r.I~ O'ummtr I 7EATHER PROBABLE OWERS i~fr i4u I atl ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AN~D NIGHT WI] SERVICE 42, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1925 PRICE FIVE CE , , ........,.r.Y. . r \RO H O LDEN IWS DURING EAVE IN MINE LOGICAL SOCIETIES HAD )NFERRED HONORS UPON HIM $ INSTRUCTOR laborating With Dean Kraus iting Textbook On "Gems And Gem Materials" d F. Holden, instructor in gy was drowned Wednesday Deer Isle on the coast of ecording to a telegram re- nsterday by Dean Edward H. No 'details of the catastrophe tie yet. iden, whose home is in Hills- I., was spending the last few1 a month's vacation with his n the Isle, having planned for Hillsboro today. [nate of Pennsylvania State Mr. Holden had been an in- here for four years, although only 24 years old. He re- is master of Science degree 1922 and his Doctor of Phi- Legree this year. stay here, Mr. Holden was teemed. "He was one of the liant young men I ever ean Kraus declared, "for the e years I have collaborated in writing a text book, and nd him to be a man of ex- ability.", had already been accorded i remarkable extent consid- i age.' He was a Fellow of ralogical Society of America I e American Association for cnement of Science. He was r of the Michigan Academy e. His writings are well ad he has been active in abstracts of papers for journals. pring he was awarded the prize by the oston Society I History for the best scien- ribution on a. mineralogical ical topic. In addition to be- first it was deemed a paper el. merit as a contribution. :tbook o nwhich' e and Dean ave collaborated is now on , and is entitled "Gems and erals." GAN LEGI0N WILL NDOWMENT FUND merican Legion 'endowment e has opened, in Michigan ry lndcation of, success, ac- ;o Hon. Joseph. B. Fordney, iember of Congress, who is irman of the drive, and John state commander of the Le- . Fordney has reported that sy selecting embers for the tmittee to (raise Michigan's the I4egion endowment fund, - omplete his organization few day . :perlence',in matters of gov- aid to viterans' and their has taugt me the vital ne- f the American Legion con- ts efforts for the disabled and the orphans of former nen,"' Mr. Fordney told Na- miriander Drain in accepting chairmanship for the drive. rman, woman and child in can contribute their mite to, . acrd know that every year. est from their contributions g some needy person to re-' r respectable standing in the YANK SOLDIERS FIGHT FqR DIME A DAY _mar -I Greater Movie Season To Be Business Boom Following the national movement for a "Greater Movie Season," the Ma- jestic .and Arcade theaters are co- operating by planning bigger and bet- ter programs to offer to its patrons for the remainder of the summer and in the fall. An idea of this move- ment is to stimulate business to such an extent that the added profit, from the increase in 'business, will enable the producers to distribute good pic- tures throughout the year. As a further step in the .devdlop.. ment of this movement a new organ will be installed in the Majestic the- ater, and the orchestra will be in- creased. The main idea of the "Greater Mo- vie Season" is to awaken the public in the realization of what is actually being accomplished in the movies. President Coolidge himself has in- dorsed this movement, as have other great men and numerous Women's Federation clubs.} Ordinarily there are only about six exceptionally good pictures produced each year, but next year, as a prom- ising beginning of the Greater Movie Season, the Majestic and Arcade the- aters already have fifteen greater pic- tures scheduled. These are Douglas Fairbanks in "Don Q, Son of .Zorro"; "Black Cyclone" with Rexr the won- der horse; Mary Pickford in "Little Annie Rooney"; "Beggar on Horse- back"; .Harold Lloyd in "The Fresh- man"; Ramon Navarro in "Annapo- lis"; Charlie Chaplin in "The Gold Rush"; 1 D. W. Griffith's "Sally of the Sawdust"; "The Iron. Horse"; "The Scarlet West"; D. W. Griffith's "That Royal Girl"; "The Vanishing Ameri- can," a James Cruze special; "The Lost World"; "The Ten Command-; ments," and "Lightnin'." H-ISTORIANS MEE HERE THIS YEAR Professors Frayer And Slosson Hold Positions On Entertabiment Committee' MEMBERS PRIVILEGED FOURTH LECTURE ON "S.PEECH AND0 i FLETCHER TELLS OF DETERMIN ING AMOUNT OF ENERGY USED TO VIBRATE EAR DRUM TALKS ON RANGE Says That Little Sound Entering Ea Is Transmitted Through Bones Of Head To Other Ear Various methods of measuring hear ing and some of their results wer described in yesterday's lecture by Di Harvey Fletcher. This was the fourti of his series of lectures given on "Speech and Hearing" at the Natura Science auditorium. Whistles, tuning forks, telephon systems and other 'means have been used to calculate the actual amoun of ehergy required to vibrate the hu man ear drum, to give sounds of vary ing degrees of loudness. In the Bel Telephone laboratories, New York, where studies of telephone transmis sion are constantly going on, a knowl edge of this sort is very importani and some years ago elaborate experi ments were'" begun to determine th sensitivity of the ear. One of the ingenious devices was receiver in which the speech current flowed through and heated severa tiny wires. The variations in thef temperature caused variation in th temper'ature of the air around ther and so set up sound waves of" know: intensity. On these tests it was foun that the normal hearing is most sen sitive between 1000 and 4000 wave per second; in this region lie mos of the important sounds of speec At sixty waves per second, audibilit requires a pressure variation 25 times greater than that in the rang just mentioned. There is an uppe limit of loudness which the ear ca stand; beyond this point pain is fel "Much information about the work ing of the ear is given," Dr. Fletche stated, "by its behavior when the ef fect of one tone in mashing anothe is studied. Among other' things thes experiments showed that very littl sound entering one ear is transmitte through the bones of the head to th other ear." Disproving the idea that modern warfare has made the soldier of fortune a romantic thing of the past, the seven Americans shown here, world swar heroes, are risking their lives for 10 cents a day to fight for France in Morocco. All of them have fought in the uniforms of several countries. They are, left to right: (seated) R. H. Weller, Edmund L. Gros, Charles Sweeny, ,Lt. Col. Parker, lieut. Col. Kerwood; (standing) Major Pollock, Gra- ham Bullon, L. C. Holden. Sweeny, son of a Seattle mililonaire, has been in Mexican, Ecuadorian, French, Amer- ican and Polish armies; in the latter as ,a brigadier-general. "Get Ready' For Red" Early Practice Gridders Warned "We are returning to the Illinois Stadium October 24th-is there any- thing else necessary to be said?-GET READY FOR RED!" This is the way the invitations tosearly football prac- tice, sent out last week, are ended up. From all indications some watch- word such as this will be adopted and followed from- the moment fifty-eight huskies first don the moleskins at 10 o'clock in the morning, Tuesday, Sep- tember 15, until 2 o'clock in the aft-, ernoon Saturday, October 24. Thel game with M. S. C. on October 3 Will be" a test, and the succeeding Satur- days, when the Wolverines meet In- diana and Wisconsin, there will be further. tests. But from the gridders' point of view the great day of the early fall will be October 24. -The coaches here are not much on "this psychology stuff," but they mean to imbue every candidate with a sense of responsibility for what is to happen October 24. Coach Weiman strenuously denied the rumdi yester- day that huge crimson signs reading something like "What more can be said? / Get ready for Red" will greet each candidate every time he turns around inkthe locker room and else- where. It was intimated, however, that just as effective, though more subtle, methods of impression will be used. Coaches may or may not put pictures of the Wheaton ice man all over the Field House, and may or may not have agents keep coming to the play- ers and asking them to join the Grange. Other means which may or may not be used are being secreted, it being rumored that the element of surprise may or may not play a large part. BARNARD CO LLEGE TO GIVE STUDENT FREEDJM So that the student may exercise a greater freedom of choice in subjects for study and thereby produce a higher type of; work because of the personal interest involved, a sweeping changekin the curriculum is planned for Barnard College, according to the report submitted by Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve to ! President Nipholas Murray Butler of Columbia University which was made public recently.. According to Dean Gildersleeve the existing requirements are "a patch'- work of accretions and amendments which have become unduly complex and have lost unity of purpose." Dean Gildersleeve describes the fun- damental aim of the new curriculum by ,saying: "The first of the principles that has been laid down for the proposed new curriculum is that no specific courses or subjects shall be prescribed, be-, yond those needed to give a student certain fundamental tools useful for successful work in any field. These tools are ,a command of written and spoken English, the ability to read at sight, with ease, at least one foreign language, and a knowledge of hygiene and a healthy body.- "To give these, the following courses are to be prescribed, except, for students hW'ho' can demonstrate that they have no need of them: A fr'eshman course in English composi- tion, a freshman course in spoken English primarily for remedying de- fects of the voice; lectures on per- quired to take during their four years appropriate physical exercise." The faculty also believes that each' student should be required to concen- trate his work,,sufficiently to gain a fairly thorough knowledge of one subject. Dr. Charles L. Spain of the Detroit public schools when asked his opinion of the idea, stated that he thought the change would prove to be very effective in that it would eliminate much of the choosing of "pipe" courses merely for the sake of filling some compulsory requirement. Detroit Painter Will Teach Here Fred H. Aldrich, Jr., who is well known among the young painters of Detroit, will teach drawing and paint- ing in the College of Architecture the first semester of next year in the place of Mrs. Mary 0. Johnson, who will not teach that semester. Mr. Ald- rich studied drawing and painting in this country and abroad and his pic- tures have been shown at the Detroit Institute of Art and other art insti- tutions.. BASEBALL . SCORES AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 10, Detrdit 4. Washington 5, 10; St. Louis 4, 3. Chicago 10, Boston 0. Cleveland 9, 1; Philadelphia 6, 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 3, Chicago 1. Pittsburgh 5, Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 9, New York 1. Boston 6, St. Louis 4. 5HARMAN SPEAKS AB OUT ECONOMICS Says "Middle Theory" Is The Present Economic System And That c It Is The Best1 DISCUSSES SOCIALISM "The very fact that existing eco- nomic order has survived today is in itse~lf a very strong indication of its vitality, of the fact that it is adapted to human needs." So stated Prof. I. Leo Shhrfman, of the economic depart- ment yesterday afternoon in his lec-1 ture on "Is the Existing Economic Order Worth Saving?" in Natural Science auditorium.. "Private ownership, private prop- erty, freedom of contract and indIvid- ual initiative,-these things distin- guish the existing economic order," sair Professor Sharfman. He then discussed the two extree] views regarding the present system. The Babbitt' theory assumes that everything that is ought to be. The] other extreme is the view of the Rad- ical that all is wrong with the world. His remedy consists in tearing things up by the roots. The shortcoming of the Babbitt the- ory is that it ,involves a static view and cannot prevail because life is constantly changing. The Radical standpoint is even more - faulty be- cause it does not recognize that all things grow out of the past, that the past is as much. a part of the future as the present, and that to have conti- nuity, the future must grow out of the present as the present out of the past. Between these two views is a middle theorywhich advocates the conserva- tion of the fruits of past effort, the removal of current maladjustments and the establishment of flexible ar- rangements that will take care of the changing cond ions of the state. "The major task of any economic system is to app 'rtion the limited re- sources among the infinity of demands that may be made upon," Prof. Sharf- man stated. "In the existing system, the consumer is the deciding factor since the producer produces what the consumer demands. Herein lie some of the great advantages of the exist- ing order for it gives flexibility and has within it the principles of prog- ress. Although it is, in many respects a system of trial and error, out of that trial and error is produced an economic order really gro'unded 'on what humans want" As the alternative of the present system, Prof. Sha rfman discussed soc- ialism. This, he declared, would pre- vent individual 'redom and would remove the pressure toward progress which co'petition tings 'about. In concluding; Professor Sharfman Announcement has been made of the next annual ineeting -of the American Historical association, which will be held in Ann Arbor during Christmas1 vacation of this year. Headquarters for the members of the Association l will be at the Michigan Union. Pro- fessor W. E. Dodd, of Chicago, is chairman of the program committee, the results of which are to be' an- nounced-later; and Professor William A. Frayer, of the History department of the University of Michigan, is head of the local entertainment committee.: Professor Preston W. Slosson, also of the History department of this Uni- versity is a lieutenant on Prof. Fray- er's committee. ,, The Association is composed not only of the entire History teaching Istaffs of all Universities and colleges throughout the country, but also any individuals who caretinterested in His-. tory. The Association now has over 2,000 members. Members in the Asso- ciation not only have the privilege of attending the annual fneetings, bat also have access to the American His- torical Review magazine, which leads all others of its kind. The annual meeting was held in Richmond, Va., last year, and at Ohio State University the year before. 4, L Phi Delta Kappa; Picnics Saturd ay Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educa- tional fraternity, will hold a steak roast on Saturday at Whitmore Lake. This is an annual event for the mem- bers of the society. The party will leave Tappan Hall at 3 o'clock for the lake. advocated an economic order based upon the middle theory, which con- tains the essence of the existing sys- tem and tends to mold it in the direc-. tion of public welfare' as changing oniditins mand. CONTUTO OKON k VEWALPROGRESSES Work is progressing on the Simp- son Memorial Institute of Medical Re- search which was started early in July having been donated by Mrs. Thomas Henry Simpson as a memorial to her husband. The institute is to be-. four stories high, the first and second having been toughly completed, and is to be devoted primarily to the study of pernicious anemia although other important research work will also be carried on. The building is located iear the new University hospital on North Ob- servatory avenue across from the Ob- servatory. Other work. which is be- ing done in this vicinity is the land- scaping of the grounds around the Observatory, the steep banks being terraced off. The landscaping of the ground's around the new University hospital has also been finished lately. Extensive cement curbings and gutters have been constructed along the courts between the wings o~f the building, the ambulance and hearse courts hav- ,ing beenpaved with cement while the Iothers have been constructed of gravel. Plans have been made for regular parking spaces near the hospital which may in time be covered, but which will, for the time being, con- sist only of a paved space reserved especially for visitors at the hospital. Lansford, Pa., Aug. 6.--The 800 an- thracite mine workers at the Green- wood colliery of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., who struck Saturday in protest against introduction of a time. registering system, returned to work Monday. Dance at Union Friday Night. T'#S GOING ON TIDAY F. .1). Goodrich lectures; a Interesting Libra'ries" in 3cience auditorium. - ~ ' * th sonal hygiene for freshman, and lec- In tures on human biology for upper classmen. All students are also re-