1 151L' .J hV 1V11Y1LL RL..E ll , t g a # $#6 IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE VERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION d every morning except Monday e University Summer Session by tin Control of Student Publica- >sociated Press is exclusively en- he use for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise ithis gaper and the local news, pub EDITORIAL COMMENT, r ered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, Filce as second class matter. scription by carrier, i.5o; by mail, ces: Press Building, Maynard Street,' Arbor, Michigan; Lmunications, if signed as evidence of faith, will be published in The Summer at the discretion of the Editor. Un- tcommunications will receive no con- ion. The signature may be omitted in tfon if desired by . the writer. 'The; er Daily does not necessarily endorse ntiments expressed in the communica- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492.5 MANAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THAL Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield Editor........Manning Houseworth nan of the Editorial Board......... . Frederick K. Sparrow, Jr. :n's Editor...............M Varion :Mead ah Editor.......Leslie S. Bennetts Editor..............Willard B. Crosby Editor..........W. Calvin Patterson Assistants -n T. Barbour Marion Meyer 1 DuBois Catherine Miller C. Finsterwald Robert E. Minnich rie' Lardner Kenneth B. Smith .Lehitiner Nance Solomon eE. Lehtiner Marion Welles R. Marcuse Mary L. Zang BUSINESS STAFF' Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN tsing...............Thomas Olmstead nts............ .. Charles Daugherty ation...............Kermit K. Klein ation.................Frank Schoenfeld MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1925 PS AND REVEILLE hen the trumpeters sounded taps morning, seventeen hundred igan men and women officially their University and became al- f, their college days closed. And a few seconds later reveille was ded, announcing to the world these same mnen and women have red as active participants in the e of Life., ey are leaving the seclusion of ge life, and entering the game h they have been preparing to for four of niore years. They not entering the game with that h cartooned idea that they are t to' "set the world on fire." But are entering with the assurance they have superior advantages, mentally they are better equip-' than the vast majority of their nents. - r a few years' we shall not hear Lem; they will be submerged in great whirlpool that makes the y real and worthwhile. Some of may come dangerously near the iungry cavity in the center-the ng place of souls who have lost te game of Life; mayhaps a few hem will lose their fight with giant monster, and be swept ". But most of them will flnd way to the outer edge and firm ig, and they will build structures rsical, mental, or personal-that. easily withstand the grinding, ing, drawing current of the pool. And some of them may ruct foundations so firm that will change the course of the -leave their "footprints in the of time." ch of these graduates-.is going nto the world with his own ida .ccess, his own idea of the play ould like to make in the game fe. Many will aim at material =macy,--a few will attain it, a number will get far along the Some will most desire intellec- achievements, personal glorifica- or to be of some marked service1 upmanity. A small number of will reach their ultimate goals,{ a will climb the ladder of sue- to varying heights. And then1 Will be a small number who. the game'with one idea upper- to live Life for the sake of liv- for the pleasure and comforts oys that it has to offer. And in Inal analysis, these latter will bly attain the greatest success. ; no mattel- what their .aims or , today seventeen hundred Mich- men and women leave the halls they have frequented during the few years and enter into the of Life. And as they leave, thei wishes of parents, relatives, L, classmates,' and of the Uni- y for the best In life go withI May each of them succeed asc es success, and each carve hiss THE "OLD GRAD" AND THE NEW (The Christian Science Monitor) Youth, of all the estates through which mortals pass, is alone peren- nial. It requires no juggling of time or memory, therefore, for the other- wise sedate graduate of the eighties to translate himself, at this season of class reunions and college home-com- ings, from the environment of more serious years back to the atmosphere and scenes of the old campu. To some who make the journey, long or short, the adventure is an unusual and experimental. one. Always in June the call has come, but it has been seldom answered. Pressing business or professional engagements have a way of interposing themselv es, and reunions can always be post- poned. But, when: the time arrives for the graduation of sons or augh- ters from the same hall that provid- ed so imposing a setting a third of a century ago, the impluse is too strong to be resisted. No one knows the new graduate so well as the old. Much has been writ- ten and said in recent years which might convince the casual observer of what is referrd to as the "decad- ence of youth." The old graduate who is honest with himself will prob- ably be the first to demand from those who proclaim this theory a bill of particulars. He will call attention to the fact that in his college days the same concern was manifested. Then, as now, invidious comparisons were made. The perils of thriftlessness were pointed out and perhaps magni- fled. There were impassioned appeals for a return to the ways and customs of the fifties, It was no more possible for the graduate or undergraduate of the eighties or nineties to hold back the innovating tide in his day than for those of today to cling to the old and despise the new. The "old grad" of today is convinced now, just as he was convined in his college days, thathe was pursuing the way of what he regarded as progress. He may not have convinced his elders and ment- ors of this. He may not now be con- vinced thatthe ways of .today are bet- ter or safer than the ways of yester- day. But if he has gained anything by experience, he has learned that it is as useless for him to attempt to change the order of things as it was for his solicitous counselors to shape his course. as an individual. Youth has, upon its side, a convinc- ing and irrefutable argument. It is that in all things civilization is pro- gressing. Now this, it must be admit- ted, it not merely accidental. Civil- ization cannot progress except as the thought and aspirations of individuals, represented .in the mass, progress. Alarmists and the prophets of evil are never silent. Today, as in all the days, they are warning of what they profess to see as the evil times to come. But despite this, it is pleasant and reassuring -to believe that the world is growing better, that its peo- ple are more considerate of one an- other than ever before. It is in all these things that human thought and human aspirations are reflected. The leaders and exponents of this thought are not the uneducated and the untrained. They are those who have been taught, by some pro- cess, how ,to think, and to think a- right. The college, popularly, is the great melting pot. It has never ser- iously failed. Today the "new grad" meets the old. His eyes are fixed on the future, and they are filled with bright purpose. The somewhat more sedate alumnus will not disillusion him. There is no reason why he should. " He himself has proved the worthiness of his equipment. He realizes, also, that there is need to- day, as always, of courage, enthusi- asm, undaunted determination, and above all of unselfish devotion to the great cause in which the recruit, un- hesitatingly enlisting, stands shoul- der to shoulder with graying veteran of a third of a century of construe- tive warfare. OASEDROLLS IDEDICATED TO JO AND METTA ZILCH We nominate for the Rolls Hall of Fame Jo and Metta Zilsh because neither of them have attained -great meit as artists or impressarios or authors or critics, but because they are real American folks and don't put on airs. . ,,., Best L. C. Renting and Repairing a Specialty Adding Machines gSold and Rented CoWiio Jo and etta * * * Daily Dissertation During the past summer (long past) it was the policy of Rolls to conduct a Daily Dissertation about once a week or so or whenever the time seemed auspicious. This policy will be continued under the present regime. Be it known that the dissert- ation pretends not to humor. On Friday, Michigan played Ohio State university in baseball. (news item). Being at a house party we miffed on down to Ferry Field at the proper hour and drew nigh unto the gates. In' our pocket reposed the coupon book issed by Mr. Yost bear- ing our name and style, and in our ginch's pocket book reposed her cou- pon issued by the same gent and bearing her name and style. We pull- ed up at the 'gate, as we have said, and hauled out the diminutive yellow pamphlets. "Coupons ain't no good today," says the person at the gate. "Buy tickets at the window." "How much?" says we. "A buck," says the gent, discourte- ous-like. We went to the Maj.-(Adv). It wasn't so much the two bucks- we could have borrowed that from our ginch. It was the principle of the thing. Michigan's Varsity base- ball team, composed wholly of stu- dents in the University, were playing a rival Conference team. The cou- pon books, paid for in the general fees paid by all students, are reputed by announcement to admit students to all Michigan athletic games. But here was a poor, hard-working stu- dent and his girl friend turned down cold. We wonder just what the Ath- letic association is trying to get away with. Stadium propaganda to the con- trary notwithstanding, the odor pro- claims something long since defunct in the State of Denmark. We have disserted, but still re- mains the burning question: "WHY?" * * *- But there were really a lot of nice things going on Friday and Satur- day. The Alumni, etc. We sozzled about the campus a bit, looking hither and thither for amusement, and found it. Here wa a gent of am- ple proportions wearing a bedoozled floo-flah on his cranium. It may have been a straw hat at one time, for it had a brim and a band. But there the semblance ceased. On the front it bore a feather, gaudy but not neat, and the legend: 'LO, meaning, we take it: Naughty Naught Law. We passed him without a word, wonder- ing if we would be like that twenty- five years from now, and secretly hoping that we would, only we didn't tell that to the ginch who was hob-I bling about with us. * * * Conversation There was more of the above, but Jo and Metta just came in. Says they: Jo: "ABCD Boids?" Metta: "LMNO Boids." Jo: "OSAR." * * * Winding up with verse, we leave with you this thought: A fly stood on the railroad track, He turned in haste, came running back. He woke me from my mild repose I turned and smashed him on the nose. * * * And so's your old man. Tamara. J7okio, June 15.- The government has decided to install hospital cars on all the trains of the national rail- ways to care for third-class passeng- ers who become sick while, on a journey or who are traveling while seriously ill. Novelties Stationery Typewriters Fountain Pens Greeting Cards 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store x Print. 'Engrav Emboss Typewrit Mimeograph .. r _, iF uate *1 and A.1u. a quality guaranteed factory rebuilt Underwood, Smith, Royal and others at a saving of one-third to one-half of new machine prices. Second-hand large machines and portable typewriters at - - - $25.00 up { - TYPEWRITERS Keep in touch with your Alma Mater this. summer through the columns of The Summe:c Michigan Daily I Read what the students thi nk about Current Events, both local and throughout the country. Have the Summer Ilichigan Daily delivered to your door either by our carried- or by the mailman It's almos worth graduating just to come back for a reunion. We wonder if that's why some of our classmates are going to school. Joe's used to be. the center of alum- ni activities; now it's Alumni Mem- orial hall. Still, the attendance seems to be increasing. Graduating wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for paying the fees. Billings, Mont., June 15.-The Bill- ings Gazette yesterday announced the elimination of its editorial page, as such, beginning today, because of "tight space." 4 RATESLocal $1.50 Foreign $2.00 at Press bl Subscribe0on Maynal .-.. . w