PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1924 r. rr. r. rsr , a . T. . um e OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $t.5o. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Communications, if signed as evidence of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communica- tions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board..... ................ Andrew E. Propper City Editor ... ..........Verena Moran Night Editor........... Frederick K. Sparrow Telegraph Editor ...........Leslie G. Bennets Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS, Louise Barley Marion Walker RosalesaSpaulding Leonard A. Keller Virginia Bales Saul Hertz Hans Wickland David Bramble BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager...,....Hiel M. Rockwell Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis Circulation Manager....... Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager.......C. Wells Christie Account Manager..............Byron Parker SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1924 Night Editor-i. A. LAANSMA "That man, I think, has had a liberal education who has been so trained in his youth that his body is the ready servant of his will, and does with ease and pleasure all the work that, as a mechanism, it is capable of; whose intellect is a clear, cold, logic engine, with all its parts of equal strength and in smooth working order, ready, like a steam engine, to be turned to any kind of work, and spin the gossamers as well as forge the anchors of mind; whose mind Is stored with a knowledge of the great and fundamental truths of nature, and of the Ilaws of bier. operaticins; one who, no stunted ascetic, is full of life and fire, but whose pas- sions are trained to come to heel by a vigorous will, the servant of a tender conscience; who has learend to love beauty, whether of nature or art, to hate all vile- ness, and to respect others as himself. Such an one, and no other, I conceive has had a lib- eral education, for he is, as com- pletely as man can be, in harm- ony with nature.' --THOMAS HUXLEY. THE ELEVENTH HOUR RESCUE The Democratic National. Conven- tion has at length succeeded in crawl- ing out of a bad hole. The party was faced by a crisis of the first magni- tude. Torn asunder by internal strife, the Democrats had lost the con- fidence of their own members and had earned the condemnation of the whole country. To emerge from such a sit- nation a man of first-class ability was needed. In the critical moment, the dele- gates realized this, and with realiza- tion came salvation. After all the acrimonious and wearying struggles that had almost rent the party in twain, the Convention was slowly at- tracted to a man who could well play the part of rescuer and unifier. The final victory of John W. Davis came as a result. The nomination of Mr. Davis came slowly but it was an unforced nomin- ation if there ever was one. Politic- al bosses had failed, log-rolling had wrought nothing but havoc, and fin- ally, by a slow gravitation, the Con- vention united upon a capable com- mander when defeat was very close. This, perhaps, is the outstanding fea- ture of the Democratic Convention, that petty politics failed and good sense was in the end victorious. Mr. Davis was in no sense an ag- gressive candidate. From the begin- ning of the caucus, he had just enough delegates to keep his name before the Convention. The final result was a miniature revolution, and the effects of the revolution may still prove dis- asterous. There are animosities to be soothed, personal differences to be adjusted and far reaching plans for the campaign to be worked out. .1 : Open Letters. To Prof .Wligam H. Hobbs, misspelled words, but it is a hard prob- Dear Professor Hobbs: lem to train, in the short space of a You have won a distinction which few weeks, people who can do thej is accorded to very few men. When work as well as it should be done. France conferred the decoration of We would be happy, indeed, if you{ Knight of the National Order of the would lend aid to us in this fiery or- Legion of Honor upon you it was sig- deal -of reading proof. We would, nal proof of the fact that the world moreover, be still happier if you, or in general values and' appreciates any one else on the campus this sum- your work in the fields of science and mer, would take enough interest in political study as much as we, here, us to pay us a visit some time. We value and appreciate your work as would like to show you our office; we guide and teacher. are proud of it; and we would like Scientists and scholars of interna- to explain some of our difficulties. tional reput enhance the fame of our Your first letter did help, more sug- University. "All history," said Car- gestions will be welcomed. lyle, "is the biography of great men.' .Yours for the best, And, in the same way, all universities SMYTHE. have been measured by the men of scholarly fame who guide their acad- T Prof. Edward Raymond Turner: emic destinies. Your work has brought Dear Professor Turner: honor and fame to Michigan as well as to you. It is with regret that the Daily We offer our sincere congratula- awaits the date of your leparture tions. from the University to take up your Respectfully, new duties at Yale. The well wishes SMYTHE. of the Daily and of all your many friends on the campus go with you. To a Critic of the Summer Daily, We take this opportunity to say a My dear C. T.: word of appreciation for you. Yot Helpful criticism, while . It often have always been a kind supporter of hurts, especially when it is justified, the Michigan Daily, and we are grate- does a world of good. We admit that ful to you. the proof-reading on the Summer In your years of service to the Michigan Daily, which you so viol- cause of the advancement of human ently object to, is not all that it should knowledge, you have done much in be, nor all that is probably found on the study of history, especially in the the largest of the Metropolitan papers, field of Modern European history. You But we make no attempt to be metro- have reflected glory on the University politan in our make-up. Our phil- through your studies in the diplomatic osophy of existence and of typos is backgrounds of the World War and shortly this:4 we wish to do well other modern movements. A careful what little we can do to be of service scholar, an inspiring teacher, a close to the campus, rather than to do poor- student, a kind friend, your departure ly more than we can do; and, sec- will be a great loss to the University ondly, that a typo is a small thing, and to your many friends. one easily overlooked, and a pill that Respectfully, can be taken easily with the morning SMYTHE. coffee. It is our opinion that the us- ual person who sees a typo in the To James K. Brooker and De Hart paper realises at once that the mis. Hubbard, take is a typographical error and Dear Boys: passes on at once without dwelling In France at the stadium of Colom- further on the incident. Have you bes you are representing the United ever read Pilgrims Progress, and do States and also the University of you remember the part about the peo- Michigan in the Olympic games. Your ple who Theodore Roosevelt called friends back home are proud of the the "muck-rakers?" They were peo- fact that you have done your share ple so interested in the muck and in the historic athletic fray. We read dirt of the ground that they had not with the greatest thrill that the Stars time to look about upon the beauties and Stripes are floating on the victory of nature around them. pole over the Olympic stadium. Try We appreciate that it is annoying to to keep them there to the best of find a line of a story somewhere in your ability. another column and to stumble over SMYTHE. not avoid reference to the condition of the track and the bad luck of the Americans in making a getaway. In pleasing contrast was the reply of! Charley Paddock, the defeated Amer- ican sprinter, to some one who asked why Abrahams beat him: "Because he is a better and a greater runner." In the two explanations lies some- thing of the subtle distinction be- tween the professional and the am- ateur point of view. Both are good winners, but when it comes to losing the amateur usually has the better of it. YACDONALD EXPLAINS HIMSELF (The New York Times) By his visit to Paris Ramsay Mac- Donald has done what he could to re- pair the damage caused by the misun- derstanding between himself and M. Herriot. That he in any way sought, to mislead the French Premier is, of course, out of the question. It may be that M. Herriot misunderstood him, or that Mr. MacDonald had not fully developed his ideas when he talked with the former. The publica- tion of the British White Paper shows, however, that French fears were jus- tified; since the British declaration of policy differed in several points from the assurances which M. Herriot had brought back. One in particular caused much excitement in Paris. This concerns the sanctions to be applied in case of a flagrant failure of the Ger- mans to carry out the Dawes plan. It will be recalled that the experts' report provides that in such an event "it is plainly for the creditor Govern- ments, acting with the conscious- ness of joint trusteeship for the financial interests of themselves and of others who will have ad- vanced money upon the lines of the plan, then to determine the nature of sanctions to be applied and the method of their rapid and effective application." Over this point the French and British have differed from the beginning, for it involves the pos- IRVING WARMOLTS, D. S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopestid 707 N. University. Phone 2652 sibility of a second occupation of the Ruhr. The French have sought to have the penalties clearly agreed to beforehand, and published to Germany and the world. The British have not been willing so to commit themselves. In the matter of determining when and whether the sanctions should be applied the French have insisted that the decision rightfully belongs in the hands of the Reparation Commission. Mr. MacDonald suggects that this power be given to the League of Na- tions or its Financial Committee, or possibly to some other body. This problem is best solved at the coming conference. Certainly Mr. MacDonald's method of placing it on the proposed agenda was unfortunate. His inconclusive speech before the House of Commons on Tuesday, cou- pled with the lame attempts to make it appear that no such suggestion had been made as is actually contained in the White Paper, have done much to strengthen the hands of M. IHerriot's enemies, who are falling back on the old cry of "perfidious Albion." The incident contains a lesson and a warning. The lesson is that frank- ness as a diplomatir weapon must be used consistently if it is not to pro- duce a sharp reaction. The warning is that, despite the change of person- alities in France -and England, the French and British attitudes toward the entire reparations problem show little change. There is a tacit recog- nition of this in Mr. MacDonald's words as he returned to London: "We are facing an exceedingly intri- cate series of misunderstandings which have grown up during the past few years." And he added that althcught they had made a substantial beginning, ard were taking up one ques ton at a time, "We are not mag- icians and we are obliged to deal with public opinion and with our Parlia- ments." The campus will look different next fall. Several new buildings finished and ready for use, many others near completion, and other improvements are on the way. But it will still be the same old place. The Democratic convention suc- ceeded in hand-cuffing William Jen- nings Bryan by putting his broth- er on the ticket. The Stars and Stripes are still floating over the lympic stadium at Colombes. Patronized Daily Advertisers. t111111U111111111111111Iilillllflllfll1i f1U 111111111tt111l11l111!l1EIHll1l EvryNite (except Mondy) and l Day Sunday at ISLAND L AKE Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton _ ra New Deep Water Bathing Beach at Whitmore Lake 11 r FOR BETTER SUMMER FOOD TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Phone 150 338 Maynard St. South of Maj JIM BURKE'S NEW SWIMMING BEACH NOW OPEN Discouragement must be turned into hope and good cheer. Truly the task is great. But the man selected is one to whom great tasks may well be en- trusted. Democrats may well congratulate themselves upon an eleventh hour es- cape from the deep sea troubles; and citizens in general who may have be- come more or less disgusted with all political parties as a result of the Convention just adjourned must bear in mind the opinion of John Stuart Mill, whotwrote, "I have learned to have great trust in the capability of the American people to see the prac- tical leanings of a political question truly and rapidly when the critical moment comes." WHERE THE BLAME LIES The people of the country have been pouring out their condemnation upon the men who represent us at the seat of government, but do the citizens of the U. S. ever stop to think that Congress is merely a reflection of the peojle of the country? We have sent them to represent us, therefore we cannot escape some of the blame put upon them for failure to perform national service. The men that are sent to Congress take their cue from us and if we do not take advantage of our opportun- ity to do a national service, 4hey, in turn, will see the positions to which we elect them as places from which to strengthen their own personal po- sitions and prominence. That ideals of our Republic must mean much to us in order to mean anything to Congress, for Congress- men cannot be expected to be such extraordinary men that ideals which are not of the- people will mean muchi to them. The answer to the problem seems to be the growing demand andj necessity of a sense of responsibility -individual responsibility to the Re- public and to the ideals upon which It was founded. We thought we were in London the other morning when we woke up and couldn't see the street through the fog, EDITORIAL COMMENT PRETTY SMOOTH, ONE MAY SAY (The Detroit News) The first impulse is not to analyze the Democratic national ticket. It is rather to smile at the delicious man- ner in which William Jennings Bryan has been hand-cuffed. After the erstwhile peerless leader had pronounced his dread interdic- tion, it was direct definance for the Democratic delegates to nominate John W. Davis for President. The action looked like a direct challenge to Mr. Bryan to bolt the ticket. But Mr. Davis proved he was well cast for the part of a diplomat- ist. As the new leader of his party, he went to the Convention hall for conferences with his associates. Out of these conferencescame the nom- ination of Gov. Charles W. Bryan, brother of William Jennings, for Vice-President. The open hostility or silent oppostion of the elder Bryan faded away. The magic name of Bryan, however innocuously placed had taken the terrific curse of Wall street off the ticket. Mr. Davis must chuckle quietly as he considers the way by which he de- livered himself from long months of anathema. THE AMATEUR TOUCH (The Baltimore Evening Sun) The last two days have found the American athletes struggling hard to hold first place in the Olympic games at Paris. And with news of surpris- ingly good performances, as for ex- ample Taylor's record in the 400-meter hurdles, Osborne's victory in the high jump at 6 feet 6 inches and Legen- dre's new mark in the broad jump of, 25 feet 6 inches, there have also been disappointments. An American vic- tory had been counted upon in the 100 meters, but Abrahams, of Cam- bridge University, upset the best cal- culations. This seems to have disturbed the American coaches whose business it is to get results. While admitting the ability of Abrahams, they could .I .ftm.wmm._. I I WHO ARE YOUR ASSOCIATES? That is a question that means much socially. It means -a deal more in business and finance. This bank offers you bank connections that will be valuable to you in the busi- ness world. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 S. Malil St. 330 So. State St. Member of the Federal Reserve This beach is strictly for swimmers only, and is the finest on Whitmore Lake. There are 10 and 20 foot diving docks and the water varies in depth from 40 to 100 feet, making diving -absolutely safe. Forty large lockers at the east end of the dance hall provide adequate dressing rooms. It will, however, be necessary for swimmers to bring their own suits and towels. Old Carland Grove, across from the dance hall, is open to campers, tourists and basket picnics, with good spring water, dressing rooms for men and women, tables for a hundred and fifty people, and parking space for 5,000 cars. A small fee of 25c per car load is charged. Dancing at the pavilion will continue for the balance of the summer on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings. The finest music available will be furnished. A i I Clearance Sleo Men's and Boys' Clothing, etc One Lot Men's Suits $1X6.67 to $30.00 Former price, $25 to $45 One Lot- Boys' Knicker Suits $4.00 to $8.00 Former price, $8.00 to $16.00 All other Men's Suits tailored at Fashion Park in this sale reduced 25% Odd Trousers and Ladies' Knickers 20 % SHIRTS-All fancy Shirts, collar-attached and neck bands, 25% Interwoven Lisle Hose now 35c, 3 for $1.00 Terms Cash Fashion ParkC J.F(Puertii c Clothiers Next to Wuerth Theatre FA 00