THE SUMMER MICHIGAN, DAILY PAGE THESUME.MIHIANDAIY AG om Other Colleges - Campaigns for a e in membership of the Texas ex-Students asso- e started soon in every here there are ex-stu- ng to William D. Rug- of the ex-Student asso- .ese campaigns will be conducted through local university organizations in each city, and those in charge of the drive are only wait- ing for the publication of the ex- students' directory, which will be ofd the press - and ready for distribution soon. Urbanan, Ill., Prof. C. W. Parmelee, head of tie department of ceramic engineering, has gone to Chicago, where he will attend the first meeting of the special research committee on boiler refractories of the American Society of Chemical Engineers. He was appointed as a member of the committee last week. Urbana, Ill.-Thirty three members of the class of 1925 will take the' state bar examinations that will be held Monday and Tuesday in Chicago, Dean A. J. Harno of the college of law an- nounced yesterday Madison, Wis.-The first Industrial Girls' summer school ever sponsored by a state university is being conduct- ed at the University of Wisconsin this summer, and 41 girls from many cities are enrolled. The girls were sent by the Y. W. C. A., civic clubs, alumni clubs, private individuals, and wom- en's clubs of the cities in which' the girls work. A local committee work- ing with factory managers selected candidates subject to the approval by a university group. Special courses in English, econ- omics, hygiene, folk dancing, and community recreation are being given by the regular Wisconsin summer ses- sion faculty. No university credit is given the students. Austin, Tex.-Correspondence cour- have enerolled for psychology and sci- ses are popular in the university, ac- ence; housewives, doctors, nurses, cording to Miss Julia Vance, registrar ° radio men, lumber Mnen, archictects, of the division of correspondence contractors, even conductors on trains teaching. The usual type includes have carried on correspondence work. teachers and former students, how- ever the enrollment embraces men Bucharest, July 24.--The foreign of- and women in various occupations. flee has notified the American legation Policemen have taken courses in Eng- that Rumania is ready to begin nego- lish and sociology; real estate men'tiations for funding the war debt. t, i _.r.. .... CHURCH SERVICES. Seven Were Torn To Bits ., v - ~ -.1 '. First Church St. Andrew's Episcopal Church o Christ ScieontiSt 409 South Division St. II Church of Christ's Disciples Hill and Tappan Kenneth B. Bowen, Minister -I 10:30 A. M.--Regular morning Subject: "Truth." 11:45-Sunday School. Corner Catherine and Division Sts. Henry Lewis, Rector Philip Sehenk, Summer Minister H. L. Lonsdale, Assistant Lucia Boynton, Parish Secretary Seventh Sunday After Trinity. 8:00 A. M.--Holy Communion. 11:00 A. M.-Morning prayer. Sermon by the Rev. Mr-Schenk. HARRIS HALL Corner State and Huron Reading Rloo Library Open Daily, 9 A. M.-5 P. M. 11 11 7:30-Wednesday, Service." Testimony I1 The Reading Room, 608 First National Bank building, is open daily from 12-5 o'clock, except Sunday and legal holidays. Ili 11 11 9:30-Bible School. : 14:30-Morning worship. Topic by pastor. "The Swan Song of Jesus." (I) 7:30-Wednesday, Bible study. SpecYal welcome to summer students and faculty. LOST-Lady's white gold wrist watch link band. Finder please phone 21474. LOST-Small grey purse on campus- finder please call 7271. 528 Elm. LOST-A silver ring with a yellow set. Phone 7745. Miss Woodford. FOR RENT Si Ph Si, Paul's Lutheran Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH East 1uron St. between State and Division Sts. Third and West Huron Sts. C. A. Brauer, Minister. R. Edward Sayles, Minister, 9:00 A. M.-Students' Bible Class. 10:00 A. M.-Divine service in the English language. Ser- mon by the pastor. 5:30-7:30 P. M.-Supper and Social Hour for Lutheran summer students at the parsonage. 10:30-Sermon: "Moral Discrimination." Mr. Sayles will preacher. Time, 10:30. I t ,t be the __ 12:00-Father Iden's class in the Guild House. This class is for students. 6:00-The Young People's Society meets in the church parlors. -di members of - the Fleck family of Richardson, N. D., were torn d bits and the remains scattered over. a wide area, when a rail- i struck an automobile on a grade crossing at Billings, Mont. of the automobile are shown. The other photo shows the position when struck. (Another car was used for the purpose of illus- DANCING t the New Lake House Pavilion WHITMORE LAKE FOR RENT--Three room apartment, new and complete. One half block from campus. Call 4024 between 6 and 8 P. M. FOR RENT- For school year, two ~nicely furnished rooms. Steam heat, no other roomers, reasonable rent. Phone 5035. WANTED A JUNIOR Student wants a suite of rooms this coming fall in a private family, near the campus, preferably. Give details. Box 4, Daily. WANTED- Student to work noons and evenings for board at Arcade Cafeteria. BOOK Our Bargain Counters BARCAINS should be of interest to Summer School Teachers and stu- dents. New additions daily. WAHR' lUNIVERSITY XVAH~~(~BOOK STOR E I Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday A large, cool pavilion with real music and a wonderful floor. the Lone Su 'vivor i mommoommumm" ii Give your pen a drink of Will not clog or gum the point and makes the best pen write better. Classified Ads in the Summer Daily bring results. So if you want to buy or sell anything-if you have lost or found anything-if you want to get work, or have someone work for you, run a classified ad. Call 21214, or bring your ad to the Press building on Maynard street across from the "Maj." 4e. The 46 Special at $5.00 and the Student's Special at $3.75 are fashioned with the same care and attention to detail that has made the Sheaffer the pen of perfection.- SBy the Creators of the Lifetime Pencil New York 370 7th Avenue Chicago: PENS "LIFETIME" PENCILS W. A. SHEAFFER PEN CO., Fort Madison, Iowa AL Shea #few With d thard- met native Md1. Denver 502 Jacobsen Bld. San Franciso 681 Market Str.e w -1