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June 23, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-06-23

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every morning except
University Summer Sess
in Control of Student1
>ciated Press is exclusiv
use for republication ofa
sredited to it or not o
this paper and the local: ne

When we consider these factors, the
reasonsfor the increasing popular-
ity of the Summer session are very
HE evident. The Summer session is a
N positive, constructive part of the Un-
iversity,-it is no longer the retiring
lion by place of the failures.
What difference does it makes if
ely en-
all news Amundsen did return safely, the
the wise newspapers still have the Bryan-
Darrow Evolution classic to fill up
T, _ space-.

Rolls office force for the Summer
session, reading from the wastebask-
et to the right and straight down:
Tamam, Beezlebub, Olaf the Great,
Jo and Metta Zilch, Washington,
Beano, The Old Man, Peat Bog afid
others. With such a staff, Tamam
expects to be frequentl guided by the
muse (see illustration), but not too


red at the Ann Arbor, .dichigan,
ce as second dass matter.
cription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
es: PresshBuilding, Maynard Street,
rbor, Michigan.
nunications, if signed as evidence of
aith, will be published in The Summer
at the discretion of the "Editor. Un-
communications will receive no con-
on. The signature may be omitted in
>ion if >esired by the writer. The
r Daily does not necessarily endorse
atiments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 4925
Editor............RobertS. Mansfield
$ditor..........Manning Houseworth
ian of the Editorial Board........
. Frederick K. S p arrow, Jr.
s's Editor............MarionMead,
ph Editor........ Leslie S. Bennetts
Editor........... .Willard B. Crosby
Editor..........W. Calvin Patterson
n T. Barbour MVarion' Meyer
1 DuBois Catherine Miller
C. Finsterwald Robert E. Minnich
me Lardner Kenneth B. Smith
Lehtiner Nance Solomon
eE. Lehtiner Marion Welles
R. Marcuse Mary L. Zang


Cte stock

Telephone 21214

K. Klein

TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1925
ight Editor-ROB'T T. MANSFIELD
The thirty-second annual Summer
ession of the University ifas started.
"dications are that the enrollment
ill be larger than ever, despite the
act that it has increased beond all ex-
ectations during the past few sum-
iers. In these facts we. find a vindi-
ation of the Summer session from
lie old idea that formerly surrounded
There was a time when only those
rho had failed in their work return-
d to summerschool,-it was more or
ss of a disgrace to attend school
uring the summer.
But the old order has changed,-the
ummer school has come into its own,
; is as much a part of the University
ear as is either of the regular seme-
ters, and to many it is more cultur-
1. The' bulk of the enrollment of
bie Summer sessions is no longer
lade up of regular students who
ave failed, in fact quite the oppo-
ite. is true, many 'of the best stu-
ents return in the summer for the
pportunity that is offered to take
ourses .that they are unable to fit
ito their schedules during the reg-
lar year, others come back to take
ourses that are not offered during
hie regular session, or perhaps are
ot offered by their favorite profes-
ors, and still others return because
liey prefer scholastic. work to indus.
rial work or sheer laziness during
lie summer months.
Then there are many students who
ake summer work in order that they
iay shorten the time required to get
degree. And also, in increasing
tmbers during the past few years,
re find men and women who have
een engaged in teaching and su-
ervising schools, and Who are broad-
ijuded enough to undgfstand that as
tie world advances, so do education
nA teaching methods, and these peo-
ae attend themelaboratories of ed-
.caton,-namely specialized schools
t education,-in order that the school
hildren who are entrusted to their
are may have the benefits of the
cost advanced methods and teach-
During the summer the University
nakes its closest approach to the
7uglish type of education. Classes
,re more informal, and aided by the
0-operation of the school teachers
ad supervisors, they assume a more
cholarly air. For this reason many
ourses that are given during' the
ummer are not applicable during the
egulap session, and it is such courses
biat offer the student a positive in-
icement to return to summer school..
For the regular student, the Sum-
er session combines education with
acation. The work is comparative-
r light, and so arranged that the stu-
ent has a great deal of time for ree-
ation; In fact, in many ways, the
immer session .offers everyone who
;tends a more satisfactory type of
i*mer vacation than is ordinarily
ud it the city or small town. -

(The Chicago Daily Tribune)
In a few- days, now, Chicago's pub-
lic schools will close for the sum-
mer vacation. Nearly half a million
children will not have to go back to
their classrooms until after Labor
day in September. A few pupils-
more than ever before, but still only
a few-will attend the summer class-
es which the board of education is
providing. Many more will find Jobs.
A handful will spend the entire vaca-
tion out of town; others will have a
few days away. That leaves tens of
thousands of children who will do
nothing at all. We wonder why,
Unquestionably the chief reason
that schools close in summer is his-
torical. When free public education
was established in this country most
of the boys and girls lived on the
farm. They were needed in summer-
time to help tear a living from the
soil. That situation still holds in
many rural districts. It certainly
does not hold in Chicago in 1925.
For Chicago the year round school
offers a partial solution of the problem
of overcrowding. This city is lack-
ing' in adequate school facilities. We
have more raw material than our edu
cational factory can handle, working
as it does only ten months a 'year.
We believe the board of education for
that reason alone should consider op-
erating on a much larger scale than
at present during the regaining two
months. Educators estimate that the
child who now goes to elementary
schol for eight years could save two
of them if he went to school during his
summer vacations. He could save a
half year to a year in high school.
The summer school is sound peda-
gogically, the experts say, and most
children thrive under it.
Chicago summers are often hot, but
take them by and large they are not
unbearably so. 'Cooling plants such
as have been installed in the larger
movie theaters might solve that dif-
ficulty in the schools. Teachers, in
any event, should be given consider-
able freedom to take their children
out of doors and into the parks.
We would not penalize the child
whose parents feel he should earn
something in the summer months;
nor would we penalize the fortunate
child whose parents are able to take
him out of town for his vacation.
Rather, we believe, the schools should
remain open for those who care to at-
tend. Compulsory attendance laws
might remain as they are; but any
parent who wishes to send his child
to school in summer should be able
to do so.
Some of the children would pro-
test, but it is our observation that the
traditional dislike of school by the
child is to a considerable extent just
a tradition and nothing more. Most
children like to go to schol. And
even if they didn't, we can't see that
as an edequate reasn for closing the
schools in summer. We don't believe
that the child's whims should be al-
lowed to govern educational policies.
(The Daily Illini)
"It may be that the most serious
need of the human race just now is
comic relief," Glenn-Frank said at
the commencement exercises of the
University of North Carolina.
"We are ii possession of the knowl-
edge and power we need to establish
social control, but we lack the poise,
the sense of relative values," he de.
lared. A freshened sense of humor
will help us to achieve poise and also
to avoid an undue emphasis of one
aspect of life at the expense of the

others. An era of fun will be redemp-
tive if it enables us to avoid the path-
ological seriousness of the reformer
and go gayly to the task of recon-
Mr. Frank's is the most agreeable
of all the recent diagnoses of "what
the world needs today" since Thomas
R. Marshall opined it was a five cent
Mr. Frank agrees with Carlyle, in
implication, of course, when Carlyle
said that no man can be wholly wrong
who has once wholeheartedly laugh-
ed, and Walter Hines Page once wrote,
"No man can be a gentleman who
does not. have a. sense of humor."

After wading through our copious
mail, we feel that it is only meet and
right that we answer the greeting of
our little friends with a suitable wel-
Michigan welcomes you, fellow stu-
dents, to the joys of higher learning,
Ypsi, and the Tap Room. Make the
most of it or they as the case may be.
You have come to a vast institution.
The next move is to leave it by your
own volition and not at the toe of the
administrative board's number 15 sea-
There are two ways of accomplish-
ing this worthy end. The first is by
assidious attention to your books and
professors. The second and more
generally used method is known in
the venacular as "Bluff," an ancient
Persian word meaning "Bull." If you
do not already know the methods pe-
culiar to this system, you had better
take the former.
But what we started out to do was
to welcome you back or here, depend-
ing upon your age in the institution.
Well-here goes: - - - "Wel-
Down home they're diving off the
tower or playing golf or tennis, but
here we sit in a hot, stuffy office.
It's hell to be- homesick in summer
* * *
Legend has it that not so very long
ago at this big University there was a
blonde youth named Timothy Arbor
who was aceistomed in his own home
town way up in the blue-mountains
to go away from everyone and spend
his time angling for speckled beau-
ties in the clear and limip streams on
the Skothicnbal mountain.
When Timothy came to Ann Arbor,
which as you very likely know, child-
ren, is the home of the University of
Michigan, Timothy yet liked to now
and then get away from everyone and
spend his leisure hours, which I can
assure you children were too few be-
cause of the distractions lieing about
this city and open his soul to God in
the mystery of solitude and nature.
He did it very often.
Timothy was beloved by both
young and old, and every time he
walked down Hill street or Washten-
aw (as the case might be), the lit-
tle sorority sisters flocked at his
heels, looking admiringly at him for
in those days I can tell you, just as
your Uncle Bill in his younger days,
Timothy was no slouch. Timothy how-
ever did not let his head be turned
and remained the same modest man
that he had always been.
One time Tim went out on the Hur-
on river with a can of fishworms to
regal himself with a few hours of
quiet and fishing. But he couldn't
catch a fish. This so disheartened
poor Timothy that he took out his
bait can, aid each worm, one by one,
he ate 'um. He of course died.
In honor of Timothy's beautiful
character the place where he died
was christened the "Arboretum," for
it was there that (Timothy) Arbor
et'um. And that my children is the
story of how the Arboretum got its

* * *
....and it's too hot to play cards
.... oh well....
Perhaps Professor Frayor was right
when he said, in his Cap Night ad-
dress, that teachers can learn more
as students than the students them-
In order to get front page publicity
in the nation's newspapers, one must
only be a millionaire and have a
divorce trial.
Subscribe for the Summer Daily.


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