THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY Mum. +." Drives Timid Ones To Live On Beaches ,, r ti ': . BOOKS...* r New and Second-Hand Text Bo A complete line of school supp -**, / Nrkw~i 7...-, WAHR S ?IVERS] XV17LJR9 ~p OK STC 'IT' p- j 0 Former Student Draws Cartoons James House, Jr, ex-'24L, is now drawing cartoons of the stage and } motion picture world for the New York Evening Post. I While at the University Mr. House was art editor of the Gargoyle, and in 1923 he was editor of the maga- ,ine. He is a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, and also of Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary journalistic fra- ternity. Dance at Union Friday Nite. _.._ w n - sir + , ; lu y C e-rnCe- - -- --- .- -. ---- - - - -- -'. - -. - - S Unassured by statements of experts that earthquakes are unlikely ta reoccur in the same region for many (150 years separated the last disturbances in Santa Barbara), timid souls are living on California beach- a protection against quakes. The photo shows a colony of tents and flimsy wooden shacks along the shore he Pacific near Santa Barbara. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy receivedat the'office of tire Summer Session until 3:30 p. _m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume V WEDNESDAY, JULY 22', 1925 Number 208 ut-in-Bay Excursion:. All who are planning on the trip to Put-in-Bay must leave their names the office of Professor E. R. Smith, Room G, 323, Natural Scienice uilding, before noon, Thursday, July 23. A Bulletin Board is provided were where all necessary information may be obtained regardin5 the Act 3 Se 4 Macbeth-Sawyer; Lady Macbeth-Weston; Ross-Wilson; Lennox-Lewis. Act 4 Sc 1 Witches: Rosenblum, Snyder, Hirschman; Macbeth-Reece. Act 4 Sc 3 Malcolm-Demaray; Macduff-Johnson; Ross--Anderson. Act 5 Sc 1 Doctor-Baker; Lady Macbeth-Black; Gentlewoman- Hol den. Act 5 Sc 5 Macbeth-Talbot; Seyton-Menger; Messenger--Brown. Act 5 Sc 7 Macbeth-Johnson; Macduff-Baker; Siward-Morgaridge; Ross-Levinson. Lionel Crocker. Women Students: The Women's League and Helen Newberry Residence invite you to drop in for tea between four and six this afternoon Wednesday, July 22nd. Prof. and Mrs. Campbell Bonner, Prof. and Mrs. Henry A. Sanders, and Prof. Canfield will be guests. Lillian Wetzel, President, Women's League--Sumnmer Session. This clearanceI sale is one of the greatest money- saving events we have ever held. All over town, women are telling about it. Frocks, Coats, Suits and Ensembles of the better type, the kind you have been accustomed to wearing or the kind you have wanted to wear, at prices just half their real worth. Every one of finest fabric in correct accept- ed silhouette, with distinctive trimming treatment. We assure every woman who visits us a distinct and pleasant surprise when she sees the quality and character of the apparel offered in this great reduc- tion sale. Ernest Rice Smith, Director of the Excursion. Specitl Lectures on Atomic Structure: The lectures by Dr. Paul D. Foote of the Bureau of Standards will be given daily at 4 and Friday at 9 in Room 1041 New Physics Building. His topics for this week will be "Complex Structure of Series Terms" and "Photoelectric Effect in Vapors." E. F. Iarker. Cosmopolitan Club: Members and Foreign Students attending the Summer Session are in- vited to a Social given by Professor and Mrs. Cowden at their home 1016 Olivia, on Saturday evening July 25, from eight to ten. All those who expect to attend will please call up Miss Wightman, Dial 3193. Nur M. Malik, President. Visitors Night at the Observatory:4 Tickets for visitors' nights at the Observatory, July 29, 30, and 31, may be obtained at. the Office of the Summer Session from 10 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. These tickets are intended for students of the Summer Session who will present their Treasurer's receipts when applying foar hem. E. H. Kraus. Public Speaking 62s, Shakespearean Reading: Act 1 Sc 1 Witches.: Black, Weston, Crowe. Act 1 Sc 2 Duncan-Baker; . Malcolm-Lippman; Sergeant-Wilson; Lennox-Lewis. Act 1 Sc 3 Witches-Brown, Crumley, Hull; Macbeth-Gass; Banquo -Talbot; Ross-Bronson. Act 1 Sc 4 Duncan-Hull; Malcolm-F. Chang; Lennox-Hoyt; Mac- >eth--Menard; Banquo--Holden; .Ross-V. Chang. Act 1 Sc 5 Lady Macbeth-Rosenblum; Messeger-Levinson; Mac- eth-Wilson. Act 1 Sc 6 Duncan-Anderson; Banquo-Morgaridge;. Lady Macbeth- ' Chan'g. Act 1 Sc 7 Macbeth--Johnson; Lary Macbeth-Sheets. Act 2 Sc 1 Macbeth---Lippman; Lady Macbeth-Black; Porter-Saw- er; MacDuff-Morgaridge; Lennox-Lewis; Banquo-Demaray; Malcolm- Wilson. Aict 3 Sc 1 Banquo-Anderson; Macbeth-Lewis; Lady Macbeth-Bron- on; Lennox-Baker; Ross-Wilson; Attendant-Demaray; First murderer -Reece; Second murderer-Sawyer. Act 3 Sc 2 Macbeth-Morgaridge; Lady Macbeth-Menard; Servant- rumley. FIRE. IN POWER HOUSE ENDANGERS HOSPITAL! Great excitement was aroused yes- put under control quickly by the fire department. Installation of an outside distri- buting and transformer station has been started at the Washington streetDower .lant where anPx n eri- terday noon when a fire started in the mental. station is maintained, having old power house located back of the been donated by Alexander Dow, pres- old University hospital. ident of the Detroit Edison company. The blaze resulted from a tank of gas which was ignited by lamps be- Brussels, July 21. - The Soviets, ing used on some of the empty tanks Foreign Minister Vandervelde told the near the gas tank. The fire, caused Chamber of Deputies, would be recog- anxiety for the old University hospit- nized by Belgium only when Russia al because of its infiamable condition recognized Belgium property rights in and because of the large number of Russia and the right of the Armenian patients now there. The blaze was and Georgian governments. NEW CASINO PAVILION Dancing Every Night EXCEPT SUNDAY NAT NATOLI'S ORCHESTRA ENTERTAINERS ONE OF THE BEST This dance pavilion is one of the largest an finest in the State. WALLED LAKE, MICHIGAN Forty-five Minutes Drive from Ann Arbor f r s East Liberty just off State N 10- Wr /: "--- A Cross-secdon of a tooth, showing Acid Decay at The DangerLne %Alai You can't scour away the acids in the mouth, Miw MOW--R LEWIS STONE ANNA Q. NILSSON TULLY MARSHALL SHIRLEY MASON IAN KEITH BARBARA BEDFORD 1i i ILs i. S s s s IT'S ALWAY 2:00--3:30 A Tale of This Age Jazz and Flappe MILTON SIL With the Beautif DORIS KENY( S*COOL AND COMFORTABLE NOW PLAYING 7:30-9:00 e of rs LLS )N in .,1 a which cause decay. You can neutralize them - safely and effectively- with Squibb's Dental Cream, made with Squibb's Milk of Mag- nesia. At druggists. -In- 'The TALKER" EN4Y ET DENTAL CREAM Made with Squibbs Milk oflagnesia E. R. SQUIBB &SONS, Chemists to the Medical Profeasionsince1858 Send for free booklet regarding the $25,000.00 Squibb Educational Contest. Contest Editor, E. R. Squibb &=y P. 0. Box 1132, City Hall Station, New York City. -Keith Feature- THE BIRD CABARET "TONS OF TROUBLE" Imperial Comedy New Aesop Fable Cartoon Kinograms -Added Attractions- An Educational Comedy "WHAT A NIGHT" INTERNATIONAL NEWS TOPICAL COMMENTS 1 0 Im r