Vanderbilt Heiress On Honeymoon ICIAL BULLETIN is constructive notice to all members of ved at the office of the Summer Session n. Saturday). .40. 1 . AY, JULY 30, 1925 Number 215i will be given by the Class in Play Production , instead of Wednesday, August 5, as previously E. E. Fleischman. 'CHILD HEALTH RULES APPLIED TO STUDENTS ---4 Miss Mabel Bragg who is teaching a summer course in "Methods of Health in Schools," is appliying her rules for child health to the students in her classes. All those taking the course are re- quired to fill out a health standard blank stating whether they are suffer7 ing from defects of the heart, thy- roid glands, lungs, teeth, eyes, hear- ing, nutrition, visceroptosis, or skin disease. In accordance with the principles ! outlined in the course, students are urged to exercise, diet, get the neces- sary hours of sleep, recreation andi soforth. The University Health service re- ports an increased number of students reporting for physical , examinationsa as a result of Miss Bragg's Influence.. London, July 29.--British scientists recently almost lost their fives in experimenting with "Lewisite," a poi- son war gas in a closed room, but it > have a refund for the Put-in-Bay Trip may see Professor oom G 323 Natural Science Building after 3 o'clock. E. I.. Smith. [artwell, Superintendent of Public Schools, Buffalo, New r his second lecture at 4 P. M. today, Thursday, July 30, an of the University High School, subject: "Supervision ntendent's Viewpoint.'' Arthur B. 1Ioelman. ly 30, Dr. Arthur J. - Cramp, of Chicago, director Investigation of the American Medical Association, will ostrum and the Public Health." The lecture will be illus- be given at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium of the Natural WANTED WANTED--Law student wants sing or double suite near the campus fi coming year. Private family pr ferable. Addrsess, Box 108, Daily. I PAY BEST prices for men's use clothes. Dial 4310 or call at 115V Washington. H. Benjamin. . STUDENT help to work noons at evenings for board at Arcade Cat teria. WANTED-Use of a piano and pra tice room for two weeks. Locatio southeast of cai'mpus preferred. Ca 22187. FO RENT AT 311 Thompson St., for scho year, two pleasant, reasonab suites and singles in warm qui house. Steam heat hot water a the time. -Berlin, July 29.-A German exped E. x. Brans. had little effect on several common tion this summer will visit the 2,0 house flies which happened to be in 000 square miles of uncharted 1 the laboratory. in the .Upper Amazon Valley. It consist of experts in geology, bot Dance at Union Friday Night. and archaeology. o wish to attend the joint banquet of the Women's Educa- Lie Men's Education Club may ,telephone reservations to uke, Dial 4593, from 8 to 10 A. M. on Friday or Monday. be held at the Michigan Union on Tuesday at 6:30. Lila Reynolds, Chairman, Per J. X. Clow, Secretary. State Prison and the Consumers Power Company, Jack- ill be visited Saturday, August first. Both men and nducted inside the prison walls, through the cell block, the six prison industries. Luncheon will be served as nsumers Power Company at noon, preceding a brief ric and gas plants. Anyone wishing to include only a program may do so. Special interurban cars leave the 116 West Huron Street, at 8:47 A. M. Students motoring be at the prison office, located at the head of Mechanics NEW CASINO PAVILION Dancing Every Night EXCEP'T SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Cameron Church, Jr., figures in the most impor- tant society wedding of the summer, are seen on their honeymoon. Mrs. Church was Miss Muriel Vanderbilt,,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. The wedding took place at Newport. State Street, Saturday evening, August 1, from 8 to 10. lur M. Malik, President. Program of One-Act Plays This evening at eight o'clock, in the Auditorium of University Hall the class in One-Act Plays will present three short plays: "The Mayor and the Manicure"', by George Ade, "The Valiant", by Holworthy Hall and Robert Middlemass, and "A Merry Death", by Nicholas Evreinov. Tickets may be secured at the State Street book stores. R. C. Hunter. NAT NA.TOLS ORCHESTRA ENTERTAINERS ONE OF THE BEST bout $1.50. Trip over by 3 P. M. Leave names ce Box, Room 8, University Hall by Friday, 6 P. Carlton F. Wells, Director of Excursions. in M. This dance pavilion is one of the largest'an finest in the State. WALLED LAKE, MICHIGAN eign Students attending the iven at the Helen Newberry Summer Session are Residence on South Forty-five Minutes Drive from Ann Arbor M THE FILES YEARS AGO 'TODAY ndications point toward opment of the Michigan ssion in the near future, xpected progress is' made will rank with Columbia, Chicago, and California. rollment at the University king Michigan fifth. Prof. , dean of the Summer ses- ade an estimate of between 000 students for Michigan ive summers. He qualifies it by saying that the num- ality of the courses given :tended. ng the falseness of the nan is what his environ- s him, and producing cer- substantiating his atti- A. Franklin Shull, of the partment, treated on the heredity and environment ural Science auditorium afternoon. YEARS AGO TODAY )Scott, of the geology de- will conduct an excursion ay Saturday. The trip will lal interest to students of it all others desiring to 1 be welcome. At the is- Cott will demonstrate the t of the shore-line by wave e the various glacial per- glacial striations, and give' [c history of thecames.' swill furnish excellent! opportunities, and the' )r. Cott will lecture upon tar structures formed by and stalagmites, and their, the strength of the came, ler thi s opportunity doub- ly 29.-A French scientistj have developed a crystal] 11 pick up radio programs les and operate a loud short distances. The rys m of "ferrosilicon," and is a electric furnace through 73A *;,,, r f... -x. .*\ ++ . r ,- t .w... +r..^ .. f, Ol PenI and Eversharp are obtainable in matched sets An ten ualfied arauau stands back if every Wahl~ ords ~r A Spill on the Cinder Path Track practice and events inevitably pro- duce many bruises, scratches and cuts. An application of Miffin AlkohG. will bring speedy relief. The alkohol is a splendid antiseptic; bleeding is stopped almost at once; the sore spots are cleansed efficiently and thoroughly; the rapid evaporation of the alkohol brings soothing, cooliYk , com- fort; gentle massage of the bruise provides quick, pleasant relief. k r r-i4Y: 0. . b And Mifflin Alkoho has a dozen other daily uses, too After bathing, a Mifflin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After exercise,. Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired rpuscles and many "sore-spots." Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use,. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YoU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as ill streted. Complete Writing Equipment Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts. Durability and dependability are common qualities of these economical, practical writing companions. The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and complete interchangeability of parts are among the six new features which make the perfected Eversharp. And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever- sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and beautiful in design-,-it is the ideal pen. Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55. Made in theU.S.A. byTHEWAHL COMPANY, Chicago Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufaurers of the Wahl E'ershar and the WahlAll-MetalFountaisnPen The New PE RFECT E.D WAIIYVIRYHlARP Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Saks-Agens: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & Co., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington IfIIFFLIN *LKOHQL the external tAnc AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES I MIFFLIN AJ$OHOL I 29.-Belief inI idicate an up-