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June 15, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-06-15

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f' DOCTOR OFLAWS,:::'x~ .:.>;
ARTS ::.; ,;
wift, '95, Corwin, '00,
Vanderberg, Boothy
rded Degrees,.
egrees were bestowed - -
a and one 'woman, all -
civil and professionalL-'-:
ghty-first annual Comr-
ercises at Ferry field -{ f ,
f~ l
among the recipients,
s are men of finance,
rs, educators, and a}-1
.. The following peo-
e degree of master of
ihn W. Blodgett, trus- ' :<$L 1:
college and a leader in4
:ivic betterment, Mr.
h, a patron of arts and}
tor of large affairs and
ed citizen, Mr. Arthur
enberg, editor and pub-
Grand Rapids Herald.
works on Alexander
a strong advocate of
which promote educa-
C. Hoskier, vice-presi-
>reign Finance corpor-
so given a master of Dr. John Huston Finley
3e is a banker of note, Dr. John Huston Finley, editor of the New York Times, who gave the
our years an officer in address at the eighty-first annual 'Commencement this morning. His sub-
corps in France, a ject was "The Mystery of the Mind's Desire." The hon'orary degree of
Legion of Honor, win- doctor of laws was conferred upon him this morning.
ix de Guerre with two
s a scholar of distinc-'
uthority on the man- v EDICATE LA 1YEHR
New Testament.
>f Master of Laws was-
r. James Marcus Swift, r
ader of the bar in Bos-L
dgeneral of Massachus-
ner for the revisions Bates Accepts Gift for University; Sets International Broad Jump Mark
>awr and thairmansions Creighton Reads Presenta Lowers Intercollegiate Time
laws and chairman of tn esg, in1-Yr sh
for the revision of the °tiMessage in 14-Yard Dash
of that state.'I
u Henry'Hanus, '78, --. -
professor of the. his- The magnificent new Lawyers' club In his final attempt under Univer-
>f teaching at Iarvard was officially dedicated and accepted sity colors, in the National Intercol-
thirty years and who for the University by Dean Henry M. legiate Track meet on Stagg field Sat
essor emeritus. He is Bates of the Law school Saturday urday, William DeHart Hubbar
ld r n afternoon. The acceptance and dedi- broke the world's record in the broa
Samuel Corwin, '00, cation ,of this $2,000,000 gift of Wil- Tjump, jumping 25 feet, 10 -8 inches
fessor of jurisprudence liam W..Cook, '80, '82L, of New York inches, made by Legendre of George
niversity, whose study City was witnessed by some of the
ition and foreign rela- foremost legal men of the country. town in the pentathlon at the .lym
him a noted figure in In the presentation message read plc Games last summer in Paris. Un-
,lso given the Doctor of by John T. Creighton of the New York ti last summer the record was he
bar, Mr. Cook expressed as the pur- by Ned Gourdin of Harvard at 25 feet
Mead, commissioner of pose of his gift "that the University 3 inches.
reclamation, the engi- of Michigan might become a great Hubbard also won the 100 yar
inistrator who framed center of legal education and of jur- dash, covering the distance in 9 4-
peration the irrigation isprudence for the good of the public," seconds, a tenth of a second faste:
ilng which established this being fostered by the establish- than the previous ?national collegiat
rhich \as followed lby ment of better standards of admission, record. Sweet of l\ontana was sec
m d also' several other scholarship, and character,,in all law ond in this event, ahd Lester Wittmai
d a Docotr of Laws de- schools, if the profession is to main- took third for the University.
tain its strength. Phil Northrup slightly bettered hi
Robertson Cushny, fel- The Lawyers' club has been built previous mark in the javelin wit]
yal society and profes- from royalities received from the pub- a winning throw of 201 feet, 11 inches
. medica in the Univer- lication of several legal works by He also tied in the pole vault wit
irgh, was granted the Mr. Cook. Mr. Cook furthermore rec- MeKeown of Kansas State Normal
rs degree. Dr. Cushny ommended separate libraries for law Potts of Oklahoma, Bouscher o

sorship here from 1893 students, two more dormitories, a new Northwestern, and Lancaster of Mis
pharmacology depart- Law school, and an increase in the souri at 12 feet, 4 inches.
edical school. faculty endowment. Michigan's other places were wo
of Doctor of Laws was He stated in his letter that there is by Nathan Feinsinger, who too:
a Dr. John Huston Fin- an imperative demand to condence, sixth in the 440 yard run, and Davi
aencement speaker. Dr. simplify, clarify, antl develop the law, Weeks, who entered a triple tie fo
uthor, educator, was a and to formulate and consolidate it; sixth in the high jump.
ent and is now. editor this to be done for the most part at Point scores by teams were nc
York Times. He was law schools by the jurists and law counted this year. Had they been
of the American Red professors. It requires leisure to Michigan, with 26 points, would hav
tine and the Near East study, time to think and write. It placed second to Leland Stanford

Douglas Gives AS
To Graduates,


Urging the 1925 graduating classes
to "take up the fagots, emblematic of
an honest and fearless mindrin an age
which trusts to its emotions rather
than to its ,.intellect,", Rev. Lloyd C.,
Douglas, of the First Congregational
church of Akron, Ohio, delivered the
baccalaureate address yesterday
morning in Hill auditorium. His sub-
ject was "Diadems and Fagots."
The Reverend Douglas pointed out
that the judgments of the public con-
cerning the finished product of high-
er education are that "they are like
chunks of malleable steel, in the grip
of an automatic machine, slowly fed
through, the evident aim being to.
drop them from the exit end after
many years, diploma in hand, re-
sembling one another in temper, t
mind, and mood."
And it is a truth, Reverend Douglas
insisted that there is too little time
put to the students disposal for in-
dependent thinking, and the natural C
development of personality.
"It is a trying day for wise lead-,
ership," the speaker said. "Men who
speak with conviction, who never
doubt, or wait, or hesitate, or ask the
patient to come back, but lay down
their dogmas on the table with a .
bang, are arrogating to themselves
large leadership. The public likes u
that school of thought. The youngA
graduate who wishes to be honest and! c
to be the producer and retailer of n
truth, must not be startled if he finds s
a dull market. For the public, un- i
willing and afraid to go forward, has t
turned back. It has reverted to the
old days of the mob stampede andw
the torch light procession. si
"This then, is the general public B
to which the graduate must minister. t
He can make more money as a quack, t
a spiritualistic medium, a palmist, an
itinerant tent-evangelist, a patent i
medicine 'peddler, or a plain second- t
story man, than in any honest self-p
respecting vocation. But it will not It
always be so. Presently the public .i
will regain its reason. For the pres- fi
ent it is sick, and must be treated
as such.d
"The graduate," Reverend Douglas t
declared, "must not impose upon thea
heart-sick and unbalanced public. p
Whoever is to teach the mob to howlE
sentimental slogans and incite stu-
pidity to hate, it must not be theI
graduate of today. For he must bear i
the fagots of intellectual truth, and
leave the diadems of uncertain fate to 1
the demos, the public."

Seventeen hundred men -and women joined Michigan's great, alumni
body when they were granted degrees and presented with diplomas under
a threatening sky by Acting President Alfred H. Lloyd at the eighty-first
annual Commencement this morning. Class by class they took their
places in the South stands, and class by class they marched to the platform
erected on the gridiron to receive their diplomas from the hands of their
The impressive and dignified ceremony that attends all commencements
preceded the Commencement proper. With all the pageantry and pomp
of the Middle Ages, the long lines of graduates and faculty members col-
lected on the walks of the campus, and the bright colors of the hoods, the
gowns from foreign universities, the sombre black of the graduates' gowns,
the flying colors, the strains of the
band, all lent solemn grandeur to the
Dr. John Huston Finley, editor of
the New York Times, gave the ad-
dress of the day, speaking on "The
Mystery of the Mind's Desire."
' Finley Lauds Burton
Consolidation, Not Expansion, -'Called Starting with a marvelous tribute
Immediate Problem Confronting to President Marion LeRoy Burton,
The University - Dr. Finley said that the subject for
his address had come to him at the
OFFICERS ELECTED death-bed of a friend "whose mother
had given him the name Robert
Speaking before the annual meet- Burns, and who had come to be wide-
ing of the Alumni association Sat-Ily known as a poet and also as an
arday morning in Hill auditorium, "I have been impelled," the speaker
Acting President Alfred H. Lloyd declared, '.by this unusual oppor-
haracterized the immediate objective tunity in this place, where this mys-
now before the University as the con- tery has had such notable expression
olidation of its educational faculties in the life of your noble and eloquent
nto an institution of education in the President Burton, to speak of this
ruest sense of the word. mystery of that desire for something
"This," said President Lloyd, "was that is infinitely above and beyond
what the late President Burton was that which is visible and tangible,-
triving toward just before his death. the. mystery of an evolution that
Brick and mortar were only means moves toward some far-off goal, the
oward the educational ends Dr. Bur- mystery of an urge that will not let
on had in mind." tman rest satisfied with what was or
"Relatively little further expansion is, however much he may respect the -
s needled," he declared "Consolida- sanctions of the past or be tempted
ion, not expansion, is our present to inertness by the comfort of the
problem. We must do better the present."
hings we are now doing, and in do- Recalls Biblical Times
ng that we shall only be carrying ohi After making reference to the
or President Burton." world disasters of old Biblical times,
Beside questions of policy, Presi- especially during the reign of Job,
dent Lloyd called to the attention of about 1520 B. C., Dr. Finley said,
the alumni gathering increases in sal- "The world is sitting as Job today,
aries of many' faculty members, made covered with sores, shorn of billions
upuii OahiOUSby aLrat-aotinno f th-


possib ey a recent ac ton oI T
Board of Regents, a description of the
new buildings on the campus, and
plans for the new architectural build-
ing and museum.
He also pointed out that within the
past two years, two new -schools have
(Continued on Page Four)

upon billions of its possessions, be-
reft of millions upon millions of its-
sons-sitting in the ashes of its loss-
es and its sorrows, bewildered as to
the meaning of this Satanic visita-
tion, ,facing. again the same ancient
Drawing a comparison between the
material advantages of Job's day and
of our own, the speaker then declared
that "Under the ceaseless compulsion
of the mind's desire, he must in some
organized way go on and on in that
search for the truth which lies in the
l fh

Naughty-Naught Laws Start
Scholarship Fund At Reunion

The Silver Jubilee Reunion of the
famous 1900 law class marked the
founding of the "Michigan 1900 Law
Class Scholarship," planned by the
class, to be a permanent endowment
of substantial magnitude. At the
meeting of the class, largely attend-
ed, the members, many of whom are
very prominent and successful law-
yers and business men of their com-
inunities, started the fund with large
subscriptions. Several thousands of
dollars were raised. All members of
the class, will, however, be given an
opportunity to contribute before the
figures are announced.
The Detroit Trust company, of
which Ralph Stone, a Regent of the
I tniversity, is president, was designat-
ed as depository of the fund pending
its formal presentation to the Board
of Regents.
The fund is to be administered by
the Regents. Loans without interest,"
payable at fixed times, are to be made,
to worthy students of the Law school
who have successfully completed their

freshman year, on recommendation of I f mystry.bitsoK
the law faculty. I borders of man's estate ever pu
Provision was made for constant out to the very verge of the kn
additions to the fund, even after its I and the edge of the mysterious
presentation to the University, by known that every man has an ins
contributions and legacies, a number tive desire not simply to increas
of which are in sight. It is thought wisdom and stature, but to find
that this fund will be an important answer to the puzzle of existence
precedent and helpful feature in al- I "All Life a Mystery"
umni co-operation. Dr. Finley then pointed out the
In addition to Russell B. Thayer, of that there is a haze of mystery a
Saginaw, the class president, and C. plant life, insect life, atoms, ethe
L. Converse, of Columbus, Ohio, again J fact about everything that poets,
re-elected secretary after 25 years of uralists, philosophers, anybody,
continuous service, the committee in think of. "There are many obje
charge of the matter consists of: Paul 'mysteries in these Kingdoms w;
W. Voorheie of Detroit, chairman; lie about the mind. And no cur
Walter G. Kirkbride, of Toledo, sec- lum is uncultural that brings ar
retary; Leo B. Lowenthal, of Chica- consciously, knowingly, inquiri
go; Samuel H. Van Horn, Kalamazoo, courageously, into the presene
and Judge Rolland Barr, of St. Jos- any one of these, however pra
kph, Michigan. the courses by which it is led;t
is, after all, but the one obje
Holyoke, Mass., June 15. - Mrs. mystery; for as there are "n
Frances Gold and her son, Kenneth, faiths and one God," so are
were graduated this spring in the loc- many mysteries yet but one mys
al high school. (Continued on Page Four)

se in
r, in
ce of

(Continued on Page Four)

which had 31 posits.

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