THE St ER MICHIGAN DAILY APER OF THE F MICHIGAN ESSION ning except Monday Summer Session by of Student li1c- I; I m .rmrtt..mt1! H{ t iYYyJpfYF{fl#dY EDITORIAL COMMENT THE FORESTRY BUREAU'S WORK (The New York Times) i deiated Press is exclusively en e use for republication of all news credited to it or -ot otherwise this paper and the local news pub- at ' the Ann Arbor, Michigan, s5 seon d class m atter. - C by carrier, $.5o; by mail, Press Buil4ing, Maynard Street, Michigan. ications, j signed as evinene of will be /ublihed in The Summer be discr~tion,*,of the Editor. 7- isunicatwns 'wil receive no con- The signature ma b itrtted in if desired by the writer. The aily does not necessarily endorse ents expressed in the commun ca- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MAPAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THAL or... ....... Robert S. Mansfield . .Manning Houseworth ~dto...........Marion Mead or............LeRoy L. Osborn for .., W. Calvin Patt-non or. ...... Chandler H. Whipple - Assistants Barbour George E. Lehtineh rn Marion Meyer Brown Ralph B Nelson 4urriv Miriar chittebeck Lardner Nance. Slomon Lehtipen Wendal Vreeland BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN ..Kermit K. Kline ..... ..rank Schoenfeld Assistants Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland URDAY, AUGUST 1, 1925 Editor-IC. H. WHIPPLE T'S, SETTLE' IT RIIT Walkout of the British coal ias been avrted, temporarily, :pense of the taxpayers. Pre- ldwin, after a lopg period of onis with reprbsentatives of ers and operators, finally of- government subsidy to pro- ney with which to maintain ent scale of wages for the and rinsure a small profit to ers. This offer was made aft- perators refused to withdraw oposals involving wage cuts . be continued until the gov- with the participation of the can ,lmake a'thorough investi- f the industry. rike lias been averted,--at tile of the taxpayers. Whether ;tep was advisable or not is a for personal opinio, but at , the British trial of isch a of preventing labor tie-ups >ve to be a valuable experi- ud may be adopted by other if satisfactory, > the United States, the pre- of the British strike has more it consequences plan the fo - of a new idea. The settle- the. English dis4; tewill ma- weaken the position of the i miners. Had the British carried out their threats and production today as was or- planned, England would have d a rich market for American d American op .ators, gage t e high prices that they ave secured for their product sh markets, Might have beey to make concessions t- the at least for tri. present. Butl British mines in the mnes ation is reversed, to a slight Coal may be brought to-our rom across the Atlanti btl erence is tat the operators that the majority of Ameri- ustries cannot afford to use grade English fuel, especial- the added costs of transporta. i use this source of supply as between themselves and thE and the miners will be the Senator Ashurst's latest attack up- on the Forestry Bureau must be taken with a grain of Arizona salt. Yet it gives color to Governor Pinchot's re- cent warning that a campaign "tof dismember the United States, Forest1 Service is now being prepared at Washington." Probably the worstl thing that threatens it is a movement to transfer the service from the Ag- ricultural to the Interior Department. When Congress meets in December advantage may be taken of strictures found in the report of a sub-commit- tee of the Senate now kngaged in in- vestigating the public land system, including the forest reserves. There have been blunders in the Forest Ser- vice administration - its sincere friends would not deny that-but the policy of conservation has saved vast areas of the public domain from ex- ploitation. It has far more support- ers than. enemies throughout the country and in President Coolidge an ardent and avowed champion. In February Mr. Anhurst was de- nouncing the Forest Service on the floor of the Senate because a grazing] charge was made in Arizona. Many of his constituents are cattlemen, cowboys and-sheep herders. The Sen- ator did not assert that the grazingj charge was excessive when compared with the rates asked on private lands -as a matter of fact, it is less. But the Arizona live-stock men opposed any charge at all. It was in support of a joint resolution (introduced by his colleague, Senator Cameron), sus- pending the grazing fee for the year 1925 that Mr. Anhurst made his speech assailing the Forestry Bureau. It was true that the cattlemen had been in- jured by a long drought. If the graz- ing fee were suspended, it would be a benefit to them. But the Senator dis- dained to ask it as a privilege. He argued that his constituents had a grievance because any charge was made by the Forestry Bureau when j cattle and sheep were turned into the! national reservation. He now makes' a more severe attack. The cattle and sheep industries "are about to be ex- terminated * * * by the reckless, ig- norant and relentless policies of the - Forestry Bureau." It is "an engine= of oppression and the Senate will mend or end this bureau." Moreover, ' it is an economic wrong: Steak on the plate is now almost beyond the slender purse of the common citizen, while steak on the hoof brings no profit to the cow- man. Mutton has tripled in price while sheep have dwindled in price Woolen clothes are at the peak of prices, but the fiockmaster must take an inadequate price for his fleece. OAS TED 0ARDROLLS BACK AGAIN Now all you little dears may sigh with relief-Beezlebub is not putting out these rolls. He is, we wish to in- form you, a liar of the first magni- tude, but it really isn't his fault. If, he had ever met any really respect- able women, he wouldn't talk the way lie does. BONSTE Mats. Glendale 9792 ITuesday, Thursday PLAYHOUSE and Saturday. soc-75c. Woodward at Eliot. Eves. 75c-$.50 Downtown Ticket Office at Grinnell's. TUESDAY MATINEE Cooler than your home or office. The Bonstelle Co. The Most Brilliant of Comedies. ""GROUNDS for DIVORCE" , By GUY BOLTON. From the Hungarian of ERNEST VAJDA. _ 3 I , 3 13 219 South Main St. 217 North Main "A STORE IN EVERY SHOPPINGD DISTRICT" Our store is convenient to the Campus. WE. WEUUUUUEUUEUUEUmEUUU , CRIPPEN'S DRUG STORES 723 North University Ave. Drop in between classes. mosI''k w 1 * * * I I But Peat Has Come Back Iron, Ore. July 30, 1925, Dear Tamam-- I have been informed by one of my collegues that Peat Bog has de-' parted for our busy suburb, Detroit, and points east. I hope after that, he gpes west' where men are men and women governors. With the de- parture of this unscrupulous infidel I feel privileged to tell you that Vee 63 is purely a fictitious name. Know- ing you as well as I do, I know that what I am about to tell you will go no farther-than you can toss the, 5 Union building. Well, here is the dope. In reality, I am Wheehawks, M.V. married no veteran), the super-defective of all, Il know no equal, on land or sea or what have you? My mission at pres- ent is to find a certain young lady, at the present time domiciling in Ann's Harbor, who, by all the laws and rites of Jeewhips, Iceland, is entitled to ascend the throne as Imperial Queen of that queenqom. I am imploring your aid, because, Tamam, I need it! Think of mxy fam- ily patiently waiting for me with outstretched arms-for my pay n- velope. Think, if you can, what it would mean for me, Weehawks, M.V., the super-defective of all, to return with the sad words upon my lips, :I have not found your qgreen., My honor, my correspondence school di- ploma, my fame, my reward of 50,000 rubles, all of them, Tamam, are at stake; and you, yes, you, 'are the only one who can help me. Please, if you see a young lady with a cold stare hot lips, eyes that twinkle like Ford (adv.) lights with bum igni- tion, and capable of,vamping her way into the Follies, seize her, call for, help ('cause you will need it), and notify me. If it is the one I am seek- Sing,you shall become owner of 50 per cent of my reward; if it is not, while we'll bail you out after being arrested for disorderly conduct. Con- 'fidentiallly, one cracked nut to an- other, I thing this Una Form, the one who can't paddle her own canoe, is the party I'm seeking because I tried to'pick her up in my strayed eight the f other night and all I got for my pains t was a second hand frown. Tamam, show your mettel and do your best. Voila! Defectively, i i I August Blanket Sal $11.95 I B IG, fleecy, wool blankets! What comfort they add to the joy of a long night's sleep! The new Bremen Blankets are soft and won- derful-the finest we have ever offered in a sale. They measure 70x8O inches and are made in large block plaids in six fast colors-blue, rose, ton, grey, corn, and lavender. By ordering blankets now you take advantage of a special sale price. No deposit is required. You pay for them when they are delivered in Sep- tember. Samples are on display in our blanket section. Give us your order today and when September comes you will be delighted with the saving you have made and with the wonderful blankets you have ready for the cool fall nights. { Sale Starts Today Advance Price, $11,95. Uttered in Fall, $14 85 v i ih 4i y / .4 1 Y .. :.. .., .,, .. } U Fl Pen and Eversharp are obtainable in matched - sets g g An unqualifid gimnst / back if every W+ f product F a 3 to .s Y t,..," .. 1 t> r t, i G Who or what is to blame if not the sinister Forestry Bureau? Mr. Ash- arst does not link the high prices he denounces with the prices of other commodities used and consumed by the people. He rails at the Forestry Bureau for its "abysmal lack of fam- iliarity with our national forests. It 'has practiced injustices and tyran- nies upon the helpless citizen to an unbelievable extent." It won't .even employ Arizonians as officials. It is guilty of "red tape,. prolixity, delay, huge expense accounts, ukases and a prurient itch for favorable men- tion." According to Prof. John Ise of the University of Kansas, who has made a study of the United States forest policy, this oppressor permits 15,000,000 animals to graze in the na- tional forests each year. The Pinchot policy of "more effective protection and administration of the reserves, even if it resulted in a deficit," is still followed. Hundreds of thousands of acres have been eliminated for the reason that the land was said to be. suited for agricultural use. Mistakes have been made, but they are insigni- ficant compared with the benefits de- rived from the conservation policy. As Theodore Roosevelt said, it is "emphatically in the interests of the people as a whole." XATTING 1,000 IN ENGLISil (Collier'-s) The census report showed that As- otin county, Washington, had seven illiterate persons, a negligible frac- tion of one per cent. But they didn't neglect them for all that; the people who could read got together and en- couraged and taught the ignorant, so that today they bat and. field a full 1,000 per cent in their -use of the English language. They can't begin to to ich that rec- ord even in Boston, or in ,Washington, +he Vee '63. P. S.-Oswald is busy organizing the Canary ,secret service. Local 1492, to help me in my hard task. RON To work, to work. Vee '63 needs us. Aha, villian, we have you-oh no, this is a female we are seeking, and she isn't a viallain, but only a queen. Well, here, queeny queeny, nice queeny-come to Tammy and get a swift kick in the teeth. And oh, by the way,'Vee must be in an awful hurry, for he mailed the letter here in Ann Arbor by special delivery. Golly, if we ever get enough of our back pay to buy a special stamp we'll go right over and buy a lemonade. . i s, when they have all, the, >re them, the American min-f welcome government inter- and with at least one of the es to the controversy behind ;e, unquestionable action on of the government should id to this continual wrangle our coil miners and operat-l pave the way to similiar of like situations in otheri will hardly be possible for d States, government to of- iners a subsidy, at least not me. hut the stage seems to * * * Robert C. Angell Please Copy Alas, Michigan is not the home of culture we had hoped. The other day as we sipped our iced tea in a well known local eating emporium, we chanced to become an unintentional eavesdropper. Says one guy at the table next to ours: "And it was just after that that Carlyle went down ...." and we did- n't hear any more of that. How sweet, thinks we- here are two intellectual young persons dis- coursing learning at last. Michigan is justifying herself. Isn't that nice. Imagine a guy so well read that he knows just what Carlyle did at this or that time. It must be great to be intelligent, we thinks, slupping up some more iced tea. When the gurgling had died down, we thought we'd listen in a bit more, so we pushed our soup away to cool off and hung out our ear. "Yep," the other gent was saying, "Them Carlyle Indians sure had a good team them -davs." * * * Hickory dickory dock-g'wan, finish it yourself. I 4P.- Complete Writig Equipment Side by 'side in your pocket, Eveisharp and Wahl Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts. Durability and dependability are common qualities of these economical, practical writing companions. The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and complete interchangeability of parts are among the six new features which make the perfected Eversharp. And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever- sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and beautiful in design-it is the ideal pen. Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55. .,. ' _ , J _ I MadeintheU.S.A.byTHEWAHL COMPANYChicago Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd,Tordnto Manufaarersof the WahlEversharp and the Wah lAl-MetalFounta nPen The ew PERFECTED WA//I IVPRYHAIRP &UAJ IIf P.41W Tanam. 0 I