PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1924 .-__ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during' the summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here in. Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second class, matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Communications, if signed as evidence of good faith., will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. The signature may be omitted in publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in te communica- tions. EDITORIAL STAFF' Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY News Editor.. ...Robert S. Mansfield Chairman of the Editorial Board...... .............Andrew E. Propper City Editor............ .Verena Moran Night Editor...........Frederick K. Sparrow Telegraph Editor...........Leslie G. Bennets Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS Louise Barley Marion Walker Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Keller Virginia Bales Saul Hertz Hans Wickland David Bramble BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie Account Manager..............Byron Parker to be. In his classes he finds a more alert body of students-and to his surpise quite a few of these are fel- low "regular" students. Those who are not, he finds, are usually older and more serious people. These older stu- dents, who are in the majority, create an atmosphere which makes the work seem much more vital. They ask questions, start discussions, and have such an aggressive attitude in general that the "regular" student soon finds himself borne along on the wave of their enthusiasm and to his surprise finds himself taking a new attitude towards his own work. It is not only in the classes that he finds things more alive than he had thought them to be. iHe reads the posters announcing excursions to var- ious points of interest near Ann Ar- bor and finds that these excursions are pleasant entertainments tit well as instructive experience-. ? at- tends the lectures given at frequent intervals and is amazed at the enor- mous amount of interesting lecture material on every conceivable sub- ject that is presented by men who are teaching on the campus every day. Educational films and musical pro- grams are other features which he en- counters. After about one week of summer school he realizes that he is enjoying it very much. The campus is pretty, his classes are interesting, the warm weather does not affect him as he had believed it would, and he is always able to find something of interest to do during his spare moments. No "regular" student should leave Mich- igan without attending at least one Summer session for, if he does, he misses an important chapter of his college life. Strange news is circulating about these days. An economics professor is actually rumoured to have apolog- ized for giving an examination. What does the American family do with its evenings? Does it go to the movies or does it stay at home and listen to the radio? Bryan is a great-grandfather. That name seems to have no chance of dis- appearing from this country's politics. The college bore is the man who wants to talk about his school when you want to talk about yours. The Democrats are evidently deter- mined to find a candidate "if it takes all summer." We miss the grey pots on the cam- pus-but not the Freshmen. i WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1924 Night Editor-ROBT. S. MANSFIELD MISPLACED SLUGS You have seen them in every news- paper, they creep in once in a while in spite of all care and precaution. Misplaced slugs, are not welcome in the press room and generally avoid- ed. A misplaced slug is a line of lead that is in the wrong place. It may be up side down, or it may have lodg- ed in the wrong place where it adds nothing to the rest of the story-but at any rate, it is misplaced. It means nothing, it is in the way, it spoils the paper, and it is a nuisance. Many people in the world are noth- ing more than misplaced slugs. They are out of their atmosphere, where they do not belong, do not fit, and are usless. Somewhere in the news- paper there is room for the misplaced slug; in that place it is needed, if it is not there you miss it, and as you read your daily paper you wonder what has been left out. In a like manner, somewhere in the world there is a place for the man who is not now where he belongs, somewhere he is needed, he is missed, and his services would be of value. The problem is to find where you belong-then belong. Misplaced slugs and typographical errors are perniciously mean things and generally to be avoided, but re- cently a publisher has devised a scheme for making them serve a pur- pose. The purpose of the scheme is to create interest in a serial story, and a reward of $5.00 in gold is of. fered to the first person who reports a misspelled word in each installment of the serial. With monetary prizes attached to them, misplaced slugs and typographical errors will not only be4 tolerated by readers of a newspaper but will actually be in demand. Thus a clever advertising scheme makes use of that which was formerly use- less. But the misplaced slugs of human- ity can never be wholly useful. No clever advertising scheme will create a demand for misplaced men. THE "REULAR" STUDENT IN SITIUMERl SChOOL Attending a Summer session is a unique experience for a student whose knowledge of Michigan has come only from associations formed during the regular sessions. The setting is the same-the campus, the buildings and State street-but the rest of the environment is entirely different. There is a different "feel" in the atmosphere, a noticeable change in the personnel of the stu- dent body. It is almost like begin- ning college all over again in a strange place. The "regular" student misses the crowds on the diagonal between classes. He misses the hundreds of grey freshman "pots." The bustle of the Union lobby has subsided into an echo of its former self. Ile has no immediate athletic problems to dis- cuss. His first reaction is one of extreme lonesomeness. It does not take him long, how- ever, to discover that things are not nearly as dead as he expected them such leadership and mastery shall en- able men-races of men-to live to- gether on terms of common under- standing and mutual forbearance. These are nature's own terms. There are no others. FOR irPRESIDENT After reading about deadlocks and violent demonstrations and the like for a week, we are thoroughly fed up on it. Our stand on the subject may be seen at the head of this col- umn. The crumbs for today tell it all in three simple words. Are you with us? Remember, he wears no man's collar, and is the peoples' choice for the White House. GUMP FOR THE CHINLESS PRO- .... LETARIAT, A SON OF THE STATE Li'l Gwennie is out at this writing, and our heart is saddened at the thought of it. We are going to run her picture to try to make good the loss of her daily contribution. Li' Gwinnie The picture shows Li'l Gwinnie all dressed up for a rolliking game of croquet in the Field House. POEX Poetry is Nil within My W K brain. Poetry is Nil anyhow. If you don't Like this: CENSORED! * * * We're going to Cleveland on the fourth to hear Bob La F. nominate himself. Look for the hot dope when Andee lets us put out another col. Try This in C Flat World's Greatest College Summer Daily headline: "Students Given Opportunity to View the Moon." Honest, now, Tam-don't you think the authorities would be running more true to form if they would try to prelent this insidious custom? Iel(abod. Feaven's Sake My Dear Tam - I just recovered this morning. I was completely pros- trated last Friday morning when I read the col and discovered myself .not only spanked but highly insulted. Either you or the linotyper or some other printer's devil maliciously planted an "s" before my nominative pronoun, hideously disfiguring its gender. In addition, moreover, fur- thermore, my same friend left the let- ter "a" out of Tamam, after I spent 48 hours a' day for two weeks trying to find out the hidden mystery of that oriental hashish sign at the foot of this column. The K. See Kipling Selling Daily subs now and again we have decided that of the 2960 studes there are- 2351 Daily Subscribers-so they say. 265 totally deaf and dumb outfits. 113 with a most disengaging smile. 69 with a daggers and pistols look. 58 hard boiled biddies. 6 who get mad at you. 98 we missed. OSCAR. We advertised for a regular writer of the last line for these rolls, and yesterday a gent barged up to us and assured us solemnly that under no circumstances could he take the posi- tion. Send checks for the bereaved family to Taman. care of The Summer Michigan Daily. Wherefore, no last line. Tanan. CAMPUS OPINION I ._ i To the Editor of The Summer Michi- gan Daily: During the first week of this Sum- mer session we have had opportunityz to gain much pleasure from the pub- lic lectures which are given every) evening on the campus. We suppose that these lectures probably charact- erize a Michigan Summer session as opposed to the sessions held in many other schools. Attendance at these lectures is not required, but is purely, a privilige, yet with this privilege as with all others there are certain im- plicit obligations. One of these is that the conduct of a person attend- ing the lectures should be that of a gentleman, or lady. Such conduct includes courtesy to the speaker. We have noticed that so far a portion of the audiences have failed in this respect. Nothing is more annoying to a speaker than to see his audience gradually dwindle, before him. Not only the speaker but the audience as well is annoyed. Last evening dur- ing a tense moment of Professor Hol- lister's recital of "Silas Marner" five women arose almost simultaneously I ' Text Books and Supplies GRAHAM'S Both Stores F - FOR GOLF 1. Wear a Beltogra Belt&Buckle The BELTOGRAM is a smart and clever little dress accessory, which gives ample protection to your watch at all times. $1>$1.50f$2>$2.50 J. F. Wuerth Co. Fashion Park Clothers Next to Wuerth Theatre !t Printing and Developing Our Developing and Printing depart- ment is especially well fitted to give you the best possible results from your pic- tures. Twenty-four hour serbice. LYNDON & COMPANY 71.9 North Uniber sity A venue, and noisily made their exit. One is al- most led to doubt the external ap- pearance of maturity and breeding which these people exhibit. Is there any excuse for such flagrant disregard for the rights of others? We hope that this will not be re- garded as an unwarranted criticism, but will be taken rather as a plea for more considerate conduct on the part of these people in the future. Ralph C. Rueger, '25, Baxter B. Fair, Lit'24. Casified Ads work wonders. Try T'e Summer Michigan Daily for re- sults.-Adv. zjANCINGr - a Every Nite (except Monday) and All - Day Sunday at ISLAND LAKE j Follow M-65 Out North Main Near Brighton -- EDITORIAL COMMENT IS CIVILIZATION A VENEER? (Rochester Times-Union.) The great folloy of men and of na- tions is the confident assumption that what has happened to others cannot possibly happen to them, or that the course which has led others to de- struction will, if followed again, ev- entuate in a better ending. Great empires of the past have dis- appeared from the face of the earth as though they had never been. Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome are merely names today. The events of the past decade lead many thoughtful people to ask whith- er the course of our own empire? Is our civilization a veneer after all, a thin coating over the natural pas- sions and cruelties of man? And, has; it worn so thin that the end is in sight and a new race and civilization destined to rise and possess the palm of leadership? The course of empire has been steadily westward. Civilization be- gan in the Orient. It has now gone round the world and pauses on the Pacific coast. Will it cross the ocean and take up its habitation where it began so long ago? There are interesting speculations. Nor is there any warrant in history to offset the probabilities of this very thing happening. There is but one way to avoid an ignominious end of our own culture and supremacy. That is through the unflagging effort of those who are alive today. Civ- ilization is not a spontaneous growth. It is the product of assiduous cultiva- tion. Left to itself, it will wither and die among the weeds of savagery. One thing the World War taught us: there is room in the sun for all. One nation may not plot a raid upon an- other nation without bringing so great. a loss to all antions that victory and conquest are but empty words. The woes of ancient civilizations began when theybecame cock-sure of their strength. The essence of culture today, and the right to lead and master, are that t ( T i 3r NOTICE All tryouts for The Daily business staff will please re- port at the offices in the Press building on Monday, June 24. There will be some good posi- tions open. For information call 960 960