THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY - DAILY OFFICIA L BU Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice t the University. Copy received at the office of the until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume V TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1924 France Sends Hero Of Verdun llETIN With Troops To Besieged F Summer Session Nnumber 2097y i 4 l4 Y h4 l e lo tI-1,Bay Excursion: All who are planning on the trip to Put-in-Bay must leave their names the office of Professor E. R. Smith, Room G, 323, Natural Scienice .ilding, before noon, Thursday, July 23. A Bulletin Board is provided ere where all necessary information may be obtained regarding the p. Ernest Rice Smith, Director of the Excursion cial Lectures on Atomic Structure: The lectures by jA. Paul D. Foote of the Bureau of Standards will be ven daily at 4 and Friday at 9 in Room -1041 New Physics Building. His pica for this week will be "Complex Structure of Series Terms" and hotoelectric Effect in Vapors." E. F. Barker. smopoiltan Club: Members and Foreign Students attending the Summer Session are in- ed to a Social given by Professor and Mrs. Cowden at their home 1016 ivia, on Saturday evening July 25, from eight to ten. All those who expect to attend will please call up Miss Wightman, al 3193. INur M. Alalik, President. sitors ight at the Obse vatory: Tickets for visitors' nights at the Observatory, July 29, 30, and'31, may obtained at the Oflice of the Summer Session from 10 to 12 A. M. and to 4 P. M. These tickets are intended for students of the Summer scion who will present their Treasurer's receipts when applying foi, E. If. Kraus. University W ill Vienna, July 20-Fridayi C Lieum monstration against the Jew' Improve Col'se members of the anti-Semet ization who invaded a promh Weinberg's Coliseum, which Nwas and insulted Hebrew guests, i purchased recently by the University, ed to cause the governmen will be repaired, enlarged and equip- energetic action to prevent pod. during the forthcoming inte Definite plans have not yet been Zionist congress here. completed, but it is expected to spend as much money as is needed to get it Patronize Daily Advertise in shape. The University also pur- chased the 16t between the building lolst and Division street, and workmen ARRIEve- will start immediately enlarging the 12th s. Mat. 12hBig Week Wat. M-at Coliseum so that it will extend from The Niracle Play of Ami Fifth to Division streets. ANNE NICHOLS' A committee is investigating to de- A Ir' F termine just what improvements will be made, and it is tentatively p-lanned E c iT Y Wi"v"" to install artificial ice manufacturing SE I WY NOT apparatus, though perhaps not tiis l.SEATS NO year. -For This and Next tl DANCL)IN G At the New Lake House Pavilior WHITMORE LAKE A q_ y f " ",X R"' J_ ./time, '. IN i1 .Y} x j 3 , r ."J ,. . 4. , +' S V,?4 ~ .. eqs.'*-~.,"MrOC + C t .. . . .T.,! ....,.R..- 4 y .:. ;~ 4'BA 1 i - ' ? ?0e'd HC&oCCO ' I1 Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday A large, cool pavilion with real music and a wonderful floor. CLOSES. At 3 P.M. ADVERTISING 01 :O I: Extreme gravity of the situation i men are beseiging the ancient city< of Marshal Petain (left), hero of Ve WANTED 3718 or return to Secretary's office. -- of the finest fighting regiments of Fr WANTED- By University instructor LOST-Zeta TauAlpha pin with init- the Ruhr, are on the way to the1 a one or two room apartment, fur- ials D. E. H. Reward. Call at leader of the Riffs is seen on the ri nished or unfurnished., for next 1020 So. University Ave., Dial 5938. Fez. The arrows show how the tr school year. Address Box ; care of ). E. Hall. against the city. Daily.. FOR SAL~E MAN, middle aged, active, for light °---~Many Women Take pleasant outside work. PermanentjI FOR SALE-A dotor's roll top regist- Physical Classes position in Ann Arbor. Emmons er and case record. Dial 6845. C _ _cwark, New York. FOR SALE -1 1-2 year thorobred air- More than 150 women are enrolled , b UY second hand Ford cheap, ale. Very reasonable. Telephone in physical education courses this state price. Box 33, Daily. 3618. summer as compared with 105 en- A JUNIOR Student wants a suite of FOR SALE-A doctor's roll ton ac- rolled last year. Natural dancing rooms this coming fall in a private count register and case record. classes show the greatest increase, family, near the campus, preferably. 'Dial 6845. with 28 enrolled against 11 last year.} n French Moroc o, where Riff tribes- of Fez, is evidenced by the rushing rdun, to Morocco by plane. Several ance, some-of them withdrawn. from battle zone. "Sultan" Abd-el-Krim, ght. The map indicates the location ribesmen are directing their attack W. A. A. Members Will Give Roas For all summer women students, the W. A. A. is giving a weenie roast at 5 o'clock this afternoon on Palm- er field. A baseball game is one of the many features planned. Those who are going should sign up and pay twenty-five cents to Miss Mc- Of value r ,I I ®, ;, ' J. ! . i I , J. . 1 $35 2 Pants Suits Value to (ive details. Box 4, Daily. LOST-A pair of bone-rimmed glass- es in black case. Name Inside. Finder please call Helen-Loomis at FOR RENT FOR RENT- House,' 6 rooms and bath, modern. Furnished -or unfur- nished. 1030 Church St. Call after i:30 P. M. Women taking tennis instruction Cormick in Barbour gymnasium by number more than twice as many as this noon. those in the previous summer. Swim- ming seems- to have the greatest ap- Bucharest, July 20.-The agreement peal, having an enrollment of 50, con- between the International Harvester siderably more than last year's class- company and its Rumanian debtors, eb. announced early this month, has col- In social dancing, more than 200 lapsed, the Rumanian National bank men and women students have turn- categorically refusing to provide for- ed out for instruction in waltzing, eign exchange to American debotrs on fox-trotting and combination steps. the same basis as given to debtors of Social dancing is a new feature on the British and Italian firms. campus this summer, no attempt hav- ing been made to give it here before. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. $60 SSBCR1 NOW FR THE SUMMER DAILY M Men! Here's a chance to buy that new suit you've b( wanting so long at ridiculously low prices, never heard of Ann Arbor! No odds and ends, but good first class mi chandise, newest in styles and colors! We have only be in business but a few months and every one of our suits guaranteed to be the season's latest. Nothing reserved. 3T entire stock must go to make room for the coming fall stoc We claim we offer the best buys in town. Come in and ko them over. You are not under obligation to buy! Glendale9792 Mats. Tuesday, Thuirsdaar P1.AYH(?IsE and Saturdlay. hoc-75C. Woodward at lot. ] 3;n 7 C z.jc. Du,;nt.,wn Ticket Om ,ce at Grinnell's. TUSOAY MATINEFt The Bonstelle Co. In a Comedy of Life hy IPhilip Barry (Aut ,or of "You and I"] The Youngest AL!SOI "A DANCE DIVERTISSEMENT" Arranged by VICTORIA CASSAN 1 Curtain rises on theDance Divertisseent at 8: to nights and mats 2:10. Theatre cooler than home or office. NEXT WEEK-"Grounds for Divorce" Read the Want Ads k e -Ir 7- d--j in a a , WCW $35-Two Pants New and Second-Hand Texf ooks co ~mplote lien of school supplies jet e I 213 East Liberty Opposite Varsity L VVAHR' UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE x, i -; ,a°,,p o. , mJa , ,d , a°? ,1=' r k . .A?,a% .gr. , a -er- - 9s r.,,ff - '- wn .! Apr ' t ---:id- ,..: c-mac:.. _ t '...;.s > a s _ ..f " ; uc ia.8"i's ... ar< ..- ufo"mfar. . .r.r rC'' ir,:i ' e: "aD ac e f . ._ - .. t - '_ , Qp I' Where Good Clothes Are Sold. Ask Any Young Men That Are Wearing Our Clothes. Jut To Wri- Hard Words U I'S ,AVFAYS ('OL AND()MhlA1L 1 I - NOW- LEWIS STONE ANNA Q. NILSSON TULLY MARSHALL SHIRLEY MASON IAN KEITH BARBARA BEDFORD k 4 fs N S, 8 -, .. °o t? v---- 1 g-b _ A Tale orThis Age of Jazz and Flappers MILTON SILLS P~OWLLAY!.NtJG -S I Conklin Engineers called this "the Students' Special" because it was "built to meet the severe stresses of school and college use." Which is a scientific way of saying that here's a pen that will walk right into the jaws of calligraphy for the most aggressive logomachist in the class room. For mhen and women, fitted with "the clip that can't slip" or the gold ring for ribbon. Try one at your favorite store. With the Beautiful DORIS KENYON in 6U WMLANI -In- "he TALKER" iITOLED6 BOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LONDON BARCELONA_ r -Keith Feature- THE BIRD CABARET "TONS OF TROUBLE" Imperial Comedy New Aesop Fable Cartoon Kinogramns -Added Attractions- An Educational Comedy "WHAT A NIGHT" INTERNATIONAl NEWS TOPICAL COMMENTS c , I11 f f ' ' I7 III ; , II1 fi - , . I // THE, CONKLIN PEN MFG. 'CO. TOLEDO, OHIO Student's Spectral 11 i