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July 26, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-26

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_ _ ._

XVI. No. 32


oIstrar Smith Sees Possibility of
Lowering of Enrollment
for 1925-1926
'igures given out by the Registrar's
ce yesterday show that the number
applications for admission to the
lege of Literature, science, and the
.s, that have been received and ac-
ted so far this year vary only
;itly from the number of such ap-
cations received and accepted at
s tine last year.
o far this summer, the number of
lications accepted totals more than
, which is approximately the same
nber of applications that had been
epted up to August 1 last year.
e total number of applications ac-
ted up to September 22, 1924
onted to a little more than 1,500.
-inrease in the number of appli-
ts mho wish to enter the College
Literature, Science, and the Arts
knticipated by Registrar Smith.
If there is any difference in theI
aber of applications received this
imer as compared with the num-f
received last year, it will in all1
bability tend towards a slight #e-
ase," Registrar Smith said.
1r; Smith attributes this probable
rease to th fact that immediatelyr
er the ag period many more1
pie entered universities, whichI
ught up the ad A9,ionflgures with
marked rapidity, but as gglsiderable
e has elapsed since this intrease
an, the usual back ebb is taking
ce which will tend to lessen the
nber of individuals entering. Mr.r
ith bases this opinion partly on the
ervations which he made while
gistrar of the University of Chi-
)wing to the fact that the late
gstrar Hall was absent on vaca-
nl st this time last year, no exact
ires Were kept from day to day
t6 the number of applications ac-
ited, but 4I is estimated that the
mber of applicatins being received
s .summer is substantigly the same
the number received from 4gy to
r last year. On August 15 last year
: applications had been accepted,
/iss, Merey , , ayes, of Detroit,
o has been drectlt opnectedI .with
Leational work in Dtot, will
Bak on "Women in Admintrtive
irk" at 7:15 o'clock Monday night
tore the Women's Educational club.
Miss Hayes has spent much .of her
te in the upbuilding of Detroit's
zcational system. She has had ex-
ience as an elementary school
cher, an elementary school princi-
I, and, until recently, as principal
the Hutchins Intermediate school.
Mll women interested are invited to
;end the meeting, which will be held

836 Tappan arepue.
00-Rindustan club meets in Lane
:30-Wesleyan guild discussIon at
Wesley hall, "Is Religion Part of the
Grade Teachers' Business?"
:00-Tatber Iden lectures at Baptist
Guild hall.
:00-Professor A. E. Wood lectures
in Natural Science auditorium on,
"The Social Point of View: What Is
It? Do We Need It? How Do We Oet
:00--Baptist young people meet at
the church parlors.
.11women's Educational Club.

Discovery May Cause Ford To Drop Shoals
...,..:: . fJ ? . y. s ""}
f " J.Y....

Francis l 'nyder, ,toe student whos e discovery may cause Henry Ford to drop his efforts to acquire Muscle
Shoals, a panorama of which is shown.

Leroy, Ill., July 25.-A discovery
made by a local youth may make;
Muscle Shoals useless to Henry Ford.
Ford is reported to boe' negotiating
for an entirely new process of extract-
ing nitrogen from the air, developed
by Francis H. Snyder of Leroy, a
student in Syracuse university.
Snyder's process for synthesizing
nitrogen ,compounds creates liquid air
by distiIIaltion, btaining nitrogen, am-
monia and itric acid, without the
use of catalyetk gers to form the-
There have been non-catalytic pro-
cesses in the use, but they have been
too cott to be of commercial value.,
The Snyder proge is but trifling in
cost, it is declared.
Several la'rge manufacturing firms
Ernest Hartwell, superintendent of
Buffalo public schools, will give two,
lectures on problems in administra-
tion common to small, medium, and
large sized districts at 4 o'clock Wed-
nesday apn Thursday in the Univer-
sity High: Sciol,.
All students in e4ucation and apy
others interested in this wort are il-
vited to attend the lectures,

already have interested theniselve
the discovery, and some have n
flattering offers of purchase. We
is assured the youth.
One of these offers is from H
Ford, who planned to purchase Mu

s in Shoals for the purpose of extracting the ill feeli4g against foreigners
aade nitrogen by electricity. The Snyder shich was being experienced tnthat
alth method is much less costly and should s.i ow
Ford become interested further, it is ars.nowIardiaH oaumer
enry considered likely he will drop the are now at Pei Tai Ho, a summer
isc e Muscle Shoals proposition. resortnearPking.
Nitrogen is one of the most expen-
sive elements in the manufacture of
ammunition, but its principal value
lies in fertilizing the soil.
If it can be produced at a low cost -
nq nmicd d b tha S dla lanlrx 4 ARCADE


First Church of Christ, Scientist P1'S ryieivxr ur~r
discovery, every farmer and truck The Heart of a Siren, featuring
t 10:30 o'clock the rector will give gardener in the world will be in the Barbara La MarT and Conway Tearle
the sermon on.the subject: "Truth." market for it. Jill show at the Arcade through
The Sunday school session meets at Cheap fertilizer would increase the Wednesday, It is a First National
11:45 o'clock. On Wednesday nights productivity of the soil ly many mil- picture, directed by Phil Rosen, and
at 7:30 o'clock the testimony service lions of dollars annually, is an adaptation from Florence Reed's
is held. The reading room at 608! Snyder, unmoved by his sudden suc- stage ulay, "Hail and Farewell." It
First National Bank building is open cess, will continue his education, is a dramatically thrilling picture of
daily from 13 to 5 o'clock, except on society life in the guropean capitals.
Sundays and legal holidays. The comedy, H. S. Witwer's Pa_
LaurPTeaChImakers,"Don Coo Coo,"Internatioal
St, Paul's LutieraiChurch I VINe'ws, and Topical CommentcompleteI
The Students' Bible class meets at the program.
9 o'clock. At 10 o'clock is the regular Thepicture howing Thursday
sermon, which will be preached in the !through Saturday will be "The Mi-
English language, by the pastor. From - rage/' based on Edgar Selwyn's sen-
5:30'to 7:30 o'clock is the supper and Prof. Roy W. Cowden and Mrs. Cow- sational play, and featuring Floence
social hour for Lutheran summer stu-! den entertained the members of the Vidor, supported by Cllve Brooks,
dents, which is held at the parsonage. Cosmopolitan club and the foreign Alan Roscoe, Vola Vale, and Myrtle
students attending the summer ses- Vane. It degl with life as it Is
sion at their home on Olivia avenue known to that part of society in which
The Bible school meets at 9:30 o'- last night. men-about-town, typical New York
clock. The sermon ,on "The Swan The party was one of the affairs on first nighters, and gold-diggers move.
Song cf Jesus," will be given by the the club's program intendiing kUI Additional features are a Fox Sun-
pastor at 10:30 o'clock. Every Wed- ther acquaint foreign students with shine comedy, "The Butterfly Man,"
nesday night at 7:3) olock the class Amerlhai home lifeI International News, and Pathe Re-
in Bible study meets. A special weli- view.
come is extended to all summer school, Exhibit Traces MAJESTIC
students and faculty - "The Dixie Handicap," IReg-inald
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Story Of Design Barker's new Metro-Golds yn produc-
+ T TT 1 tion, which will appear at the Majes-
Holy Communion is at 8 o'clock. TheIn Woodcarvings tic through Wednesday, fe t res
morning prayer will be conducted by Claire Windsor Lloyd Hughes and
the Rev. Mr. Schenk, the summer min-1The old woodcarvings, which are Frank Keenan. It is a screen version
inter. The reading room and library Th
1t. h 1dgoma Iynow on exhibition in the architectural j of Gerald Beaumont' s "Dixie," and is
are open daily from 9 to 5 o'clock. corridor of the West Engineering 1,a story of horse racing with a strong
First Baptist Church Ibuilding were collected by Charles j dash of romance .added, culminating
"Moral. Jiscriminat'ion" will be Landon Jones, a New York attorney, i in the running of the Latonia stakes.

Baseball Scores

Mhicago 6, Detroit 2.
Phihadelphia , Boston 2 (10
Waghgtop--New Yprk, rain.
Cl vela1i ,1I, f#. Louis
St. Louis 7, Pittsburgh 2,
New York 7, Boston 6,
Cincinnati 3-1, Chicago 2-8
gante 11 innings).
Philadelphia-Brooklyn, rain.





Phi Delta Kappa, natipnal hon-
prary educational fraternity,
held a formal initiation Friday
afternop. qfllowed by a banquet
at the Union. Frof. J0're C. Ayer
of Washington university, Ve-
attle, was the principal speaker,
his subject dealing with "Educa-
tional Research."
The nine new members, all of
whom are school principals and
superintendents, initiated into
the society included John M.
Koch, Manilla, Ind., J. 'Glenn
Longworth, Detroit, Richard E.
Shriner, Fort Wayne, Ind., Wil-
liam Wade Haggard, Rockford,
Ill., Charles A. Thornton, Cleve-
lind, 0., Wayne Gardner Smith,
Cleveland, 0., Guy Fox, Colorado
Springs, Coo., Byron J. Rivett,
Detroit, and Leon Lewis Tyler,

the subject of Mr. Sayles' sermon and upon his death were bequeathed
which will be given at 10:30 o'clock. to his sister, Mary Jones of Grand
Father Iden's class for students will Rapids.
Fathr Idn's lassIn looking at this collection, one re-
meet in the Guild house at 12 o'clock.kn
At 6 o'clock the Young Peoples' soci- views to a certain extent, the story
of historic ornament and design.
ety meets in the church parlors. Each style of design has its own
spirit and character all which are
very well shown by these specimens.
ivNERS|II EXCURSION One panel, which closely resembles
HI TO Egyptian art, but which is probably
of Assyrian design, came from, west-
emn shores of Asia Minor. It shows
| the semi-conventional representation
The seventh University excursion, of human figures and the lack of per-
under the direction of Professor Ern- spective characteristic of Egyptian de-
est R. Smith took the annual trip to sign.
Put-in-Bay yesterday, One of the Next in history comes Greek art,
points of historic interest visited was which is represented by a small three-
Perry's monument, which was erected quarters length figure of a ,woman
to commemorate Commodore Perry's with the Greek simplicity of line and
victory over the English in the war perfect symmetry. As an example of
of 1812. I Dutch Gothic, there is a panel with

i tional features will be a Christie com- stated. As yet no formal invitz
L edy, Kinograms, and a stage act 'by have, been sent out b.y the athlet
Eddie and Morton Beck. ,floe, but it is expected that this
ai J -bedone aboftt Aug. 1.
S Madrid, July 25.--The under-gotoe

The party also saw the many caves
,which were of interest geologally,
jincluding Perry cave, the l' aussa
cave with its stalactites, and Para-
dise cave with its beautiful crystals
of celestite.
The trip was made by steamer down
the Detroit river, past Grosse Isle
and Bob-1o, into Lake Erie.

a face in the center of a circle sur- tary of instruction announced the do- Paris, July 2.-A divorce has
rounded by four oak leaves, more nation by the Rlockefeller Institute of granted Mrs. Vera Huntington Cr
naturalistic in form than conventianal $420,000 toward the erection in Ma d-1 Iarkin, daughter of Paul D. Cra
so characteristic of the Gotchic style. rid of a physics-chemical institute. New York lawyer, against James
terwaite Larkin by the civil tri
Bay City, July 25.-The main huild-' Washington, July 25. -Increases of of the Seine.
ing of the Defoe Boat & Motor Works 20 per cent in commutation passenger
was destroyed Wednesday night with !fares over the New Haven railroad American tourists spent more
a loss of $500,000. were approved today, $600,000,000 abroad last year.


E1Tem,a, in


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