JMMER MICHR I 0 SEi'1 r, rnnrrui nnwvsrl13Y!ifrU BUY - Field glasses, n and fairly high pow- 67 and advertiser, will prices for men's used 4310 or call at 115 W. H. Benjamin. FOR SALE-1923 Ford touring. Self starter, battery, demountable rims, good tires, and motor in first class' , shape. Just overhauled. Must sic- rifice for quick sale. Call 4917 or answer at Box 110, Daily office, CANOE in first class shape for sale. Call 22317 after 6:30 P. M. FOR SALE-Pair white flannels. Size 32; excellent condition. Price mod- erate.' See Edw. B. Dawson, 906 Greenwood Ave. ROOMS AND BOARD near new law club. Cool and comfortable, 643 *Tappan and 907 Monroe, A TAILOR-MADE Q~TTT Will satisfy- your taste, and St you best. WILD THE TAILOR 113 South Main St. # Read the Wan't Ads +':Summer School Supplies- Fountain Pens. Brief Cases' Furnishings Michigan Banners and Pennants Athletic Supplies 1* * * * * $Dine where it is cool enough to ,enjoy good food TU"TT"LE'S 338 Maynard Street Dial 7813 )mpson St., for school o pleasant, reasonable Ssingles in warm quiet ream heat hot water all -For school year, two shed rooms. Steam heat, roomers, reasonable rent. 5. -To upper class girls, two front single rooms in pri- three blocks from cam- Aher ,students. Dial 5421. the Want Adts COLLEGE GROCERY P! I l=01= JC 'd D R T J G I. U C 'G 4 616 EAST WILLIAM Op6 Evenings Till 9 =ao° oaoaco .1 J# H. NICKELS High Grade Painting and )Decorating 528 W. Liberty Drial 7594 I DaIR '-=4 mccomI II I K 0 D A K IN NF W NI1 L M ODAKS5 * -i r r IL'4. "WE NEED TEACHERS" Free Registration Many Vacancies WESTMORE TEACHERS' .AGENCY 706 Old ilatJonal Bank Bldg", Spokane, 'Washi. Dine with Friends at the- LINCOLN RESTAU,,RANT Personal Attention Your linen deserves fine laundering. Our reputa- tion~ is built on fine work at reasonable prices Kodak Keeps the Story Story-telling pictures make the record of college das And, kept in an Eastman album, the story is complete- treasured, possession later. The camera you want, at the price you can afford, is at our Kodak "counter. Come in today. Kodas,' $6.50 Up - Brownies, $2.00 Up Albums 25c Up Quality Film Finishing Calkis=-Fletcher Drug Co. Three Dependable Stores OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Breakfast from 5:00 to 11,:00 ni Waffles .with Maple Syrup - 35c - 25c ial Sunday Dinner, $1. 0 Steaks, Chops, at all Hours East, Liberty~ and Fifth Ave. oonday Luncheon from 1 1 to 3 pecial Supper from 5:00 to 8:00 - 400: - 50C CANDY Dial 4219 THE HOUSE OF PURE FOODS' I , 212 EAST HURON STREET Ann Arbor, Mich. iG~l I O6 '=OO=C. .. A Sweet Breath, *at all times/I lV Where s A \. +^'\ 1n 1 . - - .. ,' food ferments Vli' f Cross-section of a tooter, showing Acid Decay at The Danger Line. FOOD collects in those tiny V-shaped crevices formed by the joining of the teeth and gums-The danger -Line. 'This food ferments. 'Ac ids form. Acid Decay of r _. or smoking reshens the weetethe bt J a I. the teeth results. easy to carry the little ket in your pocket ! 3o (*aft to have when the sth needs cdeansing ad rhenint I xrs of dining or otnoking tin burnished.a Smile. natraly, omebecause ves are soothed. throat is reshed~the stomach relieved digestion aided. K! Ter F 7 w, The gums, too,' r; r ., , ,,'pin ~a F' t ,'" become irritated and sore. U kyt Is toreI meud IM. Squibb's 'Dental Cream, made with Squibb's Milk of Magnesia, safely neutralizes these .acids. It protects }the teeth from Acid Decay at. The Danger Line and elsewhere. It keeps the teeth clean, attractive and4 sound. It soothes the gums. Use it --morning, noon and night. Keep a tube or two on hand. At drug- gists .everywhere. 'DENTAL, CREAM ftadei with"Squibb& 114 Of Alagnesia A!Sil o n the Cinder P Track. practice and events inevitably pro- duce many bruises, scratches and cuts. An application of Mifflin AlkohG. will bring speedy relief. The alkohol is }a splendid antiseptic; bleeding is stopped almost at once; the sore spots are cleansed efficiently 'and thoroughly; the rapid evaporation of the' alkohol brings soothing, cooling, com- fort; gentle massage of the bruise provides quick, pleasant relief. And Mufin Alkohol hars a dozen other da"I uses, too :After bathing, a Mufflin rub-down is coot- ing and invigorating. After exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves ~tired ,muscles and many "sore-spots." Mufflin Alkohol is denatured by a formnula which actually fimproves it for external use. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mufflin Alkohol regu- larly. Be ;sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as ill istre ted. MIffilinChemnical Corporation PHILADELPHIA; PA. Sakslar ts: HARtOLD F. RiTCHIX & CO., Inc. 171 Madison AvIC., New YorkA Toronto Sydney Wellington 0 the external tornc ,®,= .,,, ., : t E. R. SQUIBB & SONS, New York-Manufa+ uiag Chemists to the Medical Profession since 168 ntFlawcrs 01925 0125AF ALL GOOD D,