T he
-P .
p quest n: What is your opin-
of the Ann Arbor auto resic-e
pre .asked: Near the restrictedi
e~n'iyrs:> R. H. Newcomer, lit-t
q student: "It seems to me that
ing as the University has not ab-z
ely prohibited . the, students the
of cars, the city regulationsc
Id appreciate their demands inI
lity to the inhabitants of the city.
sin laws regulating parkIng, t
i, and stop streets are necessary,
the discrimination shown against
ent offenders J as compared to1
leniency shown the city -people
is unnecessary. Furthermore,
e is a student to park his carI
the University buildings, if most<
he space is restricted?"c
C. Mann, '27E: "In my regard<
automobile restrictions in Ann
ir are all right. They are no'
severe in proportion than are1
h of other cities."
M. Stewart, '26E: "There is justa
thing wrong with Ann Arbor'
Ling restrictions. I think it ridei-
s that parking is prohibited on
old car tracks on State street."1
ed Lyons, literary student. "I
k the Ann Arbor police would be
,in a greater reverence by the
ent body if they were to treat;
a as human beings instead of
e criminals. As a ,slight sugges-
the parking regulations might
nade to include the .townspeople
* so that the unfortunate students
ht feel more at home."
I. Maxwell, literary student:
hough it is consistent with the
rersity policy of restricting stu-.
ownership of automobiles as
;h as possible, adequate parking
e should be provided for those
h are here. The abandoned street
tracks seems to be the best place
his time."
swis White, engineering student:
e parking regulaions are all
t, as are the speed laws; but in
rcing the speed laws, laws con-
ling lgihts, etc., too much discrim-
on is made in connection with
ther or not the offenders are
euts or towns-people. The towns-
)le seem to have a 'drag' while
students carry a perpetual curse."
tinting Class
Contains Talent
he personnel of the outdoor paint-
class comprises a larger number
,dvanced and talented students usual during the regular ses-
t according to MIuyron Chapin of
architectural department, who is
lucting the class, This is due to
College Starts
Fifth Century
(Continued From Page One)
To make room for his college a quart-
er of the city of Oxford was pulled
down. In the first year alone he spent
a sum equivalent to three-quarters of
a million dollars. His plan was so
vast that the great church of St. Frid-
eswides which serves as the cathedral
of the Oxford diocese was to be razed
make room for his college chapel.
Hiq kitchen is one ._of the largest in
the country and the great dining hall
Is second only to the hall of West-
minster in size and grandeur.
When Wolsey fell from favor his
college was taken over by the king,
who refounded it under his own ;
name, then suppressed it as a college
to unite it with his new Oxford dio-
Beside Wolsey's great hall and
kitchen, Christ Church boasts two of
the finest English examples of the
Gothic style of architecture, both built
more than a century after Gothic be-
came merely a historical term. One
of these, the stairway to the hall, was
designed in 1640 by a genius known
only as "Simth of London." The other,
Tow Tower, carrying the Great Tom
bell which every night rings 101 peals
to announce the closing of college.
gates, was designed by Christopher
Wren, architect of St. Paul's, in one
of the few happy moments when he
really sensed the feeling of medieval
Christ Church in its 400 years has
contributed its share of illustrious
names to history, American' as well as
English. William Penn was a student
of The House until he was sent down
for his religion, as was George Gren-
ville whose stamp act led to the Re-
volution and the loss of the American
colonies. Sydney, knight and' poet,
Hakluyt, the geographer, Ben Jonson,
John Locke, the philosopher, Bishop
Stubbs, the historian and "Lewis.
Carroll," author of Alice in Wonder-
land, are but a few of the great Christ
Church company. The college has
been fortunate in its rulers, nearly all
its deans being men of great ability.1
One was the greatest smoker of his{
day, and when a bet was made that
he would be smoking his pipe at ten
in the morning it was only lost be-
cause lhe was cleaning his pipe at
the moment. Another worthy dean,
called "Presence-of-mind Smith" won,
this unusual designation by thump-
ing with an oar a boating c9mpan-
ion who had fallen overboard and was
risking the dean's safety by his at-
tempts to reenter the boat.
i 0-
iQWMe CpllMN
LOST-Lady's white gold wrist watch
link band. Finder please phone
LOST-Small grey purse on campus-
finder please call 7271. 528 Elm.
LOST-A silver ring with a yellow
set. Phone 7745. Miss Woodford.
FOR RENT- House, 6 rooms and
bath, modern. Furnished or unfur-
nished. 1030 Church St. Call after
5:30 P. M.
Yank Aids French
In Moroccanl War
FOR RENT--Three room apartment,
new and complete. Ong half block
from campus. Call 4024 between 6;
and 8 P.M.
FOR RENT- For school year, two
niyaiy furnished rooms. Steam heat,
no other roomers, reasonable rent.
Phone 5035.,
WANTED - Someone to read about
two hours a day. Only students
specializing in English literature
need apply. For further particu-
lars, phone 6746 Wednesday or
Thursday from 4 to 6.
A JUNIOR Student wants a suite of{
rooms this coming fall in a private
family, near the campus, preferably.
Give details. Box 4, Daily.
WANTED- Student to work noons*
and evenings ,for board at Arcade,
FOR SALE-1 1-2 year thorobred air-
dale. Very reasonable. Telephone
FOR SALE-A doctor's roll top ac-
count register and case record.
Dial 6845.
Read the Want Ad-
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday Eve.
Sunday Afternoon and Eve.
Visit Detroit This Summer
And Enloy a Real Vacation
Put-In-Bay in Lake Erie
The most picturesque and delightful Summer pleasure Island near
Detroit. Every sport that pleases: Bathing, dancing, sailing; explore
the mysterious caves; see Perry's battle monument, picnic groves,
athletic fields. Numerous fine hotels and cottages cater to Summer
visitors and at reasonable prices. Stay a day or a week and enjoy
yourself, forget your troubles and renew your health.
This beautiful island playground 18 reached only by the palatial and .speedy day
excursion steamer PUT-IN-BAY. One great deckdevoted to dancing and music;
restful cabins and breeze-swept open decks.
Steamer PUT-IN-BAY gives excursions daily from Dbtroitto Put-In-Bay Island
at 9 a. m, from the wharf at the foot'of First Street. Four hours crowded with
pleasure at the island, and arrive back in Detroit at 8 p. m. Fare for the round
trip 80 cents week days; Sundays and Holidays, $1.25.
Cedar Point and Sandusky, Ohio
After leaving Put-In-Bay Island the steamer sails on throu h the natrow chan-
nels among the delightful Lake Erie Islands to Sandusky and Cedar Point, Ohio.
Cedar Point. just across the bay from Sandusky, is known as the Atlantic City bf
the West. With its huge hotels, electric park, magnificent bathing beach and
board walk it is easily the Queen of the Great Lakes Summerresorts.d
On Fridays, after July 4. steamer Put-In-Bay gives a special excursion to Cedar
Point, allowing four hours at the wonderful resort, and reaching Detroit at
10:30 p. M.
Dancing Aoonlights Write for Map Folder
Leaves Detroit 8:cp.m.Ashley &mDustin
F'are. Wed,.,'Thurs. 60c. ,Sat.,
Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Steamer Line
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mich.
4NSTE~~E Mats.Glendale 9792
Mats. Tuesday, Thursday 4
Pt AYHOUSE and Saturday. 50C-75C.
Woodward at Eliot. Eves. 75c-$1.50
Downtown Ticket Office at Grinuell's.
The Bonstelle Co.
In a Comedy of Life by Philip Barry
[Awat or of "You an "
tThe Youngest i!
Curtain rises:o nts ssement at
Theatre cooler than home or office.
NEXT WEEK-"Grounds for Divorce."
~ ~
I.*_ ,1
Capt. Reginald Weller, world war
flier, is one of a score of American
soldiers of fortune who have enlisted
in the French forces fighting the Riffs
-in Morrocco.
many are working in pencil, pen and
ink, charcoal, and pastel.
Kieve, Russia, July 23.- Princess
Olga Volkbnsky, widow of General
Volkonsky, who was shet during rev-
olutionary disturbances in 1918, was
today sentenced to three years' im-
prisonment and confiscation of
property for practicing clairvoyance,
which is forbidden by the Soviet
statutes. The princess was accused
by the public prosecutor of establish-
ing a fortune telling parlor near a red
army barrack and advising red sold-
iers how to evade military service.
fir, ..ta
the fact that
composed of
most of the class is
graduate students, in-
cluding several art teachers. The
fact that the class works out of doors
every day from 2 to 4 o'clock is also
responsible for the improvement in
the work.
Mr. Chapin is specializing in water-
color, emphasizing broken color tech-
nique. The students my choose any;
medium they wish,* however, and
.4 Pen and Evers arp areo
obtainable in matched
An unqualied gmaraneestands
back of every Wahl
Classified Ads
in the Summer Daily
bring results.
So if you want to buy or sell.
anything-if you have, lost or
found anything-if you want
to get work, or have someone
work for you, run a classified
ad. Call 21214, or bring your
ad to the Press building on
Maynard street across from
the "Maj."
Y '^..
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Complete Writing Equipment
Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl
Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts.
Durability and dependability are common qualities
of these economical, practical writing companions.
The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and
complete interchangeability of parts are among the
six new features which make the perfected Eversharp.
And the Wahl all-metal'.Pen is at par with Ever-
sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in
weight, perfectin balance, resistant to wear, and
beautiful in design-it is the ideal pen.
Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55.
MadeintheU.S.A.byTHEWAHL COMPANY,Chicago
Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto
Manufrersof tk#'WahlEversharp and the Wah lAl-Metal Fountain Pen
&WAf P1W
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