THE, SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY ;, _--_-- - FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION shed every morning except Monday the summer session. ber of the Associated Press. The As- d Press is exclusively, entitled to the rep ublication ofiall news dispatches d to it or not otherwise credited. in per and the local news published here- red at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, an, as second class matter. cription by carrier or mail, $t.30. es: Ann Arbor Press Building. tmunications, if signed as evidence of aith h will be published in The Sumner at the discretion 'of'-the Editor. Un- communications will receive no con- ion. Tbe signature may be omittedin ition if desired by the writer. The r Daily does not necessarily endorse ntiments expressed. in the communica- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR ROBERT G. RAMSAY Editor.. ......Robert S.. Mansfield an of the Editorial Board.. .........Andrew E. Propper ditor.................. Verena Moran Editor..............john W. Conrad Editor......... Frederick K. Sparrow aph Editor.......FreLeslie G. Bennets as' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew STAFF MEMBERS ret Wrentmore Francis O'Melia 1 Barley Marion Walker' a Spaulding Leonard A. Kellet a Bales Saul HertzK Nickland David Bramble BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 96o BUSINESS MANAGER CLAYTON C. PURDY ising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell riting Manager ..Noble D.' Travisl tion Manager . Lauren C. Hlaight ation Manager....... C. Wells Chistiel nt Manager.............Byron Parker In the early forties the "Manifest Destiny" of the United States was the extension of her territory from ocean to ocean. This was accomplish- ed in the Mexican War, and with the discovery of gold in California in '49, there followed 'a great rush across the plains. But means of transporta- tion were scanty,, ahd tthe prairie schooner, and succeeding stage-coach were painfully slow and dangerous. America then began that step which has aided much in -forging her to the front, as the greatest of all nations in the world today-the extensive con, struction of railroads. In 1856 the last spike of the Union Pacific railroad was driven, which marked the first great epoch in trans- continental travel. Until the year 1919, the railroads could make no im-. provement beyond cuttin'g down their schedules and increasing their track-' age. In the latter year, however, coast to coast mail service was insti- tuted, requiring two days for the trip; and now, Maughan has flown the con- tinent in less than a day. The development of airplane flight has reduced the necessary time from five months-the time required by the stage coach-to three quarters of a day. This is a typical 'manifestation of the development of America's great- est asset, speed. Man has developed more in the last hundred years than in thie peceeding thousand yfears, but does it mean anything? We are saving time by countless methods and devices, but are we not as busy as ever? 'a w w w v 7' w 1 a.a.a.a.a.a.a.A L l k^ .GLEANINGS BA.E.P.._ j and degrades the many while the fav- ored few reap unearned rewards. It sounds well in theory-but human na- ture is human nature, and the work of evolutio, is slow. ,unequal battle which impov4rishes NOT JUST A JOKE The proposed candidacy of Robert La Follette for the Presidency is not1 merely a joke. Mr. La Follette repre- sents a cause - he is the spokesman of a group of national policies which, if he is elected, he will endeavor to translate into legisative and admin- istrative acts. Just what following Senator La Follette can acquire can- not be known till November; but this movement of aggressive radicalism is fully as significant in its prospective national importance as in the actual' power it will be able to show this year. If people will not learn to be pat- riotic on their own account the gov- ernment should make it mandatory- Representative Bloom of New York, is introducing a bill making it a penal offence for civilans to omit tipping or removing their hats when the na- tional flag is carried in parades. {" '+ " DRUGS Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. Three Dependable Stores K Come in and get acquainted. Expert service and quality merchandise. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. 324 S. State, corner East and South University Aves., corner South State and Packard Streets. The custom of "sitting in" on in- teresting courses has become more or. less obsolete. It ought to be revived. CANDY SODA WA . f . f 1 ; I POPULAR FALLACIES THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1924 Night Editor-ROBT. . RAMSAYe VALUABLE AND ENTERTAINING C -THE SUMMER SESSION LEC- TURE PROGRAM ' r Contact with prominent men and- vomen in the various fields and pro- essions represented in a 'University he size of Michigan is one of the ;reatest assets of education. Bothf he regular session and the summer chool offers an opportunity for con-1 act with people of this type but the, Jniversity Summer session provides nore than just this. It schedules ind carries on a special course of .ectures, concerts, excursions and en- ertainments. , In previous years, the summer lec- :ure courses have proved a valuable part in the life of summer students who desire to profit by the knowledge and entertainment which may be gleaned from the daily lectures. The courses have been well balanced and show a skillful selection on the part of the authorities who arrange these lectures. Every lecture, no matter how remote a subject, contains in- formation which is of interest to an audience such as a Summer session affords. This summer's lecture program will, no doubt, carry on the reputa- tion established in previous years, by bringing some nation wide promin- ent men to Ann Arbor to address the University students. We will hear men from different schools, such as Prof. Gilbert Chinard, of Johns Hop- kins university, and we will hear sev- eral prominent men from our own University including Prof. J. R. Hay- den who' will talk on the Japanese Colonial Policy' at 5 o'clock this af- The truth counts, no doubt, but of- ten fiction is highly diverting., There is a variety of reformer who is never so happy as when he can spear some mis-statement currently accepted by the public and triumph- antly substitute either his own version, or perhaps, the truth.' Apparently there are a lot of com- mon beliefs that require spiking. We stand corrected of these superstitions: That powered glass is poison; that cats can see better in the dark than in the light; that teavers use their tails as trowels; that a snake will never die until sunset; that stars oan be seen in daylight from the bottom ,of a well; that George Washington chopped down the cherry tree; that Sir Walter Raleigh laid down his cloak to beep Queen Elizabeth's feet from the mud; that Robin Hood was a real person; that the Declaration of Independence was signed on the Fourth of July.. $ It is indeed lamentable to find Dick Whittington's cat relegated to the limbo of things that never existed. We are distressed to learn that King Alfred probably never supervised in the baking of cakes and hence never burnt them; that Canute did not com- mand the sea to retire; that William Tell never shot an apple off his son's head; that Horatius defended the bridge only in the poet's fancy; that Newton did not get the theory of grav- itation from being bumped by an ap- ple; and that the Pied Piper never whistled the youngsters out of Hame- lin town. And yes, we almost forgot- isn't it too bad that Lady Godiva did not ride through the streets of Cov- entry garbed only in her hair? These ' are 'sad revelation. The truth counts, no doubt, but fiction is far more entertaining. La Follette is not a mere Socialis-' tic theorist. Neither is he a convert to Red propaganda. He is an able man, with the courage of his convic- tions and completely sincere in his views. To cite part of his platform: Public owenrship of railroads. Constitutional amendment giving congress power to override judicial decisions. Constitutional amendment provid- ing for direct popular election of all Federal judges for fixed terms. 'Abolition of injunctions in labor disputes. Extension of the initiative and ref- erendum to the Federal government. Revision of the Versailles treaty. When a man like La Follette comes out for such things he shows his con- fidence that a very considerable pro- portion of our citizenship are already converts to such radicalism. This year or four years hence or perhaps some other time, but most assuredly some time, we must face the issue of radicalism. Democratic and Republican orators may spout patriot- ic platitudes until they are blue in the face but they can bring only mo- mentary delay. The question of what true democracy is, of what constitu- tional democracy really means, and of what the American form of constitu- tional democracy implies must some- time be thoroughly settled. BUSINESS BAROMETERS If the re-discount rates of Federal; Reserve Banks in various section of the country are able to serve as bar- ometers of business conditions, the outlook may be regarded as favorable. Within the past week four Federal 7Joe CH USBE WHO ARE YOUR ASSOCIATES? That is a question that means much socially. It means a deal more in business and finance. This bank offers you bank connections that will be valuable to you in the busi- fness world. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 S. Main St. 330 So. State St. Member of the Federal Reserve will be open as usual thruout the Summer School Suits Cleaned and II Pressed $1 .00 " I That's for the best cleaning and pressing in town, too. At our branch office in the Press Build- in Maynard Street. One-day service if you desire. Bring us your clothes in the morning, call for them the same night. 15 % discount on laundry here, too. White Swan Laundry C Corner 4th A NI. and Catherine Street I 11 Want a T ypewriter ? Le t us show you a REMINITON PORTABLE STACY R. BLACK 604 East 'Madison Street Phone 1809 -a The Song of the Builder * . Reserve Banks have reduced their rates. The New York and Boston banks are operating now on a three and one-half per cent quotation, the Chicago, Richmond, Cleveland, and San Francisco institutions on a four per cent basis, and of the remaining six government institutions, reduc- tions are likely within a fortnight. A moderate advance in stock mark- et prices, a rather bouyant gain in bond values, an advance of as much as three cents in wheat and seven cents in corn, and continued steadi- ness in foreign exchange rates and in metal prices have all contributed to establish the markets this week on a higher plane than they have been for a while. There is some evidence of a growing conviction that pessimism has been overdone and that, after all, the relaxation in business has been a seasonal manifestation. An important change now appears to be taking place in this country's eco- nomic life and thought: merchants and manufacturers who had been'ac- customed to mounting profits &nd booming business are beginning to ad- 'aI, 4 A,. .ifs.. 0 N every hand -is heard tl rattle of the builder's hanun and the I rasp of his saw. Ov( night$ it seems, boils rise new streets appear. And the thousands of ne hom t aand mat buildings i crease the problem of. the pub] service coi npanies. V ' Prof. A. E. Wood, Prof. W. J. Hus- sey, Prof. R. M. Wenley and Prof. A. F. Shull are scheduled to speak on subjects of current interest and im- portance to the students this summer and Dean Maximo Kalaw, of the Uni- v'ersity of the Philippines, will tell us about the Present Day Philip- pines. Information and instruction as well as the opportunities available for personal contact such as are of- fered by men of such calibre should play an important role in a college course. Recitals by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister and Prof. M. C. Wier and the plays presented by the Shakespeare Play- house company of New York City, as well as the scheduled concerts should extend an adequate form of enter- tainment, for summer students. PRAIRIE SCHOONER TO PLANE From the prairie schooner of '49 to the speedplane of, 1924 is an evolu- tion in transcontinental transporta- tion of no mean import. For last Monday, Russel Maughan flew from New York to San Francisco in 21 hours and 48 minutes, thus fulfilling. his ambition of accomplishing a coast- to-coast flight between the rising and the setting of the sun. In the time he consumed, the fastest of railroad trains could have left New York and been no further than Indianapolis, Of the thiry odd candidates for the presidency at the Democratic nation- al convention not one is within a mile of being sure of a victory. The spokes- men of each "favorite son" spurn the idea that they have any second choice and declare with great vigor that the various delegations will vote for their man to the very last. 1 '. r : . n . ..x, This Company attempts to for4 see the great growth of servic demand axed 'extends its plant ir to new districts as rapidly as po. sibl e~ in an effort to most efficient ly serve the people of Nl ichigar H wever, sudden unforeseen populi tin and industrial gmwth frequent] make it inmposs ble Ito furnish unlit service at an", poi#ts °iftimediately upo Ht;t eds of new telephones ai ,anted. The Telephone Compgny's prof lam is the same as that of the wate: W sewer, gas, electric, street, and scho< a services. ! M h , _. ,:4 w v . ~ , ; . i; Senator Harrison is quoted as say- ! just themselves to the prospect of a ing: "What the nation now needs more moderate but better sustained is not a sphinx, but a Paul Revere record of turnover, and speculators to awaken it and call it back to duty who five years ago made fortunes al- and high resolve." We wonder if heI most overnight seem to be coming to is referring to Mr. Bryan. No one the conclusion that those days have could accuse the Great Commoner of long departed-the dizzy joy ride is -+.1; flr.. - I over. .° Sut ' -ei v ne Plant' expansion break elf records. Thousands of ne i aeatractx".s $re being; installed, miles nm . 4" ium bed built and addition wes sre being provided, i caa .fcor etc.+ . Sphinxilike tendaneies. McAdoo is in wrong because he is said to favor the Klan; Smith is well- night out of it because he is said t be against the Klan. The winning candidate will be the man who will have sense enough to keep his mouth! shut on all important topics. The more recent books one reads, the more one becomes convinced that too many fools have taken to the pen as a means of livelihood. Summer school has long ceased tol Pe the paradise of "flunkers"; it has become the haven of the "go-getter." The Summer lecture course is one- half of the Summer session-don't miss half of school. PEACE AND PACIFISM A differentiation worth thinking, about was made recently by Charles Franklin Thwing, president-emeritus of Western Reserve university, Cleve- land, 0., in a peace discussion. "Pac- ifism," he declared, "is the lethargy and indifference of the cowara, of the moral moron. Peace is the achieve- ment and the mood of the hero, and of the philosopher." Upon this question of peace, public opinion is becoming crystallized. Peo- ple are more or ;less convinced that with the profits taken out of war there will be no more war. It is gen- erally agreed that this nation ought never again to engage in war, that by no subterfuge shall the manhood of the nation be compelled to Aglht the I **sue 19 being done , ° for a' who desire it. Telephone Q It 8 I) ' 1,- ... ' "'