0, 4 p #'ummrr -E WEATHER UR AND WARMER TODAY l3J~fri1a 4:D at I ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY ANlD NIGHT WIRE SERVICE No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS _.. ROFESS\R801 ONLPRECENT TRIP ,TURE WILL SHOW CHARACTER OF WORK DONE DURING PAST WINTER EXCAVATED TOWN I Ptolemaic Town Was Dug Up In Order To Throw Light Upon Early History "The University of Michigan's Arch- .ogical Work in Egypt, 1924-1925," the -subject of the lecture which of. Arthur E. R. Boak will deliver 5 o'clock this afternoon in Natural ence auditorium. )uring the past winter, the Univer- y, through the generosity of a De- it patron of humanistic studies, s able to maintain an archaelogical pedition in Egypt. Professor Boak s a member of this expedition to- :her with Mr. O. W. Qualley, also of s University, and Messrs. J. L. rkey and SI Yeivin of University lege, London. [he work undertaken on the ex- lition was the excavation of the #n of Karanis, one of the Ptolemaic onies founded on the northern der of the Fayoum in the third itury, B. C. The purpose of the ex- ration was to throw light upon the tory and the econoc and social of this region from the time of Greek colonization until its de- ne in the fifth and sixth centuries, [he lecture .this afternoon, which 1 be illustrated by pictures which excursion party took, will show *character of the work of exava-' a and the types of archaelogical terial secured from the ruins of the cient town. Professor Boak has written two 11 known books on classical his- y: "The Master of the Offices 14 x Later Roman Empire" and "A story of Rome to 565 A.D." He has o contributed articles to historical I classictl periodicals. Il IFFICLS INY INTl-PROHIBITION ORDR{ (By The Associated Press) . +ew York, N. Y., July 23.-At the cutive offices here of the New York itral railway, emphatic denial was de today that instructions had been t to railroad employees to prevent >hibition agents from making seiz- s on railroad properties. The at- ide of the directorate is one of rty cooperation, officials said, but er conferences with prohibition nmissioner Haynes in Washington Was agreed that promiscuous break- of cars should not be allowed. n the case reported from Chicago, >hibition agents were said to havej ited a surburban yard early in the rning and their attention was di- ted to this agreement, with the tement if they desired to seize any cific cars they might do so, but inspection was intended they must in touch with the railroad agent charge of the yard who was absent that hour. WHAT'S GOING ON FRIDAY *-Prof. A. E. Boak lectures on 'The University of Michigan Arche- >gical Work in Egypt." Renovation Of Buildings Is Progressing Considerable remodeling and repair work is being done on several of the University biuldings and on the School of Music building. The work that has been in progress on the School of Music building for the last week consists of extensive renovating and redecorating on the inside and outside of the biulding. The outside is being repainted and a new roof put on. The inside is being redecor- ated and repaired throughout, which will help maintain the usual good ap- pearance of this building, The repairing of roofs of several of the University buildings will be start- ed soon which will cost a large sum according to Irving W. Treuttner of the Buildings and Grounds depart- ment. The buildings to be repaired are, Alumni Memorial hall, old Uni- versity hall, old East hall, Tappan hall, Waterman gymnasium, and the west Engineering building. The ex- pense resulting from these roof re- pairs will be taken from the general maintenance fund.{ Work was started yesterday on the remodeling and redecorating of rooms 105 and 107, Mason hall, in order to make.a private office for the new reg- istrar who arrived here to assume his duties early last week. Other work which was recently completed by the - Buildings and Grounds department was the con- struction of 500 feet of fence around one corner of the animal house locat- ed back of the new University hospit- al near the Huron river where guinea. pigs, rabbits, dogs, and cats are raised for the experimental laborator- Need Urgent To 1 Suppress Opium Internationally (By The Associated Press) Classes At Camp Davis Make Added Improvements Yearly Situated on Douglas Lake, about 141 miles southwest of Cheboygan is Camp Davis, which is used by stu- dents of the civil engineering de- partment. The camp has about 3,700{ acres of forest land and has been de-' veloped solely by the students who have spent the summers there. It was founded in 1909 by Professor Davis, from whom it received its name. The camp is one of the first, if not the first of its kind where university men are given courses in surveying. Up until last summer every civil engineer, who wished to receive a di- ploma from the University, was re- quired to spend a summer at the camp, but now it is no longer com- pulsory but optional. Anywhere from 70 to 80 students can be accommo- dated during the summer months. It has been a custom since the founding of the camp for each class at the end of the summer to contri- R I Chautauqua, N. Y., July 23.-Con- trol of the opium evil in China is an1 urgent need in world affairs, and would be one of the most effectiveI means of bringing peace and order to t the turbulent Oriental Republic, Count r Michimasa Soyeshima of ;Japan todayt told the conference of international x relations today. - Prohibition of opium smoking- in China, where there are ten millian1 addicts, would be a far greater and mo're serious problem than the prohi- bition of alcohol in the United States, which has been no easy task Count Soyeshima asserted. Urging the Christian churches. ac- tively to seek a remedy, the speaker suggested an international opium, conference in Tokio to draw up an agreement among the powers for the suppression of the opium traffic in their own territories and a plan for1 gradual suppression of opium usinga in China through a monopoly bureau under international control. NEW FROSH BIBLE WILL APPEAR IN FOUR WEEKS The Frosh Bible,, annual handbook of information, instruction in the col- lege songs, and book of etiquette for the freshman class, will come from the press within a month under its new name, the Freshman Handbook.' The booklet is edited by Chas. A. Stev- ens and published by the Student Christian Association. It is about the same size as that of last year, con- taining 176 pages. Among the new features, there is a message from Pres. Clarence C. Little. The title pages are illustrated with cartoons, and the women's sec- tion has been enlarged. About 4,000 copies of the handbook will be printed,' making about 400 more than last year. Madrid, July 23.--The undersecre- tary of instruction today announced the donation by the Rockefeller insti- tute of $420,000 toward the erection in Madrid of a phsics-chemical insti- tute. London, July 23.-Airmail service is now in operation between London, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. FRANCE WILL TAE No PEACE CTION Offers Must Come Through Proper Diplomatic Channels, Say The French MOROCCO STILL WARS (By The Associated Press) Paris, France, July 23.-The French government, it was asserted today, will take no official cognisance of the alleged peace terms of Abd-el-Krim, the Moroccan war lord, as published today In a London newspaper and the Paris Quoquidien, organ of the Parlia- mentary majority in the Chamber of Deputies. At the foreign office today the corn-c ment on what was termed "A-el- Krim's (peace drive)" in both Lon-a 'don and Paris was that France can-u not entertain any opposition pending towards a cessation of activities in Morocco unless they are transmittedĀ° through the proper diplomatic chan- nels; that the Riffian chieftan wast aware of what he termed Francey would accept, as he had been official- ly informed on this point through Spanish official channels ten days ago.F AMERICAN AYITOR aHLP FRENCH IN WAR Paris, July 23.,-Three American e aviators who have volunteered for service for France against Abd-el- Krim in Morocco have decided to leave1 LeBourzet near Paris Thursday. They will pilot their own planes to MoroccoE instead of using the French Commer- cial Line to Rabat. The units, which is undercommand of Colonel Charles Sweney, of Seattle, Washington will include seven or eight aviators and several newspaper correspondents. The delay in starting for the scene of operations is understood to be the reported lack of pursuit planes in the Moroccan front, the American de- manding if they are obliged to go up in heavy bombing planes there should be ample protection for them to carry out their bombing operations without useless losses. Pope Pus in Good Health Rome, July 23.-A newspaper today published a report that Pope Pius had been taken ill, but not seriously, and that his condition would neces- sitate a complete rest.1 When told of the fact the pontiff smiling said to his informer : "I will read the bulletin of my illness tomor- row." It was asserted today by Vatican officials that the pontiff is in the best of health; ' that he was showing ab- solutely no effect from his arduous Holy Year labors and was insisting on continuing his personal work, in ad- dition to his routine. Bucharest, July 23.-Estimates by the ministry of agriculture show that the present wheat harvest of Rumania will yield a surplus of 600,000 tons to be availab for export. bute something to the camp, as a club house, boat house, sidewalks, and other useful things which are con- structed by the students. Many improvements have been made since the camp was first started when there were only tents to live in and the camp was entirely surrounded by woods. Now small cottages, with ac- commodations for four, are available to the campers. Another interesting feature about the camp is the fact that it has been ilotted out on such a scale that all the cottages are equally distanced from the centre and are balanced on either side. Even the interior of the, cottages have been perfected in this re.spect. Each student going there from the University has three days of prac- tical work when he is put in charge of whatever is going on. The class rotates around in this manner so that every student, by the end of the sum- mer has been in charge and, thereby, has much experience. Prof. Clarence T. Johnson, of th surveying department, is director of' the camp, having held that position since 1911. The biology section is also located on Douglas Lake and is not far from Camp Davis. ADMIRALTY WINS. AFTER STRUGGLE Four Cruisers To Be Built Because Of Cabinet's Decision Favoring Admiralty Party DEMANDED FIVE SHIPS (By The Associated Press) London, Eng., July 23.-The long drawn struggle within the cabinet be- tween the supporters of the admiralty and economy party has ended in tri- umph for the admiralty. Te decision of the cabinet, announced in the house of Commons by Premier Baldwin. to- day, is that four new cruisers shall be laid down in the current financial year which terminates the end of next March, and after that three cruisers yearly during the life of the presenti Parliament. The government party holds that this is a compromise, and doubtless as compared with the admiralty de-t mands, it may be so regarded, for it< Is understood that the full demands were for at least five cruisers yearly. The Churchill party, however, were strenuously opposed to committing the country to a building program in future years and in this respect the Prime Minister, who was supposed to ; be on the side of economy, has yield- ed to threats of resignation on the part of W. Bridzeman, first lord of the admiralty and the sea lords. FORESTRY FARM USED BY THREE SCIENCE CLSSES Of interest to students in zoology,, forestry, and botany is the Forestry farm, which is situated on the Third Sister lake, about three miles west of Ann Arbor. The farm contains many acres of trees, most of them' evergreens. The farm was intended mainly for is used also by zoology classes which go out early in the morning to look for birds of various species, which are very numerous. The classes arel also able to find many interesting snecimens in the lake. Burrow's Class Inspects Plant Several members of Prof. E. G. Bur- row's class in journalism 101s are making an inspection tour of the De- troit News building, offices and shops, this afternoon. The entire class is re- quired to take this trip before the end of the semester. A large number takes this University excursion. Dance at Union Friday Nite, Christ Church College Starts Fifth Century (By The Associated Press) Oxford, Eng., July 23. - Christ church, the largest and most notable of Oxford colleges, begins the fifth TELLS OF VARIE(;ATED EXPORTS century of its existence this month. For reasons of convenience, the cele- A ONCIAND bration already has been held, so the ON ISLAND true birthday of this curious institu- tion, which is both a college and a TRINIDAD MODERN cathedral and yet is called a church, will pass quietly during the long va- cation. Says Pitch Lake Is Important Cow. Modern invetigation has revealed a mercial Factor Because It Is remarkable continuity in the history Source Of Asphalt of English ecclesiastical foundations. The Saxons built their churches on "Geographical Observations in Trin- the ruins of the great Roman temples, idad" was the subject of Prof. P. E. and the Normans in their turn rebuiltJr the Saxon churches. This continuity uame's illustrated lecture given in Na is most remarkable in Oxford, where tural Science auditorium at 5 o'clock nearly every college has grown out yesterday afternoon. Professor of a medieval monastery. Christ James of the geology department re- Church stands on the site -of a pri- cently visited this tropical island.) ory, a parish church and at least two Professr James said that Trinid- older monastic colleges, its bells were I oeo J ess tmorn d removed from a neighboring abbey, ad is one of the most modern and and both the stones and the funds used civilized of the tropical islands, and is in its construction were obtained noted for its large exports of asphalt, from the dissolution of more than 40 sugar, and cocoad from whici cocoa monastic foundations. i is made. The main poft and city of -In 1846 the tercentenary of this the island is the Port of Spain, a same college was celebrated, and in typical modern city, with a popula- a sense properly, for 1546 was the tion of 60,000 people. The whole is- date of its last foundation.. The true land is as large as the state of Rhode credit belongs, however, to an earlier Island and has a population made up date and to Cardinal Wolsey, son of of East Indians, Negroes, and while an Ipswich Butcher, who began it as people, who have intermarried making Cardinal College at a time when he a very fine class of people, most of the was the favorite of King wHenry VIII usual defects which appear in such a and stood second only to him in pow- mixing of races not being present. er ;and pomp and fortune. Wolsey He further stated that unusually was nothing if not a man of action. good sanitation is maintained on the (Continued on Page Three) island and has resulted in lowering the usual high death rate which re- sults from malarial fever. The clim- te in Trinidad is very much like that K IF E E TU DES in this section of the country on a hot summer day. Frequent thunder storms are not uncommon everyday. 'One. of the features of the island," said Professor James, ,"is the remark- able Pitch bake, the largest of its Was Among The First To Demonstrate kind in the world, from which a large Use Of Medicine As a hl o hc Preventative amount of asphalt is taken and which isan important commercial factor in - the development of the island. Other DISEASE AVOIDABLE industries which are becomng mote Iextensive of late are the rubber in- Dr. Guy L. Kiefer lectured at 8 dustry and the raising of cocoanuts." o'clock last night in Natural, Science auditorium on "How to Keep Well".'FRESH AlA RMP M Y Dr. Kiefer was among the first to U demonstrate that preventive medicine can be used as well as curative, and:! EXTEND TERM LONGER that preventive and curative medi- cines can be mixed. The University Fresh Air camp, When one becomes ill, he pointed' which was epected to close on Aug. out, it is the individual's fault. A 1, will probably be kept open for two great number of diseases can be pre- additional periods. This will be made vented entirely because there are possible through funds which will be methods of protection against them. supplied by the Hamtramck depart- It would be impossible to have small- ment of recreation. pox if proper precautions were taken In return for the funds the de- against it. In a recent epidemic of partment will be allowed to select almost 1600, not one person in the, the 'boys from Hamtramck, who are entire number had been properly vac- to be given the outing. The depart- cinated. Typhoid fever, diphtheria, ment will pay all the expenses of the and lockjaw can be avoided by the 120 boys, being accmmodated during use of preventive medicine, and hy- each additional- period of the camp drophobia, which follows the bite of season. a rabid animal, can be cured by a The defecit in money, which was series of inoculations known 'as the made up by the students of the winter Pasteur treatments. ' and summer sessions, will be taken Correct living habits, include clean- ifrom the regular budget of the Stu- liness, exercise, proper food and suf- dent Christian association, under ficient sleep. Proper clothes are al- rwhose auspices the camp is conduct- most as important in keeping well as ed. exercise. Everyone shoul~d submit, to __________ SATURDAY m.-Seventh University leave for Put-In-Bay. excur. a physical examination once a year to find out if he is well at his particular' age, and under the particular condi- tions of his life. Helath can be restored by the re- moval of the foci of infection, that is,: diseased tonsils, sinuses and teeth. Almost any disease if found out early enough, can be cured. Dr. Vaughn, formerly of the University of Michi- gan has said that the best time to cure' tuberculosis is before one has it. That is why, Dr. Kiefer says, that it pays to be examined frequently. Missoula, Mont., July 23.- Light- ning storms reported last night and1 today from several forests in Mon-, I tana, northern Idaho and eastern, Washington, indicated a decrease in the fire hazard. The forests had bad blazes burning uncontrolled, with the situation serious in the Kanisku for-, est where the Dry Cancun 1e jumped control lines, heading into heavy tim- ber. NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 6, 3; New York 3, 5. Pittsburgh 3, St. Louis 2. Only games scheduled. Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 8, Detroit 4. New York 11, Washington 7. Philadelphia 5, Boston 4. Cleveland 10, St. Louis 1. { s, July 23.- An exchange of regarding the German security egan today between the French ment and the other govern- of the allies. When these g'ov-' its reach an agreement 3' reply will be sent to Ber- r'his will' probably be within three weeks. Washington, July 23.-Czecho-slov- akia has agreed to send a mission to the United States early in September to begin discussions of its debt to this country. Lisbon, July 23.-President Gomez has refused to dissolve parliament as requested by Antonio da Silva, who resigned as premier Tuesday. Dance at Union Friday Nite.