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July 31, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-31

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I mental machinery. He and his col- ''"''.r///,r" Giv ARR K Ev110th TIME
-~ Eves. - 50 to $2.50
1 leagues, and not the voters back home OLLWed. Mat. 5c.to$150
t at~ who regularly neglect theirevotingt Big Week Sat. Mat. 50e to $2.00
2FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE duties, are the persons who keep theL/ AThe liracle PCay of Amer a
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN conservatives alive and active. °BALLAD OF 6 ANNE NICHOLS'
, SUMMER SESSION 'Conservatives are alright; they are, A LO[ I®9
y the University Su ni Session by perhaps, best. But, without the con-A ii
"board in Control of Student Public- stat prodding of a few insisnt T SEE IT! You Will Eventull
"radicals," a government directed and can readily see by merely glancing at' SEATS NOW
he Wss ociated Press is exclusively n-I run entirely by conservatives would the title of the poem printed below, For This and Next Week
>atches credited to it or not othe. wise be stagnant. We may not have any was inspired from the poem.
iited in this paper and the local news pub love or respect for the radicals, as Ge2
men, but we must admit that they The Balad of a Lost Soul Onatsresday,Thursda
ntercd at the Ann Arbor; Midchian, contribute as much, if ,not more, that T B oPhaAYHOUSEalndS aturday, sc-75c
toffice as second class matter. k A at. vS . 50
iubscription by carrier, $i5o; by mail, they detract. Nick Eranvest, Wooward t~low t. fie at Gse75c-1.50
sao. - ______________________Dear Sir: iDowtown 'ticket Office at Giiiel's. e
)f!ces: Press Buildingt Maynard Street _TUSDAY MA__ _ _ _NEE
a Arbor, Nichigan.a ~' Your sister Una I surely am. .SCoolerthanyourhomeorofee.
omt gicatio, if signedi ts evi nce of EDITORIAL COMMENT As you have doubtless guessed, Coera orhome r .
P faith, will be published in The Swuner Since now w-e' e begun, dear broth- sh B ntll o
ly at the discretion of the Editor. 'J tr Nick The Most Brilliant of Comedies.
ed communications will receive no con-
ration. The signature may be omittedin MEIRICAN STUDENTS IN FOR. the matter rest. ('GROUNDS
lication if desired by the writer. rTheTSID ' tt r
nmer Daily does not necessariy endorse EIG-N COUNTRIES
sentiments expressed in the cunmunica- (The Purdue Exponent) Your face and form I crave to see r
Ilt has been estimated that there s well as your knickers and vest,
E TYI 1. 1 drbrotheTNFFk y GUY BOL.TON.,
EDITORIAL STAFF will be four thousand American stu- Please, oh please, dear brother Nick ron the Hungarian of ERNEST vAJDA.
Telephone 492 dents in French universities and oth- Don't let the matter rest.
. MANAGING EDITOR er institutions of learnipg in that___
NORMAN R. THAL country during the next year. The My eyes are blue, my features fair -- -
ws Editor............Robert S. Mansleld number is much larger than that or- As become an Eranvest,
Editor .Manning ione dinarily supposed, considering the Come to my arms, dear brother Nick
sht Edio... ...-e oy I.Osborn many colleges in America and the Don't let the matter rest.
ht Editor.. ......V, Calvin Patte'-on
ht Edtor,.........Chandler IL. WhippIe relatively few in France. . An'd to
Assistants these students the number supple- Come to me, my darling Nick!
1iam T. Barbour Ateorge ~ Lehtinci menting their education in the Brit- I've always loved you best! frl
mIa 'Boron Marion MeyerCoetUnbrhrNik
ia uth rown Rlph 1. N Ison ish Isles and other foreign countries Come to Una, brother Nick!
rothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeckand figure resulting The last true Eranvest!
herne Lardner 1Nance Solomion aHope igueuesltny iy b usr*isl[[ster, 7
SEllen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland founding. Hopefully your sister,
The number of foreign students Una.
BUSINESS STAFF taking their university work in
Telephone 21214 ' America has not been estimated re- All we can say, Nick, old man, if
BU-SINESS MANAGER cently, but certainly is as large as -the appeal from this little girl doesnt
JOHN W. CON LIN the roll of American students in Eu- hit you where you live, we can't say Take your favorite records
culation'...............Kermit K. CKline rope. T o situation can mean but we think much of you. Any man, if along - "Collegiate," A-
1cai............plrank Schoenfeld'h h Ha," or anyf one of Cli
As istants one thing: the educational systems he calls himself such, who ignores a Ed oany one o y
ra C. Finsterwald'Thos. E. Sunderlaud of the world are slowly being molded heart call like that, is pretty damn Edwards' records are oly
into a compact and workable unit; lowdown. ,50c
the various universities and colleges What's more, Michigan don't want
throughout -the realm of civilization you. We're getting just about fed up
FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1925 are gradually adapting themselves to on these lounge lizards, who think
the demands of a truly cosmopolitan they can run around trifling with in-
light Editor-W. .C. PATTERSON group of students. This summer a nocent girls' affections. There's an
school will be organized in Dublin on oak that grows out on the boulevard.Z3 sc
AN APPARENT T EAKNESS the American plan, and will be the for the likes of you. LIECZ
Word ,has been received from Italy, first summer school whose work Now if you're even half a man,
way of Paris, that Mussolini has American universities will give cred- or even less, do you know what
sued an edict which provides that iit for. !you're going to do? Well, you're go-
hen the attacks of any newspaper The unification of the world's ing to call up this little girl and re-
aint the government become too many and varied education systems new old ties. 14 Nickels Arcade
rong and too frequent, and repeat- may be the harbinger o the much Remember, too, old boy, that many
!:seizures of editions do not produce talked of world state, a rather Uto- a kind heart is beating inside a rough
sults, the director of the newspaper pian dream, to be sure, but certainly exterior. And it's the insides. that
ceives two summonses, after /which one worthy of fulfillmeut. Acting on count. pIDance at Union Friday Night 1
.e publisher of the newspaiper is no the usual assumption that the edu-
nger recognized." This amounts to cated men of a country mold its ' As you may have surmissed, we are
e suppression of the paper, since no thought and form its opinions, it conducting this column. That is to
tirnal may be publihed by any but should prove a great benefit to de- say, Tamam isn't.
recognized director. One of the velop a class with a world education, . * * *
ore powerful,.papers -has already who, by means of that education, are Tam called up the office and said.-
sen suppressed, and several others able to appreciate the viewpoints of he couldn't be up tonight, because he
wve received their first, summonses. races and peoples other than their was scheduled for a wild necking
If this is actually the state of con- own; and in this way create the date.
tions in Italy, and there is good rea- state of understanding which is nec- Maybe, he was only joking though.-
n to believe that the story is based essary for true unity. It may be * * *
i fact, it is evidellt, that Mussolini that the present education situation "She was only a
s not established the stable govern- means nothing except in itself, but Dog-catcher's daughter--"
ent that he was reputed to have set on the other hand, there lies therein But t
. Any institution that cannot stand a possiblity of world unification and - Now that we're beginning to rave
e investigation of public opinion is along with it- the now intanglible about - the fair and intriguing inno-
Oak and bad, and a government that idea of pernianent world peace. cents, we are reminded of a pack-
unnot stand such an investigation age of sweet words which came to
nnot rest upon a firm foundation. THE TIE THAT. BINDS EMPIRES one of the brothers the other day. We
here are a great many evidences of (The Detroit Free Press) watched him soak up its contents.
sakness in ° government, but the Our Canadian neighbors are having He laughed sorta pleased like and
ppression of the press in supposed- l a lively discussion over Stephen Lea-- says, "Oh baby; some letter! Starts
normal times is the most indica- cock's recent remark, that a newly out "My Dream Man"-Ha, ha. Get
e, and =of serious weakness. evident strengtheBitishoeme bonds of that , you big stiff? Get that? Guess
unity with the British empire is be- I hang sorta heavy witthis little
"GOOD OLD CONSERVATIVES" ing accompanied everywhere by a lassie, eh? Dream man-yeah, I'm
Practically all classes of people loosening of every formal knot that her dream man!"
e. divided into conservatives - and can be found. "To bind the empire Pretty soon he busts out again, GE
dicals on one or more questions. fast," he said, "is to unloose it at "Says she Wants to know if she's not OD 1 iE IA
is almost inevitable that people every point." This "parad'ox in state- my 'corresponding sweetie?' Ha, ha
io have the power of reasoning out craft," to use the expression of the -I'll say she is: she corresponds to For Cottage, Porch, L
'oblems which daily come to their Toronto Globe, has furnished a text a lot of my ideas!" 65c, Tables, Air Matress

tention should take sides on the for many to explain" the nature of Well, me and my bridge partner Grills, Axes, Luggag* Rac
sues that arise, and it is not unna- the ties that bind, the far-flung pos- weathers a few more such outburts
them, whennalloatoncepherburstsnou
ral that they should sometimes take sessions of Britain to the motherland and was gettin' disgusted like with
e side, amid sometimes another, .de- and to one another. them, twhen all at once he bursts out
nding upon the nature of the issue It is an old theme. Memories of with a helluva snort and snarl. Sorta
ith which they-are confronted. And those who look back on half a cen- twolfy, you know. Of course- we were-
they support, to any extent, any tury or more contain impressions of n't curious or nothin' but we asks him
w ideas that may be presented, the days when a campaign for com- some questions that ain't fit for print,
ey are branded as either radicals or mercial union with the United States -the questions are, but the words WUI E D U
'ogressives; t ose who support the was met in Canaa by an outburst ain't, so I wont.
e-old traditions are called conser- of loyalty to England and even then After letting us explode for a *Khaki, Linen, Palm Beach
tives We have even come to the analytical interpreters could suggest while, the poor lad gets up in a
int where the inmates of Sing Sing no more substantial an explanation rheumatic fashion, like he was all Knickers for ladies and men
ison, in a recent election of the than sentiment which, they reasoned stove up and tired, an' then turning cloth, Flannels, etc.,for O
ficers of their prison government, holds people together as it does ind- to us says in a weary voice, "Well your comfort these warm d
vided into two factions, one of viduals. "What but sentiment binds boys, she's just like all the rest,-
hich was called conservative, the husband and wife," we recall as one all the rest. And I just wanted to be
her radical. of the expressions of the long past good friends with her. Her kisses
As a usual thing, the nation as a time when the names of Edward were sweet, delicious, wonderful. High Tops an
hole takes the same attitude, either Blake and Erastus Wiman were as Nothing like 'em boys. But it's all
icause editors are doubtful of their ! familiar in the day's speech as those over,-all over. I'll never see her
)ility to hold a position contrary to of Bryan and Darrow as just now. again. Says she loves me, boys,-
at of the general public, or because I Many events have been recorded loves 'me! An' then wants to know
is so much easier, and requires so since then in the history of the if I don't love her-Never more! SUEDE JAC
uch less mental .-strain, to follow vworld, and today the empire of Brit- Never more"-and then fiercely, "I
ith the crowd and support the "good ain is cemented by a new ingredient, cannot tell a lie!"
d conservative platforms." - blood of its children from every do- Ain't wimmen funny-I ask you? In Leather
But while we are upholding the minion overseas and .from its home- -Soomo.
nservative platforms, we usually land. An Abraham Lincoln said of * * *
il to recognize the value to the na- the American Union at his first in- Think up something cynical.
n of progressive or radical plat- -auguration, Canadians can 'hsay of Beeziebub.
rm1-s. WNe forget that the man their world-wide empire, that the SU R PLU S
hose picture is printed regularly mystic chords of memory, stretching A five-months old baby girl was
der the caption "Radical Leader," from every battlefield and every pa- found 97.58 per cent perfect in a Downtown in Rear0
really the mas who is responsible triot grave to every living heart and Detroit baby show. She ought. to
r a large amount of the positive hearthstone over their broad territory make an active W. A. A. worker in a
tion that is taken by our govern- swell the chorus of union. few years.





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