has recently made
of a set of "The Seven Leg
of Captain William Scoresby,"
British whaler and ice uaviga-
the early 19th century, to the
of the University of Texas,
ng to Mrs. Charles Stephen-
pervisor of accessories. Only
les of these books have been
in facsimile by the Explorers'
nd printed by the Knicker-'
Press. The plate was destroy,
iparently other copies of the
htave been presented as gifts
larger libraries of the United
Mrs. Stephenson said.
Captain Scoresbyand his son made
14 voyages to the Arctic, and most
of his explorations were around
Spitzbergen and the east coast of
Urbana, Ill.-The section on Turkey
and the Near East under the "Month's
History" department in the Current
History magazine is temporarily .be-
ing written by Prof. A. T. Olmstead of
the history department. Besides the
August number, which is already out,
Professor Olmstead will write the
September and October numbers.
Austin, Tex.- Garrison Hall, the
new classroom building now under
construction at the University of Tex-
as, will house the social science de-
partments, according to E. J. Mat-
thews, registrar. The department of
government will be located in the
basement, the department of history
on the first floor, the philosophy and
psychology departments on the sec-
and floor, and the third floor will be
occupied by the economics and an-
j thropology departments.
Instruction in golf, canoeing and
social dancing are the three new fea-
tures on the women's physical educa-
tion program for the coming fall.
The class in golf will be elective
and its membership limited to twen-
ty, upper class women will be pre-
ferred in filling out this quota. Use
will be made of the 'University golf
course. The details of fees and hours
have not as yet, been arranged.
Social dancing has proved such a
popular course on the campus this
summer that. it has been decided to
continue it through the regular #ses-
sion. As before, the class will be for
beginners only. A large membership
is expected, since these classes
serve as mixers as well as centers of
Canoeing will be operated upon the
same plan as social dancing. The
fundamentals of paddling will be
given in a fixed number of lessons,
after which the girls must perfect
the ' strokes by themselves.
Madison, Wis., Aug. 8.-The Uni-'
versity of Wisconsin in the future will
reject any gifts, donations or sub-
sidies of incorporated educational en-
dowments or organizations.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Preparatory service will be held at
9:30 o'clock. The regular morning-
,service with the celebration of Holy
Communion in the English language
will be given at 10 o'clock. At 5:30
o'clock the Lutheran summer stu-
dents will meet in the parsonage.,
There will be no services at this
church next Sunday, August 16. ,
St. Andrew's Episcopal'Church
Holy Communion will be at 3 o'-
clock. The morning prayer and reg-
ular sermon will be given at 11 o'-
clock by Rev. Mr. Schenk, the sum-
mer minister.
First Church of Christ Scientists j
Regular morning service on "Spir-
it" will be held at 10:30 o'clock.
The Sunday school session meets at
11:45 o'clock. "Testimony Service"
is held on Wednesday nights at 7:30
First Baptist Church
Mr. Chapman, the student minis-
ter, will speak on "Forgotten Foun-
dations" at 10:30 o'clock, at which
time the morning service is held. The
Church Bible school meets at 12 o
clock; at the same time the students
will meet in the Guild house for the
final session of the summer. At :4
o'clock the young people of the
church and congregation will have
their usual meeting in the church1
parlor, at which Fred Bascom will
be the leader.
Rome, Aug. 8.-Acreage devoted to
beet sugar growing in European na-
tions, producing three-quarters of the
world's supply, decreased from 1,963,-1
000 hectares in 1924 to -1,905,000 hec-
tares in 1925, statistics gathered by
the International Institute of Agricul-
ture 'show.
The decrease was greatest in Spain,
falling from 179,000, to 78,000, and in
Italy, falling from 124,000 to 50,000,
while Bulgaria which had 25,000 hec-
tares planted in 1924 had none in
A meeting of commissioners on uni-,
form legislation will be held Aug. 27
to 29 in Detroit. Three commission-
ers from every state in the union will
be present.
The commissioners an, their wives
will visit Ann Arbor Aug. 30 where
they will inspect the Law club and/
make a tour of the campus' and other
points of interest.
The commissioners plan to reach
i Ann Arbor by 10 o'clock Sunday
morning. They- will have dinner at
the Michigan Union and will be en-
tertained by the Barton Hills Coun-
try club until their return to Detroit
Sunday evening.
A Crowd of 250 is expected.
Little May Talk
.At Fall Assembly
An assembly is being planned for
the opening of the fall session of the
University, to be held perhaps the day
preceding the first day of the session.
The principal speaker at the assem-,
bly will be the newly elected Presi-
dent of the University, Dr. Clarence
Cook Little, if present plans mature.
This assembly will be the fourth of
its kind, of which the purpose is to
bring the entire student body together
at the opening of the year.
All students expecting to graduate
from the School of Education at the
close of the Summer session whose
names do not appear on the list of
graduates posted on the buulletin
board in Tappan hall are asked to
see Miss Gretchen Krug, the record-
er, immediately.
Her office hours are from 10:30 to
12 and from 2:30 to 3:30 o'clock.'
August seniors in the School of
Education must pay their diploma
and teacher's certificate fees before
the end of the Summer session.
Blanks may be secured for the pur-
pose in the Education office open
from 10:30 to 12 and from 2:30 to
3:30 o'clock.
Rock Spring, Wyo., Aug. 8. - In
the opinion of C. J. Hares, of Denver,
a noted oil geologist, Wyoming was
the first section of the country to
be covered by the great .ice sheet
which ages ago surged down from
the north.
He considers that the glaciation of
Wyoming occurred in the mid-tertiary
period, whereas, the ice sheets filled
the rest of the country in the Pleis-
tocene age. The glaciation of Wy-
o/ming was milions of years before
the present great rivers of the Rocky
Mountain region began to flow.
"Two centuries of tertiary glacia-
tion in Wyoming are known," Mr.
Hares reported to Western scientific
bodies. "The ice must have been ap-
proximately 3,000 feet thick and it
probably moved forward at the rate
of three feet a year, taking more than
200,000 years to spread over the cen-
tral and southern 'parts of the state,
where it left its most apparent traces.
"The tertiary glaciation undoubted-
ly occupied a very long time in geo-
logic history. It marks a profound
change in the climatic conditions of
that period."
Tokio, Aug. 8.-The government has
appropriated about $35,000 to send
157 athletes to the far eastern Olym-
pic games at Manila this summer.
While this country has nearly 100
kinds of commercial woods, Sweden