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NDAY, AUGUST -2, 1925
Editor-W. C. PA'TERSON
Ity, arbitration, and limitation
ments are the three steps to.
e ultimate solution of the pro-
world ,peace, and the states-
Europe want them handled in
er, according to Maj. Gen. Sir
ck Maurice, who was chief of
ins of the British general staff
the war. Sir Maurice, who is
ig the Institute of Politics at
stown, Mass., brought out this
i his round table address on
Imitation of Armaments.",
ity, arbitration, and limitation
aments. 'A perfectly logical
sible . order, and perhaps the
-der by which actual world
ment will ,per be achieved.
n countries are maintaining
esent military and naval 'pro-
rot, because the people want to
:es for the ppkgep of those
is, but because the people pre-
ng .taxes to having a feeling of
the feeling of insecurity," Sir
told the Institute of Pblitics,
is perfectly natural in coun-
at have seen their fields ray-
war, which .is today the main
f the maintenance of armies
pe." And at another point in
ress, he said, "The cause of
lent situation in Europe is not
erialistic or militaristic mo-
lt funk. - France fears Ger-
nd the countries bordering on
fear Russia. All the countries
out of the peace treaty are
g from shell-shock." I
world, and especially Europe,
enough of wars, and it is not
wondered that the' people of
untries would rather overbur-
meselves with t e maintenance
er than see the horrors of an-
and undoubtedly more dread-
sweep over their lands. At
the only agency for peace in
that seems at all positive is
n the maintenance of armed
as large or larger than those
iboring countries, and Europe-
loubtedly continue to maintain.
mies until such a time as It Is
y- and reasonably assured of
r from war. And with this
ce must come an actual guar-"
iat all the nations of the world
>mit all disputes to some sort
tration commission and will
y the decisions of that com-
Then, and only then, can we
to see the beginnings of a
e disarmament of Europe and
ve can't blame Europe for her
; the Oturn the other cheek"'
is all right in theory, but no
who have seen their homesl
d and their families torn
y the ravages of war can be
o practice it, especially on a
it inhabited by people of many
people setest war, and it is only na-
tural and human that they should LL
choose the most positive method avail-
able of preventing . further national 7ur
conflicts. j.DEDICATED
The order in whicfr the steps to- TO MA
ward world peace have been arranged . GULCH
is perfectly logical, -security, arbi- Never mind the dedication, that's
tration, and limitation of armaments. personal.
e* * *
When making a cast for trout, Non-Uniyersity Exursions, No. 22223
Vice-President Dawes c'aught a hook Friday night after we had indicted
in his fingers and 'Was forced to drive the rolls and sent all you little child-
miles to have it extracted. In the at- ren happily to school for the follow-
ternoon he was back fishing again. ing morning, we entered Olaf's ex-
No wonder he had, nerve enough to cellent auto in company with three
tell the senate what he thought. companions (mixed), and started for
that pavilian de dance known to the
It's months since we've seen such ancients as Clark's Iake. We had
a thoroughly enjoyable show as that never been there before, but we fgur
now playing at the "Maj." We hope ed that between Olaf's directions and
brings some more our own ingenuity we could get there
Jerry IHoag like it
time, some time before morning, which
would be time enough at all eients.
Setting a conservative pace, we
Did you ever notice .the encourag- drove smoothly out along the pike1
Ing prospect of the word "final" toward Jackson. On through the
when used as an adjective before that rain we drove. A flivver loomed
most enticing of all words "exam?" ahead, going slightly slower than we
were. We swung wide, sounded our
Swedish authors demand compen- horn, and started past him. Hardly
sation for the broadcasting of their had our bumper overlapped his tail
works. That's the right artistic atti- light when out comes his hand in a
tude-in Sweden, commanding fashion. We didn't know
of any side road near there, but we
Isn't It a splendid compliment .to figured that he must know his busi-
the New York police force that the ness, so we dropped back. But hpcon-
citizens have to take up the fight tinued along so we tried again with
against crime? the same result. At last we got mad
and did it again. As we passed we
"Built to write hard words,"-0. . hollered: "Hey, what's your name?"
D. ad headline. We recommend such "Murphy!" says he. That was mci-
a purchase to those failing at August dent number one.
graduation. And then just as we were getting
- .,settled down to driving again we saw
Just hit -the end of the typewriter a row of red lanterns up the road.
roller; this is just another of these with a line of cars stopped near them.
machines that'll only go so far and no We slowed down and reached for our
further. . license. Then we stopped beside the
two minions of the law who stood
Did Henry Ford imitate John D. glowering at us out of the dusk.
and give away nickels on his birth- ':"Have you any green corn aboard?"
day? asks one menacingly.
"No sir," says we, "it's guaranteed
EDITORIAL COMMENT aged in the wood stuff."
r I "That's not what I mean," says thel
guy. "You can't carry any green
WILL THE HEIR-APPARE1kT corn into the next county on account
SUCCEED? we've got an epidemic of corn borer
(The Detroit Free Press) here."
Young Mr. LaFollette having formal- "Oh, no," says we, showing a gleam
ly announced himself as a candidate of almost human intelligence. "No,
for his father's senate seat, it will we haven't." Then we drove on. That
be interesting to see whether Wiscon- was incident number two.
sin is more inclined to the dynasty We were hustling along when a
Idea .in politics than the rest of the third problem confronted us. There
country has shown itself. in the middle of the road #as a gent
The instances of succession in pub- driving a cow. But we exaggerate. He
lie office by members of the same J wasn't driving the cow exactly-he
family have been so rare in American was endeavoring to drag it along, put-
history as to prove that the opposite ting in a few kicks now and then for
is the rule. There is only one case of emphasis.
father and son in the presidency, and "Twist her tail," suggests one mem-
the election of John Quincy Adams ber of our party, well known as a
came so long 'after and was separat- rancher.
ed by the terms' of so many others "Go to blazes," retorts the gent in
frog that of John Adams as to pre- a kindly tone. And then sbme dub
clu any fear of perpetuating per- 'from another car gets out and twists
sonal control of power, to say noth-. the cow's tail and away they all go,
ing of the fact that the son's selec- and so do we. You keep track of
tion was made by congress after the the incidents from now on; we can't
country had failed to make its choice count any higher.
at the polls. Finally we reached Grass Lake and
There are two family records In the -turned off to go to Napoleon. One
senate archives that are also impres. of our party suggested that the names
sive rather than important. One of of the places we were going to re-
them is the Michigan-Maine succes- minded him of the characters in Don-
sion of grandfather, Zachariah Chand- ald Ogden Stewart's new, novel, but
ler, son-in-law, Euene Hale, and that was not an incident--merely a
grandson, Frederick Hale. The oth- brief murder.
er, even more remarkable, i the Del. After we had trailed this new road
aware succession of Bayards. The some half hour, we noticed that it
present senator from that state re- was diminishing in size quite per-
fers with pride in his autobiograph- ceptibly. In fact, we were having
Ical data for the Congressional Rec- some difficulty in determining just
ord that his father, his grandfather, which was road and which was
his great uncle, his great-grandfather swamp. But we did. Finally we came
and his great-great-grandfather were to a cross road which looked good.
United States senators from Dela- "Left," says we conversationally.
ware before him. "Right" suggests another.
In the LaFollette case, however, "Right it is," says we, always agree-
more than mere occupancy of an offi- able, and that was what we meant
cial position is obviously desired, for when we said left, anyway. So we
the son's candidacy is part of an went to the right..
avowed plain to hold together the "When we get to the next town, you
machine assembled by the father, ask 'em how to get to Napoleon," says
and to continue the cohtrol of state one of the crew. So pretty soon when
politics and of bloc influence at we hit a village with a store we dis-
Washington which gave the elder La- mounted and barged into the afore-
'Follette his peculiar power in na- mentioned store.
tional affairs for many years. Wheth- "Hello," says we to the guy behind
er this can be attained by "young the desk. "Make it a hot toddy-oh
Bob" is the iuestion coming events no, beg your pardon--you look like our
must answer. There are not wanting bootlegger, though. - Are you related
some indications that quite a few of to him by any chance? But never
"Battling Bob's" lieutenants believe mind. What we wanted to know was
their own shoulders best fitted to where in thunder (that's not what we
bear his mantle and Jealousies may said, but it will do) are we?"
yet play as much havoc with the rad- "This," says he, impressively, "is
ical party as they have in .times past Napoleon, Michigan."
played with both the older arginza- * * -
tions. We wish to announce that with the
issue of Tuesday morning, we hope
Ypsilanti, Aug. 1.-Four hundred to have Uncle Olaf back with us. He
and thirty students are expected to has recovered to some extent in his
receive diplomas from the Michigan classes, and is now sleeping it off.
State Normal college here at the close *
of the summer session, Aug. 7. Well, as the chess player said-
r Acheckmate-ha, ha, ha.
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