THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY 0w umer1 IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE VERSITY OF MICHIGAN ] SUMMER SESSION d every morning except Monday e University Summer Session by . in Control of Student Publica- EDITORIAL COMMENT TASTE ROLLS ENFORCeEENT AND CORRUPTION TO -(The New York Times) M ICKEY - l The Associated Press is exclusively en-. titledto'the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othe wise credited in this paper and the local news pub-t lished herein- Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michian,C postoffic'e as second class matter.t Subscription by carrier, $L.5o; by mail,1 2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,' Ann rbor, Mi . Communications, if signed as evience of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessariy endorse the sentiments expressed in the communica-1 tions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THALT News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield City Editor..........Manning Housewort _Women's Editor...... ........Marion Nfead ight Editor........LeRoy L. Osborn Night Editor....... W. Calvin Ptte on Night Editr..........Chander Hi. Whipple Assistants William T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen 'Vivian Boron Marion Mey r Julia Ruth Brown Ralph B. Nelson Dorothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck Katerine ardner Nance Solomon Ia Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 S BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN Circulation................Kermit K. Kline Publication................. rank Sch oe feld Assistants Myra C. FinsterwaldThos. E. Sunderland SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1925 Night Editor-ROB'T. S. MANSFIELD IN TIME OF PEACE,- England has yielded to the demands of the admiralty party, and will start immediately on a building program which calls for four new cruisers this year, and three yearly during the life m of the present parliament. What this action means, or may mean, is a pro- blem for conjecture. Some may see in this decision the increasing power of the militarists in England, some may see merely an attempt to maintain the English nav- al supremacy, some may see-in the opposition of the economy party to the shipbuilding plan-the beginnings of the decline of the British naval pow- er, in fact, there are any number of signs that might be deducted by the casual obesrver. We do not know which of these opinions is correct, or if any of them is, but we do be- lieve that the 'resumption of an active shipbuilding plan on the part of the British government deserves some explanation. While most of the nations of the world are casting about for some dip- lomatic method of preserving peace, England, considered as an active sup- porter of the peace plans, starts a program of refitting and strengthening what is already the most powerful navy in the world. It may be a good thing for international peace that there exists some such overwhelming- ly powerful orzanization, but we won- der what real motive prompted the British sea lords. THE SAILOR'S PRAYER The Yachtmen's Association of Am- erica and the Detroit Gold Cup com- mittee have passed a joint resolu- tion condemning the promiscuous fir- ing on pleasure craft by prohibition and customs agents. Though this res- olution will - probably receive only passing notice from governmental of- ficials, such shootings as have occur- red on the Detroit river recently de serve the most vigorous of investiga- tions. In addition to placing innocent hu- man life in jeopardy, such promiscu- ous use of firemarms by men whose powers of discretion is often limited to the authority to wear a badge car do much to ruin one of our greatesi sports,-yachting. Boat owners have already found that the water which is being drawn from the Great Lakes by the Chicago Drainage canal is threatening their sport, and the addi. tional handicap of wild revenue offic. ers may ruin its very foundation. It is bad enough that our greal equatic playgrounds are being ruined by the nation's two largest cities,-the Chicago Drainage canal and the New York system of garbage disposal,- uut when the federal government al. lows its agents to make our coasts shooting ranges, that is too much,- andis carrying prohibition enforce- ment too far. Sue hmethods should not be necessary, nor should they be In working out his plans for a com- plete reorganization of the agencies! for enforcing prohibition, General An- drews has naturally sought informa- tion concerning the efficiency of the existing system and the existing offi- cials. Evidence is now said to have been furnished him by the De- partment -of Justice that a schockingly large proportion of the agents of en- forcement are inefficient because they are corrupt. The facts were obtained, it is stated, from Federal District At. torneys in a large number of States, Replying to questions sent to them by an Assistant Attorney General, Mrs. Willebrandt, they asserted that to their knowledge corruption prevails in at least 40 per cent of their dis- tricts. They are reported to have given names, places and dates. Whether the evidence is in such legal form that prosecution of the guilty officials can be ordered by the Gov- ernment is highly doubtful. But the mass of details submitted will obvi- ously be very useful to General An- drews'in pushing his plans for an entire reorganization of the service. For example, in dealing with poli- ticians who come to him to demand that theirappointees be retained, it will be very convenient to be able to produce memoranda. You say that your Superintendent is a model of energy and virtue. Well, here is proof that he has been either negligent or corrupt. You say that if I remove the chief agent in your state you will make an issue oft in the Senate. But before you do that wouldn't i .be well for you to look at the docu- ments which could be produced show- ing that he has suddenly got rich ou of his office? It is easy to see ho interviews of this kina could be ha with many mortified Congressmen t the amusement of General Andrew and with the result of a distinct ton ing up of the service. On the main question the disclosure simply justifly the predictions whici were made when the Volstead act be came law. To get that bill througi Congress the Anti-Saloon League con sented with its eyes open to have po litical spoils made of prohibition en forcement. Doubtless this fact ac counts for some of the worst case of corruption. But it is idle to deceiv ourselves by attempting to belev that the enforcement service coul have 'been made wholly efficient an pure even if placed in the hands o officials chosen under the civil ser vice rules. In that case things migh not have been so bad as they are, bu they would have been bad. The strain of temptation is too grea for weak human nature, whether th agent involved be the henchman, of; politican or an appointee after com petitive examination. Congress neve would agree to pay these men enoug to lift them above the lure of lavis bribes. By simply staying away, o shutting their eyes if present, the can render to lawbreakers a servic worth large sums of money, so tha in one night, solely for refrainin, from doing their duty, they can ge .two or three times as much money a their salary would amount to for whole year. To expect that corru; tion could be kept out of a situatio like thatjs to be credulous in the ex treme. Just this sort of result wa prophesied from the very first. I has all along been the seamy side c the prohibition law. And we may a well steel ourselves to its being a con _ tinning reproach to American publi morality, even after General Ar _ drews has done his best to brin about an improvement. BOSTE E sTGlendale 9792 BuN~tii Mat. Tesday, Thursday PLAYHOUSE and Saturday. 50c-75c. Woodward at Eliot. Eves. 75c-$1.50 Downtown Ticket Office at Grinnell's. TUESDAY MATINEE The Bonst elie Co. In a Comedy of Life by Philip Barry [Author of "You and I"] eeThe Youngest" ALSO "A DANCE DIVERTISSEMENT" Arranged by VICTORIA CASSAN Curtain rises on the Dance Divertissement at E:Xo nights and mats Theatre cooler than home or office. NEXT WEEK-"Grounds for Divorce." Our Special $1.00 Sunday Dinner Thlick Thal had a letter from Mick-' ey yesterday, and while we fee that1 she might have written us too, we are not going to be spiteful about it. It is with great joy that we think of working with her on the Summer Daily last summer and on the regular Daily during the two years. We feel that no tribute we could write would be adequate, and so we are limiting ourselves to wishing her well and hoping a rdently for th success of her latest venture inthe world of journal- ism. Celery Hearts Queen Olives Cream of Chicken Soup 101st TIME GAR RI C Eves. - 50c to $2.50 Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 12th Big Week sat. Mat. Sac to $2.00 The Miracle Play of America ANNE NICHOLS' "Abie's Irish Rose"~ SEE IT! You Will Eventually WHY NOTNOW! F SEATS NOW For This and Next Week. CHOICE OF Roast Spring Chicken---Dressing Fricasse Chicken---Asparagus Tips Fried Spring Chicken, a la Lin Mashed Potatoes Scalloped Corn Coffee Milk Ice Tea LINCOLN RESTAURANT 212 E. HURON STREET Daily Dissertation Today's Topic: Girlish Gigglers. Far be it from us to pan any mem- bers of the fair (take it any way you please) sex, but we have developed an idiosyncrasy which may in time lead OPEN ALL NIGHT 'F to .urder. Yesterday afternoon we went to the Maj. (adv.), to regale ourselves with Jerry's sterling presentation, and soon after we had been seated in barged three lovely damsels. We feel safe in saying that they were lovely because it was dark 4n the theater when they arrived and when we left. As we were saying, in barged the three and sat down in the row ahead of ~us. Scarcely had they been seated when one of them whispered something to her neighbor which brought forth a storm of giggles. The whisperer gig- gled with her, and the third gynch joined in sympathetically, although we are inclined to believe that she didn't know what the giggling was all about. We simled wanly to ourselves, and hoped that the words had really bee'1 funny, and settled ourselves to enjoy the show. But nay, that was not to be. From the time they entered to, the time we left they kept up a steady stream of idiotic giggling. We he'reby recommend that gigglers be excludded from the better thea- ters along with crying infants (with whom we have same sympathy). We further recommend that allbappre- hended doing it ,in a theater be hung by the neck until quite dead. Oh yes, quite. * * * Please Send Address and Phone Numr- ber I read in yesterday's Daily that canoeing is losing its popularity. If .you think this true, just ask one of the "not school teachers" about the campus. Speaking for them, I say we're all for it. The trouble is not t in the increased number of automo- biles, but the increased number of bashful men in whichYMichigan seems to abound. Most of us would be only . too glad to make canoeing popular 1 if we were given the proper chance. If you don't believe it, just try it out. . -Una Form. We wonder. We wonder if Una t Form means all she says. If she does, ~ Peat Bog says he's all for her. We t wonder. . . . . . Oswald vs. Jerltza f15f "!c 4 OA 'WQdhatever our "Choice of a Career," college training has increased your economic 'value, and whatever business or profession you enter, adequate life insurance is a proper self appraisal of your powers in that direction. The traditions,practices, and financial strength of the JOHN HANCOCK Mutual Life Insurance Company are such that a college man can take especial pride in having a John Hancock policy on his life. It is also a distinct asset from the start. It will pay you to buy it; and later on, should you think of Joining the field corps of this company, it will also pay you to sell John Hancock policies. Our.representatives will tell you gust how, and assist you in selecting both your career and your insurance. a4ddress e4gency Department IN Sixty-one Years in Business Now insuring One Billion Seter Hundred Million Dollars in policieson 3,250,000 lives Of-BOSIoN. MASSAC"USITTIS ,. .4'-' . t "' I+ WAR C C i Pen and Eversharp are - - obtainable in matched sets,.- - -- An unqualified gmaranteesi back of every t product I rtnads rabl ' - e d n Et e h) s :s [- t d i I w C- s. -. d . IS HE AFRAID? (The Dtroit Free Press), We can think of two reasons why Mr. Bryan may be planning a move- ment to stop the use of government money for ethnological research by the Smithsonian Institute, a fear of the truths which new scientific discov- eries may bring out, and a desire to continue basking in the limelight. By trying to prevent advance in hu- man knowledge of the past, Mr. Bryan undoubtedly could obtain oodles of notoriety of a sort, and he would be welcme to all he could obtain. But unless congress has degenerated even more than it seems to have done un- der the blight of the primary election system-and goodness knows it is in a bad enough condition - he could scarcely hope to persuade it to take an action that would put it in the posi- tion of placing a premium on ignor- ance, and a ban on educational and scientific progress. Is the life of a convicted murderer sufficient excuse for making all the fuss that has been made over Scott? Tamam: You remember that parrot I showed you in a bird store, well, I've got it up in my room now. I was given to understand that it's former owner was the warden of an insane asylum, and that the warden's wife possess- ed apsirations toward being a prima donna. Consequently the parrot, whom I have named Oswald after my best friend, is a victim of circumstances, and sings like Jeritza, and keeps calling all day long: ( "Coo-coo! Coo- coo!" If you have a picture of Peat Bog please send it C .0. D. by partial post, 'cause Oswald hasn't had a good laugh for a long time.. Mockingly, -Vee, '63. P. S.-Oswald sends Love and Kiss- es. * * We have a notion that we will de- liver the love and kisses to Olaf the Great when he gets back. Peat Bog wouldn't appreciate them. * * * We wish to announce that we feel rather strongly about an erroneous report about us which has been in circulation about the campus. The other night we took a fair dam- sel out to supper from the office, only to discover when we got through eat- ing, that we had left our meal book and money in another pair of trou. The damsel obligingly came to our rescue but has since been circulating the report that we owed her eighty cents. She was wrong. It was seven- ty cents, and besides we paid her back a dollar two days ago. -Tamam. Complete Writing Equipment Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts. Durability and dependability are common qualities of these economical, practical writing companions. The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and complete interchangeability of parts are among the six new features which make the perfected Eversharp. And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever- sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and beautiful in design-it is the ideal pen. Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55. Madetrithe U.S.A. byTHEWAHL COMPANY, Chicago Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufa urers of the WahlEversharp and the Wah All-MetalFountain Pen WA H.YIRYHARP Aw i ,y: ' , ,r 'y