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June 25, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1924-06-25

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Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociatedePress is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The Sum er
Daily at the 'discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor........Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board.....s
..............Andrew E. Propper
City' Editor..... .... Verena Moran
Night Editor..............John W. Conrad
Night Editor........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor........... Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor.............Gwendolyn Dew
Margaret WrentAore Francis O'Melia
Louise Barley Marion Walker
Rosales Spaulding Leonard A. Kellet
Virginia Bales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 960
Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager......Noble 1). Travis
Circulation Manager...Lauren C. HIaight
Publication Manager.......C. Wells Chrii tie
Account Manager'.............Byron Parker

suit, lounging at a pleasure resort or
braving the waves at an ocean beach.
The Summer Daily is edited and
published under the direction of stu-
dents of the Summer session. Its staff
membership is not restricted to a
group of experienced newspapermen
and women. It is rather a laboratory
in which practical journalism is
The aim of the Daily is service to
the students and faculty of the Sum-
mer session. Every member of the
Summer session student body is elig-
ible to contribute to the columns of
the Daily either as a staff member or
through the news and editorial col-
umns. The Campus Opinion column
furnishes an outlet for student and
faculty opinion. The humor column
is also open to contributors. The ed-
ner and constructive
itorials attempt to deal in a sane and
constructive manner with important.
events of the time and also with prob-
lems of the University. The news col-
umns are the work of staff members
-many of whom are beginning news-
paper work this summer.
The Summer Michigan Daily will
attempt to furnish news of the cam-
pus and of the world to its readers
and in turn will welcome contribu-
tions and communications for public-
ation from them.

In this country of magnificent dist-
ances, of titanic industry, of abundant
harvests and active people, it is in-
conceivable that "divine afflatus"
should be lacking. The wonder is
that our "melting pot" has not yet
produced more fine metal of brilliant
and prismatic colors.
Perhaps our trouble is too much
sordid materialism; too much feverish
search ,for amusement; too much
wealth of substance and too much
poverty of ideals. Perhaps it is too
much conventionalism, too little in-
dividualism. Perhaps we play too
much at making money and work too
little at making men. Perhaps our
tiny act of trying to decide where
to spend our evenings blinds us to
the greater drama of the human soul.
Perhaps-but we can only surmise.
"Why," you say, "time is the only
test of genius. Our present day au-
thors are too close to us to judge
them fairly. The decision must be left
to posterity."
We answer: Time is no test of gen-
ius at all, nor even a purgative of
genius. Posterity will undoubtedly
decide what it shall read, and it may
accept the Tarkingtons and Church-
ills of today as good writers, which
they are; but the genius that makes a
"Faust" or a "Notre Dame" is as evid-
ent on the day it is written as it is a
century later. Genius is not analyze,
it is felt. Perception does not wait
upon opinion.
There are, of course, degrees of
genius. We speak only of the giants.
There are always plenty of clever
people. Great masters arrive but
once in several generations. We are
still hoping.









Sy A. E. P.





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Those ,who have attended the reg-
ular sessions of the University for
several years and are now for the
first time availing themselves of the
opportunity to study at the Summer
session are astounded by the possi-
bilities for interesting work which
are brought out through brilliant
class room discussions.
The discouraging indifference that
frequently characterizes the average
college student and his disdain for the
man who intelligently argues with the
professor for a moment after the hour
is up are replaced by the active par-
ticipation of mature individuals in the
conduct of the class. and their reluct-
ant cessation of queries and argu-
ments when the close of the hour ap-
Sincerity of purpose being more
firmly instilled in those of greater
years, we find that the contribution
which some of the visiting educators,
men and women who have seen sev-
eral years of worldly life, is a tremen-
dous influence upon the success of the
professor himself. They have a pur-
pose in mind-to learn something-.
and are willing to exert themselves
in the attempt. -
"Pumping" the student is the prac-
tice necessitated by the inactivity of
many regular students, but in the
presence of people of genuine ambi-
tion, the professor is- the one most
frequently subjected to "pumping."
An exchange of ideas constitutes the
great advantage of the latter method.
The student freely expresses himself
and awaits the judgment of the pro
fessor on his remarks. In this man-
ner, it is more possible to sonsider
all sides of a question than if the
"prof" merely handed out the facts
and then had to try to entice his timid
subject to repeat the information to
him the following day.
In recent years there has been com,
ing more and more into prominence
the realization of the value of attend-
ing the summer courses offered by
the larger universities in the coun-
try. Students who have been forced
to leave before their regular courses
were completed utilize the summer
school to regain lost credits. School
teachers, principals and supervisors
especially are coming to appreciate
the great opportunities which are of-
fered them in the Summer session
For them the summer courses hold
forth the advantage of securing de-
grees by attendance at several ex-
tra sessions, the majority of univer-
sities today recognizing in full all
credit earned during the summer.'
These are but a few of the benefits:
the others are too numerous to en-
umerate, but none the less deserving
of consideration.
Here at Michigan the development
of the Summer session has been one
of phenomenal growth. It is an op-
portunity well worth seizing-and hef
who does so, steals a march on the!
other fellow, laggard who prefers to
spend is summers in some idle pur-


New York is host to a big circus-
bigger than the one which Cleveland
entertained a while ago. The crowd
is assembled under the big top and
the band is playing. Yesterday they
played the Star Spangled Fanner-but
they are afraid to denounce the Klan.
Most people have an idea that there
is some hint of "the land of the free
and the home of the brave" in the
national anthem. Perhaps politicians
sing another song.
The difference between. the Demo-
crats and the Republicans today seems
to be that the Repubicans knew
whom they wanted to lead the fight
but did not know what to fight for.
The Democrats, on the- other hand,
seem uncertain both as to what they
want to fight for and whom they wish
to place at the head of the party. It
looks like a good field for dark horses.
Men have tried for years to ireach
the grave yards of the sea and re-
trieve the treasures that lie within
sunken hulks of oak or metal. The
physical limitation of man's blood to
stand high-pressure air still bars him
from the wealth that lies in the strong
boxes of some of the ships sunk dur-
ing the late war. Vast fortunes have
'been spent to recover this sunken

SLICED Of Standard Makes including
cANTE L. C. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Remington, Woodstock, Hammond, Oliver; also Corona
CNSUORemington, Underwood portables. Prices range from $20 up for visible machines. We
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Mr. Toastmaster:
Now that the Little Donkeys have
taken to far green pastures for the
summer, allow me to step boldly forth
from my shelter half to tell you
Happy New Year and put in my order
for ROLLS-WELL. Only why not of-
fer us something cool these warm
mornings,-krumbles, for a change.
(No, save the bran for the return of
the above mentioned quadrupeds.)
We'll have to admit being puzzled
by your name-it is a complete and
insoluble mystery to us. All we can
think of is: "Try and Mutilate a
Name." Please elucidate the illustri-
ous pedigree from which sprang the
cognomen "Taman."
Yours with plenty of butter,
The Kniskern.
It does seem strange that a man,
woman or child with an evident know-
ledge of literature such as The KnisT
kern must have should not catch thg
very evident derivation of our name4
even after we ran the famous last
line about the glass yesterday. Ta,
man, dear old thing, is the last line,
or the conclusion of that celebrate1
group of Persian quatrains by Omar
Khayyam, better known as the Rubf
aiat. Not knowing any Persian, we
cannot be quite sure, but its position
would indicate that the word mean'3
The End. Aprpos of names, ,where
did you get that one? We crave td
Also apropos of The Kniskern's con-
trib, did you see the editorial "we*
which he employed throughout? We
claim that privilege ofr ourselves
alone, hoping that our contributor
swill have the personal courage of
their convictions.
Li'l Gwennie just barged in and afto
er reading the plea for a new head
ing on the col added her little saU

Largest stock of Typewriters in Ann Arbor.

Records of ships sunk have been
kept for centuries, for various reas- .
fons. The approximate spots of sink- F
ing are known, and these locations are
now verified by modern sweeping or
dragging methods. Some of the val-
pable cargo ships located are . the
,ilhelm der Zweite, with 3,700 bars
of silver, off the African coast; the
Florencian in the Bay of Tobermory,
freland, with $10,000,000 in silver and
gold; the Lizard, sunk near Cornwall
with $50,000,0 aboard; the Thunder-,
bolt, with $2,000,000; Harlem IT 1with
a cargo of silver; the Merida, off the
Virginia Capes, with $3,000,000; the
General Grant, with '$1,000,000; wihile
in a Greek port lie pirate boats mbAde
of teakwood with cargoes estimated in


millions of pounds sterling.
(The Birmingham Eccentric)
In its century and a half of nation-
al existence, the United States has
produced but one' author of gigantic
genius-Emerson. After him comes
Whitman, Poe and two or three whoseI
dames are not famous. The rest, of
our celebrities are simply good writ-
ers-and some not so good, at that.
Among contemporary authors not a
single instance of great genius is in
evidence. This may be the fault of
our magazine editors who strive to
please their readers by printing senti-
mental tommyrot, but we hardly think
so. Genius invariably rises to the sur-
face sometime, somewhere. It is ex-
tremely difficult to keep a good man
down. We must not despair. We shall
yet have our Shakespeare, our Goe-
the, our Dante and our Hugo.

and proposed the motto which has app
.peared between the crumbs of tlW
rolls this morning. [
Cowles was around today, and he
says, nasty-like:
"He;y, Tammy, why run my name so
mnuch as your great predecessor?"
"All right," says we, "we won't do
it any more."
And so-Cowles, the bapf that use*
to toast the rolls each morning, hst
I promised' us a contribution a day,
and thus :far he aint handed in a darh
thing, and here we sit wonderingn
where to ;,crape up the required inch-
es. Some guys just don't know what'
it means to get their copy in occas-
ionally. BHe threats that he is ineli-
gible, but that hasn't crippled his
typewriter arm, we trust.
* * *
The Rolls' are done,--turn out the




Little investment - big returns,
the Datly C lassifieds.-Adv.

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