THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JU spirit of loyalty, which can only come from reverence for constituted au- thority, from faith in the things thatI are. There must be loyalty to the family; loyalty to the various civic organizations of society; loyalty to the government, which means first of all the observance of its laws, and loyalty to religion. These are funda- mental virtues. They are the chief characteristics of faith. If education has not given that clearer insight into all that touches our life, whether it come from our relationship to the physical world, or our relationship to mankind, it will be a disappoint- ment and a failure. If it has given that insight, it will be a success; it will be the source of that power through which alone has been, and can be, wrought many wonderful works." That these are particularly wise words, worthy of being pondered by every young person who faces the battle of life, as well as by all others, will, we think, be admitted by all re- flective minds. THE VICE PRESIDENTIAL PERIL I (The Chicago Tribune) Something ought to be done for the vice presidency. Considering the prob- ability of succession to the presidency, if we were pacifist and therefore ac- customed to theorizing with our eyes shut to the facts, we should think it certain that any ambitious man in po- litical life would jump at a nomina- tion to the vice presidency. The fact is the jumping is all the other way. With the Republican convention in session, each day's press contains the passionate refusal of some politician to be considered even tentatively for that high honor. The political ucene is full of panic stricken celebrities. scrambling for fire escapes, jump- ing out of windows, scuttling wildly for the bush. If this goes on no po- litical headliner will dare to attend a national convention and newspaper reports of the course of proceedings will be full of items like this: "It is reported that Senator Borah was seen on the street today disguised in red whiskers. Frank Lowden is believed to be attending the convention in half hose and a rounabout selling crack- erjack and gum to the delegates. It is rumored that General Dawes let his whiskers grow some weeks and got into town about midnight, having come from Chicago on the bumpers in the role of J. Raglan Patchmore. Mr. Beveridge was taken off a train on which he was passing through the city in 'fancied security, but escaped from the sergeant at arms. A thor- ough search for the distinguished fug- itive is being made in drain pipes and chimneys. There is a wild rumor afloat at-this hour that a man named Jessup or Jensen, who runs a freight elevator in Cosmopolis, 9., has said he would accept the vice presidency if it could be guaranteed that he would get his present job back at any time. But this rumor is generally discounted by experenced political obeservers." it is an astonishing situation. IHar- rison, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Harding, five of our 29 Presi- dents, have died in office and been duly succeeded by their respective Vice Presidents..dThetPresidency is universally coveted as the highest po- litical honor on earth and yet an Am- erican public man confronts thepos- sibility of succession to it as if it were a term in Sing Sing or Leaven- wortli. We cannot explain the vice presi- dential panic on the ground that elec- tion to that office is fatal to the future of the victim, for many of the panic stricken can hardly seriously look double the pay and throw in the use forward to an election to the Presi- of a yacht. We might install a radio dency. Perhaps It is the ordeal of set under the Vice President's desk, listening to the senate for four years. or put in a comfortable couch with aI But is it as painful as all that? To 1 decent curtain to save senatorial listen to the house is even wo'se and pride. Cost what it may, the vice yet men fight for the speakership, presidency should be 'takC out of Whatever the reason, the fact is there tte catagory of human disasters and something, as the reformers say, where it now seems to be well to the ought to be done about it. We might front. We are getting rid of yellow fever, T. B., smallpox, diphtheria phoid fever, cancer, and we ougl be able to do something for the presidency. Classified Ads work wonders. The Summer Michigan Daily fo: sults.-Adv. Patronized Daily Advertisers. Success to Michigan Students Every where GRAHAM 'S Both Ends of the Diagona 1 OHUB H OU S E will be open as usual thruout the Summer Sehool 4i FOR QUALITY PRINTING SEE b'1 .Aibr 6etter impnwsions" 711 N. University Ave. Up-stairs PHONE 296-R Across from the Campus I, if DAM Every Nite and A ISLANi Follow M-65 Oi Near Bi -PIII 1 11 11 u l 11ili11119 I I I I 1IIII I J11 11111I CING L11 Day Sunday at LAKL ut North Main righton Knickers White Duck- Bleached _ 'I11I11II~fg~it11H11111111111111 ili111111111111111rrI I llill ll t1ll illlilltlli Week Beg. K e- (-7YP$1A - INDYI POP. :NATS. - WH Tues.,T rs., Sat. fifteenth Annal Season Third Week THE In 'EO. M. COTIAN'S GREATEST MANAGERIAL ACHIEVEMENT 1= This IS London" The Howling Success by Arthur Goodrich The Play that Made the Lion Roar and the Eagle Scream week Beginning Monday, June 16-The Breaking Point" i11111111 m mm1111if 1t111111111111111 1111101111111l11111It11i1111 and Unbleached Linen Plaids $3 to $6 LUTZ CLOTHING STORE (DOWNTOWN) Fraternities Sororities NE W ON TH E MARKET i' i tl DO ITN W Send your clothes and have them cleaned in E N E R GIN E And prove to yourself the superiority of ENERGINE CLEANING PHONE 2508 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER We are pleased to offer a thirteen room house (large do mitory) at 1511 Washtenaw Avenue, for sale; steam hez two bathrooms; large lot. Possession on or before Septemi 1st, 1924. For further information or for an appointment to see t property, call MR. NEWTON With CHAS. L. BROOS Realto PHONE 2 50 8 215 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.h Phones- 315-35_