olleges the enrollment cated in San Antonion, according to registration for T.. H. Shelby, director of the Bureau the summer ses- of Extension of the university, the di ty of Texas has vision under which the school will be spared with 3,105 administered. Instruction will be giv on last year, ac- en in English, history, mathematics, riven out at the chemistry, botany, Spanish, and prob late registration ably in economics and accounting uly 27, the total After two 'pears in the junior college bly be somewhat ,students will bhe able to enter the tlfird Unite d-States" is the title of a book ical subjects from Aug. 24 to Aug. 30, that is being written by Prof. T. C. at the County Teachers' institute at Pease of the department of history. Morrison, Ill. Professor Pease is assistant director He will lecture the following week of the Illinois State historical library, before the County Teachers' institute and has written many books and arti- at Liberty, Ind. cles on historical subjects, his latest! ' o tbeing "The Story of Illinois" which Rochester, Minn., July 28.- John came off the press last month. The Kelsey of Detroit, president of the new book will be ready for the pub- Kelsey Wheel company of that city. e lisher early in the winter, Professor and dart owner of the Detroit Americ- - Pease believes. I an league baseball team, was operated Ion here Saturday. His condition is . Sens emn 1 To Talk satisfactory, Mrs. Kelsey said today. To T a esS o London, July 29.-Princess Ileana, H. the charming 17-year-old daughter of H. L. Senseman who recently re- the king and queen of Roumania, is signeQ as director .of the Alumni Cat- t'e only daughter of a reigning mon- DANC. At the New Lake House Pav WHITMORE LAKE Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday A large, cool pavilion with real music and a wonderful floor. oba ,ye U on, Wis.-Prof. Michael I. zeff, of the history department' University of Wisconsin, has - I to join the faculty of Yale ty beginning next year. Pro- lostovtfff came to the univer- m Russia five years ago. His field is ancient history and its stay at Wisconsin his class been large and popular. At will have more time for re- n the Boston Museum of Fi e he Metropolitan Museum1 rk city, and will bedranted, leaves of absence to study a, Ill.-Thirty-three members Mass of 1925 completed their minations yesterday in Chi- I 'his is the largest number of class that has ever taken iinations at one time. Grades the examination will be given. .etime in September. rt , Tex.-About 125 students eady signified their intention ing in the new junior college I+, 41.1,u4 11VO YY 111 WU WNAG 4V SAY i. l 4a2V 4aa a u- ear's work unconditionally in niversity of Texas. the Urbana, Ill.-"The History of the alogue office, will lecture on pedagog- arch who wears her hair bobbed. ,a-,.:a..., ., s i BC ,OK Our Bargain Counters RGAINS should be of interest to Summer School Teachers.and stU- dents.New additions daily. N / W AHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE . I Before You Bid Good-bye to summer you Will Reap a Harvest of Advantages J. H. NiCKELS Painting and Ilecorating . Liberty Dial 7594 ?cad the Want Ads i ui NOW at 2:06=3:30 7:30-9:00 'I r* n; r DISILLUSIONMENT From Our University of Texas, to be lo-' LU /r, ' - "' f , 1 Present NOW-- A Modern European Story, as Sophisticated .i. R 'LLII4V '7 Big Reductio as as Modern as New York Broadway 01114 ZU 1O -+ E L JTV COMnut! FL6tN VIDOR I $12.95 Reduced from Values Up to $25.00 Every type of frock is included in this group, bu exactly the same in one respect and that is their value, unique in price. $19.75 Reduced from Values Up to $39.50 For the lady of fastidious taste and thrifty habits we mend these lovely gowns for they are truly lovely and of style, variety, elegance and color. $25.00 Reduced from Values Up to $59.50 These are our beautiful and higher priced gowns th 'imposed our slushing reductions upon along with the stock. Linens and Voiles Also Greatly Reduced Voiles and linens that were originally SIX NINET' now TV40 NINETY-FIVE and the more elaborate frock materials that were TEN SEVENTY-FIVE are now FIVE FIVE. I 11 From the Story by -II- 7Ai m h r:S avesties "The Mor Floers" Mi the ______________ k-er Sex"- STARTS AUlUST 3-GREATER MOVIE "Call a Cop" A Christie Comedy SEASON .r.r Read the Want Ads ill MACK'S SECOND FLOOR Classified Ads- in the Summer Daily bring results. So if you wiant to buy or sell anything-if you have lost or found anything-if you want to get work, or have someone work for you, run a classified ad. Call 21214, or bring your ad to the Press building on Maynard street across' from the "Maj." "What awhae of a difference just a few cents iake!" z ,y, . ., , ;" " ,.+. ^' ' t . : .: * 1 k J -malt the difference between just an ordinary cigarette and-FATIMA, the most skillful blend in cigarette history. 4i _ ., I