4 FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1924 THE SUMMER MlCHIGAN DAILY PmAE PE -_ - _. ,.W .. .,.an, a Mussolini Losing Grasp Brumm Belittles University Hold1 On Public 111ndl I . O n P hlr7fh d -. - ww AL U&%-1F&9.. . A .U / 9 9111V' In a discussion of "Does the Uni- versity Influence Public Opinion?", Prof. Brumm of the rhetoric and journalism department stated thatr "the individual in the University or a thinker anywhere is a source of op- inion that finally becomes public, but i is not a crusader leading the public a causes." d We commonly make the mistake of t assuming public opinion to be spon- e taneous, that we suddenly think alike I for unknown reasons, whereas its antecedents are hard to trace- An op- t inion of constance always originates vents the University from being prom- Detroit, Ju with individuals who have curiosity inent, because it can foster no pro- at $100,000 r and the capacity to think, rather than gram, lead no crusade or commit destroyed an with a group. These individual op- itself to no party. Its attitude is crit- a suburb, yes inions are expressed and then spon- ical and disinterested, dealing with scored by some small groups. It finds general principles, not with pecific Patronized it way by word of mouth and he programs. "The students are tVere- printed page until, as Professor fore likely to be sent forth conimitted a A ilruinm said public opinion means to no particular cause, with no pre-- Pop. Mat. Tue 'that late stage of disseminated judg- scribed body of convictions, but with Nights 2 ment originated by individuals hre devotion to ideals and general prin- th Week and there". ciples which is their responsibility to. Naturally the University plays an apply to interests and causes." !nTe he mportant part in this, as the schol- F rank McGI irs and investigators are constantly Patronized Daily Advertisers. Abraham Linc leriving new conclusions which make heir, way over large areas and -pres- -f---a-l- - ntly find expression as public opln-/~ > Iy 17.-Damage estimated esulted from a fire that icehouse at Springwells, sterday. Daily Advertisers. R R I C K es. Thurs. & Sat. 25c & 50c 5c - 50c - 75c and $1.00 isth Seasons ISTELLE COMPANY Romantic Comedy ful Mrs. Eaton" ynn, Creator of the role of oln, plays Anrew Jackson I on. However Professor Brumn thinks hat the very nature of the case nre- Ii . , ---- Q . I Printing and Developing Our Developing and Printing depart- ment is especially well fitted to give you the best possible results from your pic- tures. :: Twenty-four hour serbice. LYNDON & COMPANY 719 North Unibersity A venue i u af I I C6 mom "The A characteristic portrait of Benito Mussolini Paris, July 17.- Three years ago Italy had a choice between Mussolini and anarchy. Today Mussolini's iron hand is shaky, and Italy no longer has a choice; and anarchy remains. Observers see Mussolini sitting on a volcano. The volcano is the lawless body which, while it did save Italy for the moment, is the antithesis of civil- ized methods of government. It is known as Fascism. Its foundation is force. The volcano has given its warning. The sombre rumble came forth with the disappearance, and probable as- sassination, of the wealthy Socialistic Deputy Matteotti, on the even of his expected exposure of corruption in the Fascist ministry. The Matteotti case has Italy's nerves on edge. Mussolini promptly expressed his in- dignation at the deed, but hig expres- sions were unconvincing in view of previous statements such as this: "There is nothing to discuss on the subject of internal policy. That which happens, happens by my pre- cise and direct will, and by my ex- plicit orders, for which I naturally as- sume the full and personal responsi- bility. And those who attempt to de- fame Fascism abroad or undermine it at home, should know that their deeds imply the severest risks. The enemies of the Fascist state need not be sur- prised if I treat them sternly as such." He made the statement a year ago. Mussolini cannot leave his throne on the volcano. He must wait to be blown off. He is bound up with Fas- cism, He cannot govern without the Fascisti and their methods. He can- not disband the irregular Fascist mil- itia which up to the present have been his personal army, without any form- ally-expressed allegiance to the crown. The militia won't let him. He says he will bring his party back to legality - and acknowledgement that it has burst beyond those bounds. But Europe is wondering if he is big enough to do so, or if he unwillingly will be projected on a crest of law- lessness to greater power or to obliv- ion. More than one student of the situa- tion believes the latter is what will happen. CLASSIFIEDSI TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPH- ING promptly and neatly done. Any- thing from a postcard to a book. Sixteen years experience on college work 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade Now Showing James Kirkwood in "You Are Guilty" Coming Sunday1 ON THE ScREEN- Tom Mix in "LADIES TO BOARD" ON THE STAGE- Cliff Nichols and his original "YOU NGER GENERATION" Now Showing Harry Carey in THE MIRACLE BABY" Comedy and News Coming Sunday Herbert Rawlinson in "JACK 0' CLUBS" Soon Jac] Hoxie in "The Red Warnings ERD KING 99 From the great stage play by Wright Lorimer and Arnold Reeves -ALSO - p ' ยข? a , U, N nmw rermmaas estowm.mmmme.oo SUNDAY "Those Who Dace CAR, TIRE and TUBE WE HANDLE "BOYCE-I TE" K nog'rams i1 An Give the children WRIGLEY1S after every meal A prominent physician says: "It is surprising how free from decay the teeth can be kept by using gum after each meal." y I AT THE THEATERS Screen-Today Majestic-The Shepherd King"; "Hang On," an educational comedy; Kinograms. Orpheum-Harry Carey in "The Miracle Baby"; Century com- edy; Fox news. Wuerth-James Kirkwood and Doris Kenyon in "You Are Guilty"; comedy; Pathe news. Stage-This Week Garrick (Detroit) - Bonstelle company in "The Awful Mrs. Eaton."j I HEALTH SERVICE OPEN The privilege of the University Health service will be extended to all students of the University Summer session. The Health service is located at the corners of Washtenaw and volland ave- nues and will be open from 9 to 12 o'clock daily except Sundays and from 2 to 5 o'cl dk, Satur- days and Sundays excepted. All students who care to take ad- vantage of it are given free med- ical service. Physicians are available at all times by calling the Health ser- vice infirmary, University 186-M. Read the Want Ads 11 LOST TUESDAY between University hal and Helen Newberry Residence, a Parker fountain pen. If found please return to Helen Newberry Residence. H. Gallagher. 1 Student Work a Specialty 11' .1 LOST - Small Gold Fountain pen. Downtown Thursday. A. T. 0. crest. Finder please call 1287. GRAYsHAND bag, trii med in green beads. Monday night. Call 452 or 1205 Hill. Reward. STEEL-CUT bead bag containing gold watch. Reward. Phone 1013-J. HELP WANTED CARRIER for Michigan Daily. Call 960, ask for Haight. BIG SALE Closing out stock pf Remington Portable typewriters. Black. 604 E. Madison. 1809. TYPEWRITING . -, THERE is always a last minute rush. Take your work to 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade, at once, have it type- written and avoid disappointment. Watch' Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street Jewelry. TYPEWRITERS-All makes Sold, rented, cleaned and repaired. Have you seen the new CORONA Four? The greatest typewriter pro- duced in the last twenty years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade Watch Page Three for real values. 1922 Ford Truck For Sale 523 E. Liberty at Maynard 1 block off State FISH BRAND SNAPPY SERVICEABLE WATERPROOFS 1 t fzeow It tCo0lle 4 men WtVUrYsilckers (YELLOW OR OLIVE) Auto Coats {-.,m (YELLOW OR, OLIVE) Touncots y +tf ' r .t "(OLIVE) _ v~OWEfr AI.TOWER CC DOSTON 0 13 v6 A s0 You know how hard it is to get the children to clean their teeth. By giving them WRIGLEY'S you not only reward them forclean- ing their teeth, but the reward is actually the means of performning this importantservice! WRIGLEY'S aids digestion too, and acts as an anti- septic wash for the mouth and throat. Sev- eral flavors-all of WRIGLEY .. quality. The Flavor Lasts ' A t f JE S m