r 23, f925 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRE THE THEATERS BONSTELLE "The Youngest," the work of Phil- lip Barry, author of "You and I," is proving one of the most delightful comedies yet offered by the Bonstelle company at the Playhouse. It concerns principally Richard who suffers from an inferiority com- plex. He is not interested in the family industry, and consequently is nagged by his elder brothers and sis- ters. Then a young girl, whose busi- ness it seems to be to cure him of his complex, comes on the'scene, and it is through her that most of the com- edy is built up. "The Youngest" affords the entire Bonstelle cast splendid opportunity for comedy and dramatic work, with Donald Cameron playing the role of Richard Winslow. In addition to the play there is a dance divertissement, arranged by Victoria Cassan and assisted by They- er Roberts, Dorothy Richey, Dorothy Coulter, Alice and Freda Dunbar, 01- ga Fircker, and Blanche Fields. Matinees will be given today and Saturday. GARRICK For 100 consecutive performances, "Abie's Irish Rose" has- been playing at the Garrick theater. Sunday mark- ed the opening of the twelfth week of its presentation. The show has not yet played two of the largest cities in America, Philadelphia and Boston, and it is rumored that it will be called to Boston early in September. Warsaw, July 22.--The Polish tor- pedo boat Kaszub blew up and sank in the harbor of Danzig Monday. The entire crew was lost. No explanation is available as yet as to the cause. I Th A XTC'ITXTCI 11 At the New Lake House Pavilion The proposed combnation of Esthonia, Lithuania and Latvia into one ong north European state, has brought these two men into the public e. President Pats (left) of Esthonia is seen with President Stulgiuskis Lithuania in the latter's capital, K ovno. Buenos Aires, uly 22.-A dispatch om Bahia Blanca to La Nacion says tree conscripts were killed and an licer and 17 men wounded when a mnon exploded aboard the Argen- no cruiser San Martin. The explo- on took place during target prac- cl. Dance at Union Friday Nite. Classifieds 1 LOSTr OST-Lady's white gold wrist watch link band. Finder please phone 21474. FOU RENT 'OR RENT- House, 6 rooms and bath, modern. Furnished orunfur- nished.- 1030 Church St. Call after Iu 5:30 P. M. 'OR RENT-Three room apartment,' new ,and complete. - One half block from campus. Call 4024 between 6 and 8 P. M. WANTED VANTED - Someone to read about two hours a day. Only students specializing in English literature need apply. For further particu- lars, phone 6746 Wednesday or 'hursday from 4 to 6. JUNIOR Student wants a suite of! rooms this coming fall in a private family, near the campus, preferably. Give details. Box 4, Daily. FOR SALE 'OR SALE-1 1-2 year thorobred air-.t dale. Very reasonable. TelephoneI 3618., The Lone SurvIvor Mill Whi1TElaw~ '> i via// vl . . .. Clothes skilfully laundered in soft water, as we do them, will wear longer and look Y OU have bought several .ifountain pens-now sup. pose you buy one that is a proven success. Buy a Sheaffer Lifetimc Pen and put it in your collection. Of all the pens you have ever used it will be the lone survivor. There is no upkeep to a Lifetime Pen. The first, last and only cost is when you buy it. Then your foun- tain pen purchasing is over because the Lifetime nib is unconditionally guaranteed forever. better. Send us yours next time. Shite Swan Laundry Co. ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLEANERS Phones--Main Plant 4287, Branch Office 21816 The 46 Specigl a Special at $3.75 are care and attention Sheaffer the pen of New York 370 7th Avenue Chicago 506 Republic Bldg a" t $5.00 and the Student's e fashioned with the same to detail that has made theA perfection. P By the Creators of the Lifetime 'Pencil fi PENS "I FETIME" PENCILS W. A. SHEAFFER PEN CO., Fort Madison, Iowa IM Sheaf o pens are tppe with the hard -t natived. Denver 502 Jacobsen Bldg. San Francisco 681 Market Street OR SALE-A doctor's roll count register and case Dial 6845. top ac- record.I REA OUR OWN PAP SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER TO THE SUMMER DAILY IS N 75c SUBSCRIBE AT THE PRESS BUILDING NOW .