C, 4r *umtttrr THE WEATHER FAIR AND WARMER TODAY itga 41:1 ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XV. No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS AMERICAN A91iTORS IN ENGLAND READY FOR NAL FL R 91MR [IGHT MACHINES .STILL IN PERFECT CONDITION DESPITE LONG JOURNEY WARSHIPS TO PATROL OCEAN DURING TRIP Report That British Aviator Perman- ently Missing Is Doubted By Fliers Drouch, Eng. July 17.-Flying from Croyden, this morning, the American aviators on their round the world) cruise, reached here and prepared to content themselves while their planes were being overhauled for the lasti stages of their air voyage. A mixed force of mechanics began to take down the engine, for the In- stallation of new engines. The first inspection of the braces, stays, bolts and other parts, showed that the planes were in splendid condition de- spite their 18,000 mile flight, there- fore, the work of over hauling will be measurably less than at first thought. One remarkable feature was the fact that the original varnish was still in first class condition, while the French and British planes were forced to revarnish before they had covered the same distance. The hopes of an early flight from Kirkwall are raised by the news that the destroyers and other available vessels will be distributed all along the route from the Orkneys to Ind harbour, making the transfer of sup- plies which have not yet reached Greenland an easy matter, and provid-' ing for a quick change of plans it necessary. The air men have also learned That Locetelli, the Italian avi- ator who will cover the same route has been granted permission to use the surplus American supplies. Allsix men are anxious to get started to get on the Atlantic flight and are greatly heartened over the work concerning the destroyers. In the mean time they are receiving every courtesy at the hands of the British officials, There was a report current here that the British aviator, Lt. MacLar- en had been lost after having been missing in the far east for more than 36 hours. Lieut. Lowell Smith on hearing the report said he had never, doubted for a minute that the British flier was safe. He explained that he had a long distance flight and probab- ly halted at intermediate places for gas and oil. There was no confirmation on the report that MacLaren had landed1 safely. UNION DANCES COINTINUE DURING SUMMER SCHOOL Dances are being held every Fri- day evening at the Union during the summer months. The big ball room, said to have the best dance floor in Ann Arbor, is being used and Wil- liam Wilkens', '25L, president of the Union, announced that the regular Union orchestra will play throughout the summer. An additional feature of the dances, which has proven popular in the past, is the fact that the tap room will be open to women during the evening. Prof Thomas E. Rankin, of the rhetoric department and his family will leave today for a trip through Madison, Cleveland, and Canton, Ohio. Professor Rankin will return to Ann Arbor Sunday. His family will re- main there for a week. Directs Campaign Headqurters Of Charles G. Dawes Success Marred By Noise In First Playhouse Per formace By G. J. D. parts given with skill but the minor "Beyond the Horizon" was the first characters received much commenda- play given by the Frank McEntee tion. Gertrude Linnell, as Mrs. At- company from the Shakespeare Play- kins, and P. J. Kelly as Captain Dick house of New York. The reception Scott, won special attention in their given it by the audience assures the minor parts. company good support during the rest Elsie Kearns, in the part of Ruth of their stay in Ann Arbor. Atkins, showed powers of acting that The play was given without the are full of possibilities. The dram- help of elaborate scenery, or any atic climax which she acheived in the scenic effects. Plain curtains form- scream of dismay on discovering the ed the background for the few pieces death of her husband was classical. of furniture which were the proper- The two brothers, played by Frank ties. In view of this, the success McEntee and Charles Mayo, should re- of the players was doubly notable. ceive praise on fulfilling with skill University hall is a hard place in the parts in which they were cast. which to present a play, and the Adverse criticism must be placed on Shakespeare players scored a dis- the andience. The gallery was dis- tinct triumph in putting across a turbed during the first 15 minutes of play under these circumstances. 1 the play by late comers. It would be Powerful acting coupled with sub- a helpful thing to both the players tlq interpretation accounts for the and the audience who are already in enthusiastic reception which the play their places if the doors were closed at received. Not only were the leading L the beginning of the play. "American Party" D|A|ft(f Names Candidate UflhII I I LUIILV For U.S. President LEADERS OF PARTY Francis J. Kilkenny, for years a friend of Charles G. Dawes, Repub- lican vice-presidential candidate, has taken charge of the headquarters of the nominee in Evanston, Ill. STILES DISCUSSES HOOKWORM DISEASE Says Half of Poor Country Whites in Southern United States Are Affected AFFIRMS THAT IN ONE SENSE CHILD LABOR IS BLESSING "Child labor in the south, from a strictly humanitarian and medical4 standpoint, is the greatest of bless-1 ings,' affirmed Dr. Charles W. Stiles of the U. S. Public Health service, Thursday afternoon, in his discussion of "Hookworm Disease," in Natural Science auditorium. Human excreta carries disease of] various kinds and in the south, where proper sanitation has not yet been ef- fected, the danger is very great. It is sometimes used for fertilizer and as the plants grow, they take up the bac- teria. Then they are found on veg- etables, and it is not wise to plant foods in such a field, that are not eat- en raw, for at least two years. The female hookworm lays numer-' ous eggs in the human intestines. These cannot develop there, but on expulsion, they develop into the in- ,itial stage where barefoot children are liable to infection. The path of the worm is through the skin into the blood, to the heart and lungs and through the trachae and esophagus to the small intestines. One half of the poor country whites in the south are infected. The dis- ease itself does not always cause death, but breaks down resistance so that the death rate is very high. Alcholoism is one of the results of hookworm disease. Families so in- fected, have been known to spend a thousand dollars for so-called "patent medicines," when they might be cured at a total cost of 50 cents apiece, aft- er the proper diagnosis 'has been made. Another result of the disease is ulcers on the limbs of the individ- ual. The range of hookworm is the trop- ical and sub-tropical regions. The negro, however, is not affected as severely as the white. Southern child- ren of the cotton mills, show a decid- edly better health average than those of the sand and hill regions. If a metal surface Is first washed with soap and water or a little ben- zine and then allowed to dry, the paint can then be applied. Fresh Honors Accumulated By' Dr. Tom Lovell A letter purporting to come from the president of one of the big movie corporations has been received by one of the more famous of Ann Arbr's citizens. The proud recipient of this honor is Dr. Tom Lovell, the possess- or of more honorary degrees than any one else in the university city, where degrees abound. The following letter, dated from New York city and addressed to the owner of the movie theater of an ad- jacent town was received recently: Dear Sir: Yours of the 10th received, and at a meeting of the heads of the motion picture industry, favorable action was taken upon your petition. Upon look- ing into the qualifications of your can- didate we find them highly satisfact- ory. I may say among the highest we have ever received. We are, as you doubtless know, conferring but few of these degrees, and I am proud to state that Dr. Tom. Lovell is at the head of the list of those receiving the degree of Doctor of the Cinema (D.C.), and that this will serve in lieu of formal notification. I hope this will meet all demands, and that the good work of this great educator will continue. This distinctivehonor adds but one more to the laurels already received, by this famous resident of Ann Ar- bor. May his glory increase FIRST ROUND Of TENNIS TOURNAMENT COMPLETEDi The first round of the all-campus summer school tennis singles and doubles was completed yesterday af-1 ternoon. In the singles the following men and their scores qualified: Schaefer, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3; Greiner, 8-6, 6-3; Prall, 6-2, 6-3; Neff, 8-6, 6-3; Moore 6-3, 7-5; Sidwell, 6-4, 1-6, 6-0; Jerome, 6-0, 6-3. In the doubles, the following men,. and their scores qualified: Dunakin- Jerome 6-3, 9-7; Chapman-Nogel, 6-3, 6-4; Mielfield-Rush, bye; Scott-Sid- well, 10-8, 4-6, 6-4; Earhart-Stevens, default; Moore-Moore, bye; Schaefer- Greiner, 6-2, 6-2; Stimson-Prall bye. London, July 17.-The bulldog again is returning to favor in England. More than 200 of them, with scowling faces and fierce jaws, were entered at a recent show. Several of the bulldogs were valued at more than $1,000. Sharp eyes will not scratch a key- hole. Yellow Dog's Bark Again To Be Heard Here The Yellow Dog, that barked be- fore the building of the pyramids, has gone into his summer kennel in Ann Arbor. Not that he has retired. Nor that he will diminish his vocal operations for the time being. Rather he threatens to give a mighty yelp tha will be heard in the 26 counties where hie has his abodes. Some years ago the pup came here. He was first seen in and about Tap- pan Hall, and evidently became the mascot of summer students there who induced him to stay. For his pro- tection the educators organized. At presnt their successors are resolved to join them. Only school men are admitted to the club, which includes men prominent in education in its branch organiz- ationis over the country. The dog was selected as the mascot because of his faithfulness In asociation with ,men; his color simhply gave him the common touch. There is a general feeling that men in the teaching pro- fession cannot really succeed without the sanction of the dog. Every summer a few chosen men are added to the group about the kennel. Beforetthey can be admitted they must go and scratch on its door. The prospective pups are al- ready preparing for the advance; needless to say, the old dogs will be ready with a reception. DEAN MAXIMO KALA0 TO LECTURE TONIGHT Dean Maximo M. Kalaw of the Uni- versity of the Philippines, will deliver a lecture at 8 o'clock tonight in Nat- ural Science Auditorium on, "The Present Day Philippines." Dean Kalaw was born in the Phil- ippines, and received his education both there and at several American universities, including the University of IWVconsin. le was an associate edito, of thl Manila Times, and is at presnt dean of the College of Liberal Arts and professor of political sci- ence at the University of the Philip- pines. He is author of several books dealing with the governmental situ- ation in the islands. Reliable figures would show that b this time every good fisherman has had a hook stuck in his finger. We have our ups and downs. An optimist looks forward to the ups and a pessimist to the downs. Gilbert 0. Nations, professor of Am- erican i story in American University, Washington, D. C., was nominated by the American Party as its presidential candidate. In his acceptance speech he defended the Ku Klux Klan. RIGGS SPEAKS ON THRANSPORTATION Development of Transportation Phase Of National History Little Emphasised TRACES STAGES OF PROGRESS FROM FAR TIMES TO PRESENT "Development in American Trans- portation" was the subject of the lec- ture given by Prof. Henry 1 Rigge, of the civil engineering depar mcnii, yes- terday afternoon at o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium. "The deveiopment of American transportation is a phase of the his- tory of this nation which is little em- phasised," said Professor Riggs. He stressed the fact that transportation forms one of our most important in- dustries. Our great cities are depend- ent on transportation facilities, as are also the mining and agricultural dis- tricts. Pr(,fe ;si' Iiiggs taced the different stages of transportation up to the present time vhen the beauti- ful buildings and bridges stand as monuments throughout the country. The engineering work accomplished during the last half century is rnir- aculous, and although beauty and safety mark the achievements, utility and economy have been gained also. Professor Riggs showed the import- ance of the railroads in the develop- ment of the great inland cities, and the way in which they had in 50 years turned a wilderness into one of the greatest of producing territories. The railroad evils of some years ago --over capitalization, excessive rates and stock watering, have been practically eliminated by the regulation of the Interstate Commerce commission. The magnitude of the industry now can be judged by the 250,000 miles of track operating successfully, and the 2,000,- 000 men employed by the railroads. Ban Jazz Artists Paris, July 17.-The gaily lighted side streets of Paris are reverberat- ing with the groans of saxophones and the wailing of violins. France will wit- ness an exodus of many of its most popular jazz band artists in the near future. Several English and Ameri- can players have been ordered to leave ALSO WILL SELECT CANDIDATE FOR VICE-PRESIDENT SHORTLY QUESTION OF FINANCE SEEMS MAJOR PROBLEM Labor And Farm Organizations Co- operate In Drawing Up Financial Program Washington, July 17.-(By AP)- Leaders in the Lafollette for president movement will begin a series of con- ferences here tomorrow which are ex- pected to result not only in the sel- ection of a vice-presidential candi- date but in a definite campaign pro- gram. The National committee of the con- ference for progressive action which indorsed Senator LaFollette's indep- endent candidacy at his Cleveland convention will meet to name his run- ning nate and to discuss a wide range of campaign problems, chief among them perhaps the question of finan- cing their movement. Word was received that representa- tive John M. Nelson, of Wisconsin, LaFollette's campaign manager, who has headquarters in Chicago would be here to the meeting and to make a personal report to the senator as to progress made in building up a nation- wide organization. Mr. Nelson was urged to come to Washington by W. H. Johnson, chairman of the Cleve- land convention who believes his pres- ence would assure effective cooper- ation between them. Four members of a confernce com- mittee instructed to draw up a finan- cing progrem, will meet tomorrow with the national committee, which at present has 42 members representing various labor and farm organizations. The appeal for funds will be direct- ed chiefly to members of labor and farm organizations. FIGHTH EXCURSION TO VIIT BOB-LO0 ISLAN Bob-Lo Island and the First Nation- al Bank building in Detroit will be the attractions on the eighth excursion of the summer which will be taken Saturday under the direction of Carl- ton Wells. The party will leave on the D. U. R. from the corner of State and Packard streets at 8 o'clock. The morning will be spent in the 25 story bank building which is De- troit's highest skyscraper. The stru- cture reaches to a height of 312 feet above the street level and extends 35 feet below. The party will be conducted through the building by special guides and will be given an opportunity to obtain a roof view of Detroit as well as to observe the bur- glar-proof vaults in the sub-basement. Lunch will be taken in the building's dining room. In the afternoon the ferry on De- troit River will be taken to Bob-Lo Island, one of the recreation spots of Detroit. The entire afternoon will be spent on this island the party leaving at 5:30. The entire expense on the trip will amount to $3 or $3.50. Persons desiring to make the trip should leave their names at the Sum- mer session office before 6 o'clock tonight. Manchester, England, July 17.- A regulation requiring "decency screens" for the staircases of Manchester om- nibuses has been issued here. The de- cency screen is "for the protection of people ascending and descending the staircase." France territory--without explanation.4 Shakespeare Playhouse, of New York, presents in University Hall, at popular prices: Friday Night, July 18th, 8:15 o'clock, Justine McCarthy's Saturday Afternoon, July 19th, 3:00 o'clock, Shakespeare's "If I Were King." "Hamlet." Saturday Night, July 19th, 8:15 o'clock, Ibsen's "A Doll's House." Reserved seats, 75 cents Reserved seats, 75, cents .