I erous anU vicious consequences re
sult. That state of mind which is
C1 1 popularly attributed to Germaniy before
THE the war, and generally thought to be
AN the natural by-product of the Gei-
Monday man educational system, is the result
ssion by of an over development of the hlead
Publica- with an accompanying decrease in the
power of the brain to comprehend
all news national and personal limitations, and
othe, wise may be directly responsible for Ger-
aews pub- many's insane dream of domination.'
- People in those days talked hazily of
Michigan, Nietzsche and of Treitszchke without
by mail, much real idea of the principles of
-d Street, these men nor for what they stood.
What they meant to do was to con-
icz.nee of demn that German thought which
etor. r looked upon its own virtues cast in
m tted- roseate hue entirely foreign to other
ter. The nations. There is little doubt but
emmnic" that the Nietzchean conception of the
superman, and Trietszchke's unsur-
passed ability to inflame the universi-
tires of Germany, had much to do with
the war.
That state of mind is growing more
- 3-
Look what a Patrick Henry with his
"Give me liberty or give me death"
appeal could do with the Philippines.
Great opening there for some enter-
prising young collegian.
ignedI as evi
ished in The
of the Edit
will receive
re may be or
by the wril
ot necessarily
ed in the coi
one 4925
... Robert S. Mansfield
.Manning Houseworti.
.. ....ar ion Mead
....LeRoy L. Osborn
.. W. Calvin Patir uon
.Chandler H. Whipple
Barb . George ., eh4te
>n Marion Meyer
Brown Ralph D. Nelson
rris Miriam Scldttebeck
,ardner . Nance Solomon
Lehtinen VWVendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
Kermit K. Kline
.Frank Schoenfeld
nsterwald Thos. E. Suderla.d
RSDAY, JULY 30, 1925
e is a coal strike August 31,
nsequent coal shortage next
te public, the patient, suffer-
c, can blame it all on the
use of thrlee words, "We
-," and "No." The promiscu-
f these words by miners and
Without showing sufficient
i their use, has caused
fore, and unless the go.vern-
arvenes, they bid, fair to
other this year.
S the miners are perfectly
n their demands, perhaps, in
empt to preserve harmony,
even under-rating their pro-
nds, but they have failed to
istification for them to either
tors or the public. While on
side, the operators present
facie case for the considera
he consu'mnr,-they contend
rder to grant the schedules
by their employees they
e the price of their product,
y have not really shown the
.at this is actually true,-
r be receiving unjustifiable
ms their investments at pre-
attempt has been made to
people of the nation the in-
of the stuation,-and no
s going to be made, both
fing to have tacitly agreed
11 of the material facts from
people of the nation will
ake sides in the matter, they
. The union laborer will
,e with his.fellow worker.
cnowing whether or not his
are justified; and the "man
ice," who is concerned only
ost of his winter's coal sup-
gree with the operators, out
a price raise. It will hardly
ict of capital and labor, but
meeting of the capitalistic
with the laborite theories.
attitude on the matter will
rgely on whether he enters
or the factory door.
rate, the public can do
afeguard itself and also to-
Venting a strike by purchas
iter coal now, this week,
y definite action is taken
itish miners, and before the
operators start coal prices
t an effort to scare the pub-
opposing the threatened
nt with the fundamental
th its possible consequences
In something deeper than
>f certain Tennessee laws
settlement of the validity of
come otler attempts to
arning and translate truth
ect dogma.
his is done, and truth really
7an+ rla fn a. a
and more noticeable here as America
whirls on in a mad effort to uniform-
ity. This may be branded as the
greatest danger confronting American
democracy today. When a nation,
led by the exhortations of wild eyed
demagogues, teaches its youth that
its glory is infinitely more glorious
than an other; that its power is with-
out peer in the world; that its culture
has reached a peak of such absolute
pertection that its manifest movement
of fundamentalism and super-patriot-
ism constitutes a "crisis in the intel-
lectual history of this country." "What
was a cloud no bigger than a man's
hand when Charles Grant Miller began
his infamous attack upon histories
written by men who really knew the
facts," writes Professor Van Tyne to
the New York Times, "has become a
menacing storm, threatening truth
wherever it is found."
The point of attack is a two vol-
ume work' of American history which
came to the attentin of Professor
Van Tyne, sponsored by people whose
aim is to produce a standard history
of the United States, so that there will
be no difference of opinion as to our
past among the youth of the next
generation. Its chief qualification is
that it has received the sanction of
patriotic organizations; the American
Legion, the Boy Scouts of America,
the Colonial Sons and Daughters of
the American Revolution, the Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy, Knights of
Pythias, the National Security league,
the Confederate Veterans, and hal
has also receivpd the endorsement
and critical aid of the Order of the
Elks and other fraternal orders. It
was written under the' direction of 12
pseudo-historians by a proessor of
English and is sent out' over the na-
tion with the hope of universal adop-
tion because it is guaranteed not to
destroy the ideals of the younger
Opposition to the chair of philoso-
phy, which was once the storm'n center
in universities, seems to have shifted,
at least in this present day in Amer-
ica, to the chair of history, and espe-
cially American history, where the
truth often hurts, is particularly apt
to be obnoxious. More polemics of
wild eyed demagogues have been di-
rected against this department of
learning than any ther, because cer-
tain people cling to traditions which
paint America in colors unrivalled in
the world, and throttle all expres.
sions which tread upon their toes.
So we see the spectacle today of
organizations whose purposes should
be above such, endorsing a history
written by an English professor. It
is history, written through a medium
which distorts the truth, and turns it
to political ends. In. his letter, Pro-
fessor Van Tyne declares that though
it has certain unexpected virtues,
it is "so maudlin and sentimental
about 'our' virtues and 'our' super-
iority over the rest of the world, that
if universally used, 'our' next genera-
tion would behave like an insufferable
cad toward the rest of thegworld."
History which has no Asgard for the
truth, history, written for the express
purpose of arousing those feelings of
pristine enthusiasm which people call
patriotiotism, is not history. But op-
position will always go on. "That
which was a cloud no bigger than a
man's hand when Charles Grant Mill-
er began his infamous attack upon
histories written by men who really
knew the facts has become a menac-
ing storm, threatening truth wher-
ever it is found."
Tle plan represents one nore en
deavor to uniformity, and .all whO
have a point of view broad enough to
see the danger should unite in pre
venting its ultimate triumph. The
arena for the struggle will be larger
than Dayton, and the cause at stake
more important.
Yesterday we made a grave mis-
take. We w;e going down to playI
tennis on Ferry field with our com-
panion of the woods and waters,t
Bill, when one of the boys asked us
to play with him.
'"Awright," says we, "have you got l
a tennis- racket?"t
"Naw," says he, "let's go to Burn's .
"Awright," says we, and we went.
Arriving, we found the courts vac-1
ant, and chose the rough. We won,'
and our opponent chose to have us
serve. We did. He took a three
game lead and then we tightened up
and took six straight. Then we went
to pieces.-
We have an alibi, however. This
guy refused to play a gentleman's
game-that is to say, he played with
malice aforethought, and made us
think balls were coming fast when
thjey were coming slowly and vice
versa.' That disturbed us, particular-
ly as the base lines were so situated
that when you fell back to get a
fast drive, you fell over the backstop.
All of which was quite disconcerting,
Now Bill beats us regularly, but we
expect that.
* * *
Battling Doug barges in to inform
us that the University has been com-
peltgd to pass a rule to the effect
that excursionists to the Jackson
prison will not be allowed to speak
to their friends in that institution
during the trip.'
There is weeping and wailing and
gnashing of teeth. There are sobs
such as were never hteard before.
Great is the sorrow, great the grief,
For Mart'a is no more. Weep, ye
people--weep, all ye who knew Mart'a,
for she was a good and faithful car
' while she lasted. But the junk man
has her, and she has passed from
our midst.
* * *
Forgive the tears, but we are sore
hurt. Our tender nature cannot see
the passing of a good and faithful
servant without grief. Ah, us.
* * *
Peat Bog has departed for Detroit
and points east. He probably wont
get to the point east, but he is now
in Detroit tasting of the joys of city
life along with a resplendant group
of the hoi polloi, etc. He borrowed
our last clean shirt for the excur-
! ion, by the way.
* * *
Stimulate the Vagus
I am smitten, and I turn to you
for aid. My gynch, formerly one of
the most beautiful in the world, has
had her face lifted. Now she can't
see me any more, and my heart cries
simple, practical and yet invisible
out aloud for revenge. What is a
means of killing her?
* * *
Boy, Page Dan Beard
Dear Rolls-
T~ere are personal things and
things, and sometimes I sense a lack
of comity in the ranks of the students
in regard to these sacred things of
hearth and home. This qualifies me
for rebuke: In regard to these things
so inconsiderably treated, here's one.
I raised a beard-well, I initiated one
for a week. Therie were reasons: no
money, and a hard razor irritates my
face, and a soft one splinters my
chin, and a straight one hurts my
conscience. Immediately after 1
started it I observed looks of ask-
ance and words of askance. Some-
one said it was because the thermo-
mieter had dropped. It had. Another
one insinuated Secret Service and I
swear .I hadn't been near Martha
Cook, and right after that I heard a
girl say "he's getting in character,"'
which was rathercruel, seeing that
she didn't know me. In my classes
everyone smirked and when outside
somebody played the automatic grass
cutter they smirked out loud, hard.
I stubbed my feelings then and there
and walked limping from the room.
This is the end,
Nero of Rome.
-* * *
Ha, ha, Nero, we've got you teased.
That is not the end. This is going
to be, but we are the only one entitled
to end this column. And as for the
beard, you should have seen the mous-
tache we raised here last summer.
Did we cringe when people laughed-
even aloud? Ah no, not us. We
laughed right back at them, as much
as to say-"Well, why don't you try
it, smarty?"
But then-this is the eid.
We see -by the papers-that the
girls in the Congo are becoming flap
pers, and that men will be using paint
and powder by 1935. We're glad that
the good die young.
"An Idea That Built a $2,000,000
Hardware Business"'=is the catchline
on a Free Press advertisement. Did-
.n't it take a lot more than an idea?
At least in our weather forecast
for yesterday you must admit we said
PROBABLY Fair, and that covers a
multitude of showers.
"Observatory Tour to be Conduct-
ed."-O. 0. D. We always wondered
what they did with those tours.
We hope that none of the Saturday
excursionists feel at home in Jack-
110th TIME
GARRICK £Eves.- .504L to 2.504
Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.54
13thBig Week sat. Mat. '50Cto $2.00
Thefiracle Play of America
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SEE IT! You Will ventusily
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Cooler than your home or office.
The Bonstelle Co.
The Most Brilliant of Comedies.
From the Hungarian of E NEST VAJDA.
Read the Want Ads
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Sunday Afternoon and Eve.
Visit Detroit This Summ
And Enjoy a Real Vacation
Put-In-Bay in Lake Erie
The most picturesque and delightful Summer pleasure Island
Detroit. Every sport that pleases: Bathing, dancing, sailing; ex
the mysterious caves; see Perry's battle monument, picnic gr
athletic fields. Numerous fine hotels and cottages cater to Sur
visitors and at reasonable prices. Stay a day or a week and 4
yourself, forget your troubles and renew your health.
This beautiful island playground is reached only by the palatial and spe
excursion steamer PTIN-BAY. One great deck devoted to dancing and 1
restful cabins and breeze-swept open decks.
Steamer PUT-IN-BAY gives excursions daily from Detroit to Put-In-BayI
at 9 a. m. from the wharf at the foot of First Street. Four hours crowde
pleasure at the island, and arrive back in Detroit at 8 p. m. Fare for the
trip 80 cents week days; Sundays and Holidays, $1.25.
Cedar Point and Sandusky, Ohio
Afterleaving Put-In-Bay Island the steamer sails on through the narrow
nels among the delightful Lake Erie Islands to Sandusky and Cedar Point,
Cedar Point. just across the bay from Sandusky, is known as the Atlantic 4
the West. With its huge hotels, electric park, magnificent'bathing beac
board walk it is easily the Queen of the Great Lakes Summer resorts.
On Fridays, after July 4, steame Put-In-Bay gives a special excursion to
Point, allowing four hours at the wonderful resort, and reaching Dety
10:30P. m.
Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folder
Fare, Wed.Thurs.6 Sat. Ashley & Dusti
sun. and Hfolidays, 75c. Steamer Line
Foot of First Stre
Detroit, !
I t:
Y our Own Lamp of Allat
If you would have it, you may have your own "Lamp of Aladdin,"
which, when you rub it will produce for you many of the things in life you
most desire. We do not mean such a lamp as his. We have reference to
something far less mysterious and awe-inspiring. But in its capacity to
produce material things for you it is far more wonderful than Aladdin's, for
it will give you many things which he, in his time, could not have thought of.
We have reference to savings, in whatever manner accumulated.
from day to day and week to week you lay aside a part of whatever you
make, bye and bye the time will come when for the asking you can have the
things you desire.
It will not bring you everything. It will not buy
and friendship, those most worthwhile things in life.
in gaining all of them, if used rightly.
y health and happiness
But it will aid you
Little need to tell you of the advantages of laying by something for the
future. If you but think a moment you will recall living examples which
prove the truth of what we say. Count these men you know whom you
consider most successful.
How many of them are not thrifty?
There is no necessary relationship between men who are thrifty and
saving and the fact that they are loved, admired and respected in their
community, but the two usually go together. In a material sense it is
different. They have the things they want because they have the means
to buy them.
They have the means because they have not squandered all.
And what price all this? Very little indeed. The habit of saving,
once determined upon, is easily acquired. Shortly it becomes a genuine
habit, as natural as any other habit you acquire. It demands only the effort
required to live on a little less than you make.
The cost is small, the reward is great.
A good time to begin saving is
ii _
S ay