E TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday' during the sunumer ,esson. Member o the Associate l're. Ihe As- sociated Press is exclusvey ctitied to the 'se for repulication of all ileus dispatches credited to it or not oterwxse diedind in this paper and the Local news publisheo here. in- Fitered at the postoffice, Aria- Arbor, I:iemngau, as second class matter. Subscriptioi by carrier or ..ail, $1.. Ufikes. Anrn Arbor Pr ess Bicx~ Conunicieations, i« signed as evidence o gowd faith, will be published in i he Suommr Daily at the discretion of the 1,ditor. Un- signed eommcminincations will receive no con- atidration. The signatute may be oiuitted il publication if desiied by the writer. The utmimer Daily ooe . 1101. recessarily eitursl ! the heLi!):leits Cixprcssed thie c0)iinolI ieiia olst. EDITORIAFL s:FI~ Telephes 2y14 and 176-M RoBl,1 G . RAMSAY News Editor............. Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board...... .......Andrew E. 1,'rGcer CityEditror.................Verena Moran Night Editor.........Frederick K. Sparrow Telegraph ijditor..........,eslie S. Lenietts Womens' Editor.............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF Mt MBERS Louise Barley larian olb Rosalca Spaulding \eneky .>. Koer Marion Walker y .i Albrt aansma' DwGight Coursey ~ ro ee Marthat Chase Mary Mr\aret Miller Wray A. Donaldron Mati-da loenled Gcueva Iwing ),;nthy Wall Mlaryland E. Iartlofit BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER CLAY1ON C. PURDY Advertising i lannger.......IiHA M. Rockwel Copywriting Lanager....N.oble 1). Travis Circulation 1anagcr.......Lauren C. Iaight Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie Account Manager...............yron Parker STA FF MAFl i'i'lS Florence F. l\lorse Ilorence McCoanb Charles L. Lewis aryeilen Brown FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1924 Night Editor-FRED K. SPARROW ________________________________-II supervise all student behaviour, stu- dent organization, attendance at class- I "Men have looked away from themselves and at things so long that they have come to esteem what they call the soul's progress, namely, the religious, learned and civil institutions, as guards 6f property, and they de- preciate assaults on these, be- cause they feel them to be as- saults on Property. "They mIeasure their eenem of each othe, by what eSl has, and not by what ea is. " rut a culxu B tS m('( itul i lbecoumes asharlii ot: Is property, asixain- ed Of what he lia, OUt of new respect fOP his bening. IpeciI l- ly he i' i. 1ht he 1-, if he sees that it is id - to him . i -t!nc , or gift. or crime; then he feels that it is nt hving it does not belong to him, has Io root in him, and merely lies th-re because no revolution r ro.ber takes it away. "But that which a ran is, does a ays by necessty ac- quiire, and what man acuires is permanent and living proper- ty, which does not wait the beck of rulers, or mob;, or revolu- tions, or fire, or storm, or bank- uipttis, lt perpetuatly re- news i elf where the imn is put." 1' es, student functions, and in addition to this they interest themselves in the physical, mental and moral well- being of the student body. This is, of course, a considerable I job. Deans must be tactful, shrewd, likable, stern, and wise. They are called upon to transact huge volumes c of business, see mnny students withk grievances and misdemeanors, attends social functions, often act as humanr buffers between the student body andn the administration. They are required to deal wisely and individually with many types of human nature. It is absurd to think that a group of more than 10,000 persons will not contain oie lazy, weak, and vicious individ- uals. Deans are called upon to deal with such students, as well as with the average student; and their mth ods muwst vry in each case, ranging from personal talks and encourage- inni expitision. But what of the student and his at-t istration Student attitude is of greatf importance in ensuring complete ad- mnistrative success. Generally speaking, there are three attitudes to be noted: First, there is a small group of students who hate the administration and the deans. - i This group comprises the malcon- tents whose liberty has lbeen restrict- ed by administrative action, who have been caught in misblehiaviour and have ble)n punished. Secondly, there is a very large group including nearly everybody in the col- lege who keeps the rules and pays little or no attention to the deans. The great mass of students soon man-t age to get acquainted with the regu- lations of their institution, and, fol- lowing the line of least resistance, avoid the administration and the deans as much as possible. The third group is a very small; class which becomes acquainted with the deans, cultivates them, and realize the magnitude of the problem they are called upon to face. The pity of it is that this last group is not larger. College men and wont- on are not hard to reason with but on this one point, generally speaking, they refuse to see light. So many men come to college reared on stories of a gay and wild undergraduate life that they are ever ready and more than willing to resent the paternal attitude of the deans' office and are suspicious of all supervision. The relations between student and faculty, student and administration, and stu- dent and dean are vital in their in- diirect but powerful influence upon the whole spirit and work of the Univer- sity; and if these relationships are cold and uninspiring, are not foster- ed, the student suffers even though he does not realize his loss.' A STEP FORWARDt Are women taking advantage of their franchise? Are they making an effort to use this power for the good of the nation's safety, peace and wel- fare? The answer is voiced by all the prominent women of the countryl when they, as members of the fourth t region of the National League of Wom- en voters are now doing, establish schools where together, they can learn the essentials of good government and can thrash out the problems confront- ing the great body of women voters today.1 A great number of these women will meet here at the University next weeki for just this purpose. They have formed a Political Institute. Their plan is to become acquainted with nominating methods, political parties, administration, international relations; and social progress so that they, as well as men, will be capable of casting an intelligent vote and influence the government of the nation in all prob- lems. This idea is not the pet hobby of aE plitical wild bunch of society women but the serious work of outstanding women of the country whose aim is to ducate themselves and then carry Imeir knowledge back to the wome. in the home who are anxious, as good citizens, to take part in the govern- ment and therefore vote intelligently. Let the women of the country be as- sisted as well as congratulated upon1 their promotion of such a school. The Baiinore 1'vening Sun gave a. prize for the best answer to the ques-- fon what is the (ifference between a I eniocrat Slnd it atepublican ? Thej V inning answer was "A Republican is a 1erson who thinks a Democrat ad* minstratio is bad for business; a Democrat is a lerson who thinks a epublica n administration is bad for ous a donation will encourage others It is said that over seven Greek cities U ANTwho have a cause up their sleeves, competed for the honor of having giv-, and we'llbe flooded with tag days for en birth to the great Homer. At ~/ starving alley cats and Armenians the present time, there are over 700 with indigestion from the food Am- American towns that are maintaining IIAPPENED erica sent them.. AGAIN - thiat they have nothing to do with AGAIN * *I*Main Street. It strikes us wish a dull and sicken- Today's Helpful Hints: A stitch inI in thd that no everyone on the time staves off the barrel. anthiw [710LUY 1JL~liO U~dh t1LOff aui... ;.. a.w s vu vu a.u .. nlua i v... campus reads these rolls. That fact was evidenced this morning when the same person horned in again with a remark which caused the class to moan ensemble, and the dear Prof. to get real peeved. This time the person wanted to know if anything could be more sublime than something or other. Now we ask you, howindil is a person to answer a question like that? I1t's gotta. stp, or we'll have to drop the course for our own peace of mind. London, W. E, grg. July 8, 1924. Dear Taman: Had tea with the Prince of Wales this afternoon. Ile took us all I:4rough his palace this morning. Met his father and mother too-charming cou- ple. Margaret. The above was written on the back of a post card received here yester- day. The other side showed the Mar- ble Arch with a flock of old fashion- ed taxis running around. We know she isn't spoofiing us about meeting the family, because the King had giv- en her a picture of himself to put in the upper right hand corner of the card. It said, "three halfpence" un- der the picture. We don't just know what that means, butit's a nice pic- ture. IN REVIEW The Shakespeare Playhouse last night presented Eugene ONeill's "Be- yond the Horizon," in University hall. The play was well selected and show ed capable talent. The audience was large and appreciative except for one gent who persisted in snoring during the moments of greatest dramatic in- tensity. It is a pleasure to have a coterie of such exceptional talent in Ann Arbor during the Summer Ses sion, and the English department should be congratulated for their fine wofk in bringing them here. Now that you have all read fhat lit- tle review, we want to tell you that rolls have to be in by 7 o'clock every night before they run, so that we have not seen the performance yet. \e thought, however, that we should make some imention of them, as they are undoubtedly very good. SP)RTS Yesterda afternoon Taman took part in a spirited golf tournament held on the beautiful Washtenaw golf course. He lost, two up after 18 hard fought holes. It is reported that the two leading contestants in the tatting league are running neck and neck in the 47th round. All bets made before the 20th round are called off. Odds are now 3 to 1 on the beautiful Miss Take who holds a slight lead on her nearest competitor. The consistent demand for more mention of sports in the Daily this summer has led us to take this step toward satisfying our readers. The dope in these lines is not official, but is collected at random from the Daily files of 1837. Speaking of golf-we really did play around yesterday, in company with a gentleman who really was a gentle- man. He bore with our awful play- ing and dumb putting with the pati- ence and courtesy of a true nobleman. We wish to thank him. Candidly, we like that man. Ile beat us something like 14 up in 18 holes, and we were proud to have been beaten by one of his calibre. ANOThER APOLOGY We hear that certain people con- nected with our esteemed contemp- orary, the AATN were put out about our mention of them in these rolls the other day. We are sorry if we hurt their feelings. We really didn't mean to. You see, a while ago, we ran a story on facts found in one of theirs, and they razzed us, and that made us extremely perturbed, and there y'are. *t * * TAG DAY It has come to our notice that there is to be a, tag day to support the Uni- versity Fresh Air camp. In view of the fact that this is the first tag day which has been sprung on the unsus- pecting student body this summer, we feel it to be the duty of everyone to contribute to the utmost extent of their means. There is, however, a bad side of such action. Too gener- Tralial. Hiistor y teacnes tnat sunrage was something nion were willing to go to. war and (lie for; now they have it and refuse to exercise it. Watch Page Three for real values. May we ask Mr. Bryan at just what point a successful business becomes Big Business and therefore wicked? 1 - ___. .1 Text ooks and -Supplies --__ ___ __ '-------'- ___ -_---- --' -----. i U'R"AxAV" s Both Stores FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUT TLE 'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150{ 338 Maynard St. South of Maj lllllilll11||111111111 111 11I H illlll111 1 Il li Hillllllllllllillll I N111111111 - - fi - Every Nite (except Monday) and All Day Sunday at ISLAND LAKE Follow M-65 Out North Main, - r Near Brighton II,1111161f1 1N1I~i11111111iUIII~i1IHIlllllil U 91111IIIIIIIU IU IIIII - ETIRE STOCK OF THREE PIECE SUITS :'/3 Off~ Many good patteons still left rdi Wonder what George, Tom, and An- drew think of the gentlemen that are parading around these days as Wash- ingtons, Jeffersons, and Jacksons. Science claims that there is no such thing as "lucky" or "unlucky'; but most people will agree that it is unlucky to be run over by a hearse. Twenty years ago when you said machine, you meant sewing machine. When will the American people learn to do without political platforms? I :! :> : ' t 01 :< > ' ' ;