THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY 01Piftm~uer OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday ring the University Summet Session by e Board in Control of Student Publica- Mns. The Associated Press is exclusively en- led to'the use for republication of all news patches, credited to it or not other wise edited in this paper and the local news pub- hed -herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michiian, )sifice as second class matter.' Sebscription by carrier, ,$io; by mail, Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, m Arbor,, Michigan. Communications, if signed as eviknce of od faith, will be published in The Summer ily at the discretion of the Editor. Jn- :ned communications will receive no con- eration. The signature may be omitted in iblication if desired by the writer. The Lmmer Daily does not necessarPy endorse e sentiments expressed in the communica- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492 , ' MANAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THAL ews Edtor............Robert S. Mansfield' ty Editor............Manning Housewort". 'omen's E'ditor................Marion Mead ght Editor ......... LeRoy L. Osborn ght Eio......W Calvin Patter. on ght Editor...........Chandler H. Whipple Assistants illiam T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen ivian Boron Marion ]Meyer lia Ruth Brown Ralph B. Nelson >rothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck atherin4' Lardner Nance Solomon a llei Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN rculation................. Kermit K. Kline ublication.........,.......Frank Schoenfeld Assistants yra C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland SUNDAY, JULIY 26, 1925 ISN'T IT A mOB SPIRITI From all appearances, between a million" ad .a million and a quarter miners In Great Britain will go on strike July 31. That is, they will go on strike if the miners in all quarters are' willing to accept the order of the executive committee .of the miners' federation to terminate the existing agreemnent under which they are now working. Probably a large majority of the miners will go on strike, strike be- cause they realize that by so doing they wil tie up, to a large extent, the Industrial and marine activity of a great nation. And because they have it in their power to do this, they probably feel certain that a strike at the present time will be successful. But what are the odds against It, and who will really be the ultimate oser by such an action?. According to reports, the miners' federation of Great Britain has not nearly the financial stability of the American miners' organization,-they 10 not build up huge surplusses in or- ier that they may strike comfortably. When the American mine workers itrike, it is usually those same work- r's and their fellow workers in oth- r fields that really suffer as a con- aewnce, despite the compensation hat the strikers receive from the un- ons. The mine operators, though hey nay lose heavily, can usually tand those losses much easier than ,an the individual laborers, most of Whom ie from hand to mouth. And f the operators lose too heavily, the aurden falls back upon the laborers, or the operation of the mines after he secession of the strike is impair- d in proportion to the losses of the )wners. In a strike of thi kind, the strik- rs' are allays the ultimate losers; he English miners, with their lack of xtensive union support, will feel the oss more keenly than do Americans A the same predicament. The oper- tors know what they are willing to rant, and they can usually afford to orce their schedules upon their vorkers, after a sufficient period of lime and in the interim the public is nade to suffer. There have been strikes and strikes *t only in a few isolated cases have he strikers succeeded entirely in se- uring their demands, and in almost svery case they have suffered to a reater or less extent. There is a >etter and safer way of settling labor lisputes-by government arbitration. ill the men who have allowed labor inions to rule their actions in the >ast never realize that the govern- nent is more interested in their wel- are than are the labor bosses, that he welfare of the laborer is largely he welfare of the nation? After all, his is their government, and despite' ,y charges that they may have to nake 4gainst it, the chances are that y t will'stand a 'great deal more inves-.. lgation, than many of the labor un-.. EDITORIAL COMMENT THREE LIVERYMEN (The New York Times) One of the penalties of fame is hon- orary membership.' Three eminent culprits, Sir James Barrie, Mr. Kipl- ing,. Lord Balfor, were brought be- fore the Stationers' company the oth- er day and made honorary Freemen and Liverymen thereof. There was the- usual number of other "disting-uish- ed guests" in the "historic Stationers' Itall." These shows and ceremonies of the old London companies are al- ways "quaint." . We ,hope the lunch- eon was good, fo' the guests may have had a feeling that the Worshipful Master of the Stationers was a little too much inclined to be statioary when he got on his feet-which was often. Sir James Barrie's speeches are always received with rapture. Doubtless he gives his hearers what they expect and want. and it would be churlish to say that his everlastilg puck-arielization is likely to become a little wearisqme. From the sportive "master of hard facts" we take one home in a box. England puts the accent on the first syllable of "Balfour," S'cotland on the last. Staggering under the weight of the Empire a4nd the Worshipful Mas- ter's compliments, from whkh the fields of Sussex, Drake and the "Night Mail," Private Mulvaney and even the "Recessional" didn't escape, Mr. Kipling was hardly at his hap- piest. To his peroration on "Litera- ture," ancient Rudyardites may prefer his more characteristic remarks on the paper trade: "When we had kill- ed the fatted calf and the unfatted calf and the calf unborn to make vel- lum we tore the very rags off the backs of beggars and we ground them and we pulped then to make more stationery." Lord Balfour, who is seldom able to keep out of office and must now be an honorary member of societies and companies innumerable, was detached, ironical and critical. He had no claim, like the other two Liverymen, for honors based on literary efforts. His writings were not of a kind to be read or applauded .generally: All of you here are admirers of .the other gentlement who have re- ceived the great honor of being en- rolled in your company, and inas- much as ev.ry admirer is a poten- tial critic, everybody here may have some reflections to make other than that of pure laudation of the works of my friends. I am quite safe from all that. There is possibly one indi- vidual in the room who may have glanced at some of my lucubrations, and I have no doubt that if he did so he would find plenty to criticize, But with regard to the great body of friends whom I am addressing, I am well aware that, at all events so far as anything I have written is con- cerned, they are quite prepared to admire at a rspectful distance, arm- ed with complete ignorance of the subject with which they have to deal. I feel protected by those conditions., "Arthur" couldn't resist the chance gracefully to gibe the respectable and the distinguished luncheoners, whose is but little study on "A defense of Philosophic Doubt" and "The Founda- tions of Belief." The "one individual in the room" was Dean Inge, who, made a speech not reported in The, London Times. Neither was Lord Al- lenby's. We could have spared Bar- rie's speech and the Worshipful Mas- ter's series for those unrecorded two. COST AND EFFICIENCY IN PACIFI- CATION (The Detroit Free Press) Figures recently received from Gen- eva carry the information that the total expenses of the League of Na- tions in 1925 will be $4,371,963. They are said to have been furnished by the league's -secretary-general, and thus have indications of authenticity. They are published in this country, it is explained,.because some controversy has been carried on here regarding the expense of the league and are intended to disprove the allegation that it is J costing great sums to carry it along. Supports of the league are hailing the figures as proof that it is econo- mically managed. Total expenses for a year,,one of them declares, are less than the cost of one modern torpedo boat destroyer. Senator 3ora h has not been heard from on the subject, but it's a fair guess that when he does comment, he will say that the sight of one modern torpedo boat de- stroyer plunging its way over the sands of north Afrrica would probably. scare the Riffs into panic and flight and thus do something at least toward stppping the war there, which would That, gentle reader, was the con- stant cry of the French aviators dur- ing the tecent war. Right now it in- dicates the probable results of our at- tempting to put out the col single handed. * * * Peat Boy is up on his ear as a result of the letter of Vee '63 in yes- terday's issue. He scorns to answer it, but between ourselves we feel that he fears Vee's pointed tongue. We were going to say forked tongue, but that means something different. Peat Bog is a great swimmer and conversation- alist, but we place no stock in his fearless indomitability on the printed page. * * '9 Daily Dissertation Today's Topic: Bobbed Hair. To our inexperienced eye, bobbed hair is just as good as long hair and vice versa. We are told, however, that one is better than the other, and also vice versa. This distintion, we feel, should be made only after many fac- tors have been taken in consideration. For example: Who would think of sitting quietly at Granny's knee and listen to her tell of the "good old days" knowing at the time that her hair was neatly sheared in the Latest approved fashion. Among the younger set, we feel that it is largely a matter of choice. Our favorite movie actres'ses vary consid- erably on the subject. Alla Nazimo- va is bobbed. So is Pola Negri, but the actress who holds our interest chiefly because of her, poise and dig- nity is Alice Terry, end even her wig isn't bobbed. Having established nothing by these lines, we shall turn the whole affair over to brother Credo and have done with it. We suggest the question:~ "If your hair wasn't bobbed, would you like it long?" and vice versa. Nature's Study 147s-Lecture No. 6 Today, ladies and gentlement, we shall discuss the nasturtium. This is a flower quite common to flower boxes in the greater United States. Why "greater," we do not know. Use your own judgment as to that. The nasturtium is oie of mankind's greatest friends among the flowers. We don't know why, but it must be for everything in nature is one of man- kind's greatest friends. It's a pretty flower, too, with a long tail like a kite on it to keep it steady in the wind. It is said that the ancients used the nasturtium as a sort of weather vane, but we can't guarantee the veracity of that statement. At all events we are sure that the nasturtium is a flower-at least we think it is. G'wan home-the uncer- tainty of this lecture Is driving us to drink, and we want to get to where there is one. The other day we received an invita- tion and an insult. We appreciated the former until we heard the latter. A gent was inviting us down to his home for a week-end. Now we haven't been to our own home for more than two years, and the mere mention of a 'home makes us feel inclined to weep on the most convenient shoulder. Some day we shall have a home of our own, but that is another story (line for those desiring to shoot us forms on the right.) As we were saying this geit invi- ed us down for the week-end, and just as we were about to fall on his neck and sob a friend of his says: "Do you think your mother will have room for him?" "Oh yes," says the gent, "She's not a bit particular.' That made us so mad that we womidn't go. Invitations will be considered at The Daily office in the Press building at almost any time. Take your turns, now. Don't crowd. Your's of the 23rd Ins. rec'd, etc. Tamam: Aye skould like to tell you how it was make me so sorry for not haf wrote your herebefore. Aye skal yust say Aye haf ben oh so mooch bussy effer after since Aye wrote you last. But Aye yust never forget all dose cute liddle rascals back by dar old Ann's Harbor by golly. You shust tell them Uncle Olaf she's coom backe right away soon qvick.- Aye must tell you about the fish Aye haf caughten. They haf been quite a several of it which wass all pretty big you betcha an' sometime Aye shal coomback by the office an' tell you shust efferyt'ing. * * * "At the end of the road"-appro- Having eaten 4,962 breakfasts in Ann Arbor since the opening of the Summer. session, we feel that we are in a position to agree with the Detroit Free Press editorialist when he says, "One of life's mysteries is how can- talopues can bat around .208 and still retain a following. Now that "Ma" Ferguson is govern- or of Texas she's telling the world. what kind of pies she likes best. We don'tIremember ever having heard a male office-holder announce that he preferred "Red Star" 4uspenders. A Detroit man was given a worth- less, check by a lodge brother and the papers found in it a good story. Sev- eral dozen Ann Arbor men are daily given checks by lodger brothers and-. While the University is on the sub- ject of renovation, we know of a few things besides buildings that could stand that treatment. Salada Tea ,phase. and Sanhorns Coffee Mecca Coffee in half-pond Tins Open- till 9 Evenings Ccci COLLEGE GROCER 516 East William Street, near Maynard DRUGS R(- t t Arbor' Fountain me f .,. . . . . :. , .. . I1:.: The right place to drop in for Light Lunches Cold Drinks Ice Creams A Large Menu to select frot 313 South State 4 I Welch's Grape Juice Cheese of Various Let Kodak Save the Day Drop In and pick out your TactIon dlig. Particularly at vacation time there's so much you want to remember-and pictures woutt let you forget. Kodak sages the day-foj the ya f. Cormp In and let us help you select your Kodak. Kodaks, $6.50 Up-Brownies, $2.00 Up Developing and Printing Calkins-Fletch Prn C Three jepePdable Store CANDY F A 1 ; 7 . ppm- . GRA A~'' S Cestock of Summer School Supplies Newest Fiction, Statxionery SERVICE SATI SFACT ION COURTESY r GRFAHIA 320 South State "549 East University be more than the league has accom- jpriate music.- plished thus far. Tamaim.