THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY JAPAN MAY WITHDRAW ENVOY IN MOSCOW NEL CROCKER iLL, GIVE RECITAL TONIGHT . Lionel Crocker, instructor in Public Speaking department, will a recital of cuttings frdm Booth ington's "Mister Antonio," at 8 ck this evening in University In this recital Mr. Crocker the parts of all of the charac- of the story. ister Antonio" is a comedy, of h the leading character is an or- grinder. Booth Tarkington, the dr, is well known for his Penrod es, and especially his "Seven- e recital is open to the general c. ASSOCITION TO INSPECT LAW CLUB ITS ALWAYS COOL AND COMFORTABLE 2: 7" ANATONIO ENO AND PATSY RUTH MILLER meeting of the American Bar as- r""'-" ation will be held Septeiber 2 4 at Detroit. Hon. Charles E. ( Papan is threatening to withdr hes, who is president of the assn- in Japanese sheres in China, on, will give the annual address tal: (1. to r.) Tchicherin, commiss 'e opening session. Other speak on the program are: William D. Michigan Union and will inspect t trie, a leading figure of the New law club and campus before retur ' Bar1 John G. Sargent, attorney ing to Detroit. A group of five hu ral of the U. S., the right honor- dred are expected to come to At Lord Buckmaster of England, Arbor on a special train via t Manual Fourcade, Batonnier of Michigan Central. Paris Bar., e visiting members of the bar will San Francisco, August 6.-Jimm Ann Arbor on September 5 as Moore, negro welterweight of Cinch ts of the Michigan State Bar as- nati,' knocked out Billy Harms, tion and the Detroit bar associa- Marysville,' in the seventh round of They will have luncheon at the scheduled 10-round bout last night. aw its newly installed ambassad'or in M oscow, if Red activities in Japan and ot ceas6 .The new envoy is seen present ing his credentials in the soviet capi- ar of foreign afairs; President Kalinin a nd Ambassador Tanaka. "HER HUSBAND'S SECRET" From May Edginton's Saturday Evening Post Story "Judgi he n- .nn -he ny in- of a DAILYO CIA IN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all" members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume V FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1925 Number 222 edule of Examinations:' The final examinations in the Schools and Colleges on the eight ks basis will be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 12, 13, 14, accbrding to the following schedule: Hours of Recitation Time of Examination ...................Wednesday............ .. 2-4 ...................Wednesday.................. .4-6 ...................Thursday . ... .........4-6 .............................Thriday.. ....... ...8-10 ........................... .....Friday ......... ...............19-12 ..... .... ...........,.Thursday........... .....10-12 . .............Thursday..................2-4 S......................................2-4 regular................ ....Friday......................4-6 All classes will continue to meet regularly until Wednesday noon, Au- t 12. E. H. Kraus. iduate Students: Graduate students who expect to complete the requirements for the ster's degree this summer should pay the diploma fee of $10.00 on or ore August 14. Blanks for this purpose should be secured at the office the Graduate School. Ruth A. Rouse, Reco'der. reral Library-Notice: On account of the approaching close of the Summer session, members the faculties are requested to return all books which they have drawn m the University Library before August 14. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. Ister Antonio": Mr. Lionel Crocker, of the faculty of the Public Speaking department, 1 give a public recital of Booth Tarkington's play "Mister Antonio" on day, August 7. at 8 P. M., in University Hall. G. E. Densmore. dents, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Attention is called to the requirement that all courses elected for dit must be completed, unless they are oflicially dropped. Students who h to drop Summer session courses should apply at the affice of the gistrar. W. R. lumphreys, Assistant Dean. bllc Recitals: On Monday, August10, at 8, P. M., in University Hall, members of the ss in The Lecture Recitalx will present as readings, scenes from the .owing plays: ."Cyrano de Bergrac" by Rostand; "The Servant in the use" by Kennedy; Ibsen's "A Doll's House;" Sheridan's "The Rivals;" Lsworthy's "The Pigeon;" and "The Merchant of Venice."f On Monday at 4 P. M., in Room 3209 Angell Hall, Mr. M. W. Brock 1 present a recital of Winchell Smith's play "Turn to the Right;" Tuesday 4, Miss Eva Van-'Natta will give a recital of Barrie's play "Quality Street." These recitals are open to the public. . L. M. Ech. "WE NEED TEACHERS" Free Registration Many Vacancies WESTMORE TEACHERS' AGENCY 706 Old National Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. OUR STOCK OF USEDCARS is now complete and ready for your inspection. It is easy for you to purchase one of our good . used cars, for we sll both for cash and on a credit basis. If you contemplate buying a car it will pay you to consult us before making a decision in this matter. R. DAY BIRD Corner Washington and Division The Best Selling Novel by the Greatest Writer of Western Stories h tft 1 ft "THE TOY-Also-f "HLSHOP"N"OH! BRIDGET" Swith Jane Frayne and the A Christie Comedy - Shand Family Kinograms Next REGINALD DENNY in "I'LL SHOW YOU THE TOWN" Will be refreshed through song and picture in It contains a complete collection of college songs, ph graphs of well-known spots .on the campus, photographs the historic "M" of football days and many other reminc of memorable occasions. "Michigan's Favorite Song Book" is beautifully prin making a fitting embodiment of your precious memories Michigan. A few of the songs contained in this book are also obt able in sheet form: Your Own The Yellow Victors Colge Days and Blue Varsity Michigan Memories CONN MUSIC SHO 14 Nickels Arcade Smiles Bhjqlt Ya Teeth Whit J reah wet That winning personality we all admire is the result of care and cleanliness, as well as good health and happiness. WRIGLEY'S makes for clean, sound teeth, for agreeable breath, for bettert appetite and digestion. s The cleansing action of WRIGLEY'S upon the teeth, tongue, throat (and breath) =-its antiseptic effect-its digestive aid-its wholesome refreshment-these are all pos- itive benefits that doctors and dentists freely affirm. Get your WRIGLEY benefit today. I .-- rora, Ill., Aug. 6. - The $25,000 ican trotting derby, feature of the grand circuit meeting at sition park will be held tomor- with 11 starters. ren races featured by the 2:06 nake up today's program. mubers of all chapters of Pi ida Theta who are attending the ier session are invited to meet Miss Cleo Murtland and Miss aret Cameron at 7:30 o'clock n t%^ t * 0 BA F 1 Our Bargain Counters ROAINS should be of interest to Summer School Teachers and stu- dents.. New additions daily. 4f!9revenimeal NX VARSK UNIVERSiTY BOOK STORE B f:':