SIIr 'u mmtr 'HE WARNER MAY Sir 4:D ",'a t I4kp ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AM) NIGHT WIRE SERVICE No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1925 PRICE FIVE lET, REITL lAM- FOR WEEK VILL TALK ON X-RAYS; M'AN AND GOODRICH ALSO LISTED LDI TO SPEAK Stout And Lean Girls Aided By RETRACE STEPS OF LEWIS AND CLARK Dieting Scheme s "Mister Antonio" en By Mr. Lionel Crocker To Be quet, a recital and several comprise- the program offer- 3 public this week. Preston M. Hickey of the ology department, will lec- the "Medical and Non-Med- >lications of X-Rays" at 5 Tuesday. Professor Hickey's will be illustrated.K 'clock, on the same day, will the annual banquet of the nal club of the School of n at the Michigan Union. Ad- will be charged. istrated lecture on "Italian' will be given by Prof. Au- ildi of the landscape design nt at 5 o'clock Wednesday. 'clock Thursday Prof. I. Leo a of the economics depart- 11 speak on the "Competition operation in Modern 'Indus- lety." The class in lecture under the direction of Prof. Eich, of the public speak- rtment, will present a recital ock in University Hall audi-, L. D. Goodrich will give an d lecture on "Some Interest- rican Libraries" at 5 o'clock That night Mr. Lionel Crock- he public scpeaking depart- 11 present a recital of Booth. on's "Mister Antiono." This given at 8 o'clock in the au- of University Itall, and con- e program of the week. Jack Spratt and his wife have nothing upon the women students on the diet list at Helen Newberry resi- dence. Between the overweights and the underweights, the platters are kept quite clean,, and few, indeed, are the leftovers. I "Weighing in" results for this week are very encouraging. One of the overweights has lost ten pounds since the new system went into effect five weeks ago. Another reports the loss of two pounds of surplus avoirdupois within the last week. Still another claims' to have lost three-quarters of a pound since Wednesday. Practically every member of the two underweight tables has noticed an increase in weight. Gains of one to three pounds a week are the rule rather than the exception. One under- weight has gained nine pounds 1With- in a month. The overweights are now mourning the loss of Miss Mabel Bragg, assist- -ant superintendent of public schools in Newtonville, Mass., who has been conducting classes in hygiene and public health this summer. Miss Bragg was one of the instigators of the diet system at Helen Newberry Residence and since her departure Friday, the overweights have been bravely trying to "carry on" without her. TAYLORIS IPORTRAI1T Presentation Made At Banquet Held At Union in Honor Of Professor PRESENTED AUTOMOBILE Presentation to the University of a portrait of Prof. Fred M. Taylor of the ecodomics department was made at a banquet at the.;Union last night. Prof. I. L. Sharfran, of tle economics de- "*..* ms+I4 . w.' mo fc } ~C!Ml t.. COACHES COMPILE LIST OF MEIN -FOR INVITATIONS FOR FALL WORI WILL\BE SENT TO 50 OR 60 PLAYERS BEGINS SEPT.15 t. . The modern "Lewis and, Clark" expedition en route (above), a map showing their course, and (left to right) Frank Wilton, Val Woodbury and John Edwin Hogg. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 1.-The half-way post has been reached by t hree adventurers who are making a 2,600 mile boat voyage across the U nited States, retracing the steps of the Lewis Clark expedition of 1805. They left Astoria, Ore., May 20, an d expect to reach New ork by Sept. 15. The party is composed of John Edwin Hogg, leader, Frank S. Wilto n, profepsional motion picture photo grapher, Val Woodbury, Los Angeles merchant, and "Spy," a terrior mast ot. Spain To Talk O R5 FLETCHER TO On PhilosophyLE Of Supervision~ DLVRECUS SHURCHES ndrew's Episcopal Church Communion at 8 o'clock. The sermon will be given by the . Schenk, the summer minist-, lo'clock. First Baptist Church Lwip. Rawden, of Lansing, will t 10:30' o'clock. The Bible vill meet in the church par- Father. Iden's class will meet 'uild house at 12 o'clock. Church of Christ Scientist ar morning service at 10:30 on the subject, "Love." Sun- ool will be held at 11:45 o'- Testimony Service" will be 7:30 o'clock Wednesday. Paul's Lutheran Church ratoy service at 9:30 o'clock. and Holy Communion in the language at 10 o'clock. At :lock an outing for Lutheran students and' young people church- will leave from the ge for Lima Center. FAT'S GOING ON SUNDAY Webleyan guild discussion at y hall. Subject, "The Place e Bible in the Public School M." MONDAY r. Charles L. Spain lectures 'he Philosophy of Supervision" ersity High school auditorium. John Enyskens speaks on ch Analysis," in Natural Sci- auditorium. berlin College Students' smok- the Union. ecital by the class in Inter- re Reading in University hall.' ourue, Aug. 1.-Australia's en- , v -. ,m-^u 'i partment, representing the group of Professor Taylor's colleagues which made the presentation, gave the pre- sentation address. The portrait was received for the University by Regent Junius E. Beal. 'Dean Edmund M. -Day of the School of Business Administration acted as toastmaster at the banquet. As a total surpise to Professor Tay- lor, he was presented with a seven- passenger 1926 Buick sedan. This gift fwas also made by lis colleagues in the economics department. Among other speakers at the ban- quet were President-Emgeritus Harry B. Hutchins, Ex-President Dickey 'of Albion college, Prof. A. L. Cross of the history department, and Prof. H. G. Hayes of Ohio State university, a formner student of Professor Taylor's. Prof. W. A. Mlaton of the ecoomics department made the presentation of the automobile to Professor Taylor. The portrait was painted by A. M. Valerio, an Italian artist now living in Ypsilanti.- OTE ARCHITECT WILL TEACH, HEETHIS FALL' Dr. Charles L. Spaiq, deputy super- intendent of the Detroit public schools, will deliver a lecture at 4 o'clock tomorrow in University High school auditorium on "The Philoso- phy of Supervision." This lecture is the first of a series of three. The secon d Dr. Spain will give Tuesday on "The Administration of Supervis- ion,", and the third Wednesday on "Practical Phases of Supervision." Dr. Spain received his Ph.D. from4 Michigan in 1923. He is acclaimed as one of the foremost men in the field of "elementary education and has acquired a national reputation in the development of the modern ele- mentary school. 200 TICKETS SOLO FOR EDUAINLBANQUET Starting Monday, a series of lec-c tures on characteristics of speech andr hearing will be given by Dr. Harveyl Fletcher of the Bell Research Lab- oratories of the American Telephonet & Telegraph Company, New York. The program of Dr. Fletcher's lec- tures is as follows: 4 o'clock Mon- day, "Physical Characteristics of Speech;" 8 o'clock Tuesday, "The Re-l lation between the Distortion and In- terpretation of the Sounds of Spoken English;" 8 o'clock Wednesday,' Mechanism of Hearing;" 4 a'clock Thursday, ",Physical Measurement of' Audition;" 4 o'clock Friday, "Methods of Testing Hearing." All the lectures will be given in Natural Science audi- torium. The afternoon lectures will be somewhat technical in nature., Tues- days and Wednesday's lectures will be of the more popular type, with experimental demonstrations and mov- ing pictures of the hearing mechan- ism. The Bell Research laboratories are said to be the greatest research lab- oratories in existence so far as prob- lems of speech and hearing are con- cerned. PAY OLL OFHA IAN ARMY is OVER MILION Representative Of Bell Telephone Will speak On Speech And Hearing FIRST TALK TOMORROW Wil? Present Galsth 'wy's "Loyalies" The class in play production under Prof. E. E. Fleishman, will present John Galsworthy's "Loyalties" Thurs- day evening in University Hall audi- torium. "Loyalties" is based on an old topic, that of caste. "But," ac- cording to Prof! T. E. Rankin of the rhetoric department, "as a whole, thel play is both a refreshment and al challenge. If we do miss in his work that ' strong and lovely, imaginative ardour' which belongs to the greatest English writing, or if we miss clever- ness, or if we miss a high degree of charm, yet we find distinction." "The foremost of present-day Eng- lish playwrights is John Galsworthy,"' continued Mr. Rankin. "He is dis- tinctive among his English contempo- raries because cleverness has never satisfied his artistic instinct. There is ample irony in the endng of a few of his plays,, but not cleverness. Like most English men of letters, he is never satisfied until his work has ex- pounded a lesson. Mr. Galsworthy has not been successful with come- dies, though one of his longer plays and two or three of his one-act plays have been attempts at comedies. And yet he cannot be said to have written tragedies, either. His plays are iron' ies rather than tragedies. That he desires but does not believe in the pos- sibility of the perfectability of man, sufficiently accounts forthis irony. I,"When Mr. Galsworthy was in Ann Arbor and spoke in Hill Auditorium, he argued that this generation would see produced no more great literature. He tried to prove this to us. Jie in- sisted that the young had had their great adventure in the Great War, and that the middle-aged and the old were too war-worn and weary ever to have the energy of spirit or the delicacy. of skill to produce great literature again. But his own dramatic work, as well as much else produced since the war, has gone far to prove'/him mistaken in his prophecy." Announcement of Personnel of Early Practice Squad Will be Made About Aug. 7 Football coaches are now making up the list of invitations to be sent out for early practice, which will start Sept. 15. Between 50 and 60 candidates- will receive these notices. "Announcement of the personnel of the early practice squad will be made about Aug. 7," Coach Elton E. Wei- 'men stated, "when the letters have been returned." Several Varsity men have to be picked from this squad tc fill the places of graduates. "It appears," Coach Weiman - re- marked, "that the lixte from tackle tc tackle will be up to average, in spite of the graduation of two veteran guards, including the all-American Slaughter, and a substitue tackle. If the men in hand develop as it is hoped, these, places will be very ca- pably filled. We have two men whc finished last season as regular ends Grube and Flora, but we are worry- ing about reserve material for these positions. No big team is strong with- out reserve material. "For the backfield we are depending partly on untried men. A number of candidates have possibilities of de- velopment here, but at present it is all problematical." Coach Weiman ifltimated that many of the new carkdidates, several sopho- 'mores, have good chances to land reg- ular berths. All depends on the, abil- ity shown in early practice. ARCADE "Friendly Enemies," with Weber and Fields, master entertainers, will run through Wednesday. It is a story of two German-Americans, bosom friends, who are continually fighting over the war. The son of the one who feels that the Fatherland is right mnarries the daughter of the other, who sides with his adopted country Additional attractions are a - Mermaid comedy, "His High Horse," interna- tional news events and topical com- ments. Thursday through Saturday, "Hei Husband's Secret," featuring Antonio Moreno, Patsy Ruth Miller, Ruth Clif ford and Dacid Torrence, will be shown here. It deals with the rom ance and sacrifice of two generations and introduces some unusually dram atic an~d highly original bits of ad venture. In addition, a Sunshin comedy, "Roaring Lions at Home, an Educational. special, "Froze: Water, and international news event will appear. More than 200 tickets have been' sold for the annual banquet of the Men's and Women's Educational clubs which is to be held at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday in the main dining room of the Michigan Union. Community singing, led by E. G. Carick, superintendent of schools at Charlotte, and several speeches, ar'- ranged opportunely for the occasion, are on the program of entertainment.1 Prof. George E. Myers will act as toastmaster. SANFORD'S CLASS WILL GIVE READING SERIES" Samuel Chamberlain, of New York City, will teach architectural design and drawing in the architectural col- lege next year. Mr. Chamberlain is' an architect, of renown and a master artist. Mr. Chamberlain was train- ed as an architect, having studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech. nology, and had professional exper- ience in architects' offices. He has spent five years abroad study- ing and drawing architectural. mon- uments. His drawings have , been published in the leading American architectural journals and in some English journals. His style of draw- ing, while quite individual, has some of the economy of line and exquisite refinement and delicacy . of Maxine Lalanne, the famous' French artist. Two exhibits of Mr. ' Chamberlain's drawings have been shown here and there will be an exhibit of his work Under the direction of Prof. W. P. Sanford of Ohio State university, the class in Interpretive Reading will give a series of miscellaneous read- ings at 8 o'clock tomorrow in Univer- sity Hall. Selections will be taken from the works of Vachel I41ndsay, Alfred Noyes, Eunice Tietjens, Edwin Markham, Stephen Leacock, Joycel Kilmer, Amy Lowell, Jerome K. Jer- ome and Rudyard Kipling. Twelve members of the class of 24 will take part in the recital, while Honolulu, Aug. 1.-The pay roll of the United States army in Hawaii amounted to more than $1',000,000 for the month of June, according to in- formation recently given out in Hon- olulu by the Hawaiian department finance officers. The exact figure, as stated, totaled $1,057,620.29. The army pay, Hawaii-I an national guard, organized reserv- ! es, and the Reserve Officers' Train- ing corps, took the bulk of the sum, $687,550.87. Compensation for civil- ian employes amounted to $65,131.35,, while supplies cost $301,225.35. Prac- tically all the supplies were purchas- ed within the territory. Washington, Aug. 1.- A total of I 1,425 Americans were placed as deck- boys on- American ships during the fiscal year ending June 30. MAJESTIC Raymond Griffith and Betty Comp- son in "Paths to Paradise" will be featured here through Wednesday. It is a tale of a pair of high class crooks who team up, fall in love, and reform. It is farce comedy at its best. Additional features are a Sen- nett comedy, "Cupid's Boots," a stage feature, Brookman and Howard in "Portraits of 1925," a new Aesop Fable cartoon, and Kinograms. Beginning Thursday and running through Saturday, "Light of the Wes- tern Stars," with Jack Holt, Billie Dove, and Noah Berry in the cast, will be shown. The picture depicts the romance, heroism, and the villiany, of the Arizona range country in the lawless days when it was the last frontier of the Great West. - A mus- ical stage feature, "The Toy Shop," with Jane Frayne and the Shand Family, a Christie codedy, "Oh Brid- get," and Kinograms complete the program. El Paso, Tex., Aug. 1.-Although the thermometer registered above 100 ^ah..maac an..itha * wa ar ann-nw fl d MUYSKS' WILL SPEAK ii !! ON "SPEECH ANALYSIS" "Speech Analysis" is the title of the lecture to be given y Mr. John Muyskens of the French department at 5 o'clock tomorrow in Natural .Sci- ence auditorium. Mr. Muyskens will talk upon the physiology of the voice and the mus- cle movements involved in the pro- duction of sounds. three others will preside. is free. Admission1 Lansing, Aug. 1.-Prof. C. H. Ry-, der has been made dean of the divis- ion of liberal arts at Michigan State 'college,