Of 4r' 'ummrr TREF BABLY FAIR TODAY it1 VI. No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1925 PRICE FIV GIVE PROGRAM ONE-ACT PLAYS, IMOROWNIGHT iN ONE-ACT PLAYS WILL IESENT SERIES IN UNI- VERSITY HALL CLUDES THREE Smith Declared Filipinos Are Ambitious And Capable People That the Filipinos are an intensely ambitious and capable people was the opinion expressed in an interview, by Prof. Warren D. Smith of the Uni- versity of Oregon, who for a number of years was chief of the Division of Mines in the' Philippine Islands and who is now conducting summer cour- ses in geology at the University of Michigan. Professor Smith went to the 'Phil- ippines in 1905 and was connectedI with the Division of Mines until 1914,1 when he becam'e head of the depart- ment of geology at the University of Oregon. In 1920 and 1921, he obtain- ed leave of absence and again assum- ed the duties of chief of the Division of Mines in the Philippines. In his work, Professor Smith has served un- der every governor-general of the is- lands, except Taft. He became well acquainted with Major-General Leon- ard Wood, whom he considers one of the greatest men of our country. "One of the big things that is briniging th* peoples of the Far East together," stated Professor Smith, "is the Far Eastern Olympiad between the Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos and other peoples of the Far East, held every other year." Professor Smith took part in the relay races of the 1914 Olympiad, held at Manila. "There are few government posi- tions open for white men in the Phil- ippines at the present time," Profes- sor Smith declared. "Some technical positions are left but these are rap- idly being taken by natives. Through its process of Filipinization, the Phil- ippine government is filling all the vacancies possible with Filipinos." ce Comedy, Prison Tragedy, Russian Satire Will IrakeF Up Program and e class in one-act plays will pre- a program of three short plays o'clock tomorrow night in the .orium of University hall. .e first of these is a clever farce dy by George Ade, entitled "The r and the Manicure." It deals broadly humorous way with a g college graduate, his fiancee, a sticated and enterprising man- st and the ingenious and afflu- nayor of a small city. The lead- parts are taken by Lillian Bron- as the manicurist, and Richard son who appears as the mayor. e second play "The Valiant," is pping tragedy of prison life. It erns the efforts of a young girl to the identity of a prisoner who out to be executed for murder. B. Graham will play the part ames Dyke, the prisoner, while ys Dawson will take the part e girl. e last play on the program is a ian harlequinade "The Merry i," by- Nicholas Evreinov. It is rry bit of satire involving the known characters of Harlequin, nbine, and Pierriot. These parts be played respectively by Celes- Menard, Charlotte Quinn, and Rosenbaum. ese plays qre directed by Rich- rohnson Mina Kellogg, and Lil- Bronson,-.respectively, under the vision of Prof. R. C. Hunter of Wesleyan university, and Harry 1 es Miller director of the Flint Theater. kets are now on sale at the tores. Single admission is 50 Season tickets, admitting to program and to the production of vorthy's "Loyalties" to be given esday, Aug. 5, may be had for TO GIVE, FACULTY CNCET1 TNIGHT; SMITH TALKS ON THE PHILIPPINES Pianist, Violinist, And Soprano Present Attractive Program At 8 o'Clock To I Gives Illustrated Talk on Geological and Geographical Fea- turdes IS LAST OF SERIES CALLS WOOD ABLE MOUNTAINEERS PAY GRET TI E'HTCOMMONER HUNDREDS PASS IN LINE BEFORE CASKET RESTING IN DAYTON HOME WIDOW PREPARES Makes Ready For Departure . To Washington, Where Final Respects Will Be Paid (By The Associated Press) Dayton, Tenn., July 28.-The moun- tain folk of eastern Tennesssee, spec- tators of his last great battle, paid their final tribute today to "Brother Bryan," peerless champion of their Christian faith. Passing in an endless line, hundreds of men, women and children who watched with affectionate eyes the last days of the great commoner, looked for the last time late today at the peaceful face of their leader as he lay in a humble Dayton home, and glimpsed through the glass top of his casket at those firm-set lips once elo- quent, often moved to stir men to ac- tion. Later, as the shadows lengthened on the sultry summer day, they stood again in a patient multitude upon the lawn to hear a minister speak a fun- eral paeon, and praise God for the life and work of William Jennings Bryan. It was Bryan the clear-voiced her- ald of religious fundamentalism who received the last rites here today. Thursday and Friday in Washington, his countrymen will pay high honor to the Democratic chieftain, presiden- tial candidate, and former Secretary of State. In Arlington Cemetery, then, the well loved leader will be laid to enduring rest among the military, heroes of the nation. Tonight the widow-embodiment of amazing fortitude because of mighty sorrow-from her rolling chair was preparing her household for the de- parture tomorrow toward the 'coun- try's captial. The special car for the funeral party arrived in Dayton late today. At 8:40 A. M. it will leave for! Chattanooga, then after an interval in which the public there will view the body, it will go to Washington byI way of Knoxville, Bristol, Roanoake,' and Lynchburg. The journey will be over the Southern Railway Line and a scheduled train which should cross the Potomac shortly before 7:30 o'clock Thursday morning. Funeral arrangements at Washing- ton had not been definitely fixed to- night. Early today Mrs. Bryan had announced that her husband's fun- eral services at Washington would be pronounced in New York Avenue Presbyterian church. The pastor, Reverend Wallace Wadcliff, has been a great friend of the former Secretary of State and his family. The concluding number in the series of weekly faculty concerts will be given this evening at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium, when the following program will be offered by Mable Ross-Rhead, pianist, Marian Struble- Freeman, violinist, and Jeannette van der Velpen Reaume, soprano: Sonata................°Cesar Franck Allegretto ben moderato; Allegro; Recitativo-Fautasia; Allegretto poco mosso. Mrs Rhead and Mrs. Freeman Aria from "Mireille"'........ Gounod Mr Reaune Etude, Op. 10. No. 3........Chopin Etude, Op. 10. No. 7.........Chopin Etude, Op. 10. No. 8........Chopin Ballade, Op. 38 ........... Chopin Mrs. Rhead Do I Love Thee? ............Kolar Pierrot... ..............Johnston Lilacs ...............Rachmaninoff Jasmine........ . ...... . Scott Mrs. Reaume Accompaniments will be played by Dwight Steere. Clarence E. Griffin of the ec- New York, July 28.-Election of Tad department, will lecture to- Jones, head coach of Yale, as a mem- 5 o'clock, in Natural Science ber of the intercollegiate football rules um, on "The Middle Man and committee to succeed the late Walter sumers' Dollar." Camp, was announced today. n Around-The-World Cruise For College Men In September uL gun ort d dei nthJ ir] al ido Nil] as col. cal pa d se around the world for 450 The ship is a passenger liner of men will leave New York 18,000 tons, has been renamed the er 25, 1925, visiting 35 differ- " . S. University," and is seaworthy tries and stopping at 50 for- and comfortable, although not as fast s, and returning to New York and luxurious as the modern "floating 1926. The tour has been or- palaces." It will be fitted for educa- for the college year 1925-26 tional services with library, class- velopment of the educational rooms and gymnasiums, and will be of the Extramural division of operated on the basis of a college dor- k University in connection ,mitory, and not as a luxurious hotel. ter universities and colleges. Comfort and economy will be empha- ;ose of the cruise is threefold, sized in order to bring the cruise college students of the edu- within the means of most college stu- advantages of travel under dents. The total cost of the cruise, ane of a teaching staff drawn including trips ashore and tuition resentative American univer- and all expenses aboard, is $2,200. The to strengthen international number of college men will be limited 1, and to develop interest in to 450. The number already enrolled affairs. has not as yet been made public. ematic course of instruction Contact between students and in- lege credit will be given in structors will not be limited to class- ly all the usual college sub- room work and formal conferences. rticularly those that can be There will be constant companionship to advantage under cruise in the field work and the shore trips is. Ias well as at sea. ruise will extend over 33 The officers of administration of the one half of the time being cruise include Dr. Charles F. Thwing, n the Pacific and in Asiatic Western Reserve University, one of the second half in the Medi- Ithe charter members of the Carnegie n and Western Europe. The foundation, author of many books on r l t d t ll. aCe f ®uojeet nt+eG.« at. as Prof. Warren D. Smith of the Uni- versity of Oregon, gave an illustrated lecture yesterday afternoon on "In teresting Geological and Georgraph- ical Features of the Philippine Is- lands." Professor Smith was the chief of the Division of Mines in the Philippines from 1907 to 1914, serving, under every governor-general except Taft. In answer to the question, "Why should we be interested in the Phil- ippines?" Professor Smith said that it is the most daring social and pol- itical experiment that has ever been tried. The solution can only be seen after a study of the geology and geo- graphy .of that region. , Geologically, there are three stra- tegic positions of the Pacific, Central America, Antartic, and the Philip-i pines, of which the Philippines are the greatest. In regard to the climatic conditions he said that tradewinds came from the northeast and cyclone winds from the southwest, and also that the is- lands were subject to typhoons, start- ing ow the island of Yap. On account of the relation of the Philippines to Asia and Australia, geographically the Philippines will always be Asiatic and can never be made American. People travel by means of buffalo, two wheeled carts, and autos, and of autos, there are more in Manila than all of China or even the rest of the Far East. They have both primitive and the most advanced methods, de- pending on the locality. He showed a huge wheel used in irrigation, a primitive dredge used in searching for gold in the rivers. There are caves in the Philippines in which one can go by motorboat from the sea five miles into the center of the island, the stalactites in these caves are sev- eral feet long. The volcanos are composed of ashes and boulders, in contrast to the volcanoes of Hawaii, which are of lava. He concluded his lecture by saying that there was one man in the Phil- ippines that Americans do not un- derstand, General Wood, but that he is the ablest .man we can produce. Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit 4, Philadelphia 3. Cleveland 16, Boston 7. St. Louis 2, New York 6. Chicago 10, 6, Washington 5, 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 1, Pittsburg 5. Brooklyn 12, St. Louis 9. New York 10, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 0, Cincinnati 3. Members of the Cosmopolitan club and foreign students attending the bummer session are to be entertained at a social from 8 until 10 o'clock Saturday at Helen Newberry resi- dence. WHAT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY 4:00-6:00-Women's League tea at Betsy Barbour dormitory. 5:00-Prof. C. E. Griffin will lecture on "The Middle Man and the Con- sumer's Dollar." 8:00-University School of Music con- cert at Hill auditorium. 8:15-Visitors' night at the Obserra. tory. THURSDAY 5:00-Prof. H. D. Parker will lecture on "What Is Art?" 4 8:00-Three one-act plays will be presented in University Hall by the Class in One-Act plays. 8:00-Dr. Arthur J. Cramp will speak on the "Nostrum and the Public Health." 8:00-Visitors' night at the Observa- tory. Muskegon, July 28.- A large bus bringing 60 girls from the American Youth Foundation at Camp Stony Lake, Oceana county, to" Muskegon went into the ditch later yesterday. No one was injured, but it required five hours to get the bus back on the highway. t7 Jinciuaes ne usual piaue sL to world travelers, such as: anama, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, he Philippines, Borneo, Java, 'eninsula, Sumatra, Burma, eylon, Arabia, Egypt, Pales-' irkey, Greece, Italy, Africa, Portugal, France, Belgium, eaucational subjects in the Far East and an educator of international emi- nence. He will be the administrative head. Hr. James E. Lough, New York. University, will be dean. Among thel officers of instruction, selected from various American universities,. Lionel G. Crocker has been chosen from the University of Michigan and will teach