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August 01, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-08-01

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cation. in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
Jniversity. Copy received at^ the office of the Summer Session
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday).

Congressman Has
Wyld Peace Plan

News From Other Colleges



Number 217

t -e Reading (lass:
class in Interpretive Reading will give a recital at 8 P. M. Monday,
3, in University Hall. Readings from modern authors will make
of the program. The public is invited. Admission is free.
W. P. Sandford.
swortby's "Loyalties" will be given by the Clash in Play Production
,biday night, August 6, instead of Wednesday, August 5, as previously

E. E. Fleiseliman.

nen on the Campus:
women who wish to attend the joint banquet of the Women's Educa-
Club and the Men's Education Club may telephone reservations to
argaret Kruke, Dial 4593, from 8 to 10 A. M. on Friday or Monday.
inquet will be held at the Michigan Union on Tuesday at 6:30.


Lila Reynolds, Chairman, Per J. M. Claw, Secretary.

opolitan Club:
:embers and Foreign Students attending the Summer Session are
d to a Social given at the Helen Newberry Residence on South'
Street, this evening, August 1, from 8 to 10.
Nur 1W. Malik, Presideut.
In College Students:
he men in"Ann Arbor who have attended, Oberlin College will meet
e Michigan Union at ,6. P. M. Monday, August 3 for an informal
r and smoker. Those wishing to attend kindly communicate with
't W. Wheeler, 1133 White St., Prone 9253.

A new peace plan will be submit-
ted to til0 convention of the Interal-
lied Veterans Fede.ration, in Rome, by
Con. A. P. Andrew, Gloucester, Mass.
His idea is to have commissions nam-
ed by nations involved in an inter-]
national controversy to visit each
ther's country and study the issue
basing their settlement upon common

Austin, Tex.-Fostering a circulat-l
ing library of material for use in the
music memory contests, the Inter-;
scholastic League will soon begin a
new service in connection with the
package loan library of the Univer-
sity of Texas. According to present
plans, there Will be between 20 and
25 circulating jlibraries of from four
to six books in each library. Ac-
companying $hese will be clippings
from newspapers and magazines sent
out by the package loan library.
These libraries are sent on applica-
tion from the teachers in the schools,
and may be kept for a period of two
weeks. /
Bloomington, Ind.-A pamphlet re-
garding matriculation, registration
and enrollment is being issued this
year by the registrar's office. This
leaflet is for the purpose of instruct-
ing new students and helping them in
their registration. This pamphlet
contains a description of the steps
that the student must go through to
enter the university. This fall is the
first time that a pamphlet of this
kind has been issued by the regis-
trar's office.
Urbana, Ill.-Miss Helen Updegraff,
'17, has recently been given a Carne-
gie Foundation Research association,
and will take up her work in Califor-
nia next fall. Previous to Miss Upde-
1Off'la tf fin Pt CHP rPeceived the

, 9



1923 she was awarded a scholarship
in comparative literature in the Uni-
versity of Strassbourg, and she re-
cently received her Ph.D. from that
institution. Her thesis which was
published in French, was entitled "Le

Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Sunday Afternoon and Eve.
Finish the Season with one of our Straw Hats.
One-third -ofg.

Rome, July 31.- Repor
mier Benito Mussolini
undergo a surgical operat
a prompt denial from offi
Moscow,'July 31.-A rep
received here that a Sol
guard in the Yampol disti
killed by Polish frontier

c Speaking 193-One-Aet Plays:s
his class will meet Monday, August
iversity Hall.

Robert W. Wheeler.

Flannel Trousers, plain and sti
Twenty per cent reduction.

3, at one o'clock in the Auditorium

IL C. Hunter.

zst Premier Of
Czar Is Exe 'ted


,.. ,

Rv. Lloyd C. Douglas will speak at,
the ,Union services Sunday evening.
The subject of his address will be
"The Ouija Board." The services
will be conducted at 7:30 o'clock Sui-
day night on the steps of the Univer-
sity library.


W. S. Butterfield of Battle Creek,
who operates the Majestic theater on
Maynard street, has leased the Ar-
cade theater for a period of ten years
startihNg Sept. 1. Details of future
plans and policies have not as yet
been decided upon, but it is expect-
ed that the name will be changed and
that an electric sign will be erect-
in conjunction with a similar ob-
servation at Christian college, Mis-
souri, a sun-spot six times the diam-
eter of the earth has been seen at
the local Observatory. It will be
"visible until Aug, 10. Sun-spots are
S remarkable for their regular appear-'
ance every 11 years, but this one, be-
cause of its unusual size has attract-
ed particular attention.
patches from Moscow state that 1Work will start at once on Nickels'
Nicholas Golitzine, 76, last arcade to be built on State street
r of the ill-fated czar, has been just north of the Farmers and Me-
death by the soviet, along with chanics Bank branch office. Tt e con-
,raduates of the Imperial Alex- j tract has been let to the A. R. Cole
academy. Golitzine's son mar- conipany of Ann Arbqr.
a American girl. This photo.
ken when he -was in exile in Tokio, July 31.- Differences over
d. the question of tax adjustment have
led to'the demand of Premier Kato
Sfor the resignations of the ministers
d the W ian tAds ,of justice, commerce and agriculture.

gran' sias Tripwest, su e evurs
Schmeidemuhl, Germany, July 31.- degree of doetor of philosophy from
[Heart rending scenes are being wit- the University of Michigan, where she
nesse in the great camp being estab- intended to do research work after
lished to receive the thousands of Ger- receiving her degree. She had to
mans Poland has ordered to cross her forego this desire, however, to im-
borders back into their homeland be- prove her health.
cause in the upper Pali'ian plebiscite -'
of 1920 they favored the retention of Austin, Tex.-After an absence of
the territory by Germany. . tw( years, during which time she at-
Up to the present Poland officially tended the University 'of Strassbourg,
has not adopted coercive measures Dr. Crystal Ray Ross has returned
against Germans on her soil, and to the University of Texas and resum-
meanwhile Germany is assuming an ed her duties as instructor in compar-
attitude of waiting. ative literature. Dr. Ross received
her bachelor of arts degree from the
University of Texas and her master's
Read the Want AdS degree from Columbia university. In
Dancing Every Nght
This dance pavihion is one of the largest an finest in the State.
# Forty-five Minutes Drive from Ann Arbor

Adler Baltimore clothes-formerly priced at
from $30 to $60, are now reduced for this special
sale. Clothes as only Adler can build them with
the shape that stays. Only careful hand tailoring
can put the fine finishing touches that make ahi-Adler
:suit a perfect fit.
Our twenty years of tailoring experience is at
your service at all times. Come in and see us today.

l reie

213 Epast Liberty

Opposite Varsity I



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