)AIL Harding Memorial Planned 4THE FILES EARS AGO TODAY Burton plans to give four hie first week of school different classes, fresh- pore, junior, and senior, ,uspices of the Michigan tiese receptions opportun- given to meet the new to has expressed a desire men. sler, '15E, the famous St.. can first baseman, hasE tting slump. for the past nig from the position of sman in the American r is now in third place, :er and Jackson. Instead 5once high average of w batting at .339. to Prof. George E. Myers "tment of industrial edu- ;trial education is attain- ortance. The legislature k recently appropriated .ally for scholarships in Furthermore, Professor that he has had five calls past ten days~ for import- ;in this field, which he .ble to fill. The course of ni this field of educatons .A survey of the cours- 1 the Summier session a total of 11 various .ch include all branches Hlobart, assistant dean of rned Saturday from New ere she has been attend- tion and personnel con- r the auspices of the Bur- ional Information. tping, field secretary of association, organized a fMichigan club recently L ASSIFIE 9 PY. ADVERTISING 9PM DANCE at Nikles' Arcade Dance Hall, Tuesday, umy 28. Music by Wolver-: me Aces. Dancing 9-2. Faxors. Bill! $1.00.E1 FOR SALE-Ford roadster, 1925, B3al- 1lcons,' motorneter, speedometer,jI bumpers, etc. $250 cash. CallI{ 22160, 802 Monroe. I FOIL RENT 1 FOR RENT-To upper class. girls, two i furnished front single rooms in pri- vate home three, blocks from cam- pus. No other students. Dial 5421.l FOR RENT- For scho3lyertw yatonicely furnished rooms. Steam heat, no other roomers, reasonable rent. Phone 5035. WANTEDI 7AC Good News! September Records are out --come in and hear, them: Pretty Mary Ann Ogle Smlle. Cliff iEdwi'cls Shado~s con the Wall are You Norry ? Lee Morse and Orcli stra and eight fox. trots that dance to every mood of summer evenings: Collegiate Dusing ll~e Donkey Beside the Silvery Sitan No Other Holley, 11111iil Lode 1Wi11 You "L-ifelme IDreamis PERFECT Rec'ords, 50c Comn Music Shop, 'tI I, 1 Increased Go&x Will means ins creased Profits. You can find nci m o r e effective way of keeping customers sole than by makin; Long Distance c all s betweei sales men' visits. Construction of the national memorial to Warren G. Harding at Mariohi 0., wvill be begun shortly. This design, the_ work of. Henry Hornbostel and Eric Wood of Pittsburgh, has been accepted by the memiorial associa- tion. At right is one of the last photos of the late president. At left is the vault in Marion in which the body now rests. A JUNIOR Student wants a suite ofI rooms this cominig fall in a private family, near the campus, preferably. )e Give details. Boxz 4, , Daily. WANTED-Law student wants single' o double stit near campus for mn er rvt aiype ISferable. Addrsess, Box 108, Daily. Read the 4ant Adsl GOLDSMITH AND TSENG I. D Goldsmith upset, the dope in the campus tennis tournament by de- feating K. G. Moore 6-1, 8-6, thereby qualifying for the semi-finals. This victory marks Goldsmith as a ,logical contender in the finals. Also in this round Tseng beat Ep- stein in .three -hard-fought sets, 6-1, 11-13, 7-5, and W hitner- won from Smith 6-2; 6-3. Fernande and Berg- man have yet to play their match. Besides Fernandez and Rosales, ec- Intosh and Gill have qualified for the finals of the doubles, the latter -team defeating Logan and Whitener 3-6, 6-4, 6-4. Many" Report At Health 'Service More students are reporting" to the Uhiiversity Health service for physical examinations this, summer than in any previous Summer session, accord- ing to Dr. Warren Feorsythe of the Healthf service; staff. Dr. Forsythe attributes the increas- ed number of physical examinations to the influence of Miss Mabel Bragg's, course in. "Methods of Health Teach- ing in Schools," Naples, July 27.- Senator Giulio De-. petra, 85 years old, and for many years director of the Naples museumi s dead at 85. He was famous as an archeol- ogist. Add Long Distance to Your Selling Force : CO. -.0 0. so .1004--0 ce. r. 04-moce. e. - 0.1 *0 c Y., el. e., N I11t11111111111111111111111li i111111 111111111Utitlt0111111E 1 lii 11 1 iill 1111111111111111111111!: -I' The isi dPartmntGrundr'ew an ageebl n _ Kitchen open for inspection at all times.I ;MICHIGAN BE' TELEPHONE C ly Nite. Our Bargain counters ~Ai4 S ts h o u de of interest to miner School Teachers and Stu- Its.a . 0 . New additions daily. VWhatever your ""Choice off a Career," college training has increased your economic 'value, and 'whatever. business or profession you enter, adequate life insurance is a proper self-appraisal of your powers in that direction. The traditions, practices, and financial. strength of the JOHN HIANCOCC Mutual Life Insurance Company are such that a college man can take especial pride in having a John Hancock policy on his life. It is also a distinct asset from the start. It iwill pay you to buy it; and later ona, should you think of joining the field corps of tI~is company., it wvill also pay you to sell John Hancock policies. Our representatives will tell you just how, and assist you in selecting both your career and your insurance. e4ddress e4gency 'Department;- XVX HIR 'S UNIVERSITY BOK STOR E T1 e Lone SuAftvi vor Give your pensa drink of Will not clog or gum the point and makes the best pen write better. Sixty-one Years in Business Now insuring One Billion Sevewn Hundred Million Dollars in t: policies on 3,250,000 lives r LIFE 11 SURANCE COMPAN OF BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS g- x 0 r. T' '^7TOi' h '.' 'oj.,# r'",,,, '"'4 1'",p , ". I UI have bought. several Lntan pens -now sup- Vot buy one that is a 3L success. Sheaffer Lifetim% Pert' at it in your collection. the pens you have ever will be the lone survivor. / "'What a wha le of 'a difference just afew cents make!"er \ ': is no upkeep to. a Lifetime he first, last and only cost is Vou buy it:. Then your fours-. n purchasing is over because etime nib is unconditionally eed forever. ecial at $5.00 and the Student's F..( entior penc %... LfAOLLU~LZI U WLLA LL1YC 54MCA 1 to detail that has made the Af perfection. Bythe Creators o 'the Lifetime y'Penci HEAFFER! All Sheaff. pow ar e tipe with the hard.. est native ftid- Goat. Denvee $02 Jacobsen Bldg. Swat Francisco 081 Marketr Strg W.all the difference between just an ordinary, cigarette and -FATIMA, the most skillful blend in cigarette history. "PENCILS i i L