NVED\ESTDA.Y°, JULY 2, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRED WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE End Of Tuberculosis In Sight I As New Vaccine Is Discovered, New York, July 1.-At last it ap- pears that the medical world has gained a permanent foothold in its up- hill fight against the scourge of tub- erculosis. While unwilling to commit themselves definitely until more de- tails are at hand, leading medicial scientists here are of the belief that the anti-tuberculosis serum developed by Prof. Albert Calmette is the most important advance in the war on Tb, since the isolation of the bacilli of the disease. olation of the bacilli of the disease. Calmette, assistant director of the Pasteur institute in Paris, is looked, upon as a man of eminence and dis- cretion, and therefore it is considered certain that his claims in behalf of the efficacy of teh serum are well- founded. The vaccine, known as "BGG," is not a cure but a preventative. It is effective only when applied to persons free from tubercular infection. Since Jfw adults are perfectly free from in-E fection the vaccine will have to be ad- ministered to young children before the disease has developed. It can be given through the mouth.f While stating that experiments can- not be considered decisive until obser- vations have been made over a period of years, Calmette announced that the results of experiments on consumptive cattle and monkeys and on 217 new born babies justify the hope that in- oculation will prevent consumption. The vaccine used is artifically re- iduced in strength by 230 successive cultures. Calves treated with it and inoculated eighteen months later with virulent tuberculosis bacilli which would ordinarily. kill in eight weeks remained alive and hearty. With a preventative found, Doctors see the beginning of the end for tub- erculosis, the "great white plague." CLUB IN CAIFORNIA MAKES ANN-UAL REPORT The University of l\hichigan club of Pasadena, California shows itself to very much alive according to the annual report just sent to T. Haw- ley Tapping by its secretary William Spill. Five meetings have been held dur- ing the past year and publicity con- cerning these has been printed in both local papers. The club has supplied the public library and its five branch- es with copies of Shaw's "University of Michigan", and the main library with the 1921 catalogue. It has secur- ed and supplied both local papers with reports of each varsity foot-ball game and additional articles about "dope" and individual men. The Women's Alumnae council has met regularly each month and had charge of one of the meetings from which the funds were turned over to them to help the League. In addition they raised more than $1600.00 toward the building. One of their solicitors, an under- graduate women, solicited a gift for Michigan from Mrs. Stinchfield of 341 Congress Place. She gave $10,000.00 HEALTH SERVICE OPEN The privilege of the University Health service will be extended to all students of the University Summer session. The Health service is located at the corners of Washtenaw and Volland ave- nues and will be open from 9 to 12 o'clock daily except Sundays and from 2 to 5 o'clock, Satur- days and Sundays excepted. All students who care to take ad- vantage of it are given free med- ical service. Physicians are available at all times by calling the Health ser- vice infirmary, University 186-M. C H U B B HOUSE will be opei as usual thruout the Summer School to be used for the purchase of 280 acres of land, fifteen miles from Dex- ter to be reforested and used by the Forestry Department. I Little investment - big the Daily Classifieds.-Adv. returns, C A R R I C K Pop. Mat. Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 25c & 50c Nights 25c - 50c - 75c and $1.00 61h Week 151h Season THE BONSTELLE COMPANY A Thrilling and Beautiful Love Story "SECRETS" NEXT MONDAY-"YOU AND I" 'U TODAY ONLY "THE WAY OF A MAN" By Emerson Hough, author of "The covered Wagon." "She Siipe:4 to Conquer" A new comedy by H. C. Witwer Thursday through Saturday David Butler and Pauline Starke in "THE ARIZONA EXPRESS" The Yale Uuiversity Press pre- sents "The Declaration of Independence." Coming Sunday "THE OLD FOOL." NOW SHOWING "THE LAST WHITE MAN" With an all-star cast. Friday and Saturday Gladys Hulette in "THE NIGHT MESSAGE" "LEATHERSTOCKING" By Jaimes Fenimore Cooper Coming Charles Hutchison in "SURGING SEAS." Prof. Albert Calmette Hard Year Is Predicted For Michigan Team (Continued from Page One) and McIntyre. Babcock and Kunow are veterans at tackle, but Hall, 190 pound Ann Arbor candidate, Flora, of Muskegon, Edwards, tampson, Goebel and McCaffery look well also. Loss of Curran and Neisch leaves but one yeteran at end, Marion. Witherspoon and Palmer from the reserves, Munz, Moore, Keller and Ryrholm, will be out for the berth. The ends and tackles will give Coach Little his biggest problem. At quarter, Rockwell is a veteran. He will be ably supported by Dum- hoff, who comes from Waite high, To- ledo. Other candidates are Hoffman, Friedman, and Davis. Captain Steger leads the field of backfield candidates. Grube, Miller and Herrnstein saw experience last year. Last fall's freshman squad of- fers promising material in Stamman, former Waite fullback, Piekarski, and Lovette. Heath, ho shoewd up well in spring practice, Parker, Froemke, Garber, Smith, Brackenberry, Fried- man and Gegory are also showing considerable promise. The Michigan team boas no Granges. It has no Blott or Kipke, But it should be well-balanced, with power and a fair amount of speed throughout. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE ONE double deck bed and Matresses. 2 double desks, 1 3-4 bed, 1 Bruns- wich phonograph . (Console). 603 East William. OLD TOWN canoe in excellent condi- tion. Very reasonable price. Own- er leaving town, must sell. Call 1668-W. NEW GIBSON Mandolin. 324 E. Jef- ferson. Phone 2894-R. NOTICE SPECIAL summer rates at the "Y." Three months Senior membership, $3.50. All privileges. INSTRUCTION MAH-JONGG lessona Miss Allen. Phone 2406. Watch Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street Jewelry. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM furnished apartment. New, moderate rate, to right peo- ple. Adults only. July, August or permanently. 540 Walnut St. hELP WANTED WANTED at University Hospital young and healthy men, weighing about 150 lbs. for blood donors. See Dr. Van Ornum, between 3 and 5 p. m., July 2. NOTICE SWIM at the "Y" Pool during the summer months. Senior member- ship, 3 months, $3.50. Racket Restrigig Now is a good time to have your racket put in first class = condition. All restringing done in our own shop-Excellent Serv- ice and First Class Workmanship. _ a t ar1l s , u u I UNPAID SU BSCRI PTIONS TO THE SUMMER 0! ICHIGAN DAILY Should be paid by July 15th. Other- Remington Portable I r wise the $2 rate will be charged. Send your check to the Press bldg., or come to the office any time be- fore Tuesday, the 15th. T~iE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY 'I Take any user's advice Anyone who uses a Remington Portable will tell you how indispensable it is. It makes writing swifter-likewise easier. And- without any reflection on your penmanship-it makes reading easier. Compact-fits in a case only four inches high. Easy to pick up and carry around, or tuck away in a desk drawer. Convenient-can be used anywhere-on your lap, if you wish. Complete-with four-row keyboard, like the big ma- chines, and other "big machine" conveniences. Price, complete with case, $60. Easy payment terms if desired v LO . ,. 11 . . i _ ',1l // /. i ._ . :, ,may : F v