*'lmmr r . it: I9fl 4:Iaitg ASSOCIATED PRESS DIAY AND NIGHT WIRE BERT WCE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1925 PRICE FIVE o NEL CURTIS OF Values Michigan's O ~ L CURT1 UF Athletic Training XFORD LECTURES [PARES RULE OF HEBREWS TO: THAT OF TRIBE RULE INx PRIMITIVE SOCIETY UTLINES GROWTH s. s That National States Should be Based. Upon Principles of Commonwealth r. Lionel Curtis of Oxford, Eng., :e last night upon "Civitas Dei." said that in primitive society, s were ruled by unseen powers; that the Hebrews were ruled by God as opposed to the Greeks' heon of gods. The first common-" ith, the basis of which is devotioni he community and the minority's ptance of the decisions of the George E. Little >rity, appeared in the Greek vil- s on the Aegean about the fifth ury B. C. This soon gave way toH EL E DUISQUSSLS onarchy as the villages were ab ed, the decision being made by the! sus of Nazareth, in contact with k and Jewish civilizations, -had as conception of society, one that Describes liin as Great Educationalt beyond the Greeks' interpreta- Reformer, Literary an and l in that he believed a common- Mediocre Philosopher . Ith to be composed of all classes1 all nations, irrespective of race. CALLS HIM PHENOMENONt concluding Mr. Curtis said that >nal states should be based on4 principles of the commonwealth, Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the phil-j :h maintain duties in relations of osophy department gave a lecture lastt to each other as the main point, night at 8 o'clock in Natural Science not the rule of unseen powers. auditorium on "Huxley's Centennial." Wenley described Huxley as a great M* EE Iliterary man, a great educational re-1 former, a great citizen, but a very THIRDmediocre philosopher. He was born U L lii tra I I n 1825 in a London suburb. His --ird omwas an assistant master in an "ad-. ,ird on the summer program of venture" school. He had no formal homes" is the tea to be given by education but was left to himself in Women's League and Helen New- early adolesence. Partly due to this, y residence from 4 until 6 o'clock he became a great reader. He was a' afternoon at HelenNewberry res- follower of the Hamiltonion philos-1 ce. ophy, and was strong in this belief to1 encourage a more intimate feel- his death. the women are urged to inform- In 1842, after serving as an apothe-' "do i" t e directly fo drop in" to tea rom 'cary's apprentice, he joined the Char- ses and become more acquainted "gni Cross hospital staff, and three1 only with. their fellow-students, years later, he took high honors in' with the surroundings of'the wo- the London medical examination. In' 's dormitories. 1846 he accepted an appointment as culty guests invited to be present 1 ty are Prof. Campbell Bonner of assistant sureogn on the ship "Rat- yGrek dpar. t a nM r Bo- tlesnake," bound for a survey of the Greek departient and M rs. B on- A u'ai n b r i r r e s e w s Prof.- Henry A. Sanders of the Australian barrier reefs. He was Sdepartnent andrsSander elected to 'the Royal society when1 Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, of the only 26 years of ae. In 1854 he ob- ch department. tained the lectureship at the Museum of Practical Geology, London. The controversy between Huxley and Darwin can be explained by the I INDULL AND IU LLUJ fact that at the moment Darwin was obsessed by the idea that natural selection is sufficient to explain ev- erything, and that Huxley believed that we use methods by which we get ngles matches are in the third natural selection. td and doubles matches in the Huxley was moved by wish and will -finals in the campus tennis tour-'rather than by his own intellet. He ent. Goldsmith was the last to was a writer of persuasive charm, his second round match, winning contemptuous of petty issues, and the n Custer 6-0, 6-4. circumstances of his life made him a t the doublesteam, Fernandez and phenomenon. He died in 1895. ales, has already reached the_____________ [s. All matches in the present ds must be played by Saturday. HOBBS IN PARIS;WI L _____________- CONFER WITHS R.KOCH WH AT'S GOING ON Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology ddepartment, who is on his way to Copenhagen to confer with Dr. Lauge WEDNESDAY Koch, famous Danish explorer, rela- )-There will be no lecture in Na- tive to a new Danish expedition into ral Science auditorium. Northern Greenland, is now in Paris. -Mr. Max Ewing will give a con- He is expected to leave the French ,rt in Hill auditorium under the captital in a few days for Copen- 'spices of the University School of hagen. usic. He has been travelling in Germany since he left there following the close THURSDAY ' of school last month. He has visited )-Prof. P. E. James lectures on Hamburg, Berlin, Metz, and toured Geographic Observations in Trini- the battlefields. In Berlin he was ad," in Natural Science auditor- the guest of officials who were wit- im. nessing meteorological tests which k-.Dr. Guy Kiefer lectures on were being made from balloons. Dur- Row to Keep Well," in Natural ing his trip Professor Hobbs has met cegnce auditorium. a number of University of Michigan students and' faculty members, who he value of a thing is determined are traveling on the continent this :he very worst side of it. summer. Little Says Experience Gained Here Helps Him At Wisconsin "The splendid training that I re-I ceived by working with Director Yost, Coach Weiman, and the other men on the Michigan coaching staff has prov- ed a great help to me in my work at Wisconsin," said George E. Little, former Varsity football coach, now director of intercollegiate athletics at the University fo Wisconsin, who is spending a few days in Ann Arbor. Director Little has nothing but praise for the Michigan athletic sys- tem, and says that feeling is also held at the University of Wisconsin. "Wisconsin has the greatest respect for 'Michigan, both athletically and academically," he said. In dispussing the question of high school athletes, Director Little said that he knew that a feeling has arisen Gunmen Foiled In Attempt To Hold Up Class Three bandits, heavily armed and, masked, entered room 427, Natural Science building at 11:30 o'clock yes- terday morning. The students in the room were ordered to "put 'em up and line up against th wall." One rather elderly student attempted to over- power one of the bandits, but finallyt gave up his struggle and was subdued. A girl student of the class also at-G tempted to fight with one of the "rob-I bers," but gave up after a hard strug- gle. Before the "victims" could be t searched, however, two Ann ArborI policemen appeared on the scene.D One of the officers overpowered a bandit before he could make a "get- away," but the .other two ran to the doors. Police Commissioner Snyder managed to capture another robber1 as he went through the door, but the officer's nose was somewhat damaged in the struggle. Officer Bush caughtt the other bandit. After the. bandits had been hand- cuffed and the noise and excitement1 had somewhat died down, Prof. H. R. Mayberry of the pyschology depart- ment, who is in charge of the class, announced that he had staged the "holdup" with the police co-operation, in an effort to convince his class in criminology that evidence given in1 court is not always dependable. This was satisfactorily proven by the answers Professor Mayberry re- ceived in the test which he gave to, The opinions concerning the size and the students after an exciting scene. appearance of the men as well as the number of shots fired varied greatly. Students stated that anywhere from two to twelve shots were fired and in reality . there were only six. One student declared that she heard a blank cartridge being shot off. 4 The three men whe were chosen to' be the "robbers" were J. B. Plastino, Spokane, Wash.; Robert Soule, Plain- well, and Ralph Gutekunst, Grass' Lake. Wt k A, A.CLASES CLSE WITH DANCE TOMORROW Terminating the series of Tuesday and Thursday social dancing classes, the Women's League and the Women's Athletic Association are giving a dance from 8 until 11:30 o'clock Thursday at Barbour gymnasium for all students attending the Summer session. A four-piece orchestra will provide the music for dancing. No admission will be charged. Patrons and patronesses for the af- fair include Dean E. H. Kraus andj Mrs. Kraus, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean'A. S. Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, Miss Henriette Scranton, Prof. Ethel McCormick, in some quarters that he will attempt to have as many athletes as possi- ble go to Wisconsin, including those with whom he became acquainted while at Michigan. This idea he branded as entirely wrong. "I do not intend to ask any ,ath- letes to come to Wisconsin. There are a great many that I wouldn't let enroll there, many very good athletes [ that I think should go to Michigan. I want the whole state of Wiscon- sin to get behind their university." Director Little's allegance to Mich- igan stills seems to be quite strong, as is evidenced by the fact that he has recently prevented several promising' high school athletes, with whom hef became acquainted while at Michigan, from enrolling at Wisconsin, insteadj telling them that they should come to! Michigan. In announcing Wisconsin's corn- plete footballschedule for 1925 a few days ago, Director Little named the game with Michigan, at Madison, Oct. 17, as homecoming. Graduate Will Give Fifth Of Concert Series The following program will be given at 8 o'clock this evening in Hill Audi- torium, as the fifth number in the series of faculty concerts, by Max Ewing, pianist, former student of theI School of Music, and a graduate of the University of Michigan Fantasia (C minor) .... Bach-Sileti Melodie (from Orphee) ............ ................ Gluek-Sgambati Sonata (A major) ............ Mozart Tema con Variazone . Menuetto; Trios Rondo Alla TurcaI Rhapsodie (Opus 119; No. 4) .... .......................... Brahm s I Gavotte (Opus 49, No. 3)......... -.. .... -... .Glazounow x Fantasie (Opus 49, F minor).. Chopin Pagodes .................... Debussy Trois Mouvements Perpetuals .... ..........ti-...........'... Poulonc 1 Gnossiene ....................Satie t Times Square ............Whithornet (from "New York Days and Nights)l Defendant Loses I U nr iagn Evolution Trai U GUILTY; MINIMUM ~BAIL FOR AN APPEAL IS FIXE AT FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS / 'i SHIFT TRIAL SCENE Prelude................Prokofieff Gavotta................Prokofieff Berceuse (from "L'oiseau de Fen")..L .... . Stravinsky-Roepper Danse Russe (from Petrouchka) .. .............. .. Stravinsky t FOOT GIVES LECTURE ON ATMIC STURCTUREI Dr. Paul D. Foote, physicist of the Bureau of Standards, delivered his second lecture on the "Complex Struc- ure of Series Terms" in his series of lectures on Atomic Structure at 4 o'clock yesterday in room 1041 of the. New Physic building. This second lecture dealt with the spectral line combinations in the even complex systems, the doublet, quartet, sextet, and octet systems, and dis- cussed intensity rules for the lines as well as formulae of the angular mo- mentum of the atom. Lantern slide iI- lustrations of spectra of the complex structure were shown. Dr. Foote's lectures on the Atomic Structure willj continue throughout the week. Carpenter Shops Labor Overtime The University carpenter shops have been working overtime four nights every week in order to imme-I diately complete ,the equipment for the new University hospital which it, being made at the University carpe- ter shops. Over 30 men have been kept at this overtime work, which consists of the construction of screens, laboratory tables, examination tables, special types of sink and rack units, and shelves and other equipment for the storeroom. Dean A. S. Whitney of the School of Education, left Friday for Wequeton- sing where he is spending his vaca- tion. Dean Whitney plans to return ,. . .0 Clarence Darrow Clarence Darrow, who as defendant in the Scopes anti-evolution trial lost his case, is here shown during one of the lull periods of the court session. HAMTRAMCK BY TO ATTEND CAMP Department of Recreation To Conduct Additional Period From August 1 To August 15 WILL NEED MORE FUNDS For the purpose of giving 120 boys from the D.epartment of Recreation at Hamtramck a vacation, the Univer- sity Fresh Air camp will be kept open one period longer than had been ex- pected. The Department of Recrea- tion will provide the money for the maintenance ofthe camp for this ad- ditional time and will select the boys1 who are to be the guests. This period will extend from August 1 to August 15. It is possible that there will be another period after this one, also for the benefit of the boys from Hamtramck. The camp is operating with a ca- pacity crowd of boys at the present time, 120 boys being entertained. There are also 15 leaders in the camp. A number of letters have been sent out by the Student Christian associa- tion in an attempt to raise sufficient funds to offset the expenses of the camp for the summer. Since the stu- dents of the Summer session failed to give as much as was expected and as there already was a deficit of about $1,000, there' is need of many outside donations. Letters have been sent to a select list of alumni and outside friends. It is hoped that results will make it possible to pay the expenses of the camp without having to touch the regular budget of the Student Chris- tian association. FOOTBALL PPLICATIONS *SENT INBY GRADUTES Applications for football itckets are being sent in to the Alumni associa- tion by University of Michigan clubs throughout the country. Members of the University'of Mich- igan clubs of Cincinnati, Flint, Mil- waukee, Mt. Clemens, Columbus, Jackson, Philadelphia, Saginaw, Chica- go, Cleveland Detroit, and Toledo have been heard from. A deadline of Aug. 20 has been set by Hawley Tapping, field secretary of the Alumni association. It is expected that many other University' of Mich- igan clubs will be heard from before that date. Mexico City, July 21.-The Foreign office has expressed regrets to the American embassy over the shooting of Harold G. Bretherton, American vice consul at Aguascalientes, on the night of July 16. New York, July 21. - Flotation of a $75,000,000 loan for the common- wealth of Australia has been announc- ed by . P. Morgan and company. Entire Testimony of Bryan StrIcken From Records by John T. Raulston (y The Associated Press) Dayton, Tenn., July 21.-The trial of John Thomas Scopes on a charge of teaching evolution theories in the public schools in violation of the Ten- nessee law, ended today in a verdict of guilty. The minimum fine of $100 was imposed by the court and bail for an appeal was fixed at $500. The entire testimony yesterday of William Jennings Bryan was stricken en from the record today by John T. Raulston who held that cross examin- ation by Clarence Darrow of Mr, Bryan on Bryan's biblical views had nothing to do with the case. Defense counsel then agreed to have the jury brought back into court, and returned its verdict. The scene of the "evolution test" will be shifted gfrom Dayton to Knox- ville, where under the regular order of proceedure the Tennessee Supreme court will hear cases from this circuit the first Monday in September. After both defense and state council had agreed this morning that the de- fendent should be convicted, the jury returned a verdict in less than ten minutes. The fi'e of $100 was imposed by the court and bail was fixed at $500. The defendant made a surety bond for his appearance in Rhea county circuit court, the first Monday in December, when the Supreme court is expected to have passed upon the case. As soon as the verdict was returned the defense moved for a new trial and when this was overruled Scopes' at- torneys made these other customary legal motions to complete the record and send the case to the Supreme court. The beginning of the end of the case that has covered a wide variety of subjects was noted soon after court convened this morning. Attorneys and the contending sides announced they had decided to forego argument and submit their case at once to the jury. Judge Jobin T. Raulston, however, before retiring to his chamber to pre- pare his charge, expurged from the record of the case the testimony of William Jennings Byan given yester- day afternoon in the absence of the jury. "I hear that I may have committed error yesterday in my over zeal to as- certain if there was anything in the proof that was offered that might ex- ceed the higher court in determin. ing whether or not I had committed error in my former decree. "I have no disposition to protec any decree that I make from being reversed by a higher court, because i I am in error I hope that somebod will correct my mistake. I feel tha the testimony of Mr. Bryan can she no light upon any issue that will be pending before the higher court." Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 5,- Detroit 4 (11 innings) Boston 6, 3, Chicago 3, 8. St. Louis 6, Philadelphia 5. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 15, Boston 3. Philadelphia 4, Pittsburg 2. New York-Cincinnati (rain). Omaha, Neb., July 21.-Commende by Maj Thomas G. Lanphier, six arm: pursuit planes from Selfridge field accompanied by a huge Curtiss N. B S. 4 bomber, hopped off from Jarvi Offutt field, Fort Crook, for Chey enne, Wyo., at 9 o'clock this morning The physical education departmen announces that the second round o the women's tennis tournament mu: be played off this week. Miss Alice Titus. Lake, and Miss NaomiI All students who have attended any of the Lake Geneva conferences or who are members of the Lake Geneva club, will stage a steak roast next Friday night up the river. Those in- tending to go should meet at 5:45 o'- clock that afternoon in Lane hall. The party is in charge of E. W. Davis, '26. about the middle of August.