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Bryan Offers Prayer for Guidance As
All Night Meeting is Halted
For Rest
New York, June 28.-(By A.P.)-
Seemingly hopelessly divided on the
issue of whether the klan is to be
named specifically and surrounded
by war clods loaded with threats of
a party split, the convention man-
agers sent Homer S. Cummings the
chairman of the platform committee
to the bat to explain to the conven-
tion why the platform is being delaped
and to plead for more time.
TIred and Worn Out
Tired and worn by continuous lose
of sleep since last Tuesday, Chairman
Cummings gave as dramatic a recita-
tion as ever has been heard in a na-
tional convention.
Explaining the deliberations of the
committee and its inability to reach
an agreement, he told, amid a dram-
atic silence, how, after an all night
session, the committeemen had gath-
ered around their table in the break-
ing dawn of the day and recited in
unison the Lord's prayer, after which
William Jennings Bryan had raised
his voice and spoken a prayer for di-
vine guidance.
Stepping to the front of the plat-
form, worn and tired and showing the
effects of hours and hours of labor,
Chairman Cummings began by saying1
that what he was about to tell the
convention relating to a subject
"which may, in a very large way, af-t
fect the destinies of our party." ie
then recited hov the committee had
organized and began its work immed-I
lately after its appointment on Tues-
day; how its sub-committee had been 1
in almost continuous session untill
last night, when it reported to thet
full committee.
"I have never seen a sub-committee
that worked together with more har-
mony," he continued. "Every mem-
ber has worked faithfully to draft a'
platform that would commensurate
with the opinion of the party in this
campaign. The platform will be ready
for submission to this conventionĀ£
within a few hours. I think you will
be proud of that platform and I thinkt
you will regard it as a winning plat-
Registrar Arthur G. Hall and his-
family will leave tomorrow for Les
Cheneaux islands where they will
spend the summer vacation. Dr.
Hall will return to Ann Arbor during
the early part of August to resume his
work. Mrs. Hall and family will re-
main at the islands for the entire
Waukegan, Ill., June 28.-Emersont
Hough, author of "The Covered Wag-
on," "54-40 or Fight," and other novels
left an estate of $118,857, according
to an inventory filed yesterday by the
Patrons attending the Forum the-t
ater at Los Angeles by auto can getT
definite parking space for their cars.-
The stalls for the autos are numbered,t
patrons buy tickets at 10 cents each
and can park and see the show within
five minutes.
1 1
in the long run, by and large,
Daily Classified Ads are cheaper.
and just as effective when paid
as when charged. So we say,
Bring 'em up! And
Model Of New
Vessel Made
At University
By Matilda Rosenfeld
How many students-or even mem-
bers of the Faculty-we wonder, when
they saw in Wednesday's "Daily" the
news items about the trial trip of The
Greater Detroit, realized that the mod-
el for that steamer was made here in
the University Naval Tank Room in
the basement of the Engineering
Building. The Greater Detroit and its
sister, the Greater Buffalo, are now the
largest passenger vessels on the
Great Lakes. Both were built by the
Detroit Shipbuilding Company for the
Detroit & Cleveland Navigating Co.
from the model made here.
'When the experimental ship tank
oi the University of Michigan was
completed in 1903, Prof. Herbert C.
Sadler of the Marine Engineering De-
partment expressed the hope that "the
work done at the University would
help towards the solution of many
problems and prove a benefit to the
profession of Naval Architecture as a
whole". This hope has been realized.
Today the prime object of the Uni-
versity Naval Tank is "the carrying
on of investigations which will en-
able ship builders throughout Ithe
country to know what is the most effi-
cient form of vessel to adopt in order
to obtain the maximum efficiency."
The shape or lines of a vessel, to-
gether with the estimate of the horse-
power necessary to drive her any giv-
en speed, is the most interesting and,
at the same time, the most difficult
part of the naval architect's work.
Since a new design is seldom a coun-
terpart of a former one, it is difficult
to foretell what the effect of the modi-
fications of the vessel's form will be,
and it is even more difficult to say,
which is the best form to fulfill any
given set of conditions.
Models are made of paraffin wax
because of the uniform surface, ease
in handling and economy, for they can
be broken up and the wax used again
for other patterns. The conditions of
the actual ship are reproduced in the
model, and from these the horse-power
required for the ship is determined.
Models used are from 10 ft. to 12 ft.
long and may represent a vessel of any
kind or size. By Froude's "Law of
Comparison", the resistance of a full-
sized ship is predicted.
To cast a model, a mould is first
prepared by placing in sculptors' clay
some section of the vessel cut out of
wood. These wood sections are later
replaced by a canoe-like core of strips
of wood covered with canvas. Next,
melted parffin wax is poured into the
space between the core and the mould
so that the model is 1 1-2 inches in
thickness. In order to overcome the
tendency of the core to float, and al-
so to cool it more quickly, water is
introduced into the inside of the core
while the wax is being poured.
Leningrade, June 28.-Floods in the
Lake Ladoga regian have engulfed 61
Ann Arbor To Celebrate
Centennial Anniversary
Ann Arbor will celebrate the cen-
tennial of its founding Friday, July 4,
in a real old-fashioned Independence
Day manner. The event is being
sponsored by the Centennial Celebra-
tion Committee of which Willis John-
son is chairman.
The exact date of Ann Arbor's birth
is not known but 1824 has been ac-
cepted as the year in which the first
white man settled in the district now
included within the city's boundaries.
The program for the day opens at 10
o'clock with a baseball game at West
Park. At noon an old fashioned fam-
ily picnic dinner will be held on the
Fair Grounds, which to be the scene
of the rest of the days activities. Hon.
H. Wirt Newkirk has been secured
to give the day's oration.
Horse races, band concerts, and
songs by an Ypsilanti colored quartet
are other features on the program.
All of the entertainment will be free
of charge except the horse races
where admission to the grand stand
will be charged. A small parking
charge will also be necessary. Re-
freshments will be sold on the grounds
by various church and social organ-
izations of the city.
The carnival which was to have been
held by Veterans of Foreign Wars
has been cancelled by order of the
State Board of Health.
New Yorker Heads
Architects Of U. S.
Bigelow, Kazarinoff, Clavell, Talamon,
Sunderland Now Abroad, Lane
Follows Soon
Eight members of the faculty of the
University are now in Europe or are
planning to leave at the end of the
Summer session, while several are
there already on leave of absence.
Prof. S. L. Bigelow, of the chem-
istry department; Prof. D. K. Kazar-
inoff, mathematics; Prof. Marcel Cla-
vell, romance languages; Prof. E. R.
Sunderland, law school; and Prof.
Rane Talamon, of the French depart-
ment, are in Europe now. Judge Vic-
tor Lane of the Law school is leav-
ing 1his week. Prof. John It. Brumm,
of the journalism department, and
Prof. 'ihomas E. Rankin, of the rhet-
oric department, will leave at the end
of the Summer session.
G. D. Herrera and C. Garcia-Prada,
instructors in romance languages are
in South America; Preston E. James,
of the geography department, is mak-
ing a survey of the island of Trina-
Work in summer sessions in other
universities has claimed other pro-
fessors. At Columbia university is
Prof. Ralph Aigler and Prof. Herbert
F. Goodrich, both of the Law school.
Prof. Edwin D. Dickenson, also of
the Law school, is at Leland Stanford
university. At the southern branch of
the University of California are Prof.
W. B. Pillsbury, psychology, and Prof.
C. H. Van Tyne, of the history depart-
Resorts are claiming others con-
nected with the .University: Dr. Ar-
thur G. Hall, registrar, leaves Monday
for Les Cheneaux; Philip F. Weather-
ill, of the chemistry department, Orr's
Island, Maine. Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to the president, will go to
his home in Westfield, Mass.
Inspect Detroit News Plant; Public
Library In All Day Excursion
Under Wells
Twenty-five sudents in the charge
of Carlton F. Wells made the trip into
Detroit yesterday morning at 8 o'-
clock on the second excursion of the
Summer session. Under a special
guide the party was shown through
the Detroit News plant. The Inspec-
tion included the radio broadcasting
roo., photo-engraving department,
art department, editorial library, lino-
typ, strrc&'pe and press rooms, and
the mailing and shipping room.
At noOn the groan lunhced at the
Hotel Fort Shelby cafeteria and
from there nroceeded to the ne v De-
troit public library on Woodward ave-
nue. Here the famous Gary Melch-
ers murals were seen together with
the - Moralc and Italian Renaissance
ceiling area t+ beautiful bronzed glass
windows. After going through the
various departments of the huge li-
brary the group left Detroit for Ann
Arbor at 2:30 o'clock.
The trip through the Ford plant
which could not be taken yesterday
becaue the factory was not in op-
eration will be taken Wednesday af-
ternoon. The party under Mr. Wells
.will leave Packard and State streets
at 1 o'clock. As usual, it will be
necessary that all those who desire to
make the trip to leave their names.
at the Summer session office, room 8,
University hall, before 6 o'clock Tues-
day evening.
All d.. tments of the Michigan
Unon will be open this summer for
the mumfmer session, except the bill-
iard room and bowling alleys, accord-
ing to an announcement by the man-
ager yesterday afternoon.
Weekly dances will be.held on every
'Friday night, beginning last week.
The Zap room, reading rooms and
dining rooms will be opened this sum-
mer as during the regular sessions.
No regular directory of students en-
tered in the summer session will be
printed, as hi the custom in the regul-
ar session by the Union. Registration
in the book ut the Union for the men
and the book at the Gymnasium for
the women, will be the only directories
available this summer.
St ants are still entitled to secure
their membership cards in the Union
by presentation of their treasurer's
receipts for $2, while life members
of the Union are entitled to a refund
on their receipts.
Will Hold Bible Classes
Under the auspices of the Ann Ar-
Por Bible Chair, Bible classes are be-
ing conducted by Thomas M. Iden at
4 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
'nesday and Thursday in the "Upper
Room" of Lane hall. Two courses are
offered, one dealing with "Our Bible
for the present day," the other deal-
ing with "The social gospel of Jesus."
Nearly 200,000 people are employed
in the gold mines of South Africa.
D. Everett Waid
D. Everett, Waid, of New York, is
the new president of the American
Institute of Architects, the largest
architectural institution in the world,
succeeding William B. Faville, of San
Francisco. He has an international
reputation as an architectural creat-
Twenty-Six Sign Up for Two Courses
Offered for First Time This
Two courses in highway engineering
and transportation which are being
given for the first time this summer
have proven to be very popular, ac-
cording to Prof. Arthur H, Blanchard,
head of the department or highway
engineering and highway transport-
ation. The courses are "Highway en-
gineering theory and economics and
Highway transport surveys" and
"Highway transport economics, meth-
ods, legislation and management."
Twenty-six students have elected
these two courses, which makes cer-
tain their repitition next year. A num-
ber of graduate students have elected
the courses, among whom are includ-
ed an assistant professor of civil en-
,gineering at Washington university
of St. Louis, a member of the Cali-
fornia highway commission, a mem-
ber of the South Carolina highway
commission and a candidate for the
degree of doctor of philosophy who is
specializing in transportation.
i Twenty thousand equare feet of
laboratory space in the basement and
afirst floor of the new Engineering
building have been provided for the
department. By an ideal arrange-
ment made with the State Highway
department the University laboratory
tests all of the highway materials
for that department, his arrange-
ment has been very beneficial to both
the state and the highway engineer-
ing department.
- Chapin Gives Scholarship
Materials tested for the state includ-
ed Portland cement, sand, gravel and
stone aggregates, concrete, ledge rock,
paving brick, corrugated metal pipe,
reinforcing steel, calcium chloride,
tar, asphalt, oils, emulsions, bitumin-
ous mixtures, and paint.
Through the generosity of Ray D.
Chapin, of the Detroit Edison com-
pany, one fellowship in highway trans-
portation and three in highway en-
gineering are available each year.
These fellowships, which pay the sum
of $250 with an allowahce of $50 for
expenses, have resulted in keen com-
petition among graduates of many in-
. The department has a very well
equipped library. It is the custodian
of the Davis Library of Highway En-
gineering and Highway Transporta-
tion which is the most complete col-
lection of literature on these subjects
in existence. Besides this there are
books, reports, specifications, mono-
graphs and files of trade publications,
and all technical periodicals which
contain articles relative to highway
engineering and highway transporta-
Score Injured As Wind Breaks Glass,
Wrecks Roofs Over 3 Mile Strip
Of Land
Detroit, Mich., June 28.-(By A.P.)
-Reports received late dat night In-
dicate that more than 125 people have
been killed and considerable property
damage done in northeren Ohio by the
wind storm which swept Peoria early
this morning.' No detailed account of
the damage has been received.
Peoria, Ill., June 28.-Five persons
are known to have been killed, two
others are reported dead, more than
a score were injured, some seriously,
and property damage estimated at
$1,500,000 was caused in a tornado
which swept over Peoria and vicinity
early today.
According to reports, the bodies of
a women and her baby were found in
a field far from their home at Clover-
dale, and at Morton two are reported
killed and many injured.
No trace of a westbound Big Four
passenger train could be found. The
train was due. here at 6:45 a. m. The
storm's path was two miles long and
three miles wide over the downtown
section of this city.
Three or four persons are reported
to have been drowned when house-
boats on the riverfront capsized.
The roof of the weather bureau was
blown away and the recording instru-
ments damaged.
The wind struck the city with the
force of an exploison after an hour's
electrical display.
Hundreds of plateglass windows
were blown in, awnings stripped from
their fastenings and telephone and
street car service demoralized.
Heat Wave Spreads
Chicago, June 28.-The tornado at
Peoria, Ill, causing the death of a
number of persons and injury of a
number of others and a destructive
storm at Des Moines, Ia., are a part of
the disturbance developed in the west
yesterday and which reached the
Mississippi valley accompanied by
thundertsorms over a wide area, the
localweather bureau reports.
Theheat wave in the southwest has
pushed northward and north-eastward
weather reports today showed, spread-
ing across Kansas and Missouri with
maximum temperature reading, ex-
ceeding 100 degrees in Kansas yester-
day. In the northern districts the
temperatures continued seasonable.
5:00-Lecture-Maaiuscript Hunting
in Spain. (Illustrated) Prof. H. A.
Sanders, Natural Science auditorium
8:00-Educational motion pictures-
Asphalt and Asphaltic Products.
Natural Science auditorium.
5:00-The Economics of International
Payments with special reference to
Reparations. Prof. C. E. Griffin.
Natural Science auditorium.
7:00-Choral Union rehearsal-School
of Music.
8:00-Lecture-Athleties In Relation
to Endurance and Public Health-
Prof. F. H. Yost. Natural Science
1:00-Excursion No. 3-Ford Motor
company--Corner of State and
5:00-Lecture in French-Les pre.
miers rapports intellectuals entre
la France et l'Amerique, Prof. Gil-
bert Chinard. Natural Science aud-
8:00-Concert-Mr. Harry Russell
Evans, organist, Miss Emily Mutter,
violin, Hill auidtorium.
Today In Ann Arbor Churches
First Presbyterian Church
"Beset by God" is the title of the
sermon to be given by Dr. Anderson
at 10:30 today. A young peopke's
social hour will be held at 5:30, while
the Young People's society will meet
at 6:30.
First Baptist Church
At the First Baptist church the min-
ister, E. Edward Sayles, will talk on
"Spiritual Sacrifices." At 12:00 the
Guild Bible class for students will
meet in the Guild house, and will be
led by Mr. Howard Chapman, minis-
ter of university students.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
Holy communion will be held at 8
o'clock at the Saint Andrew's Episco-
pal church. At 11 the rector, Henry
Lewis, will deliver the sermon with
the subject "God is light." There will
also be morning prayer. On Wednes-
day there will be open house at 306
N. Division fromi four until six o'clock.
Congregational Church
"Religion and Education" will be
the topic of the sermon at the morning
services which will be delivered by the
pastor, Herbert Jump. The prison
"Justice for the man behind the bars"
at 12:00 o'clock. After this there will
be an open forum. A student social
hour in the church parlors will be
held at 6:00 o'clock. A motion pic-
ture service at 8:00 o'clock will show
Clara Louise Burnham's novel
"Heart's Haven."
Church of Christ
Morning worship at 10:30 will have
as the topic of the sermon "The Mas-
tery of Jesus." There will also be
Bible school at 9:30 A. M. The Wed-
nesday mid-week service will treat
of "Vacation and Religion." All ser-
vices of the church are being held in
Lane Hall at present.
Unitarian Church
The first of a series of sermons
dealing with the problems of creeds.
will be given at 10:30 when the min-
ister, Sidney S. Robins, will talk on
"Christ and the Creed."
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
There will be regular service held
at 9:30 o'clock with the sermon given
in the German language. Sunday
school will be at 10:30. The pastor,
Reverend E. F. Loessel, will have.
charge of the services which will be
held at the chuxel on W. Huron street.
Press Bldg.
Maynard St. poet, John Francis Glynn, will discussI