SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE r Chairman And Keynoter COUNr SSI F l ILUE Ai PAADVEISING U AU 3P E. TYPEWRITING . NOTICE i .Cordell Hull, chairman of the national Democratic committee, congrat- ulating Senator Pat Harrison of Mis sissippi, on the keynote speech he made in the national convention. Clarence Mackay, telegraph and cable mogul, is seen between the two figur es. TYPEWRITERS{ SPECIAL summer rates at the "Y." of all makes Three months Senior membership, Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged $3.50. All privileges. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade FORl RENT The Typewriter & Stationery Store FOR RE~NT-Suite and single room. Dealer: Corona & L. C. Smith 311 Thompson. Plenty of hot wat- IiNSTRUCTION fer. CHORDING on the uke and guitar. FOR RENT - Clean, cool rooms; 3 Also steel playing. Lessons given blocks north of campus. 204 N. by C. N. Tavares, Hawaiian music-, Ingalls St. ian, well known oni campus. Call THREE OR Four lighthousekeeping 2908-M. rooms, furnished. 1394-J. 915 Greenwood. MAH-JONGG lessons Miss Allen. _ Phone 2406. !LARGE desirable room, fine location, reasonable. Phone 1340-W. IGARAGE for Rent-1026 Lincoln ave. AT THlE THEATERS Call 2283-W between 6 and 8. p. in. LOST Screen-Today STUDENT'S RECEIPT-Tuesday near Medical building. Grace Slinger-, Majestic-Alma Rubens in "Cy- land, Betsy B~arbour House. therea"; special features. BROWN hand tooled purse, Tuesday Orpheum-"Cause for Divorce"; evening. Finder call 1801-R. Comedy, "The Leather Push- Little. investment - big returns, ers"; Fox New~s. the Daily Classifieds.-Adv. Wuerth-"The Way of a Man"; "She Supes to Conquer"; Pathe News.B Stg-hsWeek HO0US E Garrick (Detroit) - "What a Wife"; Boustelle company. will be open as usual thruout the Summer School Patronized Daily Advertisers. f STATIONERY ODDS AND ENDS SALE OF Correspondence Stationery SAVE ONE-THIRD Until July First 0. D. MORRILLJ 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter and Stationery Store Watch Repairing FINEST Watch Repairing in the city.I Arnold's State Street Jewelry. Patronized Daily Advertisers. TRY; Failings' Cool Dining Rooms 714 MONROE STREET ;One block south of Campus, near State St. Wonderful Home-Cooked Food for the Lowest Price Bring Your Friends and Have a Table Reserved "Seeing Is Relieving" NOTICE SWIM at the "Y" Pool during the summer months. Senior member- ship, 3 months, $3.50. Watch Page Three for real values. ~ c I - - - . Printing and Developing Our Developing and Printing depart- ment is especially well fitted to give you the best possible results from your pic- tures. - Twenty-four hour serl'ice. LYNDON & COMPANY 719 North University Avenue I. This advertisement, submitted by Raymond A. Stevens, of Syracuse University, was awarded second prize in The Postumn Cereal Company's intercollegiate advert ising contest. Are You a Winner- or a Loser?. y OU have undoubtedly ;v >.}chosen to be a winner. You are training your mind and strengthening your will. But what of your body? Will it sustain you when the race becomes fast and strenuous? To keep in a winning condition, you must exercise every muscle and organ in the body. The fuel-supplying organs-the stomach and the digestive organs-need exercise in the form of digesting rough foods such as: whole- wheat bread, bran, and hard cereals. Grape-Nuts not only exercises these fuel- supplying organs, but its nutritive elements of whole-wheat and malted barley, toasted to a nutty crispness, make it the most delicious breakfast food you have ever tasted. IFor a well-balanced diet, try Grape-Nuts --four teaspoonfuls sprinkled with sugar, half cream and half miilk. You will call for it every mnorning. There's a reason. The Postum Cereal Company BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN 1' - I r CARS FOR SALE 1922 RUNABOUT, FORD ....................$ 80.00 2-1921 FORD RUJNABOUJTS........... ....125.00 1919 FORD TOURING...................................... 65.00 1920 FORD SEDAN ..................................... 100.00 1921 FORD SEDAN..................................... 135.00 1916 CHEVROLET TOURING.............................. 45.040 1921 CHEVROLET RUNABOUT .. ........ ................ 100.00 1917 C ADILLAC TOURING........ ........................ 250.00) 1917 BUICK TOURING.................................... 60.04) 1921 FORD SEDAN......................................25.00 H.o S. PLATT Ford Sales & Service 316 - 320 E. Huron Phone 727 I L 11 _... If /7 pwaws f-A u i I r '1tI11~iilii 11t111111111 11 1111.1111 111111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111111111ltl Weekv' Beg. Nights c- OORO 25e-50c-75e-$1 _ ETMORROW POP. MATS. = c MONDAY Tues., Thiurs., Sate Fifteenth Annual Season Sixth Week TONIGHT Last t+ efom hat A Wife"-(SNA)ac (SUDA) nc -T r Bostll - A ETHREINING MND AUIFUL-OE ANDRY ~~Satie-a daade A pictrte apow reqitteglaoe- ou pirtof alove gnroan cdanda lh yoverviviid. Adqutedfome- Joseph Hergesheimer's famous novel Shows-4 Today" 10, 3, 4:30 30, 9:00-0 Irony 35cGODS n Floor 50cOF LOVE f* X11 A Dramatic Revelation of High Society Today w~ith an all star cast including LEWIS STONE 1:3( Ba Main ALMA RL'BENS NORMAN KERRY