PC) THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, J1 a >t uutnmer OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the oard in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michgan, postoflice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $z.0. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Communications, if signed as evience of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. :7n signed communicationstWill receive no con- sideraion. The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessariy endorse the sentiments expressed in the communica- tfons. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THAL News Editor ............ Robert S. Mansfield City Editor..........Manning Housewort: Women's Editor..............Marion Mead Night Editor.............LeRoy L. Osborn Night Editor...... .W. Calvin Patt 'on Night Editor...........Chandler H. Whipple Assistants William T. Barbour George E. Iehtinen Vivian Boron Marion Meyer Julia Ruth Brown Ralph B. Nelson Dorothy Buris Miriam Schlotterbeck Katherine Lardner Nance Solomon Ina Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN Circulation................Kermit K. Kline Publication................Frank Schoenfeld Assistants Myra C. FinsterwaldsThos. E. Sunderland FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925 Night Editor-LEROY L. OSBORN', FARMER-GENTLEMEN "Agriculture is gradually getting its house in order again," in the opin- ion of Secretary Jardine, who has just made a tour of the western states. And he further believes that the far- mers are getting back to a position where there will probably be little demand for farm legislation from the next congress. And in this opinion, Mr. Jardine is supported by num- erous other men whose business it is to study the desires of the people of the great agriculture districts, among them Senator Curtis, Kansas, Repub- lican whip, who recently spent con- siderable time traveling around hi home state. There Is no finer indication of pros' perity ahead than such a healthy con- dition among the farming community. Despite the financial superiority of the industrial areas, the agriculturist is still the man who feeds the world and makes industry possible, and he and his fellows make up more than 40 percent of the population of the country. There has been atendency, espec- ially" during the past few years, to think that the farmers were taking advantage of their position, and were forcing legislation upon c6ngress at the slightest provocation; but the announcement that they are now ready to stand on their own feet again, with a possible request for loans for some of the poorer areas, is in itself evidence of good faith in their efforts to secure legislation during the years since the vrar- Farmers really aren't the. worst people in the world, but they have to contend with an assumed superior- ity on the part of the city dweller that must be hard to accept. And when we consider the way in ihich the average city person tries to be- little the farmer's importance, per- haps we .can find justification for their demands when they were in a position to make demands. And we must give the farmers credit for re- linquishing their partial control of the legislative machinery after their demands had been satisfied to a ne- cessary extent,-there are few com- binations which have done that be- fore. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The powers have practically come to an agreement on a settlement of the situation arising out of the re- cent anti-foreign outbreak in China, and it is expected that the plan will be transmitted to the Chinese provin. cial government in the near future. While no definite information of the plan of settlement has been announc- ed, there is much about the manner in which this situation has been handled that is worthy of praise. With the Chinese outbreaks, the powers acted together in the protec- tion of all the foreign peoples in China, and with the secession of the rioting, the powers immediately gath- ered, by means of diplomatic ex- changes between the various capitals,d and an agreement on the proper pro- cedure to be followed was reached. Surely when such splendid coopera- tion is shown among the nations in a matter such as this, it should be pos- sible to find some method of co-ordin- ating them for the business of.keep- -ing peace in the world. School teachers in Vera Cruz, Mex., haven't been paid for five months. Perhaps some energetic young soul wkould like to open a school of edu- cation in Vera Cruz? The Summer session is half over. Only three more weeks until exams. We always have something to look forward to. And now the University is estab- lishing a graduate school for gun- men. The safety razor folks have landed every body but Santa Claus. EDITORIAL COMMENTI 'THE UNITY OF KNOWLEDGE (The New York Times No wiser words have been spoken or remembered in all the controversy in regard to evolution than were ut- tered in his farewell address at Princeton by the late Dr. James Mc- Cosh, the eminent Scotch Presbyter- ian divine, sometime professor of metaphysics and logic in Queens Col- lege, Belfast, and later President of Princeton. Dean West, is to be thank- ed for recalling them to us. If only the Scotch Irish Presbyterians of Tennessee could have heard these words at the time of their considera- tion of the "anti-evolution" bill, it would doubtless never have been en- acted. These sentences should be kept on record and in mind for future use: When a scientific theory is brought before us, our first inquiry1 is not whether it is consistent with religion, but whether it is true. If It is found to be true on the prin- ciple of the induction of Bacon, it will be found to be consistent with religion on the principle of the un- ity of knowledge. "Is it true?" The Legislature of Tennessee did not pause to make this inquiry. It simply assumed that the evolution theory was inconsistent with what is supposed to be essential to religious belief. Nor is the Court permitting itself to be informed as to the consistency of the evolution- ary theory of Divine creatio with the biblical record. In the title of the act, it is the teaching of the "evolu- tion theory" that is prohibited, where- as in the body of the act it is the teaching of of a theory which "denies the Divine creation" that is made un- lawful. But there are millions who though their minds give support to the evolutionary theory have also a belief in a Divine creation and a faith with a foundation as firm as that of the pious prosecutors in this case. This trial is nearly at an end, but it has served, with all its humilating accompaniments, to illustrate two outstanding characteristics of the hu- man mind. First of all it has exhib- ited the tenacity of the mind in cling- ing to inherited ideas, in holding on to convctions acquired by association, or in defending atavistic inclinatons. For the thought of man has a sort of intellectual notalgia when separated from the doctrines in whose atmos- phere his mind was brought up. It was that attitude which resisted the Copernican theory, which put a new world discoverer into chains, which has treated the greatest philosophers with contempt and sent renowned in- ventors to their graves in penury. This is the dark side of it. Even when the public has been stirred by the reasoning of some powerful ad- vocate before its tribunal, he has been told to await a "more convenient sea- son," which has never come. But the other exhibition has been of an attitude of the human mind in which there is reason for highest hope. There is the mysterious urge which in spite of all the weight of precedent, the clog of habit, the love of the familiar, the downward pull of passion and the peril of failure gives one a persistent impulse to- ward something better than what is. It is the unsatisfied mind pushing further back to get some interpreta- tion of the whole series of creation in order to find some suggestion of the specific consummation toward whici what has preceded is persistently working; for the existence of the dif- ferent forms of energy must, while leading back the thought to some common definite Goal and to a "un- ity of that which man is and of that which he wishes to be." OASTED ROLL ONE WITHOUT ON TWO! -c Ho hum, this-.weather is sickening and deadening. The one usually fol- lows the other as you may or may not have observed. But sickening, dead- ening or burying, the rolls must roll out, and here we are without a Ogden, Utah, July 23.-The fire haz- ard in Idaho forests remains acute although all of the 108 fires reported during the last ten days are out or under control. The heavy growth of spring grass dried by hot winds is responsible for the increased hazard, Dance at Union Friday Nite. cK 101st TIME AR RIC Eves. - 5 to 52.50 Wed. Met. 11c to $1.50 12th Big Week Set. Mat. 50c to $2.00 The Miracle Play of America ANNE NICHOLS' "jAbie's Irish Rose" SEE IT! You WillEventually SEATS NOW For This and Next Week. I, OUR STOCK OF USED -CARS is now complete and ready for your inspection. It is easy for you to purchase one of our good used cars, for we sell both for cash and on a credit basis. If you contemplate buying a car it will pay you to consult us before making a decision in this matter. thought (as usual-ha-beat you it) from which to build 18 inches. to We don't know a darn thing about procedure in the Supreme court, but we bet a plug hat that if Clarence Darrow goes there with Mr, Bryan's present hobby he'll convert the entire bench to red galussess and sarcastic remarks. And while we are under the influence of the ape trial, let us remark that a large gorilla was found dead on the bottom of his cage (silly qjualifcation, itsn't it? How could he be dead on the top of his cage?) to-, gether with several newspapers con- taining accounts of the recent doings at Dayton. * * * Daily Dissertation Today's Topic: Dancing. If you think we're going to quote Milton or Shakespeare about this dancing business, you are psycopathic. We have others things to say. First we will delve into history. Dancing caused the fall of Rome, of Babylon, and of the something or other hall in Boston, but that was in recent times and doesn't count in the historical part of this dissertation, but we mentioned it anyhow just to be saying something. Within the ken of most of you who read this (you must be reading this or you wouldn't have known we said that) was the craze for what was known as "Marathon Dancing," so- called because there was much about the game which resembled the Greek battle of Marathon, and if you don't know about that go look it up in any respectable history of Greece; we haven't time to tell the yarn here.a Well, about this marathon dancing. The idea seemed to be that a prize or the honor or something went to the person or couple who could stay in the ring the longest while an orches- tra, sometimes working in shifts, supplied something which served as music. This craze died out with its devotees. Dancing at the present moment is far from being a dead art, however. We aren't sure that Gilbert Seldes in- cluded dancing in "The Seven Lively Arts,' because we have never read the entire work, but at all events, we should have. It is really quite live- ly, and some skill is required in the process of dancing-that is, in some cases. Others seem to feel that there is nothing to the process except get- ting a date and buying a ticket. This type is always thought of very kindly by the other dancers. The proceedure is thus: Approach the gynch of your dreams, bow ever so slightly, and, opening your arms, say) "How's for shakin' a foot kid?" If she desires to dance with you she will rise languidly and say, "Hell yes, 'bo," at the same time extend- ing her arms. At this point you seize her firmly around the waist with your right and feint with your left. No, that's wrong, you grab her right mit with your left it the referee isn't look- ing. Pull her to you, and park her head on your bossom so that your chin will strike the exact center of the part in her hair. If her hair isn't parted use your own judgment. The music should have been going for some 'time before this is done. Now that the clinch is established, shove off delicately with your left hoof and plough through the dancers already assembled on the floor. It is considered very poor taste to be the first couple on the floor, particularly if you have never danced before. A warning should be issued to all newcomers of the dance. There are in most public dancing emporiums gentlement who go under the title of "bouncer." This person is gener- ally a kindly soul who goes among the dancers ,to see that all have a good time. Should he tap you on the shoulder and say "Cut it out, kid, dat sorta stuff don't go here, get me?" you should never reply with anything but a courteous "T' hell you say. Well if you don't like it you know what you can do." This will impress him, and, he will probably seek to know you better. * * * Well, it filled 'most all of the col- umn, anyhow. Tamin. Dance at Union Friday Nite, 'J PERMANENT WAVES Experts in the Nestle-Lanoil Process Marcelling and Shampooing Done by Experts * . Stoddard Hair Shoppe 707 N. University Phone 2652 You'll get 'loads of fun out of your lit tpe $ 2.10 UP Learn to play a Uke before the summer is over -- it's the easiest instrument to master. Come in and try one! Conn shbop 14 Nickels Arcade "Htic hath charms" R. DAY BIRD Corner Washington.i and Division ' , r . .-. . . i y ,,// III k' 'f ,NY/ v t. ,.. .. ] , y "MILK KEEPS MY FAMILY FIT" So say wives and mothers, everywhere, for pure bottled milk is undoubtedly nature's greatest tonic for young and old alike. To keep your loved ones well and happy, serve our pure, rich milk delivered in Thatcher Superior Quality Milk Bottles. Phone us your milk order to-day or fasten a note to your empty milk bottle tonight. Prompt and courteous service to all. West Side Dairy 712 Brooks Street Phone 9715 i A Bottle of12d A o G f ' Salta II -.._ 1..0_._ __. OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO EVER.Y W01 I Special Week-End Sale SWEEPING FROCKS -- REDUCTIONS ON SUMMER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I Printed Crepes and Tub Silks " "m t $8.75 Ensembles, values $89.50 $19.75 to $35.00 I I Flannel Dresses - $9.98 Flannel up to I, 11 OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE continues; with all merchandise at - - - - HALF-PRICE I I ~r , r ,, .. I tt1 East Liberty Just off State II I STYLE WITHOUT EXTRAVAGA1E