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June 15, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-06-15

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ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
niversty. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
3:30 p. I. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). ,
ie V MONDAY, JUNE 1i, 1925 Number 183
.ction of the Regents, at their meeting held Friday, June 12, 1925,
'wing promoions into and within the professorial ranks, for the
5-26, were made:
:he rank of Assistant Professor: In the College of Literature,
and the Arts, Frederick Franklin Blicke, Organic Chemistry;
istaf Gustafson, Botany; Norman Leroy Willey, German; George
Landscape Design; Clarence DeWitt Thorpe and Philip Louis
Rhetoric; Michael Pargment, Romance Languages; Lovell Juillardr
ciology. In the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, Glenn ,
Lt, Civil Engineering; Albert Loring Clark, Jr., Mechanism and
Stephen Stanley Attwood, Electrical Engineering; Christian N.
English; James Alexander Shohat, Mathematics; Richard T. Lid-
Engineering Mechanics; Russell Alger Dodge, Engineering Me-
Donald Lee Perkins, Shop Practice; Edward A. Stalker, Aero-
Charles Winfred Good, Mechanical Engineering. In the Medical
Adam Arthur Christman, Physiological Chemistry; John Louis
Neurology; Norman Fritz Miller, Obstetrics and Gynecology;
Herman Soule, Bacteriology.
the rank of Associate Professor: In the College of Literature,
and the Arts. Bruce McNaughton Donaldson, Fine Arts; Kenneth
McMurry, Geography (and Chairman of the Department); Roy
Cowden, Rhetoric. In the Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
Claire Upthegrove, Chemical Engineering; Orlan William Boston,
actice (also Director of Engineering Shops); Hugh Brodie, Sur-
Edmund Wild, Modern Languages.
the rank of Professor: In the College of Literature, Science and
, Charles Wilford Cook, Geology; Joseph Ralston Hayden, Political
James Barkley Pollock, Botany; DeWitt Henry Parker, Philoso-
the School of Education, George Leroy Jackson. In the College
1 Surgery, Elmer Leroy Whitman, Dental Technics. In the Colleges
eering and Architecture, Ernest Wilby, Architecture; Clyde Elton
Lam Hoyt Worrell was appointed Associate Professor of Semitics
ollege of Literature, Science and the Arts.
title 9f Herbert William Emerson was changed to "Assistant
r of Bacteriology and Lecturer in Legal Medicine."
A. H. Lloyd.
in It May Concern:-
person on vacation with pay on any University payroll may be em-
uring.the period of vacation, with pay on any other University pay-
By Order of the. Regents,
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary.
Opportunity for Graduates:
Standard Oil Company of New York requires several men for
e positions in Itheir Far Eastern offices. Training to start July 6.
Room 2, Unversity Hall, for further particulars.
J. A. Bursley.
bers of the Faculties:
attention of the members of the Faculties is respectfully called to
adopted by the Regents on January 19, 1906, as follows: "All books
d by members of the Faculty shall be returned . . .. on or before
rsday preceding the Annual Commencement in June."
Wm. IV. Bishop, Librarian.
ors finishing in June who are interested in opportunities for perma-
3itions are advised -to con'sult the list of openings on file in Room 2,
ty Hall. J. A. 'Bursley.
9 of the Summer Session Faculties:
iks for' the Faculty Directory and request cards for the Summer
u. Daily have been sent by campus mail to all members of the
Session staff. Their prompt return will be greatly appreciated.
Summer Daily will be delivered gratis only to those imembers of
mer Session faculty who fill out the request cards.
those who have not received blank and cards kindly call the office?
E. H. Kraus.
Session Hours, of Registration: +
the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, including Hygiene,
Eealth, and Physical Education, and Library Methods,-in the
r's Office, University Hall, June 19' and 20, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4
and 23, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 p. in Thereafter 10 to 12 a. in daily.
the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture,-in West Engineer-
ling. June 19, 20, 22, 23, 8 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m-.
the Medical School,-in the Medical Building. June 19, 20, 22, 23,
. in. and 2 to 5 p. m.
the College of Pharmacy,-in the Chemistry and Pharmacy Build-
-y and Pharmacy Building. June 19, 20, 22, 23, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2
the School of Education including Athletic Coaching and Adminis-
and Public Health Nursing,-in Tappan Hall. June 19, 20, 22, 23,

. mn. and 2 to 4 p.m.
r ,f

For the Law School (Courses begin Tuesday, June 16)-June 12, 13,
15, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the School of Business Administration,-in Tappan Hall. June 19,
20, 22, 23, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. M.
For the Graduate School,-in Angell Hall, June 19, 20, 22, 23. 9 to 12
a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
E. H. Kraus.
Women Summer School Students:
The regular House Rules of the Women's League .will be enforced
during the summer session, except that the closing hour will be changed
from 10:30 to 11:00 o'clock.
Norma Bilknell, President of the Women's League.

(Continued from Page One)
involves expense, and that expense is
met by the Lawyers' club, all profits
and dues of which are to be used for
that purpose.
In accepting the club house for the
University, Dean Bates expressed the
outstanding feature of the plan as the
provision it makes for a large con-
inuing 'income, to be devoted exclus-
ively for the advance of legal re-
search and publication. Dean Bate.
lauded the spirit of Mr. Cook, in his
gift to the University, which accord-
ing to his wishes, would be the seat
of legal learning in ths country.
Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard
,law school, in his speech on "The
Professional Tradition and the Law

School," said, "When we in America
received the common lsw of England
as our common law, we did not re- I
ceive with it the common law pro-t
fessional organization. In England,
the profession was and is divided into!
two branches: the upper branch, orl
the barristers, which constitute the
bar and are organized into self-gov-
erning corporations with highly de-
veloped professional traditions, and'
the lower branch, the attorneys or
"The great legal problem is to find
a substitute for the valuable featuresj
of the old apprentice training; to
make the law student realize in his!
earliest training that he is a member
of a profession, and to bring him into
contact with its best traditions. .
"Michigan is taking a great step
towards this, and the University of'
Michigan is to be recognized as one
of the greatest sponsors for the pro-
fession and through the profession,
for the administering of justice in

Michigan's second victory over
Ohia State, 6 to 5, at Columbus
Saturday, heaped insult upon
the injury inflicted on Ferry
Field Friday when Michigan's 1
victory, 4 to 2, meant relegation
of Ohio State to second place in
the Western Conference. The
second victory, in fact, put Ohio
State, a Conference leader all
season, in third place, assuring
Indiana the Western Conference
championship and pushing Chi-
cago to second place. Michigan
stands fourth.
The second game with Ohio
State was a characteristic Mich
igan-Ohio State affray. It was a
see-saw affair4 insofar as scor-
ing was concerned until the
eighth inning, when Michigan
went four runs in the lead.
Ohio State's rally in ,the ninth
netted three runs, just one short
of tying Michigan.
Score by innings:
Michigan 100 010 040-6
Ohio State 020 000 003-5
(Continued from Page One)
The many are but as trenches along
the great stretch of the battle front
marked in red.
"But the supreme mystery is, after
all, not the sum of all these objective
mysteries toward which our courses
fun, with the examinations along the
way and their credits at the end.
The mystery which we here celebrate
is the subjective one, the mystery of
the mind's desire-the mystery of the
finite mind insatiably longing to know
infinity, of the mind that endures the
hardships or horrors of trench for the
sake of the conquest of the objective
mystery, whether is be in science or
letters, philosophy or ar,-the mind
that must know the tru h."

(Continued from Page One)
been added to the University,
School of Education and the Si
of -Business Administration, botl
portant campus units. Pres
Lloyd urged support of the prop
Women's League building, which
provide facilities for women si
to those provided for men by
"These are the evidences of the
iversity's progress," he said. '
they have brought new and imps
morale, goes without saying, for
per equipment is of prime im
ance. It is as true in education
is, axiomatic of health, that you
have a healthy mind withol
healthy body."
T. Hawley Tapping, field seer
of the Alumni association repor
large increase in Alumni clubs.
fred B. Shaw, editor of the Micl
Alumnus, reported the progre
that publication, and its recent a
eition of a printing plant of its
Mason P. Rummey of Detroit
re-elected president of the associ
by the directors at their re
meeting. William A. Comstoek c
troit was elected vice-president
G. Carl Huber of Ann Arbor, sE
vice-president; and Louis R. Jo(
secretary. Allan B. Pond of Chi
and Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of An
bor were re-elected directors at.
while Comstock was elected to Ii
unexpired term of Roy D. Chap


FOR SALE-Travelers attention. 1920
Buick touring car with new cord
tires and an excellent "sleep in
your car" outfit, for sale-quick for
$200. Phone 8351. 424 W. Huron.
FOR RENT-One upper front room
for one or two. 410 No. Thayer St.
Phone 5230.
FOR RENT-During vacation one or
more large, airy, elegantly furn-
ished rooms in private home in
exclusive district near Belle Isle.
Electric kitchenette. Address 2251
Field Ave., Detroit.
FOR RENT-Upper duplex, 905 For-
est Ave. Five rooms, bath, sleep-
ing porch. Available Sept 1st. Gar-
age, if desired. Dial 6137.
FOR RENT-Single room, 2 blocks
west of campus. Private home.
Call 4561.
FOR RENT-At 311 Thompson, two
blocks from campus., Rooms clean
and cool. Hot water all the term.
FOR RENT - Furnished rooms $2,
single, $1.50 double. Neatly furn-
ished. 555 So. Division, 2 blocks
from Union.
Read the Want Ads

WANTED by woman graduate stu-
dent quiet room for the Summer
session, within walking distance of
Delta Gamma House, preferably
where there are no children or oth-
er roomers. Address Mrs. Hugh
Allen, Delta Gamma House.
WANTED-Young man as real estate
sales manager on commission bas-
is. Must have had some sales ex-
perlence. . Also salesmen for sub-
division work during the summer.
References required. For particu-
lars inquire Robert D. Heltech,
Pontiac, Michigan.
A GIRL for work in the advertising
department. Mack & Co.
JUNIOR medical student wants a
room mate for year of 1925-26. Med-
ical student preferred. Inquire, 721
Monroe or Phone 7981.

Herbert M. Cobe, ex-'26M, no
student at Leland Stanford un
sity, has been elected to Sigma
national honorary scientific frab
ity. Cobe, who is a junior in the
land Stanford medical school, is
to be the first junior to be electe
the fraternity in that school.
Wilson Elected
Baseball Capt
Steven F. Wilson, '26, star
baseman of the Varsity baseball i
was elected by the letter men to
taro the 1226 nine following the c
of Michigan's season with the g
with Ohio State at Columbus. W
has won two letters in baseball.
home is in Atlanta, Ga.

The official count of those receiving.
degrees today was 1,681. These were
distributed among the various schools
and colleges as follows: College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts-
781, Colleges of Engineering and Ar-
chitecture-247, Medical School-'152,
Law School-92, College of Pharmacy
-6, College of Dental Surgery-54,
School of Education-90, Graduate
School-215, and the School for

.. '



Michigan Song Book --Take One Home




-. Eve.

The Author, Star and Scenarist of
Set in Specially for Commencement Week
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Jette Chinese, Rugs
These Are So.Different
These rugs are made under the personal supervision of
Mrs. Franklin Fette, a cultured American woman who has
for many years been a resident of China and is a close
student of Chinese art.
The designs are by artists of the highest rank, thus
differing from the copied sameness of the ordinary commer-
cial rug.
They are made of the best long fibre Shansi wools, with
warp of best long staple cotton, each tuft knotted by hand
by expert weavers. The carving is exquisitely done.
The pile 1 uniformly deep-the rugs as perfect as
human hand can make them. They will wear a lifetime.
Mast color dyes are boiled into the wool and set before
Each rug is inspected inch-by inch both front and back
by specially trained men--there are no streaks,.no painting-
over of defects, no acid wash.
Rugs from stock or made to order any size or shape and
with a choice of seventy-five designs and ninety shades of
color. A monogram, fraternity crest or club insignia can be
incorporated if desired.
And the price is right!

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A new consignment of sixty-seven rugs will reach
this week. Come and see them.

Ann Arbor

Phone 3155

928 Church St.

~ .. °',


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