11 CIi the humme~r A SHOWERS ttl ASSOCIATE PRESS DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE PRICE FIVE,. .. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1925 PRICE FIVE . _.r. T WellsE "ins Golf flOATMIt Title For Third 1I KSFOR SAFETY Time In 4 Years For the third time in four years CarltonE. Wells of the rhetoric de- partment has won the Michigan state ------ amateur golf championship. His lat-! IER, VISITING HERE, IS est triumph took place last Satur- S IEPT INFORMED BY day at the Saginaw Country club, OFF1VIALS where he defeated- Dave Ward, 17- year-old high school' boy, three and ZTORT RECEIVED two in the'36th hole. -*--+ Mr. Wells' consistent golf% won for Prisoner Has Been Taken By him, the boy's inexperience in matchS andits to Remote Region play causing him to make a few wild In Manchuria shots. Both made some excellent shots and "birdies" were numerous. y effort is being made by the The afternoon holes were played I Iment of State to bring about after a rain which left pools of water or mediate release of Dr. Harvey on the course, the scores being poor- dE d, '04. who was recently cap- er for this reason. On the second le by Chinese bandits in the Sun- nine Wells scored a 32, three below river district of Manchuria. par, making a 70, while Ward made a U wC. Howard, ex-'06L, who is .4'[ sin AnnkArbor as cthe guest of Mr. Wells faces the problem in his s A. Sink of the School of Mu- glaciiiso fnigtetm oi Ein constant touch y with the golf activities of finding the time t fa practice. Before the state tournament R lepartment. he had competed twice this summer, following telegram was re- and his game was considerably im- e by Mr. Howard yesterday: e sul Sokobin Harbin telegraph proved over his showing in the De- t artment July 22 that Dr. How- troit tournament. Next year, when si ,d been taken prisoner by ban- he will take heavier responsibilities i end was being held, the spot at the University, he will face a still he was capturedt. Is in remote harder problem if he expects to de- M in Manchuria, nearly two days fend his title. in y from Harbin. Immediately No Michigan champion has ever R 'eceipt of information tie con- ade -a consecutive victory record as G ceeded to the scene of the eap Mr. Wells has. Two have won the fi ccompanied by highest civil and title for three times, but their wins L y Chinese authorities. Was to were well scattered over a period of B there on twenty-fourth. It will years. little time for the department His opponent in the finals is a pro- M ive further information, but as mising golfer. Ward, who attends Big a s it is obtained it will be sent Rapids high school, is certain to show . Every effort is being made to much in the years he has before him. d t American citizens in China. Last year, when 16 years old, he was D B. Kellogg, Secretary of State." a semi-finalist in this same tourna- 1p H[oward who graduated from the ment. He was the survivor, this year'e 'sity in 1904 has been prominent of a large group of youthful players F medical world for some years. who took many honors in. the tourna-. cured his medical degree from ment. d rniversity of Pennsylvania in Ward expects to matriculate at the At the time of his capture he University next fall, h tief of the department of opthal- E y at Peking Union Medical. col This department was founded .Howard. S t further word has been received TIl he wife and young son of Drd.e as away at a resort during the D. U e f the raid and that son escaped Prof. Warren D. Smith of the Um- r lp. versity of Oregon will give an illus- It trated lecture at 5 o'clock this after- t noon in Natural Science auditorium IER'WILL TEACH on "Interesting Geological and Geo- graphicalN. Features' of the Philippine t Islands." C Professor Smith has had an excel- I a Paul Slusser will return from lent opportunity to observe the geo-' I In September to teach drawing logy of the Philippines. From 1907A ainting next year in the archi- to 1914, he was chief of the Division s al college. Mr. Slusser received of Mines there. Upon his return to s gree of master of arts from the this country, he became head of thes sity of Michigan in 1913. Since department of geology at the Uni- lie has studied in this country versity of Oregon. In 1920 and 1921,s broad and has been a frequent he obtained a leave of absence and tor in art exhibitions. returned to the Philippines, where hec le he is primarily a painter, he again assumed the duties of chief oft iown batiks and wood carvings the Division of Mines. " g exhibitions of the Architectural He is the author of "Geology and c e of New York. For the past Mineral Resources of the Philippine ears Mr. Slusser has taught the Islands," and of more than 50 articles eer outdoor painting class at the on special phases of Philippine and rsit r andpduring the past year Malayan geology, geology of the Ore- sgain been abroad painting in gon cascades and Pacific geology. and on the continent. Professor Smith was born in Leip- __d________n__nnt siz, Germany, and came to America in his infancy. He obtained his B.S. inger Takes and Ph.D. degrees from the Univer-] Vacation In East sity of Wisconsin and his M. A. from Stanford university. At the present time Professor Smith in John R. Effinger, of the Col- s conducting summer courses in geo- of Literature, Science, and, the olgy at the University of Michigan. in company with Acting-Presi Alfred H. Lloyd and family, is ing his vacation period at the equoit club, Piseco, N. Y. 1 ;. Effinger expects to Join hy r and at this retreat in the Adrion- HSO E N 3within the next two weeks. Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of the idents Inspect Highway engineering and Highway. Npr a Transport department attended the Newspaper Pmeetings of the National Committee on "Metropolitan Traffic Facilities" reral students took an inspection held in Atlantic City Friday and yes- of the Detroit News building last terday. ,y as a part of their work in Prof. The. Committee will prepare a re- . Burrows' class in journalism port to be presented at the Second The group was conducted Ntional Conference on Street and igh the various departments of Highway Safety to be held under the newspaper plant, including the auspices of the Hon. Herbert Hoover, aid hospital and the radio sta- held in Atlantic City Friday and Sat- WwJ. .urday. UNTER'S C L ASS TO GNIE THREE ON-AT LA I i I I } i DEMOCRATIC LEADER DIES TFUDENTS OF OHIO PROFESSOR'S "CLASS WILL APPEAR THURSDAY CAST ANNOUNCED 1i everal Members Of The Cast HaveI Had Previous Experience On Speaking Stage On Thursday evening, the class in ne-act plays, given this summer un-3 er Prof. R. C. Hunter of Ohio Wes- eyan university, assisted by Harry r. Miller of the Flint Little Theatre, will present three one-act plays in University Hall auditorium. The plays selected for presentation re "The Mayor and the Manicure," a Arce by George Ade, directed by 1 Richard Johnson, "The Valiant," a ragedy by Holworthy Hall and Rob- rt Middlemas, directed by Nina Kel- ogg, and "The, Merry Death,'' a Rus- ian harlequinade, by Nicholas Evre- nov, directed by Itillian Bronson. The cast of characters for "The [ayor and the Manicure" has been an- ounced as follows: Mayor Milford, ichard M. Johnson; Wallie his son, eorge H. Greene, Jr.; Ruth, Wallie's ancee, Charlotte Quinn; Genevieve eClaire, a manicurist, Lillian R. 3ronson. The scene throughout is in Mayor [ilford's private oflce, in Springfield, ny state. The cast of "The Valiant" is: War- en Holt, John S. Stewart; Father! Daly, Carroll R. Bay; James Dyke, a risoner, Cary B. Graham; Dan, a jail- r, George A. Douglas; Josephine Paris, Gladys Dawson; an attendant, Xeorge H. Greene. The scene is War- en Holt's office. For "The Merry Death," the cast as been announced as: Pierrot, Pearl E. Rosenblum; Harlequin, Celestine lenard; Columbine, Charlotte Quinn; .he doctor, Eva Van Natta; Death, Blanche Elithorpe. The scene is in larlequinade's home. Members of the casts include sev- ral who have had previous dramaticl xperience. Richard Johnson has di- ected considerably, and has played1 he roles of Hamlet and Macbeth, in1 he Saginaw Little Theatre. Lillian1 Bronson is remembered for her acting in the Comedy Club production"Out- ward Bound." Cary Graham, who had~ he leading part in "The Valiant," andi Carroll Bay are both teachers of pub- ic speaking. Pearl Rosenblum, in "The Merry Death," hasĀ° worked in the Arts and Craft Theatresin Detroit, and Celestine Menard, the Iharlequin of the same play, has been connected for some time with Sothern and Marlowe.' Tickets may be purchased at Wahr's, Graham's and Slater's bookstores. A season ticket for, admission to the one-act plays 'and to the presentation of Galsworthy's "Loyalties"' lated in the summer, may be purchased for 75 cents; single admission tickets otherwise are 50 cents each. iWIOO WORKSOU ARLINGTON WILL PROBABLY FINAL RESTING PLACE OF COMMONER MRS. BRYAN BRAVE Friends Will Pay Final Tribute rashington Where Body Will Lie In State (By The Associated Press) Dayton, Tenn.,. July 27.-Wate by his Dayton friends, the mo form of William Jennings Br: whose spirit fled away as he a late yesterday, lay in the front ri of a simple southern home toni, Meanwhile the invalid widow wor out plans for bearing the body of commoner to Washington for ultirr burial in the restful place of the tion's military hero , Arlington c etery. Humble followers of Mr. Br came from the tree-clad Cumberl slopes late today to gaze for the time, into the face of him who their champion of Christian faith to pay the last tribute of honor high esteem. Tomorrow afternoon, under spreading maple on the lawn of Richard Roger residence where former Democratic chieftan spent last days, a more formal cerem will take place. The public then view the remains of the dead lea as he lies in state within a m casket of bronze. Wiliianm Jennings Bryan. FINAL CONCERT TO " BE HELD TOMORROW School of MusIC Will Present Program of Wide Variety Including i Several Artists STARTS AT 8 'CLOCK WOOD SPEAKS UPON 'SOCiAL QUESTIONS Claims Point of View Is Scale Values Based On Needs Of The Group Of The final concert in the faculty con- cert series given by the School ofI Music, will take 'place tomorrow. night in Hill auditorium, when a pro-t gram of wide variety will be provid- ed by several well known artists. Jeanette Vandervellpen Reaume, a1 well know soprano of Detroit, who has won much recognition in the concertt field not only in. Michigan, but in sur- rounding states, and who is an ad- vanced student of Theodore Harrison, will offer two groups, accompanied by Dwight Steere. . Marian Struble-Freeman, violinist,E and Mrs. George- B. Rhead, pianist, will give a concert, while Mrs. Rhead will also contribute a group of piano solos. Both of these musicians are well known in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Free- man has played extensively in Mich- igan and elsewhere. During the war she gave concerts under the Y. M. C. A. in the American camps in France, and became a great favorite with the service men. Mrs. Rhead is a pianist of wide rec- ognition and in addition to many fav- orable appearances in Ann Arbor as soloist in miscellaneous programs, she has also played with both the Detroit and Chicago Symphony or- chestras, and has also appeared in many large cities of the country under distinguished musical auspices, re- cently having appeared as soloist with the St. Louis Symphony orchestra. The concert will begin at 8 o'clock, and patrons are requested to be in t their seats at that time. COMMENDS EDUCATION "The Social Point of View: Whatr Is It? Do We Need It? How Do WeIf ;Get It?" was the subject of the lee- I ture given by Prof. A. E. Wood of the sociology department last night int Natural Science auditorium. The social point of view is a scaleY of values based on the needs of the group for social soldarity and for per-t sonal freedom, Professor Wood said. The establishment of schoolsof relig- ion, and labor colleges, and the adultj education movement are evidences of; the coming recognition of the social viewpoint, and the establishment of separate schools and curricula of so- cial work place modern philanthropy upon a scientific basis.' There is a tendency today to ex- plain political phenomena in terms of the individual, but experience proves that to a great extent political prob- lems are based on social conditions. In concluding, Professor Wood said that formal education in the social sciences is very desirable, and that . attempts should be made to overcome the handicaps which stand in the way of its realization. OBSERVATORY TRIP TO BE MADE THIS WEEK All details of the last rites for Mi Bryan will be simple and without dis play ,in accordance with the expresse wishes of Mrs. Bryan. She has born her sorrow with unflinching courag and has at all times directed the ax rangements for the. care of her hus band's remains. The schedule of the funeral part as tentatively outlined calls for the de parture of the body from Dayton of a special railroad car Wednesda morning at 8 o'clock. At Chattanooga forty miles away the funeral car wil be attached to the regular train of th Southern Railway which leaves fo the nation's Capital at 11:20. Knox ville, Bristle, Roanoak , and Lyneh burg are scheduled stops on th route to Washington. In Washington it is planned to hay the body lie in state for another per lod while thousands of friends an admirers march by to view the fac of the man who fought so boldly l behalf of eauses he held to be tru and honorable. On Friday, at'an hour to be deter mined as the events of the intervenin days unfold. Mrs. Bryan believed ti night the body of her husband, woul be laid to final earthly rest. . Thei plans, it was made clear tonight, wei subject to revision. From far western states two daug] ters and William Jennings Bryan, J: hastened tonight to join their moth in Dayton or in Washington: Up the wishes oghese three the final d cision and planning depends. Mo definite announcement is expected to funeral ajid interment arrang ments when Mrs. Ruth Owen, M1 Bryan's daughter, reaches Dayton.' Gathered around the house of dea today, in unceasing vigil ,were t members of the prosecution count in the Scopes evolution trial, in whc association Mr. Bryan spent his li days and efforts. They never left I sleeping form nor removed themseh far from the sight of that placid fa whose determined lines had soften into the untroubled calm of perft rest. NEW LISTS OF ROOMING HOUSES "TO BE OUT SOON Under the supervision of Dean Frederick B. Wahr, the office of the Dean of Students, is now preparing lists of men's rooming houses for the use of students who are expected to arrive early for the beginning of school next fall. "We hope," said Dean Wahr, "that the landladies will co-operate with us. It is necessary that they do not wait too long before listing their rooms with us, so that we can have them in plenty of time before the opening of school." Rooms may be listed in person, by mail or by tele- phone. t t r Prof. William J. Hussey,' director of the Observatory, will conduct a trip through. the Observatory on. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights .of this week. It will be open Director Yost To Speak At Madison These lists will be placed in the Michigan Union for the use of stu- dents -searching for rooms this fall. Ames, Ia., July 27.-Tests at Iowa State college show that union and cot- ton towels will wear longer than linen ones. Atlanta, Ga., July 27. - An anti- lynching bill was intro luced Fri- day in the Georgia house. "-to all students who have obtained Director Fielding H. Yost left yes- 4their tickets at the office of the Sum- terday afternoon for Madison, Wis., mer session. where he will appear on the program It has been the custom for the last of the coaching school conducted by few years for Professor Hussey to Director George E. Little, of the Uni- invite the istudents of the Summer versity of Wisconsin.,b session to the Observatory and to After speaking there Mr. Yost will personally conduct them through the go to his home in Walling, Tenn., to building showing them the equipment spend a few weeks before coming and if the weather was favorable to I back for the start of football practice. let them looks at some of the planets' y 3 5 Baseball S'-cort AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 2, Boston 1. Only games scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis 2, 0, Cincinnati 4, Boston 5,.Pittsburgh 6. Only games scheduled. Martin Codel, '23, who has 1 Ann Arbor correspondent for troit News for the past two is now working for the As Press in New York. Washington, July 27.-Mrs. Helen] Hamilton, first woman civil service cpmmissioner, is deed, through the- large telescope. The trip this year will be the same as it has always been, Professor Hussey 'said.