~'RIDAYJ JUNE 27, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY Indiana "Boss" Has Conference With National Committee Chief urn I THIS I I CLOSES I £13 P.M. 1 ADVERTI SING TIIS~ I ~ TYPEWRITING . LOST LOST - Gold, engraved Eversharp pencil; initials H. M. R, on barrel. Lost the evening 'of June 5 at the Library or Union Reading room. Please call Rockwell, 960 or 3104. Subscribe for The Summer Mich- igan Daily.-Adv. A STUDEi~NT receipt, on State St. Name Frank Townsend, Please call 2684-M. MIDDLE sizedI Angora cat, gray with tan markings. Reward. Phone 1744-J. 809 E. Washington. LOST-Fountain pen with name "Martha McCollum" engraved. Call 1813-W-. BROWN hand tooled purse, Tuesday evening. Finder call 1 801-R-. STATIONERY ODDS AND ENDS SALEy OF Correspondence Stationery SAVE ONE-THIRD Until July First 0. D. MORRILL The Typewriter and Staionery Store FOB RENT PRIVATE Guest House. Lake Straw- berry, Lakeland, Michigan. Open June 21-Sept. 1. Write for terms. B. R. DeWitt, Ypsilanti or Lakeland, Mich. vFOR RENT-~Nice Suite for Ladies in Hill Auditorium block, north of campus. Price reasonable. 210 5. Ingalls. GARAGE for lRent-1026 Lincolig ave. Call 2283-W between 6 and 8 p. m. FOR R ENT--Suite and single room. 311 Thompson. Plenty of hot wvat- er. FOR SALE WE ACCEPT used typewriters as part payment on Remington Port- ables. Black, 604 E. Madison. 1809. NOTICE 1'UISI4J CHORDING on the uke and guitar. Also steel playing. Lessons given by C. N. Tavares, Hawaiian music- ian, well known on campus. Call 2908-M. Watch RepaIring FJNEiST Watch Repairing in the city. Arnold's State Street Jewelry. TYPEWRITERS SWIM at the "Y" Pool during ti of all makes jsummer months. Senior membe Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged ship, 3 months, $3.50. 0. D. lIORRIL 17 Nickels' Arcade C AR R IC K The yperitr aStatoney SorePop. Mat. Tues. Thu rs. & Sat 25c & 50c Dealer: Corona & L. C. Smith Nights 35c - 50c - 75c and $1.00 sth Week THE 15th Season WANTED B on stelo COMPANY MAH-JONGQ lessons. Miss Allen. 'W A IE Phone 2406. NEXTMONDAY-"SECRETS" -~ !~!Tt f I Sumn ~er NOW PLAYING 1icinnethi Larhtin and Alice Lake in "I AM THlE LAW" "Our Gang" in "IDogs of War" Hours Sund*ay Turn Wednesdaiy By Emerson Iloigh, autho "The Covered Wagon" "Site Supes to Conquer" by II. C. Witwer of are Coining "THlE ARIZONA EXPRESS" Shorter Tom Taggart Aleft) and Cordell huLil, snapped at tihe Democratic conven- tion In New York Tom Taggart and Cordell Hull were talking about something besides the weather, when this was snapped at the Democratic convention in New York, you can bet. Taggart is Democratic organization boss in Indiana, one of the two most formidable state "bosses" in the party, and Cordell Hull is chairman of the national committee. OPORTU ITY TO IIV Students of the Summer session will be permitted to visit the University observatory in groups of 50 persons each, on the nights of July 9, 10 and 11, and will be allowed to view the moon through the large telescope. The privilege is one that Is not ordin- arily granted, since the observatory is customarily reserved for those in the astronomy courses. The groups of students will be tak- en to the building from 8:15 to 9 o'- clock, 9:15 to 10:15 o'clock and 10:15 to 11 o'cloa'k on each of the three evenings, A limited supply of tickets for the visits will be available at the Summer session office after June 30 and will be given out to students pre- senting their treasurer's receipt-. Beginning with Ju ne 29, our store w ill b e closed Sunday after - noons fromn 1:30 to 4:30 P. M. We are placing this notice that our friends mlay not be annoyed by calling during these hours. AT THE THEATERS Screen-Today Majestic- "The Bedroom Win- dow"; Aesop Fables; Cartoon; Comedy and News. Orpheum- Kenneth McDonald "In 1-igh Gear"; James Fen- imore Cooper's "Leatherstock- lng." Wuerth- Kenneth Harlan and Alice Lake in "I Am the Law"; "Our Gang" in "Dogs of War." U Stage-ThIs week Garrick, Detroit -"What Wife"; Bonstelle Company. A SPECIAL summer rates Three months Senior $3.50. All privileges. at the ''Y.'' membership, Whit Duck Bleached and Unbieached Linen $3 to $6 LUTZ CLOTHING STORE (DOWNTOWN) 'I II ii G. Claude Drake Drug and Prescription Store Cor. North Univ. Ave. and State St. Phone 308 "'The Quary SUNDAY TYPEWRITERS of standard makes Bought, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired FOUNTAIN PENS Conklin, Waterman, Parker, Sheaffer, LeBouf, etc., $2.00 up. GREETING CARDS for all oc- casions. Mottoes LEATHER GOODS, tourist writ- ing cases, travelling cases, bill folds, etc. TYPEWRITING AND MIMEOCR APHINO promptlyq and neatly done. Any- thing from a letter to a book. CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY Special sale of plain, Michigan, novelty until July 1st. CORONA, -REMINGTPON and UNDERWOOD Portable Type- writers. "CythoreaMay lv ?AakwlznMacGio; RicardoCorte, Gei FaceL Ethe The startling picture from the famous novel by Joseph Hergesheimer. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickel's Arcade The 'Typewriter and Statisonery Store II lb L ICUHTY'S CAR, TIRE and TUBE REPAIRING WE HANDLE tBOYCE-4T" 0What a difference just a few~ cents make FATI All summer long you will be able to enjoy the wholesome food and restful quiet at TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 MaynardhoSt. South of Maj II Student Work a Specialty 523 E. Liberty at Maynard 1 block oft State