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June 13, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-13

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-~~~~ ...AL. ALmIL.mIL L r

71 1









Seniors of
of its eight

Gown Clad Women
Attend Breakfast
Following the tradition which has
become one of the most looked for-
ward to events of senior week, the
senior women of the University
gathered at 8 o'clock yesterday morn-
ing in the assembly room of the
Michigan Union for the annual senior
girls' breakfast, at which 31 members
of the class announced their en-
gagements, and four blew out candles
in token of the fact that they had
been married during the year.
According to custom, plates of slic-
ed lemons were passed around the
tables after the breakfast was served.
The following girls took a piece' as it
was passed to them, thus announcing
that they were engaged ;Alfrieda
Barth, Virginia Spaulding, Katherine
Lynch, Alice Robbins, Florence Larn-
ed, Kathryn Cole, Frieda Boes, Doris
Arnold, all of Ann Arbor; Berna-
dette Cote, Catherine Jones, Norma
Wright, Dorothy Sober, Vivian Mc-
Donald, Alice Phillips, Ruth Christen-
sen, Eleanor Hheinbolt, Sarah Levin,
all of Detroit; Kathryn Woodward,
Coldwater; Laura Hyde, Saugerties,
N. Y.; Shirley Salisbury, Petosky;,
Janice Hutchins, Pontiac; Sara Pel-
ham, Washington,, D. C.; Ruth Born,
Napoleon, 0.; Louise Taubert, Iron
River; Nellie Curtis, Clearfleld, Pa.;
Genevieve Vreeland, Kalamazoo;
Pauline Gallagher, Bay City; Helen;
Deemer, New Castle, Del.; Esther
(Continued on Page Four)

Isbell was on last year team. Hub-
bard will compete in the broad jump
and 100 metre run. Brooker, who was
elected captain of the 1925 Michigan
track team should make the trip to
France unless something unforeseen
should happen, as he has been vault-
ing around 13 feet. Ray Smith in the
high jump has been clearing the bars
6 feet 3 inches and is expected to
give a good account of himself. Les-
chinsky won the 200 metre run at the
Olympic trials here beating Charlie
Paddock's time in his preliminary
heat. Isbell while he is 4ot in as good
shape as last year placed second in
the 1500 metre run at the trials and
should show up well at Cambridge.
* Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School a graduate of the University in
the law class of 1890 will address the
alumni at their meeting in Hill aud-
itorium at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing in Hill auditorium. The occasion
will be the annual meeting of the Al-
umni association. The dean will
speak on the recent progress of the
University, telling in particular about
the New Lawyer's club now in the
course of erection. The address will
be followed by the report of officers,
election of directors of the associ-
ation and report on the progress of
tlge projected reorganization of the
alumni association.
Ottawa, June 12.-An order-in-coun-
cil embodying the.increase rates of
pay granted to postal employees was
tabled in the House of Commons early
today. The order was based on the
report of the Civil Service Commis-

this evening at 8:15. With an old
tavern of the Paris undeworld strik-
ing a bizarre note at the first cur-
tain, the story advances through two
acts laid in the court gardens, and
ends in a street scene with a gallows
edected in the foreground.
The play is historical; its principal
characters are Francois Villon, a
street favorite, and the superstitious
French king, Louis XI. A falling
star and an astrologer, together with
the recital of a new poem by Fran-
cois in the tavern, warn Louis of ev-
ents which may not be desirable. He
becomes interested in the - poor poet
and contrives to follow his actions and
finally to arrest him and test him to
his own satisfaction. In the course
of the play all favoratie interests
enters about Villon whose amours and
skill in duelling serve to win even
the o kin's heart.
Excellent settings, as fanciful and
as gorgeous as old Paris in the sun-
ny street or in the shadow of the
castle, will furnish a realistic back-
ground for knit A 'iand ladies, archers,
a street mob and soldiers. Costumes
that catch the spirit of the times have
been secured. Solo dancing before
the court promises added charm.
Sixty senior w'e~xmn will take part
in the production, which has been
under the direction of Prof. J. L. R.
Brumm. The scenery was done by
Davis of Detroit. Pamela Brown is
chairman of the play committee, and
Rorothy Greenwald is business manag-
Tickets will be on sale this morn-
ing in Alumni Memorial Hall, and
during the afternoon at the office of
the Whitney. The proceds are for
the benefit of the'Michigan League.
10:00-Annual meeting of the Alum-
nae in Alumni Memorial hall.
10:00-Class day exercises for liter-
ary, engineering, and education
seniors on the campus.
12:00-Luncheon for Michigan Alum-
nae, Betsy Barbour hourse.
12:40-Senior engineering banquet,
Michigan Unin.
3:00-Baseball game, Ferry field.
University of Meiji vs. University
of Michigan.
4:00 - Open house at ]artha Cook
building, Helen Newberry resid-
ence, Betsy Barbour house, Alum-
nae house, Adelia Cheever house
for alumni and friends.
$.15-Senior Girls' Play, "If I Were
King," at Whitney theater.
8:30-Band Bounce, Hill auditorium.
Lansing, Mich., June 12.-The
Ingham County Medical Society at a
meeting yesterday repudiated physi-
clans who have charged $5 for vac-
Des Moines, June 12.-Senator-
Smith W. Brookhart, of Iowa spent
only $37.84 in his campaign for nom-
ination, according to an accounting
filed with Secretary of State Ramsay.

today, and
activities %
continue t
Sunday an
of 1924 wi
day exerci
the engine
of educatio
of the dep
day for the
the stadiu
Hall. The
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Walter K.k
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John R. El
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The eng
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Irwin Ste
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E. Cooley
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W. Kearn
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will be pl
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The play
Prof. John
with Juni
Coolidge d
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only 68 p

MEM CEMENTMakes Nomination
Literary, Engineering and
ation Schools Observe
Class Day
will begin the observance
ieth annual commencement
the usual commencement
will start in full swing to
hroughout today, Saturday.
d Monday when the class
11 graduate.
s this morning include class
ses for the literary college,
ering school and the School
n. . Speeches by their class
and addresses by the deans Marion L. Burton
artments are scheduled foi Marion L. Burton, President o the
builtthe exercises. Class University of Michigan, who yester-
senior lits will be held in day nominated President Coolidge.
i built near University
'program will begin at ten
nd seniors, friends and I
e. invited to be present. MIH A T P
Scherer will open the exer-
the president's address.I
khoff will follow with the
ry. J. K. Dunn will fleliver
n, Dorothy Sanders will Fisher's Squad Will Make Last Appear-
class poem, and Harry D. ance Today On Ferry
read the prophecy. Dean Field
'finger of the college of lit- -
ience and the arts, will also TEAM TO BE WITHOUT SERVICES
he graduating class. OF STEGER; BAKER TO PLAY
t ooley to Speak
neering class will hold their Coach Ray Fisher's University of
vt.rcises in the Engineering Michigan- 1924 championship baseball
at the Senior Benches, team will make its last appearance
zmeier, president, of the tomorrow and Saturday when it meets
speak and Dean Mortimer the team from the Meiji university of
rf the colleges of Engineer- Japan, on Ferry field as a feature of
rchitecture wil also speak. the university commencement activi-
o will take part in the ex- ties.
Henry H. Hubard, histor- The Japanese team has been making
A. Campbe, orator, Jack an extended tour of the United States
s, prophet, Ira P. Newby, and has played many of the leading
teams of the contry including Wash-
Estors will also hold their ington State university, Iowa univer-
at the University High sity, Ohio State, Illinois, Indiana, New
an AT'n S. Nhiuey of the York university, and Princeton uni-
Education will address the versity. The Orientals have taken up
class while others who the American pastime with much en-
part are, William J. Don- thusiasm and the teams that have
irman, Foster L. Huber, come to this country have always
Forrest G. Averill, historian, given good exhibitions.
. Dewitt orator, while Lill- The Michigan team will be with-
Eacher will present the class out the services of Herb Steger, right
and Professor Calvin 0. fielder who sustained a broken finger
accept it. in the Ohio State game, May 17, that
nior Play Tonight has not yet mended sufficiently to
meetings at ten o'clock in permit him to play. Merle Baker, a
emorial Hall will hear ad- sophomore is slated to take the foot-
Dean Jean Hamilton, Mrs. ball captain's place. The line-up
wling and Miss Claire San- otherwise will be the same with Stry-
all alumnae will be guests ker and Shoesmith doing mound duty
Cook, Helen Newberry, on Friday and Jablonowski receiving
'bour, Alumnae and Adelia the assignment for Saturday.
ouse during the afternoon.
o'clock in the afternoon a
aame wll be played between CITY BATHING BEACH
ty and the baseball team of a
rsity of Meiji of Japan. A"PFB
me between the two teams O FOR
ayed tomorrow afternoon.
fual senior Girl's Play, If I Municipal bathing beach, on the
by Justin McCarthy will be Huron river near the boathouse, was
ght in the Whitney theatre. opened this afternoon for the season

is under the direction of with Ted Banks as manager.
R. Brumm, whose success L. K. Varnum and Donald Thorpe
or Girls' Plays is well will act as life guards this year and
Richard Wallaker will be attendant.
The beach will be open from 10 o'clock
Eton, June 12.-Prefident in the morning until 8 o'clock at night
does not feel that an extra every day, according to the city park
Congress was made neces- commission.
he failure of the Senate to
[eficiency appropriation bill. Riga, Latvia, June 12.-Poverty of
. .the Russian soviet government is re-
Latvia, June 12.-Moscow vealed in a decree which says all par-
t city in Russia, today has ents must pay the government before
rivately owned motor cars. their children may study.

Of 1,108. VOTI

La Follette And Johnson Recely
Other Votes; 56 Only Neces-
cary For Choice
Convention Hall, Cleveland, Ohio,
June 12 -General Charles G.
Dawes was nominated late yes-
terday by the Republican party in
the National Republican Conven-
tion here, as running mate for
President Coolidge. The nomni-
ation -came after former Gover-
nor Lowden of Illinois had refus-
ed to accept the second place on
the G. 0. P. ticket
Convention Hall, Cleveland, Jun
12.-(By AP)-Calvin Coolidge was a:
but unaminously nominated for ti
presidency today in the Republic
national convention.
The voice of the little group of LE
Follette men from Wisconsin an
North Dakota, who have stood throug
the convention in militant insurgent
against the policies of the party lea
ers were almost swallowed up in ti
tremendous wave of acclamation whic
formally ratified the choice of M
Coolidge as the standard bearer of t
It was the plan to choose the pries
dent's running, mate at another se
son this afternoon. Then the conve
tion will adojurn and the party wi
go before the country.
Receives MajorIty Early
Not in many years has a Republ
can convention come so near to unai
imity in' its selection of a nomin
for the presidency.
Placed in nomination by Dr. Maric
Leroy Burton, president of the Unive
sity of Michigan, Mr. Coolidge's nan
threw the assembled delegates min
another demonstration, and when t
Toll call began state after state toc
its place in the column of his suj
The call of the states was scarce
half over when the necessary majoril
to nominate had been recorded in h
No other nominations were offere
The vote:
Total Coolidge, 1,065; LaFollett
38; Johnson, 10.
With that the convention went
the calling of the roll for nomina
ions for president. Alabama, the fir
state called, yielded to Massachuset
and Gov. Cox of Massachusetts, wi
moved that Dr. Marion Leroy Burt
be accorded the privilege of plac
in nomination the candidate of Mas
achusetts. So as it turned out I
Burton spoke as representing Mass
chusetts, the president's home, inste
of Michigan, his own.
Dr. Burton, a tall striking figu
stepped briskly to the front of t
platform and salmly surveyed t
great audience waiting for the a
plause and cheers to die down so )
could begin his speech.
Speaks Without Notes
Dr. Burton spoke without notes b
followed his prepared address gene
ally, shortening it here and there b
preserving the sense of the spee
he had prepared and which' undoubte
Ily was approved by President Co
Rapidly Dr. Burton sketched t
president's boyhood, and early 11
and then proceeded to answer t
question, "is he a human beIng?"
Pausing in his line of speaking I
Burton turned aside'for a moment

refer to attacks upon the suprexr
court and proposals to have fudici
decisions overridden by legislati


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