PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1924 'AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Office of the Summer Ses- sion until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. ti. Saturday). Volume 4 TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1924 Number 190 Excursions: Excursion No. 3 will be to the Ford Plant at Highland Park, Detroit, Wednesday afternoon, July 2, leaving Packard and State streets at 1 p. m. Arrival back in Ann Arbor will be either at 7:45 or 8:45 p. m., de- pending on whether excursionists stay in Detroit for supper. Total ex- pense, including supper, about $2.50. Please leave names, as usual, one day preceding trip, in Room 8, University hall. CARLTON F. WELLS, Director of Excursions. Applied Hygiene and Public Health. The lectures in the course in Applied Hygiene and Public Health will be given this week by Professor Emery R. Hayhurst of Ohio State Uni- versity, who will emphasize Industrial Hygiene. This course will meet daily except Saturday at 8 and 1 in the West Amphitheatre of the Medical Building. JOHN SUNDWALL. Public Health Publicity: Miss Marjorie Delavan, Director of the Bureau of Education of the Michigan State Department of Health, will lecture on Public Health Pub- licity at 4 o'clock Mondays to Thursdays inclusive, during the second and third weeks of the Session. These lectures will be given in the West Amphitheatre of the Medical Building. JOHN SUNDWALL. lens' Educational Club: There will be a meeting of the Mens' Educational Club Tuesday, July 1, at 7 p. m. on the third floor of the Michigan Union. All' men interested in educational problems are invited to attend. Dr. Wenley will speak. OFFICERS. Women's Education Club: All women interested in organizinizing the Women's Education Club for the summer are invited to meet at the home of Professor Murtland at the corner of East University and Vaughn Street, 7:30 Tuesday evening, July 1. MARGARET CAMERON. Vital Statistigs: This course will be given Tuesdays from 2 to 4 in room 201, University Hall, instean of in room 218 as scheduled. DR. W. J. V. DEACON. Students, College of Engineering: There will be a General Assembly for all students in the Summer Ses- sion of the College of Engineering on Wednesday, July 2, at 10 o'clock a. m., in room 348, West Engineering Building. LOUIS A. HOPKINS Secretary. Notices: Notices for the Daily Official Bulletin should be left at the office of the Summer Session, room 8, University Hall, and not at the office of the President. T. E. RANKIN. Graduate Students: Graduate students who have not returned the election card to the of- fice of the Graduate School should do so at once. RUTH A. ROUSE, Recorder. Elections, Literary Students: No credit will be given for courses not duly elected. Courses may be dropped or taken up only by permission of the Administrative Board, and properly recorded in the Registrar's office; otherwise they lead to E grade. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. Niagara Falls Excursion: I shall try to be in my office (Room 223, Natural Science Building) daily from 10:30 to 11:00 a. m., to confer with persons wishing to take part in the Niagara Falls excursion. The estimated cost of the excursion tn participants is $28.00. Registration includes a deposit of .$3.60 for upper berth or $8.40 for lower berth both ways. WILLIAM H. HOBBS. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns BOARD ACCEPTS 25 BUSINESS__SCHOOLSi State Cinmission on Standarization Recognizes Commercial Insti- tutions PROTECTS SUPERIOR SCHOOLS FROM INFERIOR STANDARDS At a meeting of the state commis- sion on the standardization of coin- mercial schools held Saturday morn- ing in the Michigan Union 25 schools of business throughout the state were accepted as being up to the standard set by the State Department of Pub- lic Instruction. Six schools that ap- plied for recognition by the commis- sion were rejected as being below the standard. The names of these schools were not available. Passing on these schools consumed the en- tire morning and this was the only business conducted at this meeting. The purpose of the commission, at pointed by Superintendent of Publis Instruction Thomas E. Johnson, is to define the standards of commercial schools in the state of Michigan and to provide for enforcement of these standards. The commission is composed of sev- en members, two of whom are from the faculty of the University. W'. W. Parsons of Kalamazoo, is chairman, and C. L. Goodrich, secretary. Dean Edmund E. Day of the School of Business Administration, and Prof. J. B. Edmunson of the School of Educa- tion, represent the University on the commission. Mr. T. E. Cleary of Ypsi- lanti, Mr. Dowden of Lansing, and Mr. Murdock of Kalamazoo are the other members of the commission who were present at the meeting yesterday. The commission was appointed by Mr. Johnson at the request of a num- ber of commercial schools in the state to protect schools that are up to standard from those which are offer- ing an inferior course of instruction. San Francisco, June 28. - A. B. Spreckels, San Francisco capitalist and sugar and shipping magnate, flied today after two weeks' illness. OR,- A.. JOHNSON WINS PENNSYLYANNIAI POSITION Dr. Alfred L. Johnson, formerly pro- fessor of orthodontia, University of Michigan, has been appointed to a professorship in the Dental School of the University of Pennsylvania. Prof. Johnson has been head of the depart- ment of orthodontia at the University during the past year and will assume the new appointment next fall. I 1 ( DAILY TRYOUTS{ { { Students registered in the I Summer Session of the Univer- sity who wish to work on the{ Summer Michigan Daily editorial staff are asked to call Ramsay at{ 2040 or Mansfieldsat 396, or to { come to the Press Building on {Maynard Street { NOTICE All tryouts for The Daily business staff will please re- port at the offices in the Press building on Monday, June 24. There will be some good posi- tions open. For information call 960 960 Subscribe for The Summer Mich- igan Daily.-Adv. Little investment - big returns, the Daily Classifieds.-Adv. i - -- ri SUMMER SCHOOL NEW AND .SECOND-HAND TEXT BOOKS For All Departments WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ®.... . s . CHUBB H 0 U S E n ill be open as usual ihruout the Summer School TOLEDO tr Aid Return -2.25 Via Ann Arbor Railroad 11 BRAD LEY Two-Piece Three-Day Limit Tickets on Sale Daily If. A. MILLS Commercial Agent Ann Arbor, Mich. 11 l AT' THE ']'HEATERS Screen-Today Majestic-Alma Rubens in "Cy- therea"; special features. Orpheunt--"Cause for Divorce"; Comedy, "The Leather Push- ers"; Fox News. BATHING SUITS Special at Stripes and plain. One-piece styles $1.50 to $6.50 """1 """ . ( t 4 r sir ... Aiwa Wuerth-"The Way "She Supes to Pathe News. of a Man"; Conquer"; Stage-This Week Garrick (Detroit) - "Secrets;" 11 .tBonstelle company. S TU DE NTS UP P LY T 0R E A T I S F A C T I O N E R V IC E A V I N G 7 t t t S O U T H U N I V E R S I T Y A V E N U E LUTZ CLOTHING STORE (DOWNTOWN) _ f vA I ' / J t r: Smartest of All- The White FELT HAT Wear one of these chic little hats the Fourth $5.00 IT DOESN'T PAY! To have your clothes cleaned with inferior solvents The only odorless and 997, pure solvent known to Dry Cleaning used exclusively by us. Strenuous Work! After strenuous exercise of any sort, what a relief to get under the shower-and then a rub-down with Mifflin Alkohol! Tired muscles are eased and soothed, nerves are quieted, the whole body is re- laxed, comforted. Of course, Mifflin Alkohol has dozens of other daily uses! Fine to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool and soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Splendid relief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. MifflinAlkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for externaluse. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu-. larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. With their jaunty airs and their becoming lines the white felt hats bring a pleasing note into mid-sunmer costuming. They are trig enough to be comfortable for motoring and boating yet have brim enough to protect from the sun. A very attractive showing at $5.oo. (Mack's, second floor) Phone compoqy. Phone 2508 Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sales Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Inc, 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington A LtKOHQL the external tonic AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES HOW Y MIFFLIN ALKOHOL GL6Aitnet@apfp .ek1Cme..s .p QR7+;arOpr 2508 / 1, 209 South Fourth Ave. L .. ' 11 '